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Everything posted by Arion

  1. Beautiful Luna Wolves! Great choice of basing to contrast with the primary color. How did you manage to get a hold of the OOP LW transfers?!
  2. I'm incredibly envious of your dice. The Eye of Horus is on the 1 side or 6 side?
  3. Brother Vykes, you just keep on rolling with the great content, amazing! How much time does it take you to paint a five man squad, typically? Just curious, seeing as how you are delivering lots of newly painted miniatures, consistently, with a good looking paint job. How do you play squad Arras? As 8 man Vets or do you cut down the unit size to 5 to play them as a Command Squad? Very good use of the Chapter Master models in the 30th millienium. I am always wary of using 40k minis for 30k because of the different armour marks but these guys fit in nicely as artificer armoured. MkVI greaves are much more 30k friendly than MkVII. Concerning anti-air/air vehicles, I would suggest going with Lightnings: the 65th is supposed to be a company cobbled together from under-strength elements. It would make sense that they would be assigned reserve elements like Lightnings instead of shiny, top tier Xiphons which I suppose would be kept for the more favored frontline units. Just my 0.02€ based on my feeling of the lore, feel free to ignore it :)
  4. Good morning fellow Legionnaries, Here is my modest contribution to this delightful thread. I have just started a IVth Legion army which I intend to fill with as much choom as possible (charger & caliver support squads, culverins on Dreadnoughts, Serpenta's on HQs). My first two legionnaires for the choom caliver tactical support squad. I decided that they would all rock MkII armour. Terrans, old-school veterans. They kept their old gear and their antique guns. The color scheme is nothing original or flashy. I mainly paint to play on tabletop. I plan on doing OSL effects for the volkite coils but since I need to whip out my airbrush for this, I'm waiting to get the whole squad done and do it all at once. Hope you enjoy it and more to come!
  5. Great pictures and fluff, we're getting used to the quality of your output, brother Vykes! Really liking the clickable min-max pics. Your stories are very well written, perfect balance of description and action. Some parts are really cinematic, like when you describe the legionary moving his flamer to-and-fro or the scene in the Mastodon right before the assault. Such vivid moments, you can really see them playing in your mind. These small details give a lot of life to the fluff and make it believable. It's not always about the bang-bang of bolters or clanging of chainswords, but all the things happening between the action! Noticed what I believe to be a few typos? Hope this helps clean up: "staccato bark of the cannon light up the night" I think you wanted to write "lit up", as the rest of the text is also in past tense. "all but spurring the coaxing the armoured carrier to life." I guess you decided to change spurring to coaxing or vice-versa, but forgot to erase the other one? Always know I'm going to have a nice time when I see one of your 65th updates!
  6. That Visions of Heresy veteran squad is absolutely amazing. I spent a few solid minutes behind my monitor just oggling at the pic, trying to figure out where all the pieces came from. The color scheme is really reminiscent of the Luna Wolves but the shoulder pads tie them in to the rest of the 65th. I guess that was your intention? Are you finished with them or will you work the bases a bit more? I would really love to see a batrep with that unit. Always wondered how power weapon vet units fare. Amazing army, awesome fluff. You're stuff is truly inspiring!
  7. Nice bases, man. The fiery lava really looks the part! Interesting choice of secondary color for your sallies, certainly makes them pop out. Loving the scale loinclothes. Details like this really help to break up the "standardized" look of cataphractii terminators and make them feel a bit more legion specific. Will you weather their armor? Crispy burnt edges or battle damage?
  8. Very, very cool fluff! I think you incorporated a lot of elements reinforcing realism that lacks in many other back-stories: -the fact that the 65th were originally under-dogs instead of all powerful mary-sues, having to prove themselves to reach favour, -their origins, hastily put together by logisticians based on what was available really adds a lot of flavour and is very reminiscent of real stories of regiments during the massive conflicts of the 20th and 21st century, -the seamless integration of the their backstory into the wider story arc of the Horus Heresy. You've put a lot of work into this, it could legitimately be FW material :) Just a typo, you forgot the word "days", I think: "For the next fifteen DAYS, the 65th hunted for loyalist elements amid the ashen wastes, using a mixed doctrine of tank desant and rapid armour assault sweeps to destroy hidden strong points and overrun infantry contingents." This level of quality fluff really completes your army. Loving the fact that your army composition is story driven and makes a lot of "real world" sense (lots of troops and armored transports) instead of being the typical 2x drop leviathans + 2x veterans + 3x quad mortars... I am slowly building my armies in the same direction (lots of troops and transports) but it will take time. Your post is certainly great motivation though! P.S.: where did you get the template for the FW style presentation page?
  9. Wow, that is literally amazing. The LED work is crazy!!!! Have you ever thought of maybe integrating a tiny circuitboard so the LEDs would glow rhythmically? Would be insane to have that on the plasma/volkite coils...!
  10. Round missiles. Spike missiles are a bit too much to the point where believability suffers (I'm not going to use a word like "realism" for WH...). Everything else looks amazingly ace though. I'm definitely going to steal some ideas from you.
  11. Wow, so you are That Guy that has converted the most amazing 3rd legion minis on the internets. Your ECs are amazing, they were a big part of what actually inspired me to get into that Legion myself. To the OP concerning the Palatine Blades: they've done great for me in games. They are glass cannons for sure but you have to use them as a specialized tool. They are not meant to go into the meat-grinder and come out on top. -Keep that squad small (5 strong), -shave off some points with the meltabomb (if you ever need to use it, you just threw away all the points of your expensive squad), -lose the jump apothecary. 5+ FNP on a small squad is really not worth the points you are paying for it, -add another phoenix spear, lose the power swords (some guys are ablative wounds and are meant to die to overwatch or whatever), -if you have to attach someone with them, go with Eidolon. They synergize very well. Use them to go hunting for annoying things like backfield Quad mortar batteries which are ubiquitous in most lists, carving out annoying characters embedded in a squad, messing up command squads, charging expensive Legion specific units, you can even go toe-to-toe with Tartaros Termies (I wouldn't risk charging Cataphractii's though). You have plenty of bonuses to your first round (+1 Ini on charge, +1 ini on challenge, -1ws for the opponent thanks to the sonic shriekers): that's 9 S5 AP2 attacks at I5/6. You should cause enough wounds to Sweeping Advance and win. Accept that they will die, you just need to get your points back before they do. My 2 cents.
  12. Which never ceases to amaze me.I know noone who plays it, but it is a thing. Never played it though so... who knows, maybe I miss something great? I remember painting and collecting LoTR when it just came out (the P.Jackson movies were super hot). The minis were great (why did they go for 25mm scale though?) but the gaming system felt very simplistic compared to WHF/40K and I didn't like it. I suspect 8th ED took some elements from LoTR (destiny points -> command points, fixed to hit values instead of relative tables, etc.). Don't want to derail the tread though. To stay on topic: 15-20 books sounds orgasmic. My biggest fear for our hobby was that everything would stop after the book covering the Siege of Terra, instead of exploring all of the other material available around that timeline (a bit before, a bit after, etc.). The BaC and BoP boxset are the biggest booster to kickstarting 30k and keeping it going. I hope we will get more 30k boxsets of the like in the future.
  13. I always run mixed loadouts: 1) the points cost of a Contemptor accounts for both his WS and BS. When specializing, you lose out something you paid for. 2) versatility messes with your opponents tactics to deal with your dreads. Shooty dreads can be tarpitted. CCW dreads can be avoided. Dreads with mixed load-outs are a PITA to deal with as they always have a way of applying the hurt. Note: Chainfists are cheap and make a world of a difference. A Contemptor with chainfist, kheres assault cannon and plasma blaster craps out a lot of dice in the shooting phase and is still crazy dangerous in CC.
  14. If you take combi-volkites, the volkite component can still only be shot once per game.
  15. Yes, my plan was to use the missile squad as Iron Havocs. As for cannon fodder tacs, I kind of feel bad using MkIVs but oh well... I'll have to check in my gaming club if anyone is willing to trade the sprues. It's a great idea! Community is very small here (Budapest, Hungary), but I might get lucky.
  16. Only thing is I would hate to have tacticals as troop choices for White Scars... Not. Fast. Enough! Shattered legion is interesting painting wise. Could do an Istvann thing with Sallies, Ravens and Iron Hands. I need to read up on the rules though, I have no idea how this translates to on the tabletop. WE is not a bad idea. They do look good in MkIV as well. Thanks for your input guys.
  17. Hi guys, just for a bit of context: I have an EC, SoH and IF army. All three more or less fleshed-out the way I want to. During Xmas time, I saw a great ebay listing with the following (all unpainted and brand new): 2 x red books (Crusade List and Legion List) 5 x cataphractii with double claws 5 x cataphractii with chainfist and combibolters 1 x Calth cataphractii praetor 10 x assembled marines with missile launchers (no glued pauldrons or head) 10 x assembled marines with meltas (no glued pauldrons or head) 20 x assembled marines with bolters (no glued pauldrons or head) 20 x marines on sprue (full sprues) 4 x boxes of ForgeWorld Salamanders pauldrons Guy bought a few BaC boxes with the intent of doing a salamanders army, changed his mind, sold all of the above for quite cheap (40% discount more or less). So I snagged it up. Since then, I've been debating what to do with them. I want to do an Iron Warriors army, but this requires mainly Mk3 iron armour if I want to be thematic and fluffy. I'm open to most legions but it has to be fluffy and somehow fun to play. I'm not a competitive player at all, I want to play with army lists that have credibility story-wise. So that being said, I thought about what armies (that I don't already own) that had mainly Mk4: UM, RG, AL, WB, Sallies, etc. I'm torn, I don't know what to do and/or which legion to start. Sallies make sense but I just find them unappealing color-scheme wise and rules wise. What would you guys do? Curious to hear your opinions and ideas. Thanks in advance!
  18. Space Wolves have plenty of rules helping them get stuck in CC fast with footslogging infantry. Although if your primary army is already mainly on foot, I'd recommend building a different second army for the sake of variety (both painting wise and play wise) or you might grow bored.
  19. Greetings brother Jofus, I believe the table you are referencing is the one below:
  20. Hi Dos, I've put a together a playable force of ECs (see my sig), which I am still growing. I'm also starting a small force of SoHs (assembled and undercoated, time to paint now). I'd be very happy to cooperate with you as I'm also in need of motivation these days. Where are you based in Europe? I'm willing to drive around on the weekends to neighboring countries if it means I get to play quality HH players (as in, fluff driven and not WAAC). Best, Arion
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