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@Necronaut - I fear that your result of 74% is a fail.


You forgot the Difficulty:


You may make Hard (-20) Perception Tests to indicate direction



Even without the -20 it would have been a fail anyway. Your target would have been 67%


Mk III Auto-senses only give a +5.


You are too used to Mk VI.






Edited by Machine God
MK III Auto-senses

The calc without the difficulty modifier is, as correctly stated by @Machine God, a fail.


However, the base calc (sans modifier) is correct (77), as Necro took Awareness +10 as part of his kit, so this plus the 15 (HS/MK III Autosenses) is right.


Maybe I should stop giving penalties and bonuses since it's too damn complicated! :tongue:

47 minutes ago, Machine God said:

@Necronaut - I fear that your result of 74% is a fail.


You forgot the Difficulty:


You may make Hard (-20) Perception Tests to indicate direction



Even without the -20 it would have been a fail anyway. Your target would have been 67%


Mk III Auto-senses only give a +5.


You are too used to Mk VI.







Yeah I lumped the auto-senses plus heightened senses into the same modifier for the calculation. Otherwise you are correct. 

2 minutes ago, Mazer Rackham said:

Maybe I should stop giving penalties and bonuses since it's too damn complicated! :tongue:


I think FFG just impose a Very Hard (-30) modifier on player Int when trying to play the game. Or maybe a Ludicrous (-100), certainly feels like it at times.

12 minutes ago, Trokair said:

I think FFG just impose a Very Hard (-30) modifier on player Int when trying to play the game. Or maybe a Ludicrous (-100), certainly feels like it at times.


^This, but the 100 = Insanity Points. :biggrin:


18 minutes ago, Necronaut said:

Ah heck I forgot the modifier sorry. Fighting a bout of Covid currently. 


Edit: post has been corrected 


Hope you feel better soon, bud, and cheers.


Edited by Mazer Rackham

@Mazer Rackham hey there -- how much time has elapsed so far since the start and cessation of structured time? Obviously time is of the essence for our characters and they would not just idly hang around in a ditch waiting for a patrol of traitors to find them. Also some direction (which I think has possibly already been provided) might be nice, because at the moment I think it would be within character for Toren to try to ransack the trench network for high-ordinance firepower before attempting to disappear again for parts unknown with or without the Iron Hands in tow. 


@Machine God I'm working on it! ;)

Edited by Necronaut
11 minutes ago, Necronaut said:

@Mazer Rackham how much time has elapsed so far since the start and cessation of structured time?


Each round is about 30 seconds, so you call call it about 6-8 minutes.


11 minutes ago, Necronaut said:

Obviously time is of the essence for our characters and they would not just idly hang around in a ditch waiting for a patrol of traitors to find them. Also some direction (which I think has possibly already been provided) might be nice, because at the moment I think it would be within character for Toren to try to ransack the trench network for high-ordinance firepower before attempting to disappear again for parts unknown with or without the Iron Hands in tow. 


Well, you'd notice the titans moving off, and as soon as it was clear enough that you were out of danger - such as structured time ending - you would be free to grave-rob. We're back into narrative, so you can go as ham as you like, or discuss leaving the position with your comrades., tactical discourse on falling back.


For some direction, the perimeter the loyalists are occupying is beginning to collapse, along with broken calls to retreat as opposed to withdrawal coming through the remains of the nuncio vox.


You will find everyone is either dead or dying from the terrible firepower both sides have meted out.


Any use?

GM: OOC We'll take a small pause now to allow everyone to catch up and add any narratives. I will move us all on afterwards.


Thank you GM.



I just wanted to interact. I know that @Necronaut & @Xin Ceithan are very busy people.


Post to get the narrative moving.


Just trying to place in Ashmon's thoughts...


And interaction between Other Chapters



Ashmon the Psyker,is very physically orientated in his abilities. He is rightly so, Very Vurgaan.


I thought that I would delve into his mindset. Not very high brow reasoning.



It was lots of scrambling about, not using Vox because he thought the ECM had dampened Vox to non-use.



Remembered the Raven Guard use of Vox at first after the ECM went up.


Later used comms thinking that the Techmarine had refined the blanket to allow squad comms.





No worries, and moving things along is fine, we're just smoothing the pace a bit as Cowl is designed as a low commitment game to let us all of juggle what's going on in the Nook. I hadn't counted on Lysi's DW plans!


No-one expects the Xenos Inquisition ;)


Once we pause Architect, speed here will pick up, so we can close the game off nice and tidy.

Two Javelins = Pilots only.


Space = Two empty Gunner Cupola's.


Bonnet could be a good idea for the Castellax. He's got these big claw pincers


Even so one of us will have to grab on to a wing - Apache Marine stylee.




I think Tyr-Ix-375 might be a tad heavy for one, but he could hold onto both, one arm a apiece, to spread the load, if the pilots can pilot in tanderm or some such. 


Or I just run after you lot...

You can certainly assume that these guys have been spared as your ride because of the land speeder condition. They're a badly beaten up, glorified battle taxi - but for shuffling guys to and from hot zones, it would be hard to beat them.


Think of them as casevac quad bikes and you wouldn't be far off.


Tandem piloting is viable. Welcome to the Castellax Catamaran!


Both Port and Starboard weapon gimbals exist, but the weapons are useless. These are potential anchor points, or the sides of the vehicle at the footwell. If you have any wacky ideas, by all means float them. Have a think about how you want to attach/arrange yourselves and let me know.

I think a tandem flight with Tyr holding on for dear life, plus Skorn providing additional stability/clamping force via his servo-arm (and maybe a few choice spot welds here and there) is probably our best bet to get out of dodge post-haste. 

If the spot welds are just for a bit of stability, I will rule that Tro can break free as a free action (he's strong enough, why should he have to test?)

Yeah spot welds in this case won't do much save to help keep his claws/feet from moving while they're lining up the transports and allow him and the techmarine to secure themselves in place. Otherwise yes one would think the gross strength of a castellax would be more than sufficient to break itself free upon landing. 

Edited by Necronaut

We'll see if Xin cooks up anything crazy.


In the mean time, feel free to interact with the speeder pilots.


On that subject, if there are any readers who wish to guest star, and have a knowledge of the Drop Site Massacre, I'm all up for it. Drop me a PM, and I can give you the steer. Nothing too onerous, you don't need a chargen sheet, I can handle it narratively.


Edited by Mazer Rackham
11 minutes ago, Necronaut said:

@Mazer Rackham would Toren's HUD tell him the first pilot's name or anything given they're from the same legion? 


Yes, your RG linkup would report his name as Arden.

I can see Xin has dropped an 'Agree' Reaction so I will consider that as Player agreement.


I'll now move us along.

Edited by Mazer Rackham

To quote South Park, "RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE!" 


With that incoherent screeching out of the way... 


Some questions to start us off:


1. How far are we from the installation? And can we see it? 

2. How tall/deep is the ravine?


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