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So as some of you may or may not know I paint a lot of armies. I pride myself on completing armies, not just models. And this has lead to a lot of 'painting fatigue' but fun moments in tournaments or otherwise where it can be great to have a lot of choices. (I'm working on Eldar right now)

Most of this stuff is from the past year til the present. It might be in 'wip' form at my blog, but I'll put a fair amount of completed pictures here.

I'd like to start off with one of the funnest projects I had this year from Chaos which was the Chaos Knights codex and kits.


Love this "Tyrant" in game. He's not the most competitive option but can't be ignored. He's basically a giant Wal-mart from hell with a Harpoon!


I got to move away from doing very clean models and getting back to a lot of old weathering techniques which seems to really suit this army.


.... These boots were made for stompin'....


And Next up I did a pair of "Helverins" or Wardogs with Autocannons. Simple design, but they fit in with the big guy.



The family together for their first game.

Here is my Loyalist version of the Helverins and a Preceptor wailing away on fish people!


As I post this I am working on a Chaos version of the Preceptor model pictured above. Interestingly enough their main weapons are quite different. The Chaos variant is only D3 shots which makes him a terrible competitive choice, but I'm looking forward to painting him anyway, just the complete the set.

Thanks for looking. More to come.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This army seems to hit me with burnout quickly. I think it's the technical aspect of it. Nothing can be rushed. Metallics take forever, you have to be super clean with the edge work, and blending. You can get creative, but make too many technical mistakes and it starts looking bad.




Sorry for poor lighting, but there you go. Finally done this ridiculously over due squad of Rubrics.




Same goes for these guys.


Also did some tokens for the myriad of new powers and old powers alike:




  • 2 weeks later...


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