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  On 1/19/2024 at 3:56 PM, Arbedark said:

I got the email at 11:44am on 3rd Jan. No clue when it opened up, but I presume it wouldn't have been open for days before they send out a newsletter about it... 



So I checked it out, they posted the link to the ROI on 30th December, so it had indeed been up for 4 full days by the time you joined it. Suggests that you and @lhg033 joined on the same day, potentially he was a couple hours before you and that made the difference?


For my part I signed up 2 days before the both of you on 01 January so it looks like they are still holding a missed one from 2022 over my head.



  On 1/19/2024 at 4:11 PM, Halandaar said:


So I checked it out, they posted the link to the ROI on 30th December, so it had indeed been up for 4 full days by the time you joined it. Suggests that you and @lhg033 joined on the same day, potentially he was a couple hours before you and that made the difference?


For my part I signed up 2 days before the both of you on 01 January so it looks like they are still holding a missed one from 2022 over my head.





Out of interest where did they post that on the 30th? Not great marketing to send the newsletter about it out a full 4 days after it was opened up and posted elsewhere - or maybe it is good marketing if they weren't getting the level of interest expected from the original link, but definitely a poor customer experience. 

  On 1/19/2024 at 4:19 PM, Arbedark said:

Out of interest where did they post that on the 30th? Not great marketing to send the newsletter about it out a full 4 days after it was opened up and posted elsewhere - or maybe it is good marketing if they weren't getting the level of interest expected from the original link, but definitely a poor customer experience. 





  On 1/19/2024 at 4:22 PM, Valkyrion said:

I didn't get a ROI e-mail, but I have had them in the past for HH2.0, Leviathan and LI - I'm not bothered because I didn't want the set, but any ideas why I'd be omitted? 



Primary reason would be simply the order people joined the list and the number of allocated copies. If they only get given 50 copies and you're the 52nd person on the list, you won't get one unless two people ahead of you in the queue get filtered out.


The way they do that would be any infractions on previous ROIs; those are, in order of highest "severity" to lowest

  1. being allocated an item and then not paying the invoice
  2. being allocated an item and then telling them you don't want it after they've already raised the invoice
  3. being allocated an item and then telling them you don't want it before they've raised the invoice

So if they get 50 copies but this time you're 22nd on the list, but you've got one of the above against your account, they would pass over you and allocate the copies to people with no issues until either the stock is fully allocated or they run out out people. If there's any stock left over, then they go back and allocate to the people with the most minor issues, then if stock still left repeat for medium issues and so on. 


This is how I can not get one, but somebody 2 days after me does.


for that cost dw terminators MUCH better. and tanks the same

what an idiotic nerf! no one plays knights now - 235 and -1 ap. for 290 - they are total garbage

Edited by evil_demon

So, with maces: 4x4=16A, ~12Hits, ~8 Wounds, ~4 saves, ~4 dead MEQ.

One per Knight, Plus squad leader's kills.

With Swords: 4x5=20A, ~17Hits, ~11 Wounds, ~7.3Wounds go through, ~3.5 dead MEQ, Plus squad Leader's kills.

Still very whelming at best. 

Lucky they are resilient, shame they're so slow they'll only do it once.


Edited by Interrogator Stobz

That is, um, quite poor for the most elite of the chapter.

If I am somehow able to order the set tomorrow, I can only envisage DWK useful in accompanying Belial and being ablative wounds. Doubt they will do much heavy lifting in the killing stakes.

Cool,  so ~14Hits, ~9 Wounds, still ~4.4 dead MEQ.

They do that now at a huge points discount. 

Yes, as Brother Blindhamster says they are more resilient against higher D weapons now, MW and Dev Wounds will still clear them out pretty quickly.

So not clearing a MEQ squad off that objective straight away is going to matter.


TBF: as I don't play 40k anymore I'm not sure why this bothers me. But here I am lol.

Also, my FLGS has dropped all EOI, they just can't be sure of their order so will just drop the box on normal 1st in 1st served.

Edited by Interrogator Stobz

I'm not sure how much weight to put on the points value of Knights just yet, given GWs propensity to change it on or closely following the release.


Nice to see that the maces are WS 2+, and I look forward to seeing the squad leader's options as well. Glad that my fancy flail will still have a separate profile even if it counts as a relic mace or whatever they're calling it.


Updated pic:


  On 1/19/2024 at 5:53 PM, evil_demon said:

for that cost dw terminators MUCH better. and tanks the same

what an idiotic nerf! no one plays knights now - 235 and -1 ap. for 290 - they are total garbage


deathwing terminators are 3 wounds

deathwing knights are 4 wounds with -1 damage 


deathwing terminators definitely do not tank the same 

  On 1/19/2024 at 7:07 PM, Blindhamster said:

deathwing terminators are 3 wounds

deathwing knights are 4 wounds with -1 damage 


deathwing terminators definitely do not tank the same 


5 knights = 290

5 dw terms = 205 

for 290 it is 7 terminators. take them with shields for 4w.

So, for 290 we have:

dw terms 7*4=28w

dwk 5*4=20w


and we have a dw command squad with apothecary


dwk can not cost 290 - it is ridiculos  

If I'm not mistaken (don't have index in front of me) The DWKs are more or less the same compared to their index versions, but cost more and do less damage? Original SM/DA Index already rerolled wound for OoM? Kind of a shame! I guess I cant be too mad, I loved these guys and ran them when they were only 1 wound in 6th and cost a fortune lol.


I feel like they are more expensive Canoptek Wraiths with worse mobility.

I’m still really annoyed they didn’t do shin plates and powerfist plates with DA iconography like on the previous Deathwing kit.


Hopefully one of the people who does decent 3D printed accessories will do some!

Have we actually got confirmation what 3rd party bolt holes are selling the set? I really, really don't want to play website queue roulette so soon after getting :cuss: hard trying to get TEATD


Editing to add that the dex has leaked over on /r/unforgiven

Edited by Balthamal

These guys are not our best tank unit.  They're not our best Melee unit per point.  They don't have shooting.  They aren't fast enough to threaten the table.   They do look nice.  We haven't seen all of the strats...  I think negatives out weigh positives.  Not excited about the new codex.


  Might be time to go full horus heresy since 40k is a xenos game.  

  On 1/19/2024 at 7:52 PM, evil_demon said:

and we have a dw command squad with apothecary



Given that the kit with the DW Command Squad is going away, I suspect the DW Apothecary will be going to Legends. Codex Marines have lost the regular Command Squad with Apothecary, I guess Terminators are next. I think the only reason Ravenwing are keeping theirs is that they are not replacing bikes yet.

unforgiven detach is nerfed... why? only usefull strat for -1dmg on charge is 2cp. all relics are the same trash

dethwing only 1 usefull relic. strats are 3 of 6 usefull

ravenwing is total crap. nothing usefull at all


Looks like DA will be about 40 termies on table again. Hate it. Everything else is not worth it

  On 1/19/2024 at 8:17 PM, FarFromSam said:

These guys are not our best tank unit.  They're not our best Melee unit per point.  They don't have shooting.  They aren't fast enough to threaten the table.   They do look nice.  We haven't seen all of the strats...  I think negatives out weigh positives.  Not excited about the new codex.


  Might be time to go full horus heresy since 40k is a xenos game.  



Yeah for the point cost just bring a land raider lol. DWK have always had a bit of a rough path since their introduction to the codex.


The new stratagem that lets you teleport, combined with the turn 1 deep strike will help with some of that mobility issue though.


Still, going from 47ppm to 55pm, a 20% increase for weakened damage and an extra (but marginally different) load out seems steep. Has any other codex release seen an increase like that? Would like to see what some of the other detachment rules are, but this signals to me that they felt the initial 10th DWK rules made them too strong?

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