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22 hours ago, LameBeard said:

Which contrast are you using? And over what basecoat - Grey Seer?

Yeah, they did seem a bit darker.  I used Ultramarine Contrast paint as recommended by the GW painter.  My base coat is Army Painter white.  Maybe it is just the light.  I'll try a brighter light and post again.

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3 hours ago, vadersson said:

Yeah, they did seem a bit darker.  I used Ultramarine Contrast paint as recommended by the GW painter.  My base coat is Army Painter white.  Maybe it is just the light.  I'll try a brighter light and post again.

Try a mid-tone background too. Might be the camera making sprue look light and marines look dark? 

I didn’t even know about Ultramarines contrast - maybe one of the newer ones? I guess I was thinking Talassar Blue was meant for XIIIth (and is noticeably lighter than Ultramarines contrast)

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I received my first batch of LI bases for my Titans and Knights today and I’m currently in the process of removing all of them from the old bases so o can plan and position everything to my liking, then it’s on to priming. At the same time, I’m also working on my tanks so hopefully I’ll have those done soon enough!

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Is Save 3+ expected?

Leman Russ's being 2+ and 1 Wound, I would have thought LRs are more similar to them.

Edit: Ah, missed Armoured.

So much great work from this community, keep it up Sir Apologist :cool:

2nd Edit: Lolz, reference D4tDG comment below:

Maybe 2+, 1 or 2 W is appropriate, 2W seems like Spartan size territory though. Although saying that, at 100 each, 2 is OK, same as a Baneblade.


Surely we don't have toooo long to wait for GW????

Edited by Interrogator Stobz
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Armored would have zero effect, right?  As it’s a vehicle and therefore immune to light weapons?


Hits scored by a weapon with the Light trait against a model with the Armoured special rule count their AP as 0. In addition, a model with the Armoured special rule may re-roll failed Save rolls made against Hits scored by a weapon with the Light trait.”

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Both excellent points – here's a revised version. I've removed the extraneous Armoured and bumped the Sv to 2+ to better match the Leman Russ. I've kept 2W for the moment – largely to reflect the iconic status the tank has – but would love to hear playtesting results with it. It'll be interesting to see how GW's differs.





... and unrelated, but I got my first game in last night. A dinky little test played on a 3 x 3' board; with a Company of Salamanders taking on some unruly rebels. A lot of fun, and threw up a few questions. After a bit of reading, I think I know the answers, but am interested to see if I'm reading things correctly:

  • If two infantry Detachments are involved in a combat, and the loser passes the Morale check, what happens? Anything special, or do all involved simply remain Engaged & Pinned? Can they be given a new Order next turn?
  • Does the player with initiative determine the order of every Fight in every Combat? For example, imagine a Legion Command stand and a Tactical stand is in base contact with a Legate Command stand. If the Solar Auxilia player has initiative, he can opt to Fight the Legion Command stand first, right? How about if similar situations are repeated in two or three other combats across the board?
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Lovely work on those Salamanders @apologist ! Look absolutely spot on. 


Think those stats look fine for a Land Raider too. Will probably be better than the official ones, which will no doubt include 18 different options and cover two pages of A4, and give me eyestrain during games trying to work out their armaments. :biggrin:


Have just done some objective tokens to do something a bit more interesting than the card tokens. These have an 'un-captured' state (with no mini present on top) then you put in red or blue depending on who has control of it at any time. 




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7 hours ago, apologist said:

Both excellent points – here's a revised version. I've removed the extraneous Armoured and bumped the Sv to 2+ to better match the Leman Russ. I've kept 2W for the moment – largely to reflect the iconic status the tank has – but would love to hear playtesting results with it. It'll be interesting to see how GW's differs.





... and unrelated, but I got my first game in last night. A dinky little test played on a 3 x 3' board; with a Company of Salamanders taking on some unruly rebels. A lot of fun, and threw up a few questions. After a bit of reading, I think I know the answers, but am interested to see if I'm reading things correctly:

  • If two infantry Detachments are involved in a combat, and the loser passes the Morale check, what happens? Anything special, or do all involved simply remain Engaged & Pinned? Can they be given a new Order next turn?
  • Does the player with initiative determine the order of every Fight in every Combat? For example, imagine a Legion Command stand and a Tactical stand is in base contact with a Legate Command stand. If the Solar Auxilia player has initiative, he can opt to Fight the Legion Command stand first, right? How about if similar situations are repeated in two or three other combats across the board?

I guess that extra wound is dependant on the LR size, I've never seen the 28mm scale HH LR in the wild so I can't say.

If it's between the Sicaran and the Kratos, it could go either way, my Mk2 LRs are only slightly bigger than my Sicarans but not enough to warrant an extra W. A 2+ makes them better. The Spartan will Defo be 2+ and 2W. It might be the point of difference there.


Also, I just noticed (sorry), Assault Transport allows Bulky (TDA), Large allows walkers as well. Can Walkers fit in an HH LR? If not, normal Aslt Tpt would suffice.


● If a unit passes a Morale after combat, nothing happens. You can voluntarily leave combat next turn.

● Initiative is King.

Edited by Interrogator Stobz
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8 hours ago, apologist said:

If two infantry Detachments are involved in a combat, and the loser passes the Morale check, what happens? Anything special, or do all involved simply remain Engaged & Pinned? Can they be given a new Order next turn?


If you pass morale and still have stuff in base to base you're still engaged/engaged and pinned. You can be given new orders, but some aren't allowed (like charge), while others get discarded when you get to their steps (first first).


8 hours ago, apologist said:

Does the player with initiative determine the order of every Fight in every Combat? For example, imagine a Legion Command stand and a Tactical stand is in base contact with a Legate Command stand. If the Solar Auxilia player has initiative, he can opt to Fight the Legion Command stand first, right? How about if similar situations are repeated in two or three other combats across the board?


Yes. The player with initiative chooses the first and subsequent models that fight in every combat, as well as the order you resolve the combats in. 


It's incredibly powerful to have initiative, unlike in Titanicus where it was simply pretty useful.

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18 hours ago, Valkyrion said:


I'm not sure a 2+ 2W land raider leaves much room for a 'better' spartan/typhon/cerberus, unless the spartan chassis vehicles get an invul or something similar, because I doubt they'll get 3 wounds?

Yep; I'd progress like this:

Rhino.                         4+ 1W

Predator.                    3+ 1W

Sicaran.                      3+ 1W

Landraider.                 2+ 1W 

Spartan.                      2+ 2W

Kratos.                        2+ 2W

It doesn't leave much for Falchions and Fellblades. Baneblades only have 2W, IMHO they should have 3W as the Malcador has 2W.

There isn't enough granularity to justify 3W on the SM Super Heavies.

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11 hours ago, SkimaskMohawk said:


If you pass morale and still have stuff in base to base you're still engaged/engaged and pinned. You can be given new orders, but some aren't allowed (like charge), while others get discarded when you get to their steps (first first).

We were discussing this in a game I was playing in. So you think you can give orders to anyone engaged and pinned, but should be anything other than first fire as it means you can then do a pile-in move?

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Yes, you give orders to all detachments as normal, almost as though they weren't engaged.

Because movement happens first, you could give first fire to a detachment that was engaged and pinned, but because the other detachment was merely engaged it has moved away from your units, so you can now first fire.

e.g a Titan moving away from an Infantry blob. The infantry are engaged and pinned, the titan is merely engaged and is free to move away, freeing your detachment up to First Fire if it has that order. If the titan doesn't move away, the First Fire order cannot be carried out. 


That's how I understand it, anyway.

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5 hours ago, Pacific81 said:

We were discussing this in a game I was playing in. So you think you can give orders to anyone engaged and pinned, but should be anything other than first fire as it means you can then do a pile-in move?


Well I'd say give them advancing fire for anything that has guns. If the bases in contact die in melee it breaks engagement and then you can shoot them in the advancing fire stage. Melee units would want march to get as much contact as possible.


2 hours ago, Valkyrion said:

Yes, you give orders to all detachments as normal, almost as though they weren't engaged.


No. You can't give charge if you're even just engaged.


2 hours ago, Valkyrion said:

Because movement happens first, you could give first fire to a detachment that was engaged and pinned, but because the other detachment was merely engaged it has moved away from your units, so you can now first fire.

e.g a Titan moving away from an Infantry blob. The infantry are engaged and pinned, the titan is merely engaged and is free to move away, freeing your detachment up to First Fire if it has that order. If the titan doesn't move away, the First Fire order cannot be carried out. 


That is how the mechanic works, but you'll rarely get a situation where the engaged unit wants to leave and the E&P unit has guns that can actually threaten them, while also still having a high melee threat. Like maybe las dreads against tanks? Atrapos vs titans?


@Interrogator Stobz rhinos are 4+

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2 hours ago, SkimaskMohawk said:

That is how the mechanic works, but you'll rarely get a situation where the engaged unit wants to leave and the E&P unit has guns that can actually threaten them, while also still having a high melee threat. Like maybe las dreads against tanks? Atrapos vs titans?



The E&P unit doesn't need guns that can threaten the Engaged unit though, does it?

If the engaged unit moves away (e.g, I dunno, melta tanks moving away from infantry to target a further away vehicle), the E&P unit doesn't have to target the unit that has moved away, does it? 

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8 minutes ago, Valkyrion said:


The E&P unit doesn't need guns that can threaten the Engaged unit though, does it?

If the engaged unit moves away (e.g, I dunno, melta tanks moving away from infantry to target a further away vehicle), the E&P unit doesn't have to target the unit that has moved away, does it? 

Sure, they can shoot other things. Same kinda dilemma though; what's in range that they can hurt that's worth it to sit in the open?

Like it's all a guessing game when issuing the order. Do you think they'll move away? Is it better to move with a march/advance instead of trading some shooting? Do you have activation economy to wait out their move/ will they think of wasting your activation? Will they even bother moving away once they see the first fire?

I'm not trying to discard the idea or anything, just trying to unpack the options available for orders when E&P.

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Right, we played with a 'little' unorthodox 3k ish lists.







Needless to say, he beat me down to a pulp by T4.

Great fun, very thematic with the big Boi doing all the slaughter.

I really need to get painting our infantry, so it's not just Titanicus lite.

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I've definitely found Titans go down very easily in this game, I'll say they are possibly the most vulnerable they have been in any version of Epic I've played. That being said, it shouldn't be a surprise as the game itself is more deadly I think.


I don't normally post WIPs but will show these before I take paint to them. To make them a bit more Night-Lordy, those guys do go in for their fashion accessories so I've added some bits and pieces. Although the guy on the front looks like he is just hitching a ride, so may have to mess him up a bit when I paint it. I've magnetised the turrets too - the dead dude, stowage and helmet spikes are all from Vanguard Miniatures.




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7 hours ago, Pacific81 said:

I've definitely found Titans go down very easily in this game, I'll say they are possibly the most vulnerable they have been in any version of Epic I've played. That being said, it shouldn't be a surprise as the game itself is more deadly I think.


I don't normally post WIPs but will show these before I take paint to them. To make them a bit more Night-Lordy, those guys do go in for their fashion accessories so I've added some bits and pieces. Although the guy on the front looks like he is just hitching a ride, so may have to mess him up a bit when I paint it. I've magnetised the turrets too - the dead dude, stowage and helmet spikes are all from Vanguard Miniatures.




I’m looking forward to seeing some paint on these - are you gonna do lightning on the bigger panels? I’m a bit worried the helmet spikes would be knocked off when the turret rotates …

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Just Yeah the NL didn't really think that one through did they :laugh: Or just having the helmet spikes is more important than giving the turret the ability to rotate!


Malika - everything seems to be out of stock on the Vanguard site at the moment! I have had to source square bases from elsewhere, they haven't had any for ages.

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