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Kill Team: Ashes of Faith (Inquisition vs Chaos Cultists)

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2 minutes ago, Sete said:

The only thing that I dislike about it, is the lack of an inquisitor, but I got a hold of erasmus so, its gonna work out.

The dude with the auto-pistol and book could work?


7 minutes ago, Doghouse said:

I like the Inquisitorial agents but interesting to see the return of Sergeant Stone.




I think my  favourites are the scribe and the servitor, I'd love to see more models like that.


edit: Just noticed the alternative heavy bolter for the Servitor, that is really useful.

First thing I noticed, really stoked to see it. I feel like the guy with the shotgun is also an old Inquisitor model shrunk down, but I can't place it.

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15 minutes ago, Lord Marshal said:


Nope. New season is in Autumn. This is a separate narrative expansion launching before 10th, apparently.


Agreed about the Chaos Cultists, they seemed prime for an upgrade sprue already. I suspect CSM collectors will be able to pick up the Chaos half of the box for pennies on Ebay though.

Oh, excellent. Im not as bothered by the  lack of upgrades as much if that's the case.


It'd be very cool if this had coop rules for the Inquisition team, this is so close to an excellent dungeon crawler

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6 minutes ago, Toxichobbit said:


And for the other 2 models to make a legal unit? Other people are welcome to accept GW selling repurposed unit boxes that are below minimum size, have zero options and single pose models as an "alternative". For me, it's not good enough.


Mix and Match, I guess.
Little from Box A, little from Box B

It's a "replace as many as you like" thing, not an "replace all with" thing.

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1 minute ago, Indy Techwisp said:


Mix and Match, I guess.
Little from Box A, little from Box B

It's a "replace as many as you like" thing, not an "replace all with" thing.


Yeah, but that means you need to buy £50 of Cultists to have any autoguns in a squad and even then, you end up with a squad that is partially short ranged (minimum 2 autopistols + flamer). Or convert. Either way, given GW's push towards removing options that aren't in the box for everyone else, having Cultists like this is crap. Especially when an upgrade sprue would be relatively easy to do & they just had the perfect opportunity with this upcoming Kill Team release. 

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I took one look at the trailer for this and the first model I saw was the gun servitor. "Ooh!" My inner Magos thought. Sadly not enough of them to make it work but that retinue looks like an absolute goldmine for the Inq28 community. I linked this to my Darktide friends, hopefully this will pique their interest.

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19 minutes ago, sockwithaticket said:

First thing I noticed, really stoked to see it. I feel like the guy with the shotgun is also an old Inquisitor model shrunk down, but I can't place it.


That one is bugging me as well, I recognise it from somewhere.

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The new models are superb. These are the best dual-builds I've ever seen too, they're really pushing what you can do in that regard. Great recreation of Stone, too.
The cultist levelling picture looks like a mobile game ad though which is making me laugh. Lv1 Devotee... Lv99 Torment

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Awww man if this wasn't coming out right before 10th it would be an autobuy, not sure o can afford both in quick succession even splitting though :(

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59 minutes ago, sockwithaticket said:

I feel like the guy with the shotgun is also an old Inquisitor model shrunk down, but I can't place it.


I'm not 100%, but is it from an art piece, maybe the page of John Blanche Inquisition ideas? (Or maybe straight out of the Inquisitor or Dark Heresy rulebooks?) Feel like I've seen a conversion of it before, but maybe not an official mini?

Edited by Lysimachus
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Love the lex mechanic/scribe straight out of the old artwork. This one will be in lots of great conversions. 


On the negative side I'd have liked a bit more detail. They look a bit smooth, and poses a bit stiff. I like the servitor in the arena match much more. It's a missed opportunity not to take that route and run with it. A good paint job and some ad mech bits/conversions will sort it out.


Overall very happy to see inquisition isn't dead. The game mechanic of mutations also seems like it'd be fun to play. 

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3 hours ago, Doghouse said:


That one is bugging me as well, I recognise it from somewhere.


Like a cross between the purgatos dudes from necromunda, and uriah jakob the shotgun missionary!

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14 minutes ago, beefeb said:

looks great, but unless youre an influencer or a scalper, theres no way youll get a set!   Hahahah!

Or, you've already spoken nicely to the people who run your local FLGS and asked them to put your name down ready for when it goes on order :whistling::wink::biggrin:

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