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[DH1e] The Damocles Contingency (OOC)

Mazer Rackham

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2 hours ago, Lysimachus said:

See what happens. Will hold it as a last resort.


Maybe it's even worth just going with them... Convince them to take me back to their boss, straight to the source?


These are very reasonable men  Mr Bond  er, Mr Reynard.


Massacre of innocents, destruction of a fortified secret research lab, murder of in-their-way hivers, potential assassination of law enforcement officers, blatant disregard for health and safety, and slaughter of Mechanicus Personnel...aside...


 I can't see anyone better to have Christmas Sherry and pudding with.

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7 minutes ago, Machine God said:

Alright who is the Mole? 


Well, I'm not big on huge plot reveals, but if you don't tell anyone...





Sorry brother - I had to :biggrin:


2 minutes ago, Trokair said:

Can Bardas safely knock Seb unconscious, just so that he doesn’t do anything terminally heroic.    


Yes. Seb is, technically unaware of you, so your attack will automatically Hit. You may declare 'Stun' as a full action, and make your attack. Do take precaution here, because you need to inflict 3 Levels of Fatigue.


You might need to get creative. Be creative enough, and we can make a deal...

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5 minutes ago, Lysimachus said:

Not sure we need to risk making the noise? He's a smart kid, and a Hiver is used to people - even ones he is close to - dying. It's just part of their life. Can't we reason with him?

Feel free to try, I havent worked out yet if Bardas will do so or not, was just considering options when I asked.

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1 hour ago, Trokair said:

Mazer, on a scale of Dead to Annihilated how screwed are we?


About 0.8 of a Ragnarok.


Lady Fate is whispering to me though.


Stand by.


EDIT: Ok, @Lysimachus you're up.

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The hatch at the back is sagging with weight, and puffs of smoke eke out under the lid to the stairs. Thankfully the power remains, and the light stays on. Old Man Lecroix had the leverage to dump it, but yours is much curtailed, and only one man can get up the ladder at a time.


Sorry boss, confused. Are you saying the cellar hatch is still in the way? I thought the grenadier kicked it in so he could drop the grenade? And there are stairs too? I thought only a ladder?


If we do need to lever the hatch open, Reynard will drop back down and let Bardas in with his higher Str to have a go (maybe he can use his staff for extra leverage, or we can use it so we can all get our weight against the hatch?)



Edit: scratch that, from Tro's post I think we've all got up, did you just mean we only had space to go through the hatch one at a time, right?


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No, Old Man Lecriox covered the ladder hatch with a box of tools or what-have-you to hide it from the intruders, but the vent you could hear down, and which is supplying the air for the cellar, had a grate up in the shoppe. That was the grate the soldier smashed in, and how they heard you.


They didn't know where the door was, they were just going to drop it down the shaft, and let 'le bombe a-la surprise' do the hard work.


You need to knock the cellar hatch door open, it's wedged shut with the tools.

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Oh derp, gotcha. Going to go back and edit my previous post to make sense.


And, in that case, this again:


11 minutes ago, Lysimachus said:

If we do need to lever the hatch open, Reynard will drop back down and let Bardas in with his higher Str to have a go (maybe he can use his staff for extra leverage, or we can use it so we can all get our weight against the hatch?)




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26 minutes ago, Mazer Rackham said:

Hey man, let me know if you need me to ease up.

Not on my account, just a little time sense lost (as a player, I asume Bardas knows exactly what the time is, done to some silly fraction fo a second) so the implication that we re somewhere in the first quater/third of this day was al ittle 'oh no what elses is going to go wrong'.



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37 minutes ago, Trokair said:

Not on my account, just a little time sense lost (as a player, I asume Bardas knows exactly what the time is, done to some silly fraction fo a second) so the implication that we re somewhere in the first quater/third of this day was al ittle 'oh no what elses is going to go wrong'.


No worries, I got you. It was just that I was wondering if you were making a cry for help, due to the rapid succession of Near Death Experiences you've been having.


I'm keen to this sentiment. Just shout up if you need.

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I was also thinking we were closer to the end of Day 2, but going back and adding bits up:


For Reynard, Day 2 consisted of:
Fight at the Market
Travel to see Drexler and back = 1 hour
1 hour rest
1 hour at Market, meet little girl.
1 hour(ish?) travel to Kelvin's Gallery and take part in shooting comp
Before leaving, contact Bardas to meet at LeX in 2 hours time.
Arrive at LeX, all the stuff that happens there = maybe 1 more hour total?


Total 7, maybe 8 hrs? Does that fit with what you were thinking, GM?


So yeah... a LOT happened already today! :laugh:


(Derp, and I've already used all my FP for this Day/session! :facepalm:)


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33 minutes ago, Lysimachus said:

Total 7, maybe 8 hrs? Does that fit with what you were thinking, GM?


So yeah... a LOT happened already today! :laugh:


For my sanity, it will be a flat 9 hours when/if Falk/Nicios/Restal get to you.


34 minutes ago, Lysimachus said:

(Derp, and I've already used all my FP for this Day/session! :facepalm:)


You don't say...:wink:

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