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Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine II - Q3/Q4 2024


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9 hours ago, MARK0SIAN said:

I don’t love the look of the light show when you get hit or that blue circle that seems to highlight some enemies. I was hoping it would be fairly free of screen interference. That said, it looks like a lot of fun and I can’t wait to play it!


Yeah I agree, i thought that it broke the immersion somewhat. Hopefully there's options to disable some HUD aspects

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7 minutes ago, MegaVolt87 said:

The shooting looks bad for the bolt weapons, though the melee looks just fine to me. 

it was basically same in original SM. You had to double tap most ork boyz in the head

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57 minutes ago, Jukkiz said:

it was basically same in original SM. You had to double tap most ork boyz in the head


I know. It's crazy that fire warrior has had the best depiction of the bolter to date. You glibed enemies into pieces with few shots. Gears of war and soldier of fortune also had better damage effects for shooting. 

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5 minutes ago, MegaVolt87 said:


I know. It's crazy that fire warrior has had the best depiction of the bolter to date. You glibed enemies into pieces with few shots. Gears of war and soldier of fortune also had better damage effects for shooting. 

I think many developers nowadays seem to focus on spectacular visuals rather than the finer gameplay details, such as the ones you've mentioned. I think thats why the original SM game continued being enjoyed because, despite its visuals not being the best for its time, the gameplay felt great and was fun. It felt like authentic to how an Astartes would feel and move, how visceral and violent the combat would be.


Not that this game is bad, but as i say, visuals over substance seems the dish of the day for current gaming. That being said once i get hold of the game a may well change my tune and have a proper appreciation of it. 

Watching at work with zero volume may not be the most charitable method of watching these clips.

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5 minutes ago, unrealchamp88 said:

I think many developers nowadays seem to focus on spectacular visuals rather than the finer gameplay details, such as the ones you've mentioned. I think thats why the original SM game continued being enjoyed because, despite its visuals not being the best for its time, the gameplay felt great and was fun. It felt like authentic to how an Astartes would feel and move, how visceral and violent the combat would be.


Not that this game is bad, but as i say, visuals over substance seems the dish of the day for current gaming. That being said once i get hold of the game a may well change my tune and have a proper appreciation of it. 

Watching at work with zero volume may not be the most charitable method of watching these clips.


I mostly agree with you, though it's still disappointing at the implementation of bolt weapons. Upon further research, the melta weapons will be very lore accurate, I'm extending that hope to plasma weapons, possible neo volkkite pistol, plus you really have to try hard to make a flamethrower weapon class bad in the modern era. Again, I'm satisfied with the melee system, hoping we can adjust the UI for that target indicator, switch it off to time melee with enemy tells instead like souls games would be great. 

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I'm concerned about the release since it was already push once and they say it will be in winter but an exact date is still unknown (and we are in late august).


Let me be clear.

I don't mind wait even another six months, I'm just worried about games release that feels like a beta, and lately after a year, they are complete with tons of patches and additional work.

You can always wait to buy a game sure, but in the end this way of releasing games is very bad for the industry.


And sadly, it's a trend we already saw with many A+ games in these years.

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I think realistic bolter mechanics would be fine, if you had realistic ammo mechanics. Ie maybe one or two reloads at most as per the miniatures, and very rare ammo pickups in a level. Otherwise a boltgun would be too overpowered, even in the tabletop game an average space marine is more underpowered against a regular enemy soldier than the lore, it's just something we've had to accept. 


There's a reason most games have bullet sponge enemies, average players who buy games want to spray bullets and not fire accurate aimed shots, and the technical limitation too that levels and encounters could be easily speeded through with instant kill shots with a basic weapon. 


Oddly enough the tabletop game and video games have the same problem in that there's a limitation how many enemies (or minatures) you can have opposing the space marines at once and still have a fun experience. 


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4 hours ago, Beaky Brigade said:

...There's a reason most games have bullet sponge enemies, average players who buy games want to spray bullets and not fire accurate aimed shots, and the technical limitation too that levels and encounters could be easily speeded through with instant kill shots with a basic weapon. ...

I'm gonna have to disagree with this statement, there's a reason why bullet sponge is a derogatory term, and it's not because people like it. Games that have lauded gun mechanics like the Bungie Shooters or Ghost Recon Wildlands allow for accurate snap shooting to 1/2 shot an enemy, or you can still go full rock and roll body shot through armor if you want. Artificial difficulty by making the weapons handle badly so it slows down encounters isn't fun, it'll just become a slog to endure instead of a fun experience to want to be repeated. Relatedly, one of the 'features' of the game is no leveling or customizing weapons, thus I have a hard time seeing a power progression, and instead more of a This level is the Jump Pack and Hammer Level, this is the Melta Level, this is the Heavy bolter level, that a lot of story based shooters employ. My hope is they tighten it up, sure expand the magazine for gameplay mechanics, but let them have accurate powerful shooting like the fan made Space Marine animation from a while back. Heavy but accurate. I'm looking for an Astartes skinned halo style power fantasy, not a 40K skinned Earth Defense Force.

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4 minutes ago, NovemberIX said:

Relatedly, one of the 'features' of the game is no leveling or customizing weapons,

Granted, if there was weapon customisation they probably wouldn't show it off in people's first on-hand sessions and keep the focus on the base gameplay. Especially with how stingy they have been with showing more than 2 minutes per instance.


We do however know that there is some form of customisation regarding Titus' armour going by the preorder bonus so who knows of it will extend to weapons.

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23 hours ago, unrealchamp88 said:

It felt like authentic to how an Astartes would feel and move, how visceral and violent the combat would be.


Agree totally, the game, for me, nailed how a space marine would move and fight. Some things need to be sacrificed for gameplay purposes, maybe nids, with an exoskeleton, react to bolt rounds differently to a model with an endoskeleton where meat can be blasted away. With the external cocoon, the explosion would be contained. 


If you want boltguns to blast things apart in one shot, and fun weapon effects, definitely give Boltgun a try! 

Edited by Xenith
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just 20 seconds in to that video and im loving the atmosphere. Big lumbering steel giant of an astartes, lots of guardsmen running about. Constant gunfire from turrets and defensive positions, chimera rolling by, while the dialogue still pretty calm, because while nids are streaming in its not a serious offensive right now

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Looks great but I still have some concerns. Not sure how other people feel about the new voice actor but he doesn't seem to sound like Titus at all, literally and figuratively. In the first game Titus seemed laid back and not afraid to break the rules. Whenever he fought the Orks he acted like it was just apart of his job and never had genuine hate for his enemy. From all the trailers Titus sounds like he's just another hate-filled brainwashed space marine, completely disregarding the first game. He doesn't even seem like the same character anymore. Another thing is the level design. Probably the worst part of the first game is most levels are just big linear hallways or boxes with only one way to play them. It really kills replayability  when there's only one way to engage the enemy. The gameplay trailer above just showcases more empty boxes. Hoping the game is good though.

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21 hours ago, 63-19 said:

Looks great but I still have some concerns. Not sure how other people feel about the new voice actor but he doesn't seem to sound like Titus at all, literally and figuratively. In the first game Titus seemed laid back and not afraid to break the rules. Whenever he fought the Orks he acted like it was just apart of his job and never had genuine hate for his enemy. From all the trailers Titus sounds like he's just another hate-filled brainwashed space marine, completely disregarding the first game. He doesn't even seem like the same character anymore. Another thing is the level design. Probably the worst part of the first game is most levels are just big linear hallways or boxes with only one way to play them. It really kills replayability  when there's only one way to engage the enemy. The gameplay trailer above just showcases more empty boxes. Hoping the game is good though.

I was actually thinking the same. They couldn’t get the original voice actor which is disappointing, but the character seems to have also changed. I really enjoyed the calm version of Space Marine 1 character. Maybe Titus has a bug phobia?

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36 minutes ago, rookie40K said:

I was actually thinking the same. They couldn’t get the original voice actor which is disappointing, but the character seems to have also changed. I really enjoyed the calm version of Space Marine 1 character. Maybe Titus has a bug phobia?

Or he has gone through some major character development that has changed him as a person. No couldn’t possibly be that

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29 minutes ago, Redcomet said:

Or he has gone through some major character development that has changed him as a person. No couldn’t possibly be that

"Major character development" is too many times a cop out for disregarding the stablished personalities of characters in favour of chasing a media trend or the biases of new people in charge. It's hard to see how the measured and eloquent 2nd UM company captain from SM1 becomes the lt. gym bro zealot we're hearing so far. Can you imagine Guilliman talking like that after coming back no matter how depressed he was?

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I can deal with the change in tone, and actual sound of the voice. What was driving me nuts was how often Titus talks. I was watching the footage thinking "seriously shut up Titus!"


Walking over here

Get em'


Shut up. Talking is for cut scenes and an occasional quip, not stream of consciousness crap.

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51 minutes ago, lansalt said:

"Major character development" is too many times a cop out for disregarding the stablished personalities of characters in favour of chasing a media trend or the biases of new people in charge. It's hard to see how the measured and eloquent 2nd UM company captain from SM1 becomes the lt. gym bro zealot we're hearing so far. Can you imagine Guilliman talking like that after coming back no matter how depressed he was?

Maybe it has something to do with being taken away by the Inquisiton at the end of the game. Plus he seems to have copied the Black Templars preference for chaining their weapons to themselves  (which is perfectly reasonable to be fair, you can't lose them then!). Being forced to spend time with the Black Templars would easily explain why he's more zealous.


I mean correct me if I'm wrong, but we don't fully know what happened between SM1 & 2 yet do we?

(Ignore comment if we fully know!)

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Of course it's difficult to see, we have no idea what happened in his last two centuries of service. Any explanation as to why will likely be explored in the game or perhaps a publication after the fact.

Point is 200 years, if his service studs are accurate, is a long time, enough for the occasional trauma or brain damage to occur. Just look at old Cato Sicarius, gloryhog exemplar turned depresso.

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