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I think of this guy as "The Grey Hunter", out on a solo slog across Fenris to slay a monster between campaigns. Think he's probably the sole survivor of his pack, and maybe fresh home from a rotation in the Death Watch?


Converted from a chaos warrior. Going to experiment with some snow effects to do up the base, and then weather the cloak to match.


Would love c&c if you've got any - i know its not the best photo so might be hard to comment.

Edited by nightwing1511
  • 2 weeks later...

Update, feeling pretty happy with the basing.


Need to play with some runes for a little name-plate and then he'll be off to the display case.





RIP white balance


Edited by nightwing1511

Looks great!


Not saying that he needs it, but if you want to try a similar build but keeping the distinctive space marine shoulder pads, that is very do-able though requires some cutting and green stuffing.  I have a rather dated tutorial on doing so here, though mine are chaos noise marines (here are some pictures of the final models)..


Looks great!


Not saying that he needs it, but if you want to try a similar build but keeping the distinctive space marine shoulder pads, that is very do-able though requires some cutting and green stuffing.  I have a rather dated tutorial on doing so here, though mine are chaos noise marines (here are some pictures of the final models)..


Yours look fab! 

Thinking I'll call this guy done, but the GW Mini of the Month this month seems to be a chaos warrior, so might have another crack at something similar with him.


Next on the desk is a metal Necron from like 3rd edition or there-abouts:




I replaced their missing/lost gauss tube and emitter with a spare one from the warriors kit - we love a rescue project almost as much as we love the old metal models.


Planning to try something relatively classic for the colour scheme, ala Sautekh Dynasty, but going with a nice cold blue for the glowing bits as 

a) I've got a lot of blue paints, and 

b) It should tie in well with the Schrödinger VII ice-world bases I'm hoping to do, to match up with my Bretheren of Sigismund.


Wish me luck!


Edited by nightwing1511
  • 2 weeks later...

We interrupt this Necron Lord for an Ork-tober special announcement:



Edited by nightwing1511

Update: Necron Lord completed to some standard!








Was thinking about snow on the base, but thinking cold rock is probably enough. White would just flood the already admittedly low contrast vibe.


Pondering my next project - have another metal Old-cron, might try a different style/scheme see how it goes...

Jumping into some older models I found kicking around - 15 space marines from 3rd or 4th ed?





Going to try some experimental takes and see if I can lock in on a Black Templar vibe that I enjoy.


The mold-lines are atrocious...

6 hours ago, nightwing1511 said:

The mold-lines are atrocious...

Yeah, some of the kits from that time really suffered. One of the Tactical Squad boxes I have had mould-slip on the bolters, so none of the barrels were round, etc. :sad: 



Trying for some oversaturated but classic Templars, circa 3rd edition.

Have done a purple contrast/slapchop kinda thing, then blocking over with black wash to bring the colour down to black on the panels.

Edited by nightwing1511

Oh, this is a model I haven't seen in a while. Thank you for this little nostalgia boost. I'm actually redoing some of my AoBR marines now, too.


The slapchop kinda thing works pretty well, I think. The parts that look worse than the rest are the should pad trims, wrists and the face plate of the helmet where the 'highlights' are a bit too rough/apparent, but I'd say that's a minor thing overall.

Forgive slight derp faces (these three likely to be stripped and redone once I've settled on what I'm doing)





Three crusaders, one each with grey, blue, and purple undercoats.


My question is, does the armour still read black, and does the extra colour pop make them interesting or just busy?

The armour reads as black. :smile: 


It's a little hard to tell (it's a shame the images don't come up bigger), but I think the middle one looks the "best" to me.

All three work well, definitely read as black. The differences are subtle but definitely add some interest, I think the top right with the hint of blue works the best.

I’m fond of those old AoBR marines, working on the termi squad now (I move at a snails pace at the best of times:biggrin:)

28 minutes ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

 (it's a shame the images don't come up bigger)


If I let the image be too big the details look abysmal - using rudimentary photography skills to hide rudimentary painting skills ;)

25 minutes ago, PHS said:

I’m fond of those old AoBR marines, working on the termi squad now (I move at a snails pace at the best of times:biggrin:)


AoBR Terminators will make an appearance here eventually - they're in my main Black Tide, which is due for a repaint/clean-up now that contrast paints exist


  • 3 weeks later...

Completed the Tactical Squad.







Had fun with hazard striping on the chainsword and missile launcher.


Freehanding crosses could probably be a tad cleaner, but quite pleased with how they came up.


Next on to some industrial basing!

Edited by nightwing1511
On 11/11/2024 at 9:48 PM, Firedrake Cordova said:

The armour reads as black. :smile: 


It's a little hard to tell (it's a shame the images don't come up bigger), but I think the middle one looks the "best" to me.


A bit late to the party, but I concur - the model in the middle appears to look the best.


On 11/11/2024 at 10:21 PM, nightwing1511 said:

AoBR Terminators will make an appearance here eventually - they're in my main Black Tide, which is due for a repaint/clean-up now that contrast paints exist



Oh, that's really awesome in 2024. I'm planning to revisit my AoBR Termies, as well - they're still one of the first models I painted.


21 hours ago, nightwing1511 said:

Freehanding crosses could probably be a tad cleaner, but quite pleased with how they came up.


I don't know what your overall experience with painting is but what you're producing is pretty good! The one on the banner, albeit larger, is very good. I also like the red one on the sergeant. BTW, how do you go about painting these crosses? I found it best to start with a simple symmetrical cross (just like a "+" symbol) and then add a small "arrow," pointing inwards, on the end of each arms of the initial cross and then fill in the 'rest.' Remember that you can make the ends sharper by fixing up any messy/uneven lines afterwards; I find this to be the best approach to getting fine, sharp edges.

2 hours ago, Brother Christopher said:

I don't know what your overall experience with painting is but what you're producing is pretty good! The one on the banner, albeit larger, is very good. I also like the red one on the sergeant. BTW, how do you go about painting these crosses? I found it best to start with a simple symmetrical cross (just like a "+" symbol) and then add a small "arrow," pointing inwards, on the end of each arms of the initial cross and then fill in the 'rest.' Remember that you can make the ends sharper by fixing up any messy/uneven lines afterwards; I find this to be the best approach to getting fine, sharp edges.


In terms of experience, I picked up my friendship with James Workshop back when the Return of The King edition of LotR battlegame came out, have been dipping in and out of that, classic warhammer fantasy, and 40k on and off since.


You've described exactly how I do the crosses - usually I try a slightly less saturated colour first to sketch out the 'arrow' parts. And then tidying up with the background colour to keep things crisp. Mostly my trick is to keep the paint thin so if o have to have several goes at it, it's fine. And to never paint anything with more complicated heraldry than Templars.


Here's probably the best flag work I've done to this point:





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