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'To The darkness I bring fire. To the ignorant I bring faith. Those who welcome these gifts may live, but I will visit naught but death and eternal damnation upon those who refuse them'            -Reclusiarch Grimaldus  



It is time to light the pyres upon which we shall purge the unpainted, and bring forth to the gaming table our zealous brethren in all their glorious bespoke incarnations. 



  • A vow must be made to participate.

  • A vow can be of any size, composition and loadout that has a valid datasheet.

  • Any vow must include an image of the models in their beginning state. Upon completion, post an image of your labors within the event thread. 

  • Models for a vow can be assembled and basecoated up to two colors. Special cases will be at the discretion of the event runners.

  • No new vows until completion of the current vow.

  • All submissions should have the total point cost of the models pledged listed somewhere within the vow. No need to itemize.

  • From the start of November until the end of January you can vow anything Black Templar your crusading heart desires. On Monday January 31 at midnight Pacific time zone (UTS-8) the event will be closed and the final tally shall be made.



  • Highest # of vows: Seal of the Assault (participant who makes the most amount of completed vows, regardless of points or unit count)

  • Highest # of points: Mantle of Command (participant who completed the highest amount of points, regardless of unit size or quantity)

  • Best in Show: Crusade Champion (judge TBD)

  • Peoples Choice: Crusade Chaplain (chosen by forum via polling)

  • Incomplete Vow: Oathbreaker (do you even lift, bro?)



(Animated / Static)


Vow Taken





Vow Completed

















Here is your vow, should you choose to accept this challenge, no matter the odds:


I, (state your name), hereby vow the following force of (model/models) to the Eternal Crusade before the end of January (2022). I enter with the mark of the Neophyte, and through the trials of fate and fire, rise to the rank of Initiate by journey's end as a true brethren of the Black Templar order.  Should I fail in my vow, I will bear the mark of failure until year's end as repentance.

Edited by TheOneTrueZon
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TheOneTrueZon - VOW ONE: (1x Marshal / 1x EC / 1x Primaris Crusader Squad  / 1x Redemptor : 573 points)
jaxom VOW ONE: (1x EC / 1x Castellan / 1x Primaris Crusade Squad / 1x Redemptor Dreadnought: 563 points)
BayOkuz - VOW ONE: (1x Marshal / 1x EC / 1x Redemptor / 1x BGVS: 753 points)
9x19 Parabellum - VOW ONE: (1 Primaris Emperor's Champion /1 Primaris Marshal / 1 Primaris Sword Brother / 1 Repulsor Executioner / 1 Redemptor / Bladeguard Veterans: 884)
nusphigor - VOW ONE: (1 Marshal / 1 Emperor's Champion / 1 redemptor / 1 Crusader squad / 1 Assault Intercessor squad: 693 points)
Lord Blackwood - VOW ONE: (1 Primaris Tech Marine / 1 Primaris Chaplain on Bike / 1 Redemptor Dreadnought / 1 EC / 1 Marshall  5 Blade Guard Veterans / 10 Intercessors Sargent / 1 Assault Intercessor Squad / 3 Eradicators :1390) COMPLETED | VOW TWO: (2x Hammerstrike Storm speeder / 2x Impulsor w Multi Melta / 1x Gladiator Reaper / 1x Gladiator Valliant / 1x Firestrike Servo Turret  / 1x 5man Heavy Intercessor Squad Hellstorm / w 1 Hellstorm Heavy Bolter: 1290 points) COMPLETED VOW THREE (1x Primaris Helbrecht , 1x Primaris Master of the Forge, Bladeguard Veterans  x 5, Judiciar w Aurillan Shroud 
Vanguard Veteran Squad x 5)

SkimaskMohawk - VOW ONE: (1 Emperor's Champion, 2 Marshalls, 3 Redemptor Dreadnoughts, 1 Invictor Warsuit, 1 Juidiciar 1 Primaris Chaplain, 1 Assault Intercessor Squad, and 1 Primaris Crusader Squad: 1676pts)
ConradToskan - VOW ONE: ( 1 Chaplain of Bike / 1 EC / 1 Crusade Squad / 1 Assault Intercessor Squad: 618 points)
Grotsmasha - VOW ONE: ( 1 EC: 100 points) COMPLETED VOW TWO (1x Primaris Grimaldus: 140 points) COMPLETED


Brother Captain Alberic - VOW ONE: (EC / Marshall / Primaris Chaplain on bike / Primaris Apothecary / Redemptor Dreadnought: 570 points)
Metzombie -  VOW ONE: (1x Marshal / 1x Chaplain / 1x EC: 285 Points) COMPLETED | VOW TWO (1x Primaris Crusader Squad, 1x Primaris SB Squad: 358 points) COMPLETED | VOW THREE (1x Funky Redemptor: 175 points)
SWORD BROTHER RYAN - VOW ONE: (Mt. Everest: 4,005 points)
Gederas - VOW ONE: (1x Marshal / EC / Primaris Chaplain / Primaris Chaplain / Primaris Chaplain on Bike / Primaris Crusader Squad: Total 685)


urkh - VOW ONE (5 man devastator squad / sword brother with chainsword / terminator assault squad / redemptor dreadnought / chaplain with jump pack / 1x Marshal: 700)


Zarkkarn - VOW ONE (1x EC / 1x Crusader Squad / 1x Biker Chaplain / 1x Outrider Squad)


Brother Adelard - VOW ONE (1x Crusader Squad / 1x Primaris Marshal: 303 points) 


templargdt - VOW ONE (10x Vanguard Veterans: 304 points) COMPLETED 


Metic - VOW ONE (1 Primaris EC / 1 Marshal with MC power axe and Auto flamer / 3 Bladeguard Sword Brethren / 1 Primaris Apothecary)


Brother Christopher - VOW ONE ( 1x Marshal / 1x Castellan / 1x Techmarine: 275 points) COMPLETED VOW TWO (1x Primaris Helbrecht) COMPLETED 


Black Blow Fly - VOW ONE (1x EC: 100 points)


Crom's Will - VOW ONE (1x EC: 100 points)


Brother Kraskor - VOW ONE (1x Judiciar: 85 points) COMPLETED | VOW TWO (1x HMH 1x Crusader Squad)


Reinhard VOW ONE ( 1x Primaris Marhsal /  1x Primaris Castellan / 1x Prmaris SB Squad: 345 points) COMPLETED 


Opprobrium - VOW ONE (1x EC: 100 points)


The Inquisitor - VOW ONE (1 EC, 1 Marshall, 1 Primaris crusader sqaud, 1 redemptor dred: 563 points)


Dangerman - VOW ONE (  ) COMPLETED | VOW TWO (1x Primaris Helbrecht) COMPLETED | VOW THREE (1x EC: 100 points) COMPLETED


sibo - VOW ONE (1x Crusader Squad) COMPLETED | VOW TWO (Dreadnought: 105) COMPLETED 


noigrim - VOW ONE (1x Redemptor: 185) COMPLETED


limothyJ  - VOW ONE (Phobos Captain, Reiver Lieutenant, Invictor Warsuit, and Eliminator Squad: 405 points)

Edited by TheOneTrueZon

I, TheOneTrueZon, hereby vow the following force of Launch Box contents to the Eternal Crusade before the end of January (2022). I enter with the mark of the Neophyte, and through the trials of fate and fire, rise to the rank of Initiate by journey's end as a true brethren of the Black Templar order.  Should I fail in my vow, I will bear the mark of failure until year's end as repentance.


++ 1x Marshal (100) / 1x EC (100) / 1x Primaris Crusader Squad (193) / 1x Redemptor (180): 573 points ++



I, Jaxom, hereby vow the following force of the Emperor's Champion, a Castellan, a Primaris Crusade Squad, and a Redemptor Dreadnought to the Eternal Crusade before the end of January (2022), for a total of 563 points. I enter with the mark of the Neophyte, and through the trials of fate and fire, rise to the rank of Initiate by journey's end as a true brethren of the Black Templar order. Should I fail in my vow, I will bear the mark of failure until year's end as repentance.


Thank you, OTZ, for this.

Edited by jaxom

Thank you! Very excited to get back into a painting schedule again.


  On 11/1/2021 at 2:16 AM, jaxom said:

I, Jaxom, hereby vow the following force of the Emperor's Champion, a Castellan, a Primaris Crusade Squad, and a Redemptor Dreadnought to the Eternal Crusade before the end of January (2022). I enter with the mark of the Neophyte, and through the trials of fate and fire, rise to the rank of Initiate by journey's end as a true brethren of the Black Templar order. Should I fail in my vow, I will bear the mark of failure until year's end as repentance.


Please update your vow with a point total when you have a chance and I'll get you added to the list of participants. Battlescribe is free and relatively easy to use to put a total together quickly. 

I, BayOkuz, hereby vow the following force of the Emperor's Champion, a Marshall, a Primaris Crusade Squad, 5 man Bladeguard Veteran Squad and a Redemptor Dreadnought to the Eternal Crusade before the end of January (2022). I enter with the mark of the Neophyte, and through the trials of fate and fire, rise to the rank of Initiate by journey's end as a true brethren of the Black Templar order. Should I fail in my vow, I will bear the mark of failure until year's end as repentance.


Marshall: 95 pts

Emperors Chamipon: 100 pts

Primaris Crusade Squad: 183 pts

Redemptor Dread: 185 pts

Bladeguard Veteran: 190 pts


TOTAL: 753 pts

  On 11/1/2021 at 2:23 AM, TheOneTrueZon said:


Please update your vow with a point total when you have a chance and I'll get you added to the list of participants. Battlescribe is free and relatively easy to use to put a total together quickly. 


Edited, updated, and reporting to the Chaplains for repentance!

  On 11/1/2021 at 10:14 AM, Sete said:

Can I pledge my DiY chapter? It's a Crusading Crusading aswell;)

I will be using Templar bits.


Wait a minute. You mean to say that you, Mr 'I'm going to chase the Black Templar leaks to the ends of the earth, and bring news of them like a prophet' isn't painting the models as Black Templars?!?!

  On 11/1/2021 at 10:14 AM, Sete said:

Can I pledge my DiY chapter? It's a Crusading Crusading aswell;)

I will be using Templar bits.


I think the Knights Tempest are about as far as I'd be willing to stretch the umbrella of Templar sanction. Your outstanding service to this forum deserves it's rewards. Be sure there's enough black mixed in there to show it's more BT in nature than IF successor. Pledge on brethren.

Humm... Marshal, EC both has smidgeons of paint on them (enough to not qualify anymore) and Sword brother from crusader squad is essentially fully painted (meaning the crusader squad is essentially incomplete as its min size is 10... I also intend to mix in a lot of the bits from the crusader squad with my old 'cessors')), meaning the only legal entry from my lunch box at this point would be the redemptor, which im still undecided what to do with.


If I am to participate then, it depends a lot on when the rest of our glorious release arrives. And I feel it'd be sinful to sit this out with our glorious return at hand. Hurry up, GW!


Thank you for doing this btwTOTZ

  On 11/1/2021 at 11:22 AM, Brother Adelard said:


  On 11/1/2021 at 10:14 AM, Sete said:


Can I pledge my DiY chapter? It's a Crusading Crusading aswell;)

I will be using Templar bits.

Wait a minute. You mean to say that you, Mr 'I'm going to chase the Black Templar leaks to the ends of the earth, and bring news of them like a prophet' isn't painting the models as Black Templars?!?!
I did my part.

Lmao, waiting for the rest of the release. Currently using some bits for my D.I.Y, swords and capes mostly.


Now that they are here I can rest easy. :)


I'll vow some proper Templar lads next month. ;)

Edited by Sete
I, 9x19 Parabellum, hereby vow the following 884-point force to the Eternal Crusade before the end of January (2022):

1 Primaris Emperor's Champion: 100

1 Primaris Marshal (MC Power Axe, Autoflamer): 100

1 Primaris Sword Brother (Pyre Pistol and Power Sword): 29

1 Repulsor Executioner (Heavy Las Destroyer + Multimelta): 365

1 Redemptor Dreadnought (HOGC, OGC, IRP): 185

3 Bladeguard Veterans: 105

I enter with the mark of the Neophyte, and through the trials of fate and fire, rise to the rank of Initiate by journey's end as a true brethren of the Black Templar order.

Should I fail in my vow, I will bear the mark of failure until year's end as repentance.





And here is a bonus pic for my BT brothers. I finished my crusader squad basically the day before the Vow was announced, so while these guys are part of this vow in spirit, they were already finished so can't qualify:


Edited by 9x19 Parabellum

Question: I have a 5-man squad of Hellblasters w/ standard plasma, but already painted 1 up as a test for my new recipe. The rest are just primer coated. Can I vow the other 4 legally, or should I drop that unit from vowing?



I, Nusphigor, hereby vow the following force of:

Marshal Bertram (basecoated in grey and silver with a black shade) - 100 pts

Emperor's Champion - 100 pts

Brother redemptor (body basecoated in grey and silver with a black shade) - 180 pts


Crusader squad - 203 pts


Assault Intercessor squad - 110 pts

To the Eternal Crusade before the end of January (2022). I enter with the mark of the Neophyte, and through the trials of fate and fire, rise to the rank of Initiate by journey's end as a true brethren of the Black Templar order. Should I fail in my vow, I will bear the mark of failure until year's end as repentance.

Edited by nusphigor

I,Lord Blackwood, hereby vow the following force of models to the Eternal Crusade before the end of January 2022 I enter with the mark of the Neophyte, and through the trials of fate and fire, rise to the rank of Initiate by journey's end as a true brethren of the Black Templar order.  Should I fail in my vow, I will bear the mark of failure until year's end as repentance.

THE EMPEROR's TECH MARINE  : Primaris Tech Marine 80 points
Primaris Chaplain on Bike : 110 points 
Redemptor Dreadnought : 185 points 
The Emperor's Champion : 100 points 

Assorted infantry between whats built and the second box  will yield
1 Marshall , Axe + Auto Flamer : 100 points
5 Blade Guard Veterans ( 4 sword brothers + one Marshal as squad sgt plasma pistol): 195 points
10 Intercessors Sargent w Power fist : 210
1x10 Assault Intercessors Sargent w Power Fist :200
3 Eradicators heavy melta rifles and and a multi Melta :210




I plan  to use the storyline of the marked wulf crusade to return to legion colors of a battered yellow and black though the army is being constructed out of templar bits and designed to play out of the templar  book. 

The marked wulf crusades former colors were akin to scouring era templars with black and yellow being the primary colors,  I will basically be pushing that backward toward templars as they would have been through the crusade , with some wearing black and others wearing the more traditional legion colors.  ( The light of the Indomitus crusade having cast the shadows from their armor and set the blaze of zeal from a raging inner fire to an inferno told by their very arrival on the battlefield  as knights of Dorn) 

Basically working off something like this

If that doesn't work for the sake of the event then feel free to disqualify me once my first vow is finished.


Edited by Lord Blackwood
  On 11/2/2021 at 6:09 AM, Lord Blackwood said:

If that doesn't work for the sake of the event then feel free to disqualify me once my first vow is finished.


If it's good enough for Sigismund, it's good enough for this event. Just be sure to make those black part prominent, ya know? As you are a former Champion it would be remiss to pass on a chance to see your work!

I, SkimaskMohawk, hereby vow the following force of 1 Emperor's Champion, 2 Marshalls, 3 Redemptor Dreadnoughts, 1 Invictor Warsuit, 1 Juidiciar 1 Primaris Chaplain, 1 Assault Intercessor Squad, and 1 Primaris Crusader Squad to the Eternal Crusade before the end of January (2022) for a total of  1676pts. I enter with the mark of the Neophyte, and through the trials of fate and fire, rise to the rank of Initiate by journey's end as a true brethren of the Black Templar order.  Should I fail in my vow, I will bear the mark of failure until year's end as repentance.


I, uh, have a lot of unpainted minis. And honestly have way more if theres enough time.



Edited by SkimaskMohawk

Waiting for our new upgrade sprue to drop, as I have a vow mostly put together but missing a few bits (Neophyte shotguns, Sword of Judgement etc). Current plan is the new Emperor's Champion, a converted jump-pack Chaplain, the WH Day Castellan, 5 Vanguard Veterans and a Primaris Crusader squad of 5 Initiates, Sword Brother and 4 Neophytes. Should all come to 656pts, but I'll vow properly once it's fully assembled and photographed.

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