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9th edition incoming


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Absolutely I’ll give my AI Pack Leaders a Thunder Hammer.


I don’t currently plan on using the Judiciar; I don’t really see a need for him over other Character options, but we’ll see, I suppose. Like, if he’s an Elite and not an HQ choice, then he could have a spot, if his rules are good, and points are reasonable.

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They’ll have Storm Shields, Heavy Bolt Pistols, and Master-crafted Power Swords (damage 2). There won’t be options for weapon or equipment changes.
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well at least the ATV isn't as dumb as space-marines-in-motor-cycle-side-cars. Hard to out-dumb the classic Attack Bike.

At this rate, im gonna say : "hello, its me, mario" every time im gonna put in on the battleground...

Even my mom asked me why did they make a :cuss: kart in the first place ><

Edited by Jarl Caldersson
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well at least the ATV isn't as dumb as space-marines-in-motor-cycle-side-cars. Hard to out-dumb the classic Attack Bike.

The ATV is awful. Attack Bikes looked pretty lame, but at least they fit the aesthetic (ie, the base bike was the same).


The ATV just looks terrible in every single way:

- Unarmored front

- Terrible spacing for the driver/gun (if it depresses, it's going to hit the driver's head)

- Driver doesn't even have a Power Pack

- Looks to have no suspension


Generally just looks terrible. In my opinion of course. I can't see myself ever buying that model: if the rules are great (I expect they will be to sell that trash) then I am definitely going third party/converting the new bikes.

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On another topic, i figured out something that prove i am really dumb...

I totally forgot smash captain, wolf and rune priest are all hq, not elite (don't ask me why i sudently forgot they where HQ, i don't know myself...)

So basicly, how are we gonna manage that, since powerfull character are one of the strength of S spend CP and pts into another detachment like the good old day ?W ?

Are we gonna have to spend cp and pts in another detachment to take some ?

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On another topic, i figured out something that prove i am really dumb...

I totally forgot smash captain, wolf and rune priest are all hq, not elite (don't ask me why i sudently forgot they where HQ, i don't know myself...)

So basicly, how are we gonna manage that, since powerfull character are one of the strength of S spend CP and pts into another detachment like the good old day ?W ?

Are we gonna have to spend cp and pts in another detachment to take some ?

Assuming a Supreme command is 1 CP in cost ( just an assumption ) 


You take one of those then  take Bjorn  who gives you 1  CP  and then take 2 more heroes there 

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Wolves can take a stormlord in 9th it seems. Throwback to third edition when we could take a leman Russ exterminator?


Picture from the Sunday preview:



Alas thats an old pic (note no Primaris) that theyve used before. Think its the personal collection, or the Stormlord is at least, of a GW staff member. Its just a Wolfy paintjob

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Wolves can take a stormlord in 9th it seems. Throwback to third edition when we could take a leman Russ exterminator?


Picture from the Sunday preview:



Alas thats an old pic (note no Primaris) that theyve used before. Think its the personal collection, or the Stormlord is at least, of a GW staff member. Its just a Wolfy paintjob
that's from simon grants personal army. he made it for a narrative escalation campaig a couple years ago. the other models surrounding it are also from his army.
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Guest Triszin

honestly, given the weirdness and disconnected community posts (storm raven), dont assume we get anything.

wait until the book/PDF is in hand, then make the decision

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I actually like the ATV, it could use some front armor but otherwise I think it fits well in the marine aesthetic.


@Kallas space marine drivers dont have power packs as they are hooked into the vehicle's power. Look to land speeder and stormwolf pilots for example.

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@Kallas space marine drivers dont have power packs as they are hooked into the vehicle's power. Look to land speeder and stormwolf pilots for example.


Considering that it is much, much closer to a Bike, where the operators do have power packs, I'd say it's just a misstep.

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@Kallas space marine drivers dont have power packs as they are hooked into the vehicle's power. Look to land speeder and stormwolf pilots for example.


Considering that it is much, much closer to a Bike, where the operators do have power packs, I'd say it's just a misstep.


Its not a misstep, they needed space for green and red turtlle shell

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Attack Bike gunners never had backpacks


The drivers did. As did all of the regular Biker riders. You're right that the gunners didn't.


Allow me to add to my previous statement: the ATV looks awful. Attack Bikes weren't good, but they at least held to a similar aesthetic, which the ATV does not.

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Meh, looks similar to two bikes crammed side to side to me, with stuff in between, so there's a similar aesthetic there - it's too bad they didn't put armored fairings on the front tires and raise the rear half-turret up - those are likely easy fixes though.


Let's move on from the ATV - you like it or you don't. Don't ruin the thread with circular :cuss you aren't going to convince others of anyway. There's nothing objective there to argue, so no one can be "right" - it's just the same boring head butting without the excitement of a Wolf hold brawl.


For me, the incoming box interests me much more for all the Necrons (although I will NOT be starting an army of them) and only the Assault Intercessors (and even those have more duplicates than I'm interested in). Nothing else is of interest me, except the rules for stuff, because I'll be converting anything I want to play or waiting for a more suitable version I can convert easier. I can definitely see the Captain, Bladeguard, Judicar, and Eradicators fitting into the Wolves in some form - the Ancients have always fit, IMO, and obviously Wolf Priests are Wolf Priests.


The game rules seem interesting, but I have some reservations.

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