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9th edition incoming


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+1 jarl caldersson. These would make great Black Templar.


This would be a lot of stuff for a start collecting box. Too many characters. I could see the bikes, Intercessors and a character like the captain/ lieutenant and maybe the blade guard be in a start collecting box. Then the characters getting their own clam packs.

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Guest Triszin

it'll be similar to the shadow spear, where they took the other 2 characters out and sold them separate. but we can also see the bikes will be in a etb kit sold separate.


so the start collecting box will be


10 assault ints.

3 eradicators

3 blade gaurd

1 blade guard banner

1 blade guard sergeant 



sold separate after kit

3x bikes

1x judicator

1x blade guard commander

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Other than the assault intercessors, turret, and to a limited degree bikes and judicar, I have no idea what to do with any of the other models. They are so dedicated to a crusader theme, they seem to have forgotten every other SM chapters.


The ATV is just horrible and I will attempt to do something with it. It isn't as easy as Impulsors and putting a cover on it or Repulsors and stripping off excess cargo containers on the hull. I don't know where to start. I don't know what to say if I could even talk to GW.

I'm not a converter, but I imagine those ATVs would look fairly wolfy with some furs hanging off each side, with the barrels sticking out. Would probably need some green stuff.

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So, my thoughts on the new models.


1.  The Assault Intercessors are a must-have.  They're just absolutely what Space Wolves can put to good use in close combat.  Transport a couple Packs forward in Impulsors with your melee characters, and you're set.  The models are simple enough to wolf up a bit, so no issues.


2.  IF the Bladeguard Veterans get a bodyguard rule, like the Victrix Honor Guard, then they, too, will be a must-have.  Run a single Pack forward in an Impulsor along with your Wolf Lord, accompanying the Assault Intercessors, above.  Here, the models don't really meet the Space Wolves aesthetic, so I'd prefer kit-bashing with Assault Intercessors with Wulfen or TWC shields, etc.  Should be pretty easy to manage, and we've already seen a couple good examples of folks doing this.


3.  The Captain and Lieutenant also don't fit the Wolves' aesthetic, but we probably don't need these for our armies.  I suppose the Lieutenant would be decent, though, since he has a Storm Shield option (and the neo-Volkite pistol) that we don't otherwise have access to on a Primaris character.  If folks decide they're worth taking, then, like the Bladeguard Vets, I think a proper kit-bash is in order, and could be easily done using the Haldor Icepelt model as a base for this.

4.  The Eradicators (melta dudes) look very promising.  Depending on the ranges of these new "long-range melta rifles" these guys are very likely to have a place in our armies for long-ranged anti-tank. And, they aren't dripping with excess gothic-style bits, so will be easy to "wolf-up" with a few trinkets and wolf-flair.  This is probably our best replacement for Long Fangs, right here.


5.  The Chaplain is a prime candidate for a Primaris Wolf Priest.  Really don't even have to do much with him, outside of a wolf-tail trinket or similar.   I'm not sure we have a good place for a regular Primaris Wolf Priest in our army lists, yet, though, since he lacks the mobility of our Jump Pack Wolf Priests, which is pretty vital with the current requirement to "be on the board" to invoke a Litany.  IF that changes somehow, then I think he'll be a definite add.


6.  Judiciar looks okay (outside of the head), but I don't see a need for him.  We've got plenty of other top characters to use, so not worth bothering with this one.


7.  Outriders look great, and the fact they have the Heavy Bolt Pistol and Chainsword, in addition to paired Bolt Rifles, makes for an ideal weapons load out.  I could see these being really worth taking if you're going pure Primaris and leaving the Wulfen and Thunderwolf Cavalry out of your lists.  Otherwise, you probably won't have the spare points in 9th edition to really fit many of these in, if any.  I can see getting some anyway, just to add to the collection because the models are cool, but for the army list, I'll stick with Wulfen for the meantime.


8.  ATV looks good to me.  I know a lot of folks don't like it, but I dig it.  Will serve like an old Attack Bike, but with better BS, and other stats.  A highly mobile Multi-melta is always welcome, if the points aren't too high.  But, like the Bikes, I don't think they'll be room for it in my list, or most lists.  Again, I can see getting one just to add to the collection, but it might not see much play.


9.  The Servo-Turret is intriguing.  I think the look is pretty cool.  And a Twin Accelerator Autocannon is going to do a lot of damage (or the Las-fusil version, too, for that matter).  I'm really liking the looks of these as a viable alternative to Long Fangs, too.  I wonder what the mobility of the thing will be, if any.  I think this looks better than the Suppressors, too.  Might have to get a couple to play-test with.  



EDIT: Upon re-read that Servo-Turret can have a Twin Las-Talon (not Las-fusil).  Anybody know what the Las-Talon is/does?




Of course, need to know points, and everything else to make an informed decision on all of these, but those are my initial impressions, at least.  

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So, my thoughts on the new models.


1. The Assault Intercessors are a must-have. They're just absolutely what Space Wolves can put to good use in close combat. Transport a couple Packs forward in Impulsors with your melee characters, and you're set. The models are simple enough to wolf up a bit, so no issues.


2. IF the Bladeguard Veterans get a bodyguard rule, like the Victrix Honor Guard, then they, too, will be a must-have. Run a single Pack forward in an Impulsor along with your Wolf Lord, accompanying the Assault Intercessors, above. Here, the models don't really meet the Space Wolves aesthetic, so I'd prefer kit-bashing with Assault Intercessors with Wulfen or TWC shields, etc. Should be pretty easy to manage, and we've already seen a couple good examples of folks doing this.


3. The Captain and Lieutenant also don't fit the Wolves' aesthetic, but we probably don't need these for our armies. I suppose the Lieutenant would be decent, though, since he has a Storm Shield option (and the neo-Volkite pistol) that we don't otherwise have access to on a Primaris character. If folks decide they're worth taking, then, like the Bladeguard Vets, I think a proper kit-bash is in order, and could be easily done using the Haldor Icepelt model as a base for this.


4. The Eradicators (melta dudes) look very promising. Depending on the ranges of these new "long-range melta rifles" these guys are very likely to have a place in our armies for long-ranged anti-tank. And, they aren't dripping with excess gothic-style bits, so will be easy to "wolf-up" with a few trinkets and wolf-flair. This is probably our best replacement for Long Fangs, right here.


5. The Chaplain is a prime candidate for a Primaris Wolf Priest. Really don't even have to do much with him, outside of a wolf-tail trinket or similar. I'm not sure we have a good place for a regular Primaris Wolf Priest in our army lists, yet, though, since he lacks the mobility of our Jump Pack Wolf Priests, which is pretty vital with the current requirement to "be on the board" to invoke a Litany. IF that changes somehow, then I think he'll be a definite add.


6. Judiciar looks okay (outside of the head), but I don't see a need for him. We've got plenty of other top characters to use, so not worth bothering with this one.


7. Outriders look great, and the fact they have the Heavy Bolt Pistol and Chainsword, in addition to paired Bolt Rifles, makes for an ideal weapons load out. I could see these being really worth taking if you're going pure Primaris and leaving the Wulfen and Thunderwolf Cavalry out of your lists. Otherwise, you probably won't have the spare points in 9th edition to really fit many of these in, if any. I can see getting some anyway, just to add to the collection because the models are cool, but for the army list, I'll stick with Wulfen for the meantime.


8. ATV looks good to me. I know a lot of folks don't like it, but I dig it. Will serve like an old Attack Bike, but with better BS, and other stats. A highly mobile Multi-melta is always welcome, if the points aren't too high. But, like the Bikes, I don't think they'll be room for it in my list, or most lists. Again, I can see getting one just to add to the collection, but it might not see much play.


9. The Servo-Turret is intriguing. I think the look is pretty cool. And a Twin Accelerator Autocannon is going to do a lot of damage (or the Las-fusil version, too, for that matter). I'm really liking the looks of these as a viable alternative to Long Fangs, too. I wonder what the mobility of the thing will be, if any. I think this looks better than the Suppressors, too. Might have to get a couple to play-test with.



EDIT: Upon re-read that Servo-Turret can have a Twin Las-Talon (not Las-fusil). Anybody know what the Las-Talon is/does?




Of course, need to know points, and everything else to make an informed decision on all of these, but those are my initial impressions, at least.

las talons are on repulsors as turret option. Hvy 2 24in range las cannons Edited by Debauchery101
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Ah, there it is.  Don't have a Repulsor, so hadn't looked at the entry in ages.  24" is pretty short range for a weapons system like that, so I reckon the Twin Accelerator Autocannons will be the default.

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Oh, and forgot to mention that I'd expect the Eradicator's melta rifles to not be Heavy weapons, so it'll be great to have some slight mobility on our infantry-based anti-tank weapons, too.  Always helpful to be able to move and shoot (without penalty).

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Oh, and forgot to mention that I'd expect the Eradicator's melta rifles to not be Heavy weapons, so it'll be great to have some slight mobility on our infantry-based anti-tank weapons, too. Always helpful to be able to move and shoot (without penalty).

these guys need grav chute options. I wonder if 3 is max size. These will be great f I r outflanking or deep striking with rg/Raptors Edited by Debauchery101
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1.  The Assault Intercessors are a must-have.  They're just absolutely what Space Wolves can put to good use in close combat.  Transport a couple Packs forward in Impulsors with your melee characters, and you're set.  The models are simple enough to wolf up a bit, so no issues.

 About that, do you guys think we should keep them at 5 man suquad or put 10 of them into a repulsor ?


2.  IF the Bladeguard Veterans get a bodyguard rule, like the Victrix Honor Guard, then they, too, will be a must-have.  Run a single Pack forward in an Impulsor along with your Wolf Lord, accompanying the Assault Intercessors, above.  Here, the models don't really meet the Space Wolves aesthetic, so I'd prefer kit-bashing with Assault Intercessors with Wulfen or TWC shields, etc.  Should be pretty easy to manage, and we've already seen a couple good examples of folks doing this.

 Aren't they be take a terminator slot  ? So mean we could fit only 3 in a impulsor ?


5.  The Chaplain is a prime candidate for a Primaris Wolf Priest.  Really don't even have to do much with him, outside of a wolf-tail trinket or similar.   I'm not sure we have a good place for a regular Primaris Wolf Priest in our army lists, yet, though, since he lacks the mobility of our Jump Pack Wolf Priests, which is pretty vital with the current requirement to "be on the board" to invoke a Litany.  IF that changes somehow, then I think he'll be a definite add.


But can we run primaris chaplain with jumpack ?




7.  Outriders look great, and the fact they have the Heavy Bolt Pistol and Chainsword, in addition to paired Bolt Rifles, makes for an ideal weapons load out.  I could see these being really worth taking if you're going pure Primaris and leaving the Wulfen and Thunderwolf Cavalry out of your lists.  Otherwise, you probably won't have the spare points in 9th edition to really fit many of these in, if any.  I can see getting some anyway, just to add to the collection because the models are cool, but for the army list, I'll stick with Wulfen for the meantime


Can't we run them along thunderwolves cavalry in a super speed rush combo into your face ?

And if you said that, do that mean too you would take wulfens over Thunderwolves ?




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Do we really need the Primaris bladeguard when we have wulfen? Do we even need a stormshield/power sword unit?

If they get the bodyguard ability that I mentioned above, then absolutely yes, otherwise no. The point of Bladeguard isn't to be an Elite melee unit (although they’ll no doubt be pretty decent there anyway), it’s to keep your Ragnar Blackmane alive, so HE can be your Elite melee unit that shreds through most of the enemy army.


In my playtesting with Ragnar, he does an awesome job of jumping into close combat and curbstomping whatever he touches, but then they just kill him right back. Paladins using the Masters of Combat stratagem, Nemesis Dreadknights and Voldus using the Only in Death Does Duty End Stratagem. You get the point. Ragnar, and similar fragile/vulnerable melee beatsticks need something to protect them from the “hitbacks” and hopefully the Bladeguard will be the unit for that.



Assault intercessors are nice enough but with our 2 base attacks + 1 on the charge I really don't see the advantage of trading our bolt rifles for a chainsword either.

If delivering them to the midfield or rear objectives, the regular Bolt Rifle or ABR Intercessors are better. But, if you intend to get them into melee, along with your close combat characters, then Assault Intercessors are much, much, better. From turn 3 on, you’re getting AP-2 shots from your Heavy Bolt Pistols every Shooting phase, and AP-2* from every Chainsword attack every Fight phase. Even Terminators will balk at facing that.


This is assuming that Chainswords get the point of AP in addition to their extra Attack, since we’ve already been told they are going to be improved.


Remember that once you get stuck in close combat, units usually bounce from one melee to the next until the area is cleared. Very rarely will these units get to shoot their Rifles, once they’ve made contact with enemy units, so the Bolt Rifles don’t do much for you for most of the game, outside of the occasional use of the True Grit stratagem, when you use your regular Intercessors as a melee unit.

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Sucks they dont have the weapons mounted to power fists. If 3 models isn't substantially cheaper than aggressors they may be quite useless

Are you talking about the Eradicators?

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1.  The Assault Intercessors are a must-have.  They're just absolutely what Space Wolves can put to good use in close combat.  Transport a couple Packs forward in Impulsors with your melee characters, and you're set.  The models are simple enough to wolf up a bit, so no issues.

 About that, do you guys think we should keep them at 5 man suquad or put 10 of them into a repulsor ?


Definitely just 5 models each, so you can put them in an Impulsor with a Character. No point in spending for a Repulsor. All of the play testers have indicated that MSU will be the way to go in 9th.




2.  IF the Bladeguard Veterans get a bodyguard rule, like the Victrix Honor Guard, then they, too, will be a must-have.  Run a single Pack forward in an Impulsor along with your Wolf Lord, accompanying the Assault Intercessors, above.  Here, the models don't really meet the Space Wolves aesthetic, so I'd prefer kit-bashing with Assault Intercessors with Wulfen or TWC shields, etc.  Should be pretty easy to manage, and we've already seen a couple good examples of folks doing this.

 Aren't they be take a terminator slot  ? So mean we could fit only 3 in a impulsor ?


They're just regular Tacticus Armor (maybe Articifer Tacticus), not Gravis, so they won't take up 2 slots, and can go in an Impulsor just fine. Even if unit size is just 3, that's still sufficient to protect your Ragnar or other melee Character.



5.  The Chaplain is a prime candidate for a Primaris Wolf Priest.  Really don't even have to do much with him, outside of a wolf-tail trinket or similar.   I'm not sure we have a good place for a regular Primaris Wolf Priest in our army lists, yet, though, since he lacks the mobility of our Jump Pack Wolf Priests, which is pretty vital with the current requirement to "be on the board" to invoke a Litany.  IF that changes somehow, then I think he'll be a definite add.


But can we run primaris chaplain with jumpack ?


No, you have to use Firstborn to get the Jump Pack Wolf Priest.




7.  Outriders look great, and the fact they have the Heavy Bolt Pistol and Chainsword, in addition to paired Bolt Rifles, makes for an ideal weapons load out.  I could see these being really worth taking if you're going pure Primaris and leaving the Wulfen and Thunderwolf Cavalry out of your lists.  Otherwise, you probably won't have the spare points in 9th edition to really fit many of these in, if any.  I can see getting some anyway, just to add to the collection because the models are cool, but for the army list, I'll stick with Wulfen for the meantime


Can't we run them along thunderwolves cavalry in a super speed rush combo into your face ?

And if you said that, do that mean too you would take wulfens over Thunderwolves ?


You could run Outriders with Thunderwolf Cavalry, but I don't think you'd have the points to do that and still take everything else you are likely to need for a well-balanced force.


And yes, I would definitely take Wulfen over Thunderwolves. I don't even own any Thunderwolves.

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And yes, I would definitely take Wulfen over Thunderwolves. I don't even own any Thunderwolves.



I just ordered my third squad of Hammer/Shield wulfen.  I have 2 squads with axes and 3 squads of Thunderwolves with magnetized weapons, but the recent look at terrain rules has got me thinking that 5 infantry are going to be immeasurably better than 3 cavalry, and for only 47 points the Wulfen provide so many better rules and attacks.  Long live the space werewolves!

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 About that, do you guys think we should keep them at 5 man suquad or put 10 of them into a repulsor ?

Definitely just 5 models each, so you can put them in an Impulsor with a Character. No point in spending for a Repulsor. All of the play testers have indicated that MSU will be the way to go in 9th.


You mean MSU will still be the way to go in 9th?

Because it already was for anything non-horde based for literally all of 8th.

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About that, do you guys think we should keep them at 5 man suquad or put 10 of them into a repulsor ?


Definitely just 5 models each, so you can put them in an Impulsor with a Character. No point in spending for a Repulsor. All of the play testers have indicated that MSU will be the way to go in 9th.


You mean MSU will still be the way to go in 9th?

Because it already was for anything non-horde based for literally all of 8th.

Correct. But even more so, now. Apparently, even more rules that we haven’t yet seen will reinforce this.

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I'm so shocked by the atv I need to go to work and just think about something else for a week. It's like grim dark met Friends but before getting together they agreed to compromise on everything to the point that neither of them are really into it any more. If I wasn't so gobsmacked I'd be laughing.
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I'm so shocked by the atv I need to go to work and just think about something else for a week. It's like grim dark met Friends but before getting together they agreed to compromise on everything to the point that neither of them are really into it any more. If I wasn't so gobsmacked I'd be laughing.

You and me both, man.


Like, the suppressors were always goofy, by far the most out of place Primaris model in the whole line. But, like, I could give them a pass of being space marines lugging around heavy weapons, it's pretty "Astartes-esque", even if their poses are horrendous.


I thought for sure the guys showing the ATV around on phones today at the shop while we were playing a game were just joking and it was some bad photoshop job.


Then they went to the community page and brought it up.


Like you said, gobsmacked. Like, "Wow... I can't believe they've gone this hard off the rails". We all started laughing, probably in mutual sadness. 


At least the old bikes (always ,mildly goofy too) and even the new bikes even more so now feel chunky, armored; "simple, brutal efficiency in weapon design" that is the Astartes hallmark. This ATV, man... I can't facepalm harder.

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So  I saw a picture of  the sprue with the blade guards,  looks liket the shield is seprate should make it easier to run a wulfen or 3rd party shield. 

Im digging mot of the stuff in the box , I think the chaplain is a headswap away from  a sick wolf priest ( cause i need 3 of them  apparently ) 

The Adjudicator will make an interesting headsman model with a headswap as well

It looks like the blade guards themselves have a bit of an oppertunity for some carving the push fit guys to do a bit of conversion work. 

All in  all I am please were getting everything from the leaks. 

I will agree that the ATV and the Emplacements dont quit tickle my fancy as much  though depending on the Size of the ATV it might be a good excuse to make some sort of beast carrying a heavy weapon conversion who knows. 

I just want to get my hands on the stuff from the box so I can start working out what I am going to do with it. 

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So I saw a picture of the sprue with the blade guards, looks liket the shield is seprate should make it easier to run a wulfen or 3rd party shield.


Im digging mot of the stuff in the box , I think the chaplain is a headswap away from a sick wolf priest ( cause i need 3 of them apparently )


The Adjudicator will make an interesting headsman model with a headswap as well


It looks like the blade guards themselves have a bit of an oppertunity for some carving the push fit guys to do a bit of conversion work.


All in all I am please were getting everything from the leaks.


I will agree that the ATV and the Emplacements dont quit tickle my fancy as much though depending on the Size of the ATV it might be a good excuse to make some sort of beast carrying a heavy weapon conversion who knows.


I just want to get my hands on the stuff from the box so I can start working out what I am going to do with it.

you're thinking like me. I got a couple extra thunderwolves that could easily be cybernetically enhanced with some weapons. I was also thinking making a these from the Achilles Ridge Runners. They seem to be similar size and look way more realistic
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Definitely just 5 models each, so you can put them in an Impulsor with a Character. No point in spending for a Repulsor. All of the play testers have indicated that MSU will be the way to go in 9th.



They're just regular Tacticus Armor (maybe Articifer Tacticus), not Gravis, so they won't take up 2 slots, and can go in an Impulsor just fine. Even if unit size is just 3, that's still sufficient to protect your Ragnar or other melee Character.

So if i get it right, you pack ragnar in a impulsor with those 3 bladeguard and maybe another SW character and send it to the melee with two other impulsor loaded with those melee marines.


Do we know if they gonna be troop choice or elite choice ? Also, do that mean the end of incursor and intercessor for SW ? I know we could field up to 6 troops in a bataillon slot but it would e worth it for incursor or intercessor now ?


I was thinking the recent PA up for Thunderwolves make them viable again, but i guess we should see what gonna happend with them versus the bikes.

I wonder, with that 9th ed, would that be still a good choice to load a flyer with wulfens and drop them near to a ennemy unit, with the change for flyers ? With a second wave of ragnar on steroid ^^


Some of them look kinda un-wolfy for me, dunno how to include them in a SW list....both with rules or look

Edited by Maouw
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Definitely just 5 models each, so you can put them in an Impulsor with a Character. No point in spending for a Repulsor. All of the play testers have indicated that MSU will be the way to go in 9th.


They're just regular Tacticus Armor (maybe Articifer Tacticus), not Gravis, so they won't take up 2 slots, and can go in an Impulsor just fine. Even if unit size is just 3, that's still sufficient to protect your Ragnar or other melee Character.

So if i get it right, you pack ragnar in a impulsor with those 3 bladeguard and maybe another SW character and send it to the melee with two other impulsor loaded with those melee marines.



 Yeah, so my plan is 1 Impulsor with the Bladeguard Vets and Ragnar.  Then a 2nd Impulsor with Haldor Icepelt (the Wolf Guard Battle Leader) and a unit of 5 Assault Intercessors.  And finally, a 3rd Impulsor with just a unit of 5 Assault Intercessors.  If they change how Wolf Priests invoke Litanies, then a Wolf Priest could definitely ride in that 3rd Impulsor with the AI Pack.  Otherwise, they just ride alone, but travel in tandem with the others to mass the most close-combat power as you can at your point of penetration on the enemy forces.


Do we know if they gonna be troop choice or elite choice ? Also, do that mean the end of incursor and intercessor for SW ? I know we could field up to 6 troops in a bataillon slot but it would e worth it for incursor or intercessor now ?


The Assault Intercessors are definitely going to be Troops - I guarantee it.  The Bladeguard Vets are very likely to be Elites, which is just fine, as we have 6 Elite slots in a Battalion Detachment.


The Assault Intercessors won't be the end of regular 'tactical' Intercessors.  You're still going to want some units with Rifles to cover the Backfield and Midfield objectives.  Intercessor Packs, Incursor Packs, and even Infiltrator Packs will all work fine for that, so just continue to use whatever you have for that role.  You don't have to spam these though, and probably won't have the points to spam them anyway, but 2-4 Troops choices with Carbines or Bolt Rifles (or Auto Bolt Rifles) are still going to be needed for the missions that don't involve slamming into the enemy to kill them in close combat.


I was thinking the recent PA up for Thunderwolves make them viable again, but i guess we should see what gonna happend with them versus the bikes.

I wonder, with that 9th ed, would that be still a good choice to load a flyer with wulfens and drop them near to a ennemy unit, with the change for flyers ? With a second wave of ragnar on steroid ^^


Some of them look kinda un-wolfy for me, dunno how to include them in a SW list....both with rules or look


We'll just have to get the rest of the rules to see how viable Wulfen in Stormwolves will be.  Depends on the wording for disembarking and charging, and whatnot.  There's still the option to bring them in from an Outflank move, but also you can use Obscuring Terrain, to try and move them into position relatively safely.  



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I honestly cant see myself using too many of the assault intercessors. 1 unit most likely. SW are already decent in HTH with bolter intercessors and a Hammer Sgt. Being able to mow down screens or knock a few guys off units with nasty overwatch is not something the pistols and swords can do.
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 Yeah, so my plan is 1 Impulsor with the Bladeguard Vets and Ragnar.  Then a 2nd Impulsor with Haldor Icepelt (the Wolf Guard Battle Leader) and a unit of 5 Assault Intercessors.  And finally, a 3rd Impulsor with just a unit of 5 Assault Intercessors.  If they change how Wolf Priests invoke Litanies, then a Wolf Priest could definitely ride in that 3rd Impulsor with the AI Pack.  Otherwise, they just ride alone, but travel in tandem with the others to mass the most close-combat power as you can at your point of penetration on the enemy forces.

Okay i see, close to what i was thinking about.

Do you plan to give your sergeant thunder hammer ?



The Assault Intercessors are definitely going to be Troops - I guarantee it.  The Bladeguard Vets are very likely to be Elites, which is just fine, as we have 6 Elite slots in a Battalion Detachment.


The Assault Intercessors won't be the end of regular 'tactical' Intercessors.  You're still going to want some units with Rifles to cover the Backfield and Midfield objectives.  Intercessor Packs, Incursor Packs, and even Infiltrator Packs will all work fine for that, so just continue to use whatever you have for that role.  You don't have to spam these though, and probably won't have the points to spam them anyway, but 2-4 Troops choices with Carbines or Bolt Rifles (or Auto Bolt Rifles) are still going to be needed for the missions that don't involve slamming into the enemy to kill them in close combat.

So overall we could expect melee marines in impulsor with ragnar, shooting marines on foot to hold objective and with the rest of points, elites and fast attack to create movement in the battlefield ?

The new guy with the big sword, could he be good as a spacewolve whatever he is ? Its a perfect BT emperor champion but dunno for wolves...

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