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[DH1e] The Damocles Contingency (OOC)

Mazer Rackham

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Agreed, I'm sure it will be fine!


*Bardas explodes*


"Tell me, what were his final words?"


"01001111 01101111 01101000 00100001 00100000 01010100 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101001 01100011 01101011 01101100 01100101 01110011 00100001"


You guys are free to explore Rivet City etc before Geist returns, he will pick you up.

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Just on the off-chance the girl is a ghost or a deadly, homicidal Alpha level witch... :ermm::tongue:


Will Nicios notice anything weird about her as he passes?

Edited by Lysimachus
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Possibly? Nicios would have to do a Psyniscience test and pass to locate someone actively channeling the Warp (or to see if psychic powers were used in an area) but would need to have some sort of reason to do a psyniscience test in the first place. Noticing some sort of tic that commonly indicate a psyker might be a Scholastic Lore (Psyker) test. I don't know if there is any mechanic that technically warns of another psyker who isn't doing anything (unless the other psyker is so powerful that they naturally alter the Warp just with their very presence).

Edited by Lord_Ikka
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2 minutes ago, Trokair said:

Bardas held his little spherical speaker in the palm of his hand where the child could clearly see it.


+No, I am a Shrine-Sentinel, and my friend,+

he dipped the top of his staff slightly in Reynard’s direction,

+told me that my kinfolk here,+

Bardas did a broad sweeping motion to indicate Rivet City in general and ending the motion pointing at thin the direction of the Magos,

+needed help.+  


Using + instead of “ to indicate vox/mechanical issued sound is all very good and well, until you need to interrupt a line of speech with description.  It looked so wired when I followed normal speech mark conventions that I decided to split it up with line breaks instead. Hope it still make sense.


What it otherwise looked like:


+No, I am a Shrine-Sentinel, and my friend,+ he dipped the top of his staff slightly in Reynard’s direction, +told me that my kinfolk here,+ Bardas did a broad sweeping motion to indicate Rivet City in general and ending the motion pointing at thin the direction of the Magos, +needed help.+

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22 minutes ago, Trokair said:

Using + instead of “ to indicate vox/mechanical issued sound is all very good and well, until you need to interrupt a line of speech with description.  It looked so wired when I followed normal speech mark conventions that I decided to split it up with line breaks instead. Hope it still make sense.


I completely get what you mean. I had a similar problem with Orphiel, where he doesn't take his helmet off, so I had to fluff out the action/speech segments so it would "read". 


I don't know if we could adopt a cleaner convention? I know AT uses bold when speaking.

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Reynard grabbed the fancy autogun Mazer created and 3 clips... but I think because there were 2 dead bad guys, all of the kit was doubled? So I think maybe(?) there might be a second gun+3clips? To be honest, I thought Falk had already claimed them?


As to who is going where, anyone is welcome to join Reynard in going to the gunsmith and datacrypter? I'm assuming Nicios (and maybe Falk?) is/are going to see the Magisters, though? Don't know about Bardas and MG isn't currently around to say for Restal?

Edited by Lysimachus
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2 hours ago, Lysimachus said:

Reynard grabbed the fancy autogun Mazer created and 3 clips... but I think because there were 2 dead bad guys, all of the kit was doubled? So I think maybe(?) there might be a second gun+3clips?


That's correct.


@A.T. there is another custom autogun carbine exactly with the profile given in the IC, except this one has a stablight.


I do believe, Falk did indeed, call dibs:thumbsup:


2 hours ago, Trokair said:

Bardas I think will either go for the datacrypter, rest some more to get out of heavly wounded status, or follow the potential fourth avenue of investigation - the mech critter that tried to steel information from him while he slept. 


There's no pressure to choose any of those things, as you can do them all. Just depends in which order you want to do them, so I know how to proceed.

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I don't think we should split up too much- two groups would be sufficient if we want to hit multiple spots at one (last time we split up Bardas wound up under a train...). I think if we are going to split Bardas should go with Reynard (they could probably get to both of the other leads) and Tarrant/Falk/Nicios go to the Magisters (may need the firepower). 

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I'll hang fire until tonight to allow AT to post anything if he wants and then will deal with everything in a single update.


To speed things up though, A Challenging (+0) Willpower Test is required by Falk/AT, Nicios/Ikka, Restal/MG.


Nicios/Ikka may re-roll his test due to his psychic defences being up.

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