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Fajita Fan

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Anyone have suggestions as to what to use / will fit for the Reaver’s carapace weapon attachment point - for kit bashed weapons
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Anyone have suggestions as to what to use / will fit for the Reaver’s carapace weapon attachment point - for kit bashed weapons

umm, the anti air gun turret for Imperial Knights fits pretty well, trim off the details that clearly mark it for a different scale and it could work pretty well... the turret parts could also be helpful making the weapon look right as well depending on what you're trying to build, though a pretty expensive bit if you're not already a Knights player and aren't planning to use those parts as intended.


or you could use bits off of the Reaver weapon sprues themselves if you ever want extras of the other weapons on there(or to use those in other kitbashing/conversion projects).

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Anyone have suggestions as to what to use / will fit for the Reaver’s carapace weapon attachment point - for kit bashed weapons


umm, the anti air gun turret for Imperial Knights fits pretty well, trim off the details that clearly mark it for a different scale and it could work pretty well... the turret parts could also be helpful making the weapon look right as well depending on what you're trying to build, though a pretty expensive bit if you're not already a Knights player and aren't planning to use those parts as intended.


or you could use bits off of the Reaver weapon sprues themselves if you ever want extras of the other weapons on there(or to use those in other kitbashing/conversion projects).

Does the IK anti air turret have a circular docking collar that fits the AT Reaver? It’s that circular piece that I’m most concerned about


Edit - As I was asking around, my buddy says it’s a pretty easy part to 3D print - so he’ll get some done up for me.

Edited by Kilofix
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question for those who have bought the Quake Cannon; how easy is it to swap out the side armor plate wih the similarly shaped one from the Bellicosa Volcano Cannons?

I was going to magnetize those so I can use the same gun between legios. I wonder if I still can after priming...



So the other day I was musing on a big counts-as-quake-cannon missile launcher since the S9 5” blast long range profile seems more “missile” to me than “big cannon shell” anyway. I was poking around Thingiverse for missile launchers I could repurpose for 3D printing and then said to myself “I wonder if anyone has uploaded the greatest missile launcher in all of sci-fi?”


Anyone played Destiny? Say hello to the Gjallarhorn missile launcher. I added a cylinder magazine and broke up the model for printing, it’s going now on my work printer so I’ll see tomorrow how it came out. I was rushing so I didn’t remove the four fins on the end of the barrel which is going to cause a problem given that I didn’t use supports. Fingers crossed, I can fix that and try again next week.


C1B2FC54 8454 41BE 8BCB DBED13EF1BB2


6720465C DC61 452A BAD8 B538F81122F3


Edited by Fajita Fan
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It actually looks like the Nemesis Warbringers top mounted Quake Cannon. That “revolver” loading mechanism. Edited by Kilofix
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That piece came from a model some guy whipped up for AT after seeing the Nemesis quake cannon.  I printed a couple of those but they didn’t come out great. I really need a resin printer at work so I’m trying to get us one. 

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question for those who have bought the Quake Cannon; how easy is it to swap out the side armor plate wih the similarly shaped one from the Bellicosa Volcano Cannons?


Not very. The panels are the same size but the backs where they join to the guns are completely different. It would be doable if you trimmed and pinned it, but that's the minimum amount of work you'll need to do.


Anyone have suggestions as to what to use / will fit for the Reaver’s carapace weapon attachment point - for kit bashed weapons


For my vulcan mega bolter I used the piece from the missile launcher to fit in the hole on the reaver's back. I have two pairs of magnets - one holding that piece to the hull and the other holding it to either the VMB or missile launcher. I took a warhound VMB, moved the magazines to the top and filled the hole at the back where the warhound's shoulder would normally fit. Then I made a curved underside to the gun to fit on the missile launcher's connection piece. It looks fine I think.

Edited by Mandragola
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The Acastus is something like 4 Str8 las cannons but still only BS 4+. Ion shields make it hard to kill with low Str weapons though.

No, they have the special rule "Artilery" that boost their BS to 3+ under some condition.(probably not moving) Look at the picture.




Also being in group of 1 mean they get a free +1S if they use coordinated strike command.


Their weapon also had blast which is great for knights, now I hope they can finally go toe to toe with Fortis Maniple.


Acastus sure is a game changer for any Knight army, that's one down, 3 more to go : Armiger, Atropos, Dominus.

Edited by Chopsticks
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The Acastus is something like 4 Str8 las cannons but still only BS 4+. Ion shields make it hard to kill with low Str weapons though.


No, they have the special rule "Artilery" that boost their BS to 3+ under some condition.(probably not moving) Look at the picture.


Also being in group of 1 mean they get a free +1S if they use coordinated strike command.


Their weapon also had blast which is great for knights, now I hope they can finally go toe to toe with Fortis Maniple.


Acastus sure is a game changer for any Knight army, that's one down, 3 more to go : Armiger, Atropos, Dominus.

Your eyes are better than mine - I can’t make anything out. I believe you though.

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The Acastus is something like 4 Str8 las cannons but still only BS 4+. Ion shields make it hard to kill with low Str weapons though.

No, they have the special rule "Artilery" that boost their BS to 3+ under some condition.(probably not moving) Look at the picture.


Also being in group of 1 mean they get a free +1S if they use coordinated strike command.


Their weapon also had blast which is great for knights, now I hope they can finally go toe to toe with Fortis Maniple.


Acastus sure is a game changer for any Knight army, that's one down, 3 more to go : Armiger, Atropos, Dominus.

Your eyes are better than mine - I can’t make anything out. I believe you though.


If you zoom into their special rule, most of the text is very hard to decipher except for the last one. It read "their BS is increased to 3+ until the End Phase"

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Yeah, I'm willing to bet it's if they don't move that turn. Considering it's long range and probably won't need to travel with the rest of the army, it's probably for the best to have it hang back and shell (or ZZAP) away.


BTW: Did we ever get confirmation that the Volkite weaponry is making its way to AT on this beast?

Edited by DuskRaider
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Pretty sure it says they get +1 bs on first fire orders. The first time this came around it was easier to read - and in English rather than German!


A lance of three makes complete sense to me. I’m not sure they’re all that good though, honestly. By taking them you’ll be reducing the amount of stuff zeroing forward. As a titan player I’d probably just accept the hits on my shields while worrying about stopping the lancers.

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I had another look and the rule is that if they are issued first fire or split fire orders in the strategy phase, they get BS 3+ until the end phase.


They are pretty tough. You need a 10 to get a direct hit – equal to a reaver. But you then need 15 for a devastating hit and 17 for a crit. There are seven pips on the damage track, so taking them out with direct hits will take a long time.


I can just about make out the ion saves. 1 knight gets a 5+ save against strength 1-6 and 6+ against S7. Two knights improve that to 4+, 5+ and 6+ against S8.


Getting rid of these things will therefore require very high-strength weapons. Things like vulcan mega bolters are almost completely useless against them – you need 9 hits on average to do a single point of damage. Bellicosas are really what’s needed. That’s arguably great news for a knight player, who’d probably rather those volcano cannons were pointed at single knights and not at the hordes rushing forward.


I can’t really see what the guns do. The autocannon seems to do an automatic hit to things in range, while the lascannon is an actual gun. From what I can tell, the guns on the roof get a good number of shield-breaking shots.


Overall these guys look like a very solid option. It’ll be interesting to see how much they cost.

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AT got some price increases: both the macro gatling and quake cannon are now £15 instead of £14, €19 instead of €18, gaming boards are now £84 and €105, so 5% increase there (I haven't checked the other currencies). Seems other FW stuff is broadly experiencing similar increases.

Same for the GME now at £180 at various online retailers (before potential discount), still at £175 on GW's website (it won't last long I guess).

The Civitas Imperialis Administratum Sector box is "sold out online", "not longer available online" on the website as well.

The original Warlord (with Belicosa) and Reaver (with gatling, laser blaster and power fist) are tagged "webstore exclusive", which doesn't seem illogical as I guess the battlegroup box sells better than the individual kits.

Edited by Mendi Warrior
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Halfway between the current questoris/cerastus kit and the warhounds. Not great, not the worst. In fairness they do look like very detailed kits, somewhat more so than the warhounds even. That's not everything but I do love these chubby little rascals.



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The price seems about right to be honest. It’s a very detailed kit. I expect I’ll get a box or two, and definitely the terminals this time. Wish I’d grabbed some of the Cerastus ones.


I do wonder how to magnetise the lascannons/autocannons – if that’s even going to be possible.


A large banner could actually be extremely dangerous. You’d be dropping a lot of pretty high-strength hits onto a single location, because you roll one location dice for all the shots. It looks like each one fires two blasts, potentially resulting in four hits, so a lance of three could cause up to 12 hits at S8, all in one place. This is a pretty good way to kill a titan, unless you hit one of its weapons.


I’m still undecided on what house to go for for my knights. I play Tanaris in 40k and that would look good, but there’s the issue that House Tanaris was mostly on Mars, dead, during the Horus Heresy. I guess I could say they were a battlegroup that had been off on crusade when the death of innocence happened, believe the rest of the house to be destroyed, and are now sworn to vengeance.

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