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47 minutes ago, cheywood said:

Does the timeline make sense for that? I thought DoF was taking place prior to Dark Imperium and the Lion’s return would be afterwards. 


You are correct. There is absolutely nothing to indicate the Lion would return in Dawn of Fire. None of the books written by any of the involved authors would even hint at Guilliman not being the only one. Heck, Dark Imperium makes it clear that things are as bad as they are with Guilliman being unable to return to Ultramar to deal with Mortarion in person because it's just him. The Blood Angels plotline in Nihilus, too, doesn't allow for it.


I could see the Dark Angels appearing in the series, yes. But if there's anything related to the Lion in there, it'll be setup at best, without a payoff in Dawn of Fire. Just how the Cypher novel won't reveal the Lion. This is a series about the first decade post-Rift, and even the current 40k lore hasn't set up the Lion's return yet.

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If you're worried you might miss the upcoming SoT SE, you can already place an order on eBay...



The fact this bloke resells copies on weekly basis and it seems he has multiple copies of each edition.... I guess GW doesn't really care and their policy of "one per order" not "one per shipping address/account/payment method" clearly proves that.

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8 hours ago, DarkChaplain said:

The Isenbrach Horror deserved to be at least a novella. It's actually based on ancient 40k lore - to the point where it appears like a WHFB story on first glance! - and I'd have loved for it to be longer, more in-depth. It's kind of a love letter to forgotten lore of days of yore.

Yeah, that's the one I read, and I thought it was good but it suffered a bit from only being a short story. A bit more breathing room and it could have been up there with the greats. Still a noteworthy entry in the Warhammer Horror lineup though!


I tried to like Briardark, but I couldn't. I'm not sure I can finish it, especially with so much good SFF stacked up to read. Hopefully nothing too important happened in it.

Edited by Urauloth
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Briardark only really gets going after the halfway point, when another character joins the cast. But really, unless the two remaining books make a lot more out of what it offered in some manner, a summary will do. It's just too narrowly scoped, too personal, with too little to add to the story arc and mystery by itself. It's another "Mhurghast is bad and here's maybe an antagonist involved in it all" story, not unlike short stories that namedropped it the last few years. And considering it is a sequel to Gothghul Hollow, featuring a recurring character (two, if I'm pedantic), had he be named anything else, it wouldn't really have changed anything significant about the plot.

As somebody who usually enjoys Werner a good deal, it was a bummer, and at least by this point, I don't think it needed to be part of the series.


On a different subject, I looked at the subscription week coming up, and was pleasantly surprised by Marc Collins writing Eidolon. Not sure why Eidolon in particular gets passed around so much, though, but in this case I'm fully onboard with it.


Maybe one of those days we'll actually get a short story that deals with him post-The Path of Heaven and explains why he didn't actually end up hunting down Typhus like ordered by Mortarion. That's one plotline that was forgotten/ignored by Swallow in The Buried Dagger, after being set up nearly 20 books earlier by Wraight, and I'd like it to be smoothed over one day.

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I think it might've been by Wraight in Warhawk: Mortarion repents about Typhus and welcomes him back into the fold with the purpose of drawing upon Typhus' source of power. It's ultimately a faustian bargain mixed with a blindness (or willful ignorance) towards the fundamental nature of the universe they inhabit.


I think that's what Warhawk was saying about Mortarion - he ultimately did have agency in his own damnation because he knew how toxic Typhus was (if you'll forgive the pun) but thought that he could still get the better part of that deal, as it were.


By the time it all shakes out things have gone too far. Mortarion is stuck with the consequences of his actions, and as much as he may rail about having been forced into things and blame others, he was the one who chose to clasp the scorpion to his chest.

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I meant that in Path of Heaven, Mortarion is mad about Typhus ignoring his calls and tells Eidolon to go bring him back. Eidolon supposedly goes to chase Typhus down..... but then this fact is never again acknowledged. Typhus returns on his own, never came across or mentioned Eidolon, and Mortarion doesn't bring it up either and just straight up forgives Typhus in a heartbeat.

Eidolon just vanishes off the board until just before the Siege (in The Soul, Severed).


Swallow could've simply added a grumpy line from Mortarion about how Eidolon buggered off and failed him, or Eidolon could've had a snarky line about not being Mortarion's errand boy, and at least that loose end would've been tied up. They never did, but it'd still serve for a decent short story to have post-PoH-Eidolon, basically lord of the Legion while Fulgrim is off rattling his snake, flipping Morty off or actually meeting Calas Typhon and doing it together in a secret deal.

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To further exacerbate things, GW is currently dealing with what amounts to an AI rebellion in their back-end infrastructure (exaggeration: there's just a lot of issues with the automation in their logistics for storage and shipping). There's an ongoing thread in the News & Rumors forum.


Shipments and allocations of new releases have been... inconsistent, shall we say.


That could make this weekend's pre-order chaos real interesting!

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1 hour ago, Sothalor said:

To further exacerbate things, GW is currently dealing with what amounts to an AI rebellion in their back-end infrastructure (exaggeration: there's just a lot of issues with the automation in their logistics for storage and shipping). There's an ongoing thread in the News & Rumors forum.


Shipments and allocations of new releases have been... inconsistent, shall we say.


That could make this weekend's pre-order chaos real interesting!

Didn't the DAoT start way later like M20?


Jokes aside. God speed to all that are going for the limited editions.

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10 minutes ago, OpossumStrong said:

I'm really sad what this hobby turned into :confused: 

It's fault of Black Library & GW

The limited run, so limited that 5m after appearing no longer are any orders left of the "normal" hardback. 

They should fire their marketing team. Investigate what sell and plan ahead. Of course sigmar is going to sell less than 40k. 

Per example Awakening & Angron both had 1250 and 1500 copies (i know I got them both). But Armageddon & Cadian Blood - both novels over 10 years, both in paperback and even in omnibus editions so let's print 2500 &  2000. Who thinks like this?


They are damaging the fanbase and I will say more... so preoccupied in people selling their own copies on ebay but people still sell them EVEN before they have it. Like the 500$ The end and the Death. How can that person already have (and if not- how can he have so certainty that he will have)? hmm... 


I still remember when I purchase the first novellas released in special edition like Iron Warrior for 30€ a 1000 edition and they were on sale for weeks. Even Daemonytos (probably butchering) and not talking with The Bloody-Handed that went for months... Times were different. Nowadays 40K is more popular than ever. Even with the harsh conditions we are going through the books sell so fast. We are talking about a special edition every two weeks., sometimes every week. If you get everything they publish - you are dropping around 200€ per month. YET, they somehow have the mentality of 2010 still thinking low and making only 1500 of a new novel. Dan Abnett The end and the death should sell before 10am. People who have all other special editions will be frustated if they don't get it.


My question is... why BL doesn't do something like pre-order when dealing this kind of series. You get the number 151 in the 7 books in the series. I mean people would gladly purchase the all set in one go. But now, you've got at least 2500 people waiting for 9h55 to press F5 for fear they have to pay 300 for one book on ebay to have a complete set...


Sorry about the rambling...

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The eBay seller may not have the copy or even be assured they are getting one. I missed out on getting a book a few years ago and stupidly bought one off a scalper. It never turned up as they hadn’t got it. I left them a bad review and received a furious reply about how they had been let down by ‘their supplier’ who I’m assuming is the same as my supplier (GW). The guy was just a chancer as most of these types are. 
I feel a little sick about tomorrow 

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Well that was interesting.  The new SoT was gone in literally less than 60 seconds on the Oz site.  Went straight from order to basket and it was gone before I could hit the buy button.  Good luck to everyone else when it hits your regions :tongue:


curiosity got the better of me and I did a quick check on Oz Ebay:  first LE offer up already - AUD1600! - fell over laughing with better half looking at me strange :eek:

Edited by Felix Antipodes
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