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26 minutes ago, Arbedark said:


A) Pointless positive comments are effectively no better than pointless negative comments, the difference is that most positivity stops at the equivalent of the example you've provided, whereas the negative comments often spiral upon themselves to meme levels, with certain posters posting the same basic content multiple times in the same thread, or clearly trying to bait responses. 


I think the Rogal Dorn thread is proof that's not the case.

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As a frater, not sure taking pot-shots at the mods is ever a wise choice, like shooting a monolith back in 4th edition. They're fellow fraters like us and do the moderating as far as I understand it as a public service with no compensation I am aware of. They are here to stop people devolving things into outright flame wars and insult slinging contests, not deprive people of their ability to vent their opinion on a model they clearly like/dislike.

The issue becomes when a frater starts calling one another shills while the others start calling the others grumpy pants and then things go south from there. I do feel however, at this point I am surprised the mod team hasn't locked the thread. We are going in circles and not even discussing the other half of the box, discussing only what is a surprisingly generous helping of the new unit in the box set. Normally you get one squad and you will like it, however this box set comes with 3 new kits, 2 of which are new units and the last unit is actually a unit we don't see much of mainly because I believe it isn't really included in bundles like this.


Personally, I do think they look a little goofy however that has been Primaris' M.O. to me for their entire releases: Ether really good looking or really goofy looking. However I won't bash on GW too much, they were/are experimenting with a new visual style for marines to make them stand out and I think there is a MASSIVE divide in the community on it as some feel it betrays the original material of the game and feel, lots of us are invested in the "Sci-Fi Future tech that seems primitive" idea and some of us are actually digging the new take with marines, harking to more modern weapon designs of the now.

Personally, some hit the mark for me and some don't. Most know I am an adamant hater on grav-plates but I know other fraters love them. Personally, these rocket launchers look a little derp but I don't know...I feel they have a charm to them...I think if they were shoulder mounted there wouldn't be as many complaining but that just ties back to people just thinking "missile launchers are over shoulder weapons, not rifles".


Personally, these just feel like space marines copying Dark Reapers of Eldar. I mean...the similarities are a little uncanny.

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I hated inceptors when I first saw them, then I saw they were based on rogue trader art piece and are made to drop from high orbit and not assault marines, totally changed my mind. They may grow on me, at least a little bit more. Still scratching my head on why they aren’t chunkier. I need more time.


This is a place to voice opinions about Warhammer freely, but opinions on others opinions I think is where things will always go sideways. But hey what do I know? I love Stormtalons and Fear to Tread.

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I wonder how Lieutenant weapon options will be handled in the next codex. Will certain combos still be locked together or will we simply choose two from the available list? My wolves quite like the combo of Power Fist and Storm Shield but that would require parts from this kit and the Bladeguard MPK.


Unlike most Chapters we have the option of WGBL in Terminator armour with SS and either PF or TH. So it won't be the end of the world if I can't run that particular combo.

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6 hours ago, Marshal Reinhard said:

Feels like this instantly fixes everything more or less?


Could then put the round thingy on the backpack? That's supposed to be the indirect firing weapon anyway? (It is right?)


Just wonder how practical it is to put into practise...

Agree. That ginormous thing being shown as held with a stock grip is offputting. The top handle grip addresses it. It's not a strength issue, it's a balance issue. Squatty marines squatting made the old heavies work, and the second hand supports looked natural.

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3 hours ago, Arbedark said:


The biggest issue for me is that so few of the negative comments being posted are remotely constructive, with most of them going round in circles slapping each other on the back for not liking the models. 


And we get mods with such insightful comments as 'you can't force people to like something' as a response, as if that adds anything of value to the thread. 


I'm not a fan of the Desolators, but the incessant overreacting in this thread is childish at best. Do we really need to keep reading an expression of dislike that is essentially the same comment again and again and again? 


If you don't like the weapons-on-weapons aesthetic, the mock-ups with the upper set of missiles located on the backpack look pretty awesome to me - provides a better balance to the model, etc. If you don't like that idea, then maybe post some other constructive ideas, or thoughts on how the models could be improved in other areas. I have a suspicion that the base models will look better in some other paint schemes, as has been the case with other primaris, so that may also help. I'm looking forward to seeing some people turn them into long fangs, as I suspect that aesthetic will work better. 



I see reacting, not over-reacting- overreaction was the reaction of some to the 4th ed chaos dex. 


Lots of frater are commenting they just don't like the Desolators. Other frater are pinpointing that "you know what? It's the giant guns." Then other frater are posting, for discussion, mockups from photoshop that address the concerns of other frater


This kind of negative reaction thread is what births popular conversions. I potentially see the stacked tube one being popular. I also agree with the frater who pointed out a two tone paintjob helped. Myself, I'm thinking about modding Aggressors with the round tubes on the forearms. Maybe just an arm theft. 


I agree with Prot that the mariokart memes were hilarious for the ATV, and I like the ATV. The prime issue with Scouts is their heads; from a similar complaint thread years ago a frater posted pics of modding the neck joint to turn the face down and..I liked it. It's how all 50 of mine are done. 


I'm noting the "correction" ideas being posted for inspiration, I'm confident many of the other "negative" frater are.

Edited by BrainFireBob
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16 minutes ago, Brother Captain Arkley said:


I am praying for a power axe.

Personally I don’t like having multiple power weapon profiles.


power sword/axe/staff/etc imho should all use the same profile. The only different profile for powerX should be power fist.

same for force weapons imho.

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6 minutes ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

They’re both gunships.

gunships are by definition not air superiority fighters.

They’re also both Interceptors and Air superiority Fighters [Especially the Stormeagle] within the void and within Atmosphere! It’s 40K and it’s a Space Marine vessel are you really surprised it blurs the current world view on aircraft roles and capabilities 

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13 minutes ago, redmapa said:

I'm surprised they didn't just update the cyclone missile launcher and put it on a Gravis unit or missile platforms like a rapier battery or a version of the firestrke turret with missiles.  There's a dozen better ideas than missile guns imo.

The fragstorm launcher is essentially the cyclone replacement.

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37 minutes ago, Karhedron said:

I wonder how Lieutenant weapon options will be handled in the next codex. Will certain combos still be locked together or will we simply choose two from the available list? My wolves quite like the combo of Power Fist and Storm Shield but that would require parts from this kit and the Bladeguard MPK.


Unlike most Chapters we have the option of WGBL in Terminator armour with SS and either PF or TH. So it won't be the end of the world if I can't run that particular combo.

They said on stream that this model “unlocks” lots of options so I imagine it’s back to the old school just pick your load out 

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18 minutes ago, WARMASTER_ said:

They said on stream that this model “unlocks” lots of options so I imagine it’s back to the old school just pick your load out 


I believe this will be the case since the only reason for these locked loadouts is the insistence on having a model which replicates them. Thus the specific Power Fist/Plasma Pistol locked loadout for the Captain because the limited-edition model can ONLY be built in that specific way. And the subsequent debacle regarding the Imperium Captain's slightly modified version of that loadout with the Power Sword and Plasma Pistol. And the incremental changes to the Intercessor Squad's datasheet as more power weapon options show up in other specific kits, but then the special carveout to allow the Sergeant to take a Chainsword but weirdly give up his 0-point Bolt Rifle because there's a model (Sergeant Jovan) who has that loadout.


That said, it does still sound like the Indomitus (Bladeguard) Lieutenant's Storm Shield won't be included and possibly not his Neo-Volkite Pistol either. Thankfully, that's a near-ubiquitous model to acquire and an acceptable alternate pose is easy to kitbash from the Bladeguard kit if desired.


This model also suggests that we'll be getting a similar update to the Captain in the not-too-distant future (maybe dropping as part of the multi-part model wave alongside the 10th-Edition Space Marine Codex).


Edited by Lord Nord
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As someone who never really liked Primaris, I wanted to come at the Desolation Squad with an open mind, and to give them at least a day before I make a verdict on them.


Conceptually I like what the design team was aiming for; that being missile marines who look a bit higher tech than the typical rocket launchers we're used to.

I'm a fan of the much maligned "tacticool" aesthetics that many people drag Primaris for, having grown up on Halo, Splinter Cell, and Metal Gear. Which is why it's a shame to me that they've somewhat fumbled the idea, and they come across more like Flash Gitz who looted some MkX armour, when they could've been much more interesting than what's essentially just an Intercessor with a really big gun.

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32 minutes ago, WARMASTER_ said:

They said on stream that this model “unlocks” lots of options so I imagine it’s back to the old school just pick your load out 

Man, I hope so, but I have a feeling that it will still be locked to whatever options are in the box (so if there’s no axe, etc., can’t get them) - really hoping that we haven’t seen everything that is in the box already - they did say a “wide variety of build options,” but only showed three.  I’m in a wait-and-see mode on that now, because I don’t really trust Warhammer Community.

Edited by Bryan Blaire
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9 minutes ago, Bryan Blaire said:

Man, I hope so, but I have a feeling that it will still be locked to whatever options are in the box (so if there’s no axe, etc., can’t get them) - really hoping that we haven’t seen everything that is in the box already.

Agreed! I fear that same but I’m hopeful the kit has more to see 

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I should have been more clear - I don't think the super-locked options (like Power Fist combined ONLY with Plasma Pistol) will continue to be the case, but I could see the Lieutenant's datasheet continuing to be locked to combinations of what's in the box, along with potentially leaving the Indomitus Lieutenant's loadout as a separate case.


That could indeed mean that things like the Power Axe continue to be off-limits if they aren't included here, but that really would force Space Wolves players to only use the Primaris Battle Leader model and it would continue to punish Iron Hands players with no option to represent their Axe of Medusa relic on a Primaris model. So hopefully even if they leave out the Storm Shield, they'll at least cover the Power Axe and all of the options currently available to Captains and Intercessor Sergeants.


I do have to wonder if they'll go so far as to include all of the Black Templar Castellan options - in addition to the Power Axe, they also get the Combi-Flamer and Auto-Plasma. But maybe it's a good sign given that we know the kit includes a Heavy Bolt Pistol, and I believe the Castellan is the only Tacticus-armored LT-equivalent who currently has access to that.


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1 hour ago, WARMASTER_ said:

They’re also both Interceptors and Air superiority Fighters [Especially the Stormeagle] within the void and within Atmosphere!

Now this is just going too far. You can't have an air superiority fighter in space. There isn't any air. :p

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1 hour ago, Lord Nord said:

I do have to wonder if they'll go so far as to include all of the Black Templar Castellan options - in addition to the Power Axe, they also get the Combi-Flamer and Auto-Plasma. 

Also, the humble chainsword. Basically anything that they considered an option for the "castellan" body in the swordbrethren kit. But not everything in the kit, so not plasma pistols, pyre pistols, thunderhammer etc. 


Well, plasma pistols will be added now that the lieutenant will come with it

Edited by Marshal Reinhard
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