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About Micius

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    MA, USA

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    SM, IG, Orks

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  1. Just posted tactical marine colour schemes (without squad / company markings) for 77 canon chapters on DeviantArt https://www.deviantart.com/40kresources Including all loyal first founding chapters... ...and many more obscure ones... Eventually, the plan is to have all the canon chapters posted. I also have templates posted for MK VII, VIII, and X (plus one for X with a VII helmet). I'm planning on putting one together for each of the armour marks. Feel free to use them however you'd like.
  2. It has once again been quite a bit, but here's another draft. Any feedback is appreciated, thanks!
  3. Hi folks! I put together a template because I couldn't find one with proportions I liked. The .xcf file can be downloaded here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ohmQUcMKQa4E9aQl54eVULh94-G-C8nU I uploaded to the B&C gallery, but there are full res images on deviantart: http://fav.me/ddx9p29 http://fav.me/ddx9p2n edit: Here's a link to an aliased version that can be floodfilled in MS Paint: http://fav.me/ddxa60o
  4. Posted a few updates, still in the drafting process. Psych profile and affiliates to come.
  5. Last Transmission Received Date:............... 760998.M41 Ref:................LBC//MIC By:.................Inquisitor Elias Storth Re:.................Inquisitor Elias Storth Thought:............Fact is in the eye of the beholder. Having lost my prognosticator to the perils of the Warp and so no longer knowing what is to come, I have taken it upon myself to document the facts of my life should I too be lost. If I have died in the days ahead, know that what I have done, I have done for Mankind. It is difficult to say whether I have lived for centuries or millennia, but I was taken in by the Schola Progenium in 124.M39. My mentor, Abbot Hollen, was a hard man and abusive, which is why I murdered him. I do not regret it. I was subject to his depravities my entire life until Inquisitor Clausyan intervened. Even so, I still remember the lessons I only could have learned from him and the one praise he ever gave me. Apprenticed to Clausyan as his Acolyte, my life was not much improved. Hunting the Daemons took its toll on all of us, but of course, it was Clausyan who bore the responsibility of our actions. And still, I am not sure it was right of them to have him executed, unorthodox as his methods were. I have carried out the mission these centuries past, albeit with a more refined approach than my former master. Even so, I cannot claim any progress in the war on the infernal to this point. For every Daemon cleansed, an infinite number remain in the Warp. More drastic measures must be taken if we are ever to survive this battle. I am a true Imperial, a defender of Mankind. While I may fail my objective, I have no doubt as to the necessity of my next action. The Emperor will forgive me my sins. In defense of the Imperium, Inquisitor Elias Storth Inquisitor Elias Storth INQUISITION CYPHER OMNIS-PRIMA ACCEPTED - GREETINGS, GRAND MASTER FILE ORDER ACCEPTED - SEARCHING FOR -+ELIAS STORTH+- DISPLAYING -+NOTES: ELIAS STORTH+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- NAME:............................... Inquisitor Elias Storth ORDER:.............................. Ordo Malleus SYSTEM OF ORIGIN:................... Miranda SUSPECTED OPERATIONAL THEATER:...... Hellen Sector KNOWN AFFILIATES:................... Prognosticators, Astartes, Stormtroopers BIO: Elias Storth was apprenticed to Clausyan the deceiver. As a Pariah, Elias was primarily used to track and hunt summoners of the Daemonic. He served Clausyan from before the discovery of [REDACTED] up through the opening of the Obsidian Gate. Elias and the other followers of Clausyan were captured on [REDACTED]. First Meeting - Presiding over the heretic Clausyan's trial. The apostate and his acolytes were sentenced to death, with the exception of Elias. Granted absolution, it was believed Elias could be reeducated - MISTAKEN - and that after some maneuvering he would prove useful. A pupil of the heretic Clausyan, Elias carries many unorthodox beliefs. His master's pursuit of [REDACTED] necessitated his execution, but it was believed that Elias did not know Clausyan's greater purpose - MISTAKEN - and that he could be allowed to take on the Inquisitor's mantle. After being named Inquisitor, Elias appeared to have abandoned his Master's mission operating primarily in the Hellen Sector. He has spent much of his time preventing Daemonic incursion. It is suspected that Elias has traveled into the Maelstrom on at least one occasion. His motives remain unknown. PSYCH PROFILE: Elias' stability is suspect. ABILITIES: An Upsilon-Plus Grade Psyker, Elias is a carrier of the Pariah Gene. Without any Warp presence, Elias is effectively immune to all forms of psychic assault. His thoughts cannot be read and he cannot be communicated with telepathically. With the innate ability to disrupt psychic abilities, Elias causes discomfort to those in close proximity and excruciating pain to psykers. Without a presence in the immaterium, Elias is a perfect weapon to fight the Daemonic. SUSPECTED AFFILIATES: Azariah, Prognostic (Deceased) [Character background] Benedikt, Brother Astartes of the Revelators [Character background] Klemens, Brother Astartes of the Revelators [Character background] NAME, Sergeant of the 2202nd NAME Regiment [Character background] NAME, Specialist of the 2202nd NAME Regiment [Character background] NAME, Specialist of the 2202nd NAME Regiment [Character background] NAME, Specialist of the 2202nd NAME Regiment [Character background] ---- Thoughts on the roughest of drafts?
  6. I, Micius, vow to create Inquisitor Storth and his retainers, by the 17th July 2015 at 18:00 (GMT). This I vow or will be eternally damned by Him on Earth!
  7. The recent edits have made this less clear: is your chapter a member of the Unforgiven? Do they know of the Fallen? If so, what is the disposition towards the Fallen? Do they believe, like the Angels of Absolution, that they are already redeemed? Or do they believe, like other members of the Unforgiven, that they may not be forgiven until the Fallen have repented? What forces, if any, do they dedicate to hunting the Fallen? Did your chapter know that while being raised by the Imperial Fists, their progenitor is Lion El'Jonson? If not, when did they find this out? Personal opinions you may feel free to ignore: Personally, given your theme, I think the Black Templars might be more suitable than the Imperial Fists as advisors/trainers/culture successors what-have-you. It's not clear where the Knight inspiration is coming from with the Imperial Fists and, while Caliban had a knightly tradition, your chapter did not have early ties to the Dark Angels. Switching the Imperial Fists to the Black Templars might be a quick fix. I think that the Knights Sovereign should not know their progenitor is the Lion until the Dark Angels/Unforgiven approach them. The Dark Angels should probably not tell your chapter about the Fall of Luther at their initial meeting given their secretive nature. I think that narratively, it might be better to have the Dark Angels/Unforgiven grow closer and closer to the Knights Sovereign, in such a way that the Knights Sovereign don't even realize they are becoming a member of the Unforgiven themselves. Maybe the Dark Angels don't even tell the Chapter Master when they finally spill the beans about their deepest darkest, maybe they tell someone they think is going to become Chapter Master and then maneuver the Knights Sovereign into making that someone the next Chapter Master (because of course the previous Chapter Master died or went missing under mysterious circumstances). Just some thoughts.
  8. It's been a while, but the third draft has been posted. Most of the edits done were to tighten up the language and formatting. Hopefully this addresses questions regarding recruitment more satisfactorily. @LySiMachus Thank you! I imagine their prime motivator as being duty and guilt. While a Dark Angel might want redemption, an Ultramarine might want glory, and a Space Wolf might want a good scrap; I think for the Sons of Tempest, the desire to not be forgotten and a soul-crushing fear of death is what gets them going. Beyond this, I am sure that these marines would still want a long and glorious record of victories, while definitely not the death in battle (or in any other context). I think they probably are terrified by death by old age - the thought of being erased from history for reasons beyond your own control? Absolutely devastating. In my imagination, each marine deals with it separately. Some marines are probably so conceited they think they couldn't possibly die. Others are probably so terrified of the next mission being their last that they dread being deployed. @NightrawenII I am not so sure. I have never been to war (or been a genetically modified superhuman), but I imagine that such feelings are possible. Here's an analogy: imagine you are the star-player on a sports team and in the middle of a big game, you walked off the field and retired. This is how the SoT think about dying on the field of battle. The Emperor believed in you, he trusted you, raised you, made you a hero among men, gave you the best possible tools he could to carry out your mission, and then you failed him. You decided it was too hard to carry on and died. While the official creed of the SoT plays out like that, I am sure each individual marine has their own nuanced opinions and beliefs. Some marines likely think there are ways to die that are beyond an individual marine's control and feel conflicted about that. Some probably think about their eventual death by natural causes should they not die in combat and feel conflicted about that. Others might buy into it heavily and praise the Emperor that another sinner has left his service, leaving more pure individuals to carry out His work.
  9. Including the old introductory post was helping to break the format so I've moved it down here: -------------- Old Post Below --------------------- First off, hello! This is my first post on the B&C. I have for you here my DIY chapter, The Sons of Tempest. They were begun two or three years ago when I wrote the first draft of my IA (about two or three years before I learned of the existence of this forum). The contents of this post shall be as follows: (1) Statement of Intent (2) An Introduction (3) My Chapter in Bullet Points (4) A preview="" image[="" url]="" of="" my="" ia="" pdf="" that="" is="" not="" quite="" complete="" (5)="" ia,="" text="" the="" second="" draft="" (6)="" color="" scheme. STATEMENT OF INTENT My intention in posting this is to find and remove inconsistency that may exist between my creation and the grim darkness of the far future. My hope is to create a chapter that meshes with the fluff completely. My pursuits are primarily literary, I don't know if these imperial murder machines will ever see a game table (though at least a handful are sure to be modeled). I welcome harsh criticism and questions I didn't think to ask. I would like to apologize to moi_a_mania, for arriving at such a similar name. While your Tempest Sons were not listed in the Tabula Astartes, I found them after digging through the subforum. I was unaware of your Polynesian themed marines at the time of my chapter's creation. Luckily, our chapters don't seem to share anything in common except in name, but unfortunately I am not enthusiastic about going back and renaming everything (my nomenclature is centered around Shakespeare's
  10. I do not know much about the world of mass effect, but do you look favorably upon literary critiques?
  11. I imagine it coming from a position of guilt. Allowing yourself to have become unserviceable and then being granted a second body because they trust you won't disappoint them again. I wanted to convey shame and embarrassment. It only makes it worse that it lasts for an eternity. An eternity of "you would have allowed yourself to commit a terrible act."
  12. Apologies for the double post. I added my chapter's opinions on dreadnoughts from the perspective of one via a story on the sidebar.
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