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I like that the wings are folded but I don't really like their position and angle, would have probably liked them more if the wings are in the top slot and the claws are below rather than the other way


But while it is a tyranid prime it has a lot of differences in his design to the current warriors so we might see new warriors?

Edited by Matrindur
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That's a great looking model. I like that they don't have their wings spread out, makes it stand out from most other winged Tyranids. The hype train for 10th has got it's rending claws stuck in me good and a lot of it's for the new 'nids even though I'm primarily a Marines collector, I could see myself painting up these guys first before adding the Marines to my army.

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1 minute ago, fire golem said:

Yeah really cool. I like winged models that don’t just have their wings stretched out. Looks better in the video than the still shot, I imagine it’s a hard pose to photograph. 

Yeah, I feel like GW has been getting braver with poses that don't have a single golden angle for photography but that instead are more exciting when videoed from multiple angles or held in the hand.

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In all seriousness, the model looks awesome. I need GW to update their store asap so I can buy him. 10th edition is looking to be the best year for me yet.


The design cues these past few models have in common between them are subtle, but noticeable. The feet have hoofs like always but with a small claw behind it, the scything talons are similar to the old ones but with a small set of plates at the base, and the carapace gets vestigial or full on chimneys. Hopefully 10th also brings us new warriors.

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21 minutes ago, Brother nathan said:

Not that new... they tidied the sprues and added one new sprue but are the same general model from 3rd edition


It's the same aesthetic, that's not the same as it being the same models. The current kit was newly redesigned for 6th Edition which is still relatively recent in model refresh terms.




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