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1 minute ago, Emperor Ming said:

Have they included the units going to legends?


We don't really know. Pretty much everything from the 9th Ed codex is in there along with Agastus and Leviathan. Either there are some Legends units in there or less stuff is going to Legends than some rumour-mongers claimed.


We should get a better idea when points come out. Is that on the 16th?

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1 minute ago, Emperor Ming said:

Have they included the units going to legends?


That's confusing if so:confused:

I don't think so. I think they decided to keep the Betrayal at Calth Contemptor and Relic Terminators from the previous codex, and only send the newly released heresy stuff to Legends. I'd put the inclusion of these options in the facebook post down to the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing.

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Note, points wise not withstanding


Combined Gravis Captians...Gravis Captain HALVES damage


Why is the Captian gear locked and the Lieutenant not for joining Bladeguard or Hellblasters?


Librarians uhmmm 4++ uhmmmmm yeah, Space Wolves will have no issue with Characters


Librarian in Phobos Armor grants Stealth...I guess Camo Cloaks are gone :(


No Lieutenant or Librarian (pg 59) with Jump pack?


Chaplain on Bike leading a full Bike Squad


Chaplain with Jump Pack...miss 


Techmarine and Servitors attached to Intercessors / Tactical Squad, Primaris/firstborn dependent, adding 2 Heavy Weapons to a Squad...uhmm nice!


Assault Intercessors with a Librarian to clear objectives!


Lieutenant with combi-weapon really doesn't seem that good


In Heavy Intercessor the Heavy Bolter gets Assault


Infiltrators Helix Gauntlet is quasi-nerfed Comms array as guard......squad can now have both!


Incursor Squad....Multi Spectrum Array...YES PLEASE!


Tactical Flexibility on Tactical Squads definitely nice

GRAV is ant-vehicle 2+


Scout Squad with a Librarian in Phobos Armor is unshootable if played well!


Primaris Company Champion is here!!!!  Lacks an Invulnerable Save


Primaris Apothecary, nice


Bladeguard Ancient gets an INVULN! 


Ancient abilities are nice


Wargear doesn't seem to be Chapter Locked anymore, i.e. infernus pistols or Ancient in Terminator Armor wargear selection, Assualt Squad Special Weapons


Vanguard only get Heirloom Weapons...Power Weapons with AP -1 but gain lethal hits on charge.  and different Datasheets for foot vs jump pack

Sternguard exactly like the Leviathan Datasheet


Judiciar...uhm yeah that is good ANNNND he can join squads


ooh I predicted Reivers would get Percision....they force Battleshock with units in Engagement Range! And cause -1 Leadership within 6"


Aggressors are interesting


Centurian Assault Squad melee weapons get Sustained Hits 2 against Monster, Vehicle or Fortifications!  Centurian Devastators are no slouch either against units on objectives, though lack of shots hampers them


Invictors are great for standing around your Phobos units!


Dreadnought Wisdom of the Ancients re-roll hit Aura


Contemptor Dreadnoughts are....fun


Redemptors kept Duty Eternal!!!! but suffer when at 1-4 wounds


uhmmmm, Assault Squads??? Uhmm Assault Squads!!!! oh on foot and with Jump Packs are separate datasheets. I think Assault Squads are arguably just as good


OUTRIDERS Go up to  6 AND can get an attached Invader!  Yeah Attach a Chaplain or Bike Captain!


Suppressors are - eh, AGAIN


Inceptors their weapons are Assault AND PISTOL!  Plasma are only 2-shot without blast, Meteoric Decent....uhm why? Twin-linked should help with lack of shots


Storm Speeders + Land Speeder all have interesting abilities that interact with the rest of your army interesting


Hellblasters.....uhm yeah, yeah got the bolt Rifle treatment,  thought they might still have at least two weapon profiles but don't :(, yeah attach an Apothecary and go to town.  Hope they are relatively cheaper.


Eliminators are very, very NICE, Las fusils with d6 damage and DEVASTATING WOUNDS if it remained stationary  yeah you don't wanna move with them.  Attach a Phobos Librarian and untargetable over 12"


Eradicators go up to 6 models!!!! Can re-roll Hit, Wound, and Damage uhmmm, yeah....Melta and Heavy Melta Rifle combined.


Devastators - that Cherub should be "once per battle the Cherub can change a Hit roll, wound roll, or damage roll to 6."  Just a little superfluous on only a hit roll.


Why does the Hunter's Skyspear Missile Launcher have the Heavy keyword? ........Skyspear Missile Launcher hits Monster/Vehicle units on a 2+ on Overwatch.....am I right on that?  It says "makes an attack..."


Whirlwind - combined the launchers......ouch!  Forces Battleshock from the bombardment


Predator Destructor...anti-infantry fun with 6 shots at 24"!!!


Predator Annihilator Strength 14!!!! Twin-Linked but one shot.  Other shots re-roll wound roll of 1 against Monster/Vehicle...meh


Lancer - Go Aquilon Optics! This is better than the Annhilator


Reapers.....putting the reaper into Reapers!!!!


Valiant is a huge miss


Vindicator with Siege Shield ok


Crusader/ Redeemer have Move 12"!  16/14 capacity respectively, Hurricane Bolters are legit!


Repulsors various guns on top of guns were combined into "Repulsor Defense Array"  I am good with this, the options were way too much


Rhino's Capacity 12! 12" Move


Razorbacks are cool!


LOL  Incursors or Eliminators in an Impulsor!!!! Uhmmmm yeah.  Two Eliminator Squads in an Impulsor, and 2 squads of Incursors in 2x Impulsors

Drop Pods...yeah two Drop pods with 9-man Infernus Squads attach a Primaris Librarian



Are Chapter Masters only Named Characters now????


Pedro, pappi, mon ami!


No named character can get into an Impulsor.




Seems a lot of play with multiple units working together in this.

























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Everyone noticed the Contemptor comes back to life after being destroyed?

Quite a fun rule I think. His ranged output isn't particularly great but you can throw caution to the wind.


I think The Redemptor looks really good and has not been overshadowed by the Brutalis. 


I think now we have to wait for the points. A lot of units and characters seem great, but many of them cost cost a lot and we'll have some tough decisions ahead.

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I'm looking at what to add to bladeguard and at first I thought the Chaplain would be good for the +1 wound.  Then I realized it would be better to add in a Lieutenant for the lethal hits because higher chance to get auto wounds > +1 wound I think.  Combine that with the Captain and his ability and it's less and less likely I use the Chaplain.  I was wondering, looking at the interaction between attaching Captain, Lt., and Ancients.  Can I only attach two at most or can I possibly do all 3 to a bladeguard unit?


I also want to try a full outrider squad with melta ATV and attached chaplain on bike.  Pop the devastating wounds and fish for mortals on an oath target!



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2 minutes ago, Malekor said:

You wont find it


1 minute ago, The Spitehorde said:

Can't find what doesn't exist. It appears to have gone. 




Thanks, I thought I was just tired or something. Such an odd omission.

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1 minute ago, redmapa said:



Thanks, I thought I was just tired or something. Such an odd omission.

To add salt to the wound, they added an announced unit going to legends (The standard dread) and even gave it an interesting aura

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Nothing too oppressive in the rules there, I feel good about moat of it thematically.


Some minor quibbles... Grav Cannons are going to be difficult to point effectively as they're just flat out amazing if cheap but too low AP and range potentially for expensive.


Internal balance might be off with Heavy Bolters and Multi-meltas being generally worse than Grav Cannons and Lascannons.


Vanguard Veterans seems like a cheap shot. In fact the Sternguard getting no Sergeant options either just makes both squads seem very specialised and not particularly Elite.


Worst of all, is twin Lightning Claws, power fists and Thunder Hammers exist... so why can't I use them now?




The Chapter Champion going bye-byes was sad for me.






I like Tactical squads rules and don't mind too much them going to 10 men if the points are okay.  It annoying but their rules are pretty good and weapons seem effect (Grav in particular).


Assault Squads? Where have these came from like a wrecking machine! They're actually superior to Vanguard which is kinda shocking.


Centurions are cool.


Predators nifty little tanks.


Land Raiders good.


Hunters actually have a powerful weapon system but probably overshadowed by Predators.


Whirlwinds and Vindicators are looking solid.


Everything to do with Terminators is amazing. A Terminator Ancient can make a full squad fiendish.


Happily surprised to see Relic Terminators and Contemptors in there, so either GW Facebook slugs got it wrong or they thought the conversation was about FW products and weren't aware there were Codex variants. Not holding my breath they'll make the Codex.

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No Combat Squads


FB Chaplains on bikes now legal


No Legends keyword? How's that going to be managed?


Command Squads specified. Going to need to get a few banner bearers to convert mine. 


Tac Squads can doubleup specials without restriction.


Vanguard Squads neutered with Heirloom weapons


Assault squads can tote meltaguns or plasma guns at 5 men, twice


Do transports still blow if nothing's embarked? Because otherwise, Razors are for assault marines. Need to check.


Stormraven can drop any dreadnought


Transport capacities up except for Stormraven and Pod. If you pod, no attached characters. If you don't, you can add both allowed


First pass leap outs.

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The Primaris Company Champion has a Bolt Pistol on his datasheet, even though the model doesn't have one (nor does the actual datasheet in the box).


Cue countdown to the sage advice about - *and hear me out* - just accepting that he has it tucked somewhere under his tabard.

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