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Finally a day off and spending it making stuff. So far I have gotten this far with the beakies.




Not going for anything fancy, just no frills table top quality with no conversions so I can get back into gaming. I've got a Land Raider Proteus made, have two predators, a Kratos, three Leviathans, a Spartan, a Contemptor, two rhinos in boxes and two boxes of sky hunters on the way. Praetor is a no frills marine with a powersword and plasma pistol and I have about 60 marines I think.


I'm leaning towards Word Bearers or maybe Emperors children as both are pretty simple to paint and I have the decals. 

Edited by Doghouse
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One rather angry fellow jumped my hobby queue...




I put some quick paint on another failed librarius aspirant for my loyal-ish Death Guard, the poor sods deserve to get their glorious amok run one of these days before the agony of their failure takes them into the darkness.




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I’m going to be taking my raven guard to an event in a couple of weeks. I’ve more or less settled on a list and now just need to get everything painted - which is going to be quite a lot of work. Only some of my stuff is “done”, though everything is now built and at least at a WIP state. 

I’ve been having fun making a Praetor with a thunder hammer and Corvid jump pack. This is made from Zephon’s pack and the wings from a Skitarii bird man, which I’ve cut up and stuck grey stuff to, to make something a bit like a proto-Corax pack. 



Hes going to hang out with a squad of deliverers who I’ve now built and undercoated. I haven’t converted these other than to give them a multimelta, made from their heavy flamer and a pintle weapon. 



And as you can see, I’ve dug out an ancient Castra Ferrum dread for some fire support. I might paint him up as a deliverer, with a red panel or two. The idea is these guys are old Terran RGs who’ve been got out of storage post-Istvaan. Needs must. 

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My flgs is running a slow grow heresy campaign with a narrative element based around a consul in each player's army. This consul gains experience for doing certain things, and much like Mordheim/Gorka Morka gains stat increases or skills at certain thresholds.


I've chosen a Divination Librarian and for this week's game he'll be riding into battle on a scimitar jetbike.



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Wanted to share some wip pics of my indomitus hammernators, since I finally got around to add studs to their shoulder pads:




Last pic is of my version of Kyr Vhalen as he stands at the moment, I'm currently struggling quite a bit on how his sword Aegeas shall be envisioned in model form.

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Putting the finishing touches to a Master of Signals for my Sons of Horus, so I can run the Black Reaving RoW when I fancy it!



Just wondering about his Aquila belt buckle. Should I keep it like the IIIrd have done? Should I scratch a defacing cross over it? Or try and remove it?  A bit hesitant about the last option I’m case I ruin the model, and I’ve not come up with a good replacement. But thoughts definitely welcome!




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That's a great build @General Zodd, I particularly like the helmet! I think it looks fine with the Aquila, lots of traitors still had various bits of Imperial iconography bouncing around. Adding some scratches could also work well, as you say.

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Leave it. My own SoH have Aquilae in their armors or other stuff mixed with the Eye of Vigilance or even an eight pointed star. I think is good to reflect the confusing and chaotic days of the heresy.

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Wee baby Mastodon for my Suzerains to ride in (counts as a Proteus Carrier). 

This is the model that originally sparked my interest in 3D printing.  I love the Mastodon model, but don’t have the space for one right now.  This thing keeps all the aesthetic qualities I wanted, but has the exact same footprint as a Landraider.  It took me about 6months of printing before I felt confident enough to try printing it!


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