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[DW:30K] The Serpent's Cowl (OOC/Discussion)

Mazer Rackham

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5 hours ago, Machine God said:

@Mazer Rackham - GM, it's pretty obvious that @Xin Ceithan is really busy at the moment.

Unfortunately, this. :facepalm:

Sorry everyone. 

4 hours ago, Mazer Rackham said:

I can see Xin has dropped an 'Agree' Reaction so I will consider that as Player agreement.


I'll now move us along.


That‘ was indeed the idea. Thanks!

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1 hour ago, Necronaut said:

1. How far are we from the installation? And can we see it?


You can see metal fixings and buttressing as it goes along the ravine wall to support the rock and hamper collapse (so you know it's here, so to speak). The installation is marked on your holomap, but you can't see it directly, because the path swerves to the left after 50m into an oblique turn, roughly 35 degrees or so. Mapping reports that it then carries on straight for 50m then swerves into a right-hand oblique turn, and finally rolls straight for another 50m.


1 hour ago, Necronaut said:

2. How tall/deep is the ravine?


The ravine climbs from 0-6m at the point of insertion, rising swiftly to 100m by the first bend and the path beyond it. Topographical sensoria acquired from old orbital picts and augur repeats double this height again by the second turn to 200m which then gives a view of the door/remaining distance. The ravine ridge then tapers, rising only another 50m to meet the impassable sheer vertices of the mountainside crown, terminating in a semi-sloped top of 12 degrees elevation some 300m above this point.


There are several outcrops which would support the weight of an Astartes where you can rest.


The reverse sides of the ravine are steep scree slopes, which, while negotiable once gained, are completely exposed, and offer no ingress into the facility that you are aware of. This isn't to say it isn't up there, but you'd have to look for it. Movement rates on the slopes are the same Max Half AB (Basically Half-Move rate) due to the ridiculous inclines, but no Climb Tests would be required.


However, a Successful Difficult (-10) Climb Test, will allow you to add Half your SB (rounding up) to your Movement Rate. A failure by Four or more DoF results in taking the big ride.


The slopes are also covered in antennas, as already stated.


Whatever lingers in the depths of this serpentine ravine, is anyone's guess...


Any good?


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1 hour ago, Machine God said:

Hopefully there is a decreased percentage chance of malfunction for Exceptional and Master Crafted Bionics?


No. In narrative terms, the 'frequency' has been chosen with great care and study. It is akin to scrapcode for the Mechanicum, as it is a technical attack, across discordant sonic and electromagnetic spectra, but carried by an aetheric medium. (ie its got a psychic component, which Ashmon will easily detect with his re-awakening power).


For those reasons, Craftsmanship gives no resistance to this malevolent power.

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7 hours ago, Trokair said:

So what you are saying is that Tyr-Ix-375 us about to get a really vicious migraine. 


No, because:



Jamming means you do not benefit from Autosenses normally (note Tyr-lx has hardened netgear, and is immune, and your enemies are also immune for the same reason)





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Tyr-lx still gets the random cybernetic interference, only his autosenses etc are unaffected. The scrapcode is pervasive and his cybernetic modifications are a little easier to interfere with. The immunity only applies to the nested bulletpoints.

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5 hours ago, Mazer Rackham said:

Tyr-lx still gets the random cybernetic interference, only his autosenses etc are unaffected. The scrapcode is pervasive and his cybernetic modifications are a little easier to interfere with. The immunity only applies to the nested bulletpoints.


So much as I had ssumed, Tyr-Ix-375 isen't left blind and deaf, but he may well wish he was after delaign with the headace, anybody have Castellax class ibuprofen? 

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Alright, lads, here's my rough working plan for what we might do:


- Let's send Toren in ahead of the rest as a scout to sweep the ravine for boobytraps and the like and to guide the rest along from one position of cover to another. 

- If possible, he can provide assistance to the others in any concealment/silent movement tests. 

- It may be beneficial for our brother-techmarine to produce some electronic warfare countermeasures like were performed earlier, but I'm unsure if he needs to remain stationary to do that or maintain some level of concentration. Despite us being awash in EMI, it seems the defenders are likely not so hindered. 

- Once we get closer, we'll hopefully see the ingress point. Toren has some skill in demolition, and I would hazard a guess that Brother Skorn does as well, so Toren can lend assistance there.

- We lack melta charges, but Tyr can probably make short work of the generator/central cogitator or whatever else is inside with its gross overabundance of dakka. ;)

- If we're being covered by overlapping lines of fire, some mind bullets will likely prove useful to remove said obstacles.


Does anyone else have any other thoughts? I figure I'll just have Toren start moving in and we can modify any plans as we close in depending upon the situation on the ground. 

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So it means that the either:


The ravine bends around to the right after the boulder that's six metres ahead.


Or @Mazer Rackham has his Clock-face wrong. As 3 O'clock is to your right, so not ahead of you.





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I'll clarify a bit more - the ravine path goes forward 50m before the turn left. The Ravine wall rises (on both sides) in elevation from 0 - 6m in the first few metres, rapidly elevating to 100m as the first turn approaches. The reason I've specified the height to is to give options for climbing the ridge.


So by 10m, the ravine wall is 20m high, by 20m along the path it's 40m high, then by 40m along the path it's 80m high, until finally at the turn, it is 100m in elevation. The ravine path does slope slightly upwards, but it marries or is otherwise negligible in comparison to the ravine wall elevation.


Toren moves 3m into the ravine, and 6m ahead on his right, down behind a rock, on the floor of the ravine, he detects a metallic object. I just thought clock indicators were faster to provide orientation.


He's got another 41m to go before the turn.

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Ashmon is named by Toren even though he introduced himself as Storm Walker. So now he is Ashmon.



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2 hours ago, Machine God said:

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Ashmon is named by Toren even though he introduced himself as Storm Walker. So now he is Ashmon.




Oh heck sorry mate. I completely botched that! 

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1 hour ago, Machine God said:

Maybe because I got distracted. I only noticed later when I posted it


51 minutes ago, Necronaut said:

I will still take partial blame for that.


I can appreciate the camaraderie, men, but stop being so gosh darn nice and get back to dying, you lubbers! :pirate:

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