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10 hours ago, Fedor said:

Now that the HH series is ending, i wonder if BL will stick to their old statement that everything would be available for mass-market eventually. Towards the end (pre siege), there were a bunch of eshorts and the novella duo that haven't been collected yet. They really should have got those out there by now.

Once the Siege is done, I would like to see them release Vol. LV collecting all these pre-Siege missing stories; but sadly I doubt they will. Gone are the days when there were the likes of Laurie Golding who actually seemed to care.

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I just realized that BL is releasing an actually new bretonnian book for the Old World. Looks like they actually announced it back mid-december but i had totally missed it.



My interest is only matched by the dread of how bad it could go thinking back at the past (yeah i'm pointing at you, Knight Errant and Knight of the Realm, and the whole tradition of writing bretonnians as lawful incredibly stupid that took over since the times of 6th edition) 


Might still be the first BL book i pick up in over 4 years...

Edited by Fenriwolf
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Back half a day later to say that "might be" has become an "is" 


Around 1/5th of the book in and so far.....I'm not disliking it. Maybe it's the part of me that didn't hope to ever reading something in the old world ever again speaking, who knows.  


Actually very little has happened so far, the story is obviously still setting up things for later


The only slight problem i have with it as of now is the depiction of numbers. The knight (and supporting paesants) host feels very small for what is being presented in the story (i can't avoid thinking that if a duke can muster one hundred knights and 5x that in paesantry out of his domain, i can't really see Bretonnia defending itself anytime soon) 


P.s.: found it funny that the "advert" part at the start of the book -where they list some of the old whfb series- gets to Reynolds's Bretonnia serie and mentions only the 2 novels, leaving out basically half of it. In a bretonnian book. 


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On 1/19/2024 at 9:22 PM, DarkChaplain said:

The WarCom preview showcased a new Callis & Toll novel alongside the characters' getting miniatures.


For those who don't know about AoS stuff, Callis & Toll were the stars of a few stories by Nick Horth - the Legends of AoS short novel City of Secrets, which tied into Tzeentch back in 2017, the novel The Silver Shard and two spin-off novellas for Novella Series 1 & 2 (plus some shorts).


The last release was a single short story in 2020. Callis & Toll had seemingly been axed. Until today, when the miniatures were revealed alongside the new novel


The twist? The new novel isn't by Nick Horth. It's David Annandale (who is apparently still writing for them, luckily).


So what does this tell us about Black Library stuff? They're willing to pick up authors' original ideas again even if the author left BL. This may be good for all the dangling projects by Josh Reynolds - albeit bad because Reynolds is very hard to match in terms of flair and wry humor - but potentially also for other series. We've got multiple dead-in-the-water trilogies in 40k, after all...


They also featured in the latest campaign books on which Nick worked on, as well.

Hence the new models.


Seems like he's too busy as background writer to continue his stories, which is a bummer. His stuff has some superb worldbuilding and the Silver Shard is one of my fav AoS novels.

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10 hours ago, DarkChaplain said:

They could've put an extract for the Reynolds novels at the back, too. Or for Nagash. But nah, let's put the new AoS vampire character in there, it's almost the correct setting, after all....


Guardians of the Forest was right there. McNeill even said he snuck some references to it this one ( starting with making one of the characters the ancestor of one from the old book ) 


But i guess we are still at a stage where the higher powers don't want to make ties to the old Fantasy setting 





They didn't even bother to make a dedicated banner for this on the BL site, they just threw the cover image on the warhammer chronicles one. So if you are not paying attention it just looks like a reprint of some old book

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On 1/19/2024 at 2:33 AM, theSpirea said:

WH Plus has over 130K subscribers and there's nothing stopping scalpers from having one. I have no use for that service so pushing me to have another crap to have a chance to buy LE is not the best idea.


There aren't that many popular releases like HH and after this fiasco, fewer fans will probably commit to collecting LEs.

This is from IG. Let's hope GW finally started doing something because I don't know a single fan who got a copy and according to some polls I've seen, over 80% of fans didn't get it. That is the ultimate f* by a small, indie company called GW.



I think the smart thing GW should do is give an option for people who have a copy of the end and the death vol 1 and vol 2 in limited edition to enter a serial number from their books into the website to allow them to order the third copy. I mean it makes sense that if you have the first two books and theres 2500 copies of each book then you should automatically get the third book if you want to pay for it. 

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And now they're rushing Gotrek & Felix again. Shamanslayer just released yesterday and Zombieslayer is already going up for preorder next week. This is the last sequential novel, and we already got Kinslayer & Slayer from the End Times, so I'm hoping they'll record & release Road of Skulls, City of the Damned, Lost Tales and The Serpent Queen in audio as well. City of the Damned in particular is relevant for the final duology, and it'd make little sense to stop before everything is adapted.


The Bleeding Stars & Other stories includes the Fall of Cadia prequel, by the way. If you haven't gotten to read that yet, here's a chance

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"With just 2,500 copies available, we expected exceptional demand and set a limit of one per customer on the webstore, to keep things fair and to give as many fans as possible the chance to complete their collections."


And how did that work out huh? At least the backlash worked in the reader's favour. Good luck to those that will be trying this farce again.

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Good luck to those trying a second time, hopefully you can get it and complete your collections. I feel like this is a step in the right direction, but time will tell if it lasts. If they take steps like this and the captcha last weekend from here on out I'll be satisfied (hopefully they do more but I'll take the small steps). If it reverts back to the norm with just the queue then I'll be a bit more peeved than I was before

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I'm very pleased that GW have done this and made us all aware.  I'm going to try to get to my local GW store to use their terminal to bypass the queue, even though its a workday.  


I just hope another collector who uses that store doesn't have the same idea!

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1 hour ago, Ubiquitous1984 said:

I'm very pleased that GW have done this and made us all aware.  I'm going to try to get to my local GW store to use their terminal to bypass the queue, even though its a workday.  


I just hope another collector who uses that store doesn't have the same idea!

Race you there…

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7 hours ago, Ubiquitous1984 said:

I'm very pleased that GW have done this and made us all aware.  I'm going to try to get to my local GW store to use their terminal to bypass the queue, even though its a workday.  


I just hope another collector who uses that store doesn't have the same idea!

Does this work anywhere in the world? I tried calling my sort of local gamesworkshop store in Toronto and I got no pickup and an answering machine, I got the feeling they just dont answer or return calls.

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Nice that they have given the scalpers two days to reset and upgrade their bots :devil:.  Realistically though, with only ~500 or so copies clawed back from scalpers (according to the interwebs) it will still be a crap shoot considering the ongoing website issues.  It’s an interesting time they are putting them up as well… it will not suit a lot of people who will be working and/or commuting (or asleep as in Oz :blink:)

Good luck to those intrepid souls who plan to attempt climbing Everest again :thumbsup:

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3 minutes ago, Ubiquitous1984 said:

Oh blimey!  I'll go to the Altrincham store instead then.  There won't be enough time for two people to place their orders before it sells out.  Glad you made this post!



Sorry, I joke- managed to secure one in the first release 

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19 hours ago, Felix Antipodes said:

Nice that they have given the scalpers two days to reset and upgrade their bots :devil:.  Realistically though, with only ~500 or so copies clawed back from scalpers (according to the interwebs) it will still be a crap shoot considering the ongoing website issues.  It’s an interesting time they are putting them up as well… it will not suit a lot of people who will be working and/or commuting (or asleep as in Oz :blink:)

Good luck to those intrepid souls who plan to attempt climbing Everest again :thumbsup:

Anytime my sleep schedule wasnt up to snuff for whatever reasons I would set an alarm for 30 minutes before release so I could reasonably get to my computer place an order and then go back to bed, im sure anyone else could do that. 

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36 minutes ago, System Sound said:

Not if Fnac is to be believed. The next Drekki Flynt novel from Guy Haley is coming in the Celebration as well. Not exciting for those who only read 40k, but at least the week’s not quite so lacking. Guess WarCom can’t be bothered to provide accurate info, what a surprise. 

Edited by cheywood
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I wonder what will be shown (if anything). I feel like the last few years where they've done multi-day preview events it was just really sad



*edit, shown that hasn't been announced yet

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7 minutes ago, darkhorse0607 said:

I wonder what will be shown (if anything). I feel like the last few years where they've done multi-day preview events it was just really sad



*edit, shown that hasn't been announced yet

Past Celebrations didn’t reveal much of anything related to upcoming titles. I would expect this one to be the same, though I’d love to be wrong.

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