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Hello! New to the forum new to HH, so I've come the questions and a list offering. Me and my mates are fairly competitive, but we don't want to run skew or make lists that are inadvertently busted because we haven't noticed how some rules work in practice. I'm trying to make a melee focused army work for me with DA and the Unbroken Vow RoW. The plan is: Inner Circle Knights are my Dreadnought hunters, Praetor and and his companions are infantry killers, and my Interemptors are terminator hunters. The core are my Tartaros Terminators supported by an Apothecary and Centurion Herald, my glorious and "immovable" objective takers. Dreadnoughts are fire support/anti-air and Sabres are my anti-tank. So what do we think? My lack of line worries me, especially taking a HQ slot per squad to make a unit line. Update to the plan of action: Deep strike a ball of independent Characters (IC's) and their retinue where they can do the most damage. Tactical Marines drive up to objectives with Apocatheries in tow. Dread's are my ranged anti-tank. Inner Circle Knights are my anti-Dred/melee anti-tank. Tactical Support Squad are my terminator killers. Dreadwing Interemptors are there to drive up to scary stuff and make it go away with their plasma Burners. I feel confident in this list, it should be a good time for myself and my opponents. Thanks for your continued suggestions :) 1st Edits: - Apocatheries are gone - Centurion Heralds are now in Tartaros armour - Inner Circle Knights have a Spartan - Sabres are also gone 2nd Edits: - Tartaros squads have 2x power axes (Sgt and a squaddie) - 2x Inner Circle Knights (one with hammers one with swords) w/ a Proteus Carrier each - Centurion Heralds in artificer return -Dreadwing Interemptors condensed into one large squad w/ Rhino - Praetor given archeotech pistol 3rd Edits: - Tartaros squads replaced with 10 man veteran squads w/ rhino transport and power swords & axes - Removed sword Inner Circle Knights and made reaming Inner Circle Knights Hunter of Beasts Order Ironwing - Sabres with Neutron Blasters return - 2x Sicarans added - Dreadnoughts removed - Dreadwing Interemptors split into two squads again - Apothecaries for veteran line units return plus Warhawk jumppack Apothecary for Deathwing detachment - Minor-Combi Weapons no longer volkite, now grenade launcher - Veteran Sgt & squaddie have power axes Note: Unsure getting rid of the Dreadnoughts for tanks, thoughts on this in particular most welcome 4th Edits: - Veterans are gone, 3 tactical squads replace them (It's sad I know but the DA RoW not giving at least 2 units line is too costly an obstacle. Tactical Marines it is. - Centurions Heralds replaced with a warmonger (to assault immediately after deep striking) and the Chaplin. RoW really benefits IC's with Deathwing so making a small blob of doom is good. - Sabres are gone AGAIN! Replaced by a 10 man tactical support squad with Plasma Repeaters - Learned that Apothecary can't join the Deathwing Companion detachment, he has been downgraded and given a tactical squad to baby sit - Deathwing Companion reduced to minimum size - Dreadnoughts return 2x with Gravis Lascannons, Gravis Power Fists and Plasma Blasters Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for helping me puzzle this out. Who knows if this will be the last iteration before I'm satisfied that enough possibilities are covered. Always glad to recieve your messages and suggestions for improvements. Especially with regards to rules clarifications. ++ Crusade Force Organisation Chart (LA - I: Dark Angels) [3,000Pts] ++ + Expanded Army Lists + Expanded Army List Profiles:: Exemplary Units Off, Legacy Units Off + Allegiance: + I: Dark Angels Allegiance: Loyalist + Rite of War: + Rite of War: The Unbroken Vow (DA) + HQ: + Centurion [140Pts]: (Chaplain) Master craft one weapon to represent a Crozius Arcanum, Chaplain, Deathwing . Chaplain: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Refractor Field, Terranic Greatsword, Warhawk Jump Pack Centurion [130Pts]: Deathwing, Warmonger . Warmonger: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Refractor Field, Terranic Greatsword Praetor [415Pts]: Deathwing, Marshal of the Crown, Warlord . Deathwing Companion Detachment: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Warhawk Jump Pack . . Deathwing Oathbearer: Cytheron Pattern Aegis, Refractor Field, Terranic Greatsword . . Deathwing Companion: Cytheron Pattern Aegis, Terranic Greatsword . . Deathwing Companion: Bolter, Terranic Greatsword . . Deathwing Companion: Bolter, Terranic Greatsword . . Deathwing Companion: Bolter, Terranic Greatsword . Legion Praetor: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Frag Grenades, Iron Halo, Krak Grenades, Master of the Legion, Terranic Greatsword, Warhawk Jump Pack + Elites: + Apothecarion Detachment [135Pts]: Legiones Astartes (X) . Apothecary: Bolt Pistol, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Narthecium, Power Armour, Stormwing . . Chainsword: Chainsword . Apothecary: Bolt Pistol, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Narthecium, Power Armour, Stormwing . . Chainsword: Chainsword . Apothecary: Bolt Pistol, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Narthecium, Power Armour, Stormwing . . Chainsword: Chainsword Contemptor Dreadnought Talon [410Pts]: Dreadwing . Contemptor Dreadnought: Atomantic Deflector, Gravis Lascannon, Gravis Power Fist with in-built ranged weapon, Plasma Blaster . Contemptor Dreadnought: Atomantic Deflector, Gravis Lascannon, Gravis Power Fist with in-built ranged weapon, Plasma Blaster Dreadwing Interemptor Squad [160Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Frag Grenades, Interemptor Praefectus, 4x Interemptors, Krak Grenades, Plasma Burner, Power Armour, Rad Grenades . Rhino Transport: Smoke Launchers, Twin-linked Bolter Inner Circle Knights Cenobium [495Pts]: Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Hunter of Beasts, Ironwing, Plasma-Caster . Order Preceptor: Thunder Hammer . Land Raider Proteus Carrier: 2x Sponson Mounted Gravis Lascannon, Legiones Astartes (X), Smoke Launchers, Twin-linked Heavy Bolter . Order Cenobites: Thunder Hammer . Order Cenobites: Thunder Hammer . Order Cenobites: Thunder Hammer . Order Cenobites: Thunder Hammer + Troops: + Tactical Squad [140Pts]: Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Power Armour, Stormwing . Legion Tactical Sergeant: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Armour . 9x Legionaries (collective): 9x Bolt Pistol, 9x Bolter . Rhino Transport: Searchlights, Smoke Launchers, Twin-linked Bolter Tactical Squad [140Pts]: Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Power Armour, Stormwing . Legion Tactical Sergeant: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Armour . 9x Legionaries (collective): 9x Bolt Pistol, 9x Bolter . Rhino Transport: Searchlights, Smoke Launchers, Twin-linked Bolter Tactical Squad [140Pts]: Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Power Armour, Stormwing . Legion Tactical Sergeant: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Armour . 9x Legionaries (collective): 9x Bolt Pistol, 9x Bolter . Rhino Transport: Searchlights, Smoke Launchers, Twin-linked Bolter Tactical Support Squad [335Pts]: Dreadwing, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Plasma Repeater, Power Armour . Legion Tactical Support Sergeant: Bolt Pistol, Power Armour . 9x Legionaries (collective): 9x Bolt Pistol . Rhino Transport: Searchlights, Smoke Launchers, Twin-linked Bolter + Heavy Support: + Sicaran Squadron [365Pts]: Ironwing . Sicaran : 2x Heavy Bolters, Accelerator Autocannon, Heavy Bolter, Smoke Launchers . Sicaran : 2x Heavy Bolters, Accelerator Autocannon, Heavy Bolter, Smoke Launchers ++ Total: [3,000Pts] ++
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- Horus Heresy 2.0
- horus heresey
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Hey Guys I have a question regarding the Dark Angel legion, more precise their strength/numbers. I recall from the Horus Heresy book nine, that the 1st legion consists of either 180k or 200k legionaries. I also recall, from some other source, that the Dark Angels only official founded 4 other Chapters (Angels of Absolution, Angels of Redemption, Angels of Vengeance and Lion Sables) during the second founding. Was the 1st Legion reduced to 2,5-2,7% of their initial strength duirng the HH? If so how and where did they loose so many? I have pin-pointed some numbers and some happening: The Lion takes 70k with him for the Thramas Crusade. I assume several dies here. Of those remaining (the Thramas Crusader Vets.) the Lion, as I understand, takes 20k with him to Imperium Secundus, and the rest follows Corswain (unknown numbers). By the time the short novel Dreadwing,takes place less that halve of the 20k the Lion took with him are alive. Corswain recieve, reinforcement from Caliban and at a time of the Siege of Terra has 10k legionaries with him. So at the time of the Thramas Crusade there are 100k unacounted for. Some could have join both Corswain or the Lion later on and those on Caliban are not accounted for. There are also others who are fighting their own battles during the HH. But it still seems a lot to lose 100k legionaries in piecemeal battles and campaigns during the HH. I mean they neither fall into a large ambush like the Drop Site Massacare or get mauled in a gigantic battle like the Space Wolves does. Is there something I have falled to see?
Guardians of the Covenant Pictured here is a five man squad of First Legion Astartes of the 13th Chapter in action upon the Pale Moon of Xakthres. Exemplars of their kind, the 13th Chapter took great pride in the utter destruction of their foes and the annihilation of all knowledge they held. This pict-capture is of a singular Legionnaire, one of a hundred such Sable Clad Knights deployed by the 8th Company, 13th Chapter. To many outside the First Legion their markings are esoteric and unfathomable, but to the 8th Company under Knight-Praetor Aganus their markings are utilitarian and uncomplicated compared to many of their brothers within the Legion. Note the serialized Phobos pattern boltgun. The modified armorial pictured is the crossed sword symbol of the 13th Chapter. Non-standard markings such as this were common throughout out the First Legion, calling out their allegiance to Chapter and Order. The crowned skull icon worn by the 8th Company is in honor of Knight-Praetor Aganus, a veteran of the Terran wars of Unification and the Pacification of Luna. He was a member of the now defunct Host of Crowns and the icon shown here is a combination of that Host’s icon and Aganus’ personal heraldry. Much of the Company’s demeanor and way of war is derived from his ancient knowledge and they wear his heraldry with great pride.
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- Dark Angels Legion
- First Legion
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I am currently working on making homebrew rules for the missing masters of the Hexagrammaton. We have very little to go on apart from their names and their general descriptions (We know Titus is a Castaferrum dreadnought for example) so I am having to pull a lot of this out of my ass. Please leave feedback as I genuinely want to make these characters fair and balanced and not just a power fantasy. Rules are in the MEGA
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- homebrew
- Dark Angels
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Part one "In raising these men to watch over mankind, we have bred a Legion of inhumans whose sole purpose is to defend that which they no longer understand. Their duty, borne with pride; their curse, carried with grace but let it never be forgotten what we have done to Caliban's finest sons. Unending Imperial ambition has not bred warriors with the warm hearts of men, but angels with the cold hearts of weapons. No soul so changed will recover what was lost. No weapon so savage can be wielded without cost." The Verbatim, Lutherian Amendments, Chapter I: These Savage Weapons Veteran Sergeant Arael of the First Legion There was a noble sorrow in his eyes. Of all the members of the First Legion, Lord Arael was said to be among those who resembled their father the most, at least in appearence. He was the one who introduced us to the Expedition, and the first Astartes I have ever seen. I will never forget the sense of awe and majesty that irradiated from the Emperor's creations... neither the subtle sense of fear and impotence that stabbed my heart. Most of them were utterly uninterested in talking with remembrancers, and that made our job of recording quite harder. But Arael, he had his own kindness. Like his brothers, he understood little of the feelings of men, or the unspoken words that make up for the most part of a conversation. He didn't speak much, either, and kept most of his cards close to his chest. But some things he did tell me. He told me of the coming of the Emperor on Caliban, and the conquest of worlds and systems beyond account. He told me of the horrors of the void and the nightmares that haunt the nameless, angry stars. He told me what it meant to be the First, the honoured, the sons of the Lion. He told me these stories, that I now tell you. - Extract from Alone against the angry stars by historiograph Hern Tzat. - Veteran Sergeant Arael by imagist Darahella Gareen. Update One: Veteran Squad Arael Update Two: Raphael 'El Gareth, Champion of the First Legion Update Three: Heavy Support Squad Isiah Update Four: Veteran Squad Lamrak Update Five: Revered Brother Arethorn Update Six: Rhino APC "Strider" Update Seven: Terminator Squad Harron and Land Raider Phobos "Silent retribution" Update Eight: Land Raider Phobos "Sword of Aldurukh" Update Nine: Rapier battery "Fury of Caliban" Update Ten: Leviathan Dreadnought "E Tenebrae Lux" and Heavy Support reinforcements Roll of Honor Diamat
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- Caliban
- Horus Heresy
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A Cruel Angel's Thesis Being an account of the I Legion Angeli Tenebrae, the war prosecuted against a tyrant Emperor by the Warmaster Horus, and the fall of a Legion. "We, once-merciful Angels, have forgotten sympathy. Ascend now, for our names have become legend." - Attributed to Master Azas Vem, Knight of the Angeli Tenebrae, Blood of Terra, Lord of the Eastern Sphere, Survivor of Rangdan, the First Reaper, and a battle-born brother to Luther of Caliban. +++ The Fall of the Knights of Caliban and of Terra, of the Emperor's holy Angels of Death and Darkness, the revered First, is often attributed in cause to the perfidy of Ser Luther el'Caliban, brother to Lion el'Jonson, Lord of Angels and Slayer of the Last Beast. Rejection and custodianship weighed heavy on my lord Luther's shoulders, until he could stand no longer and broke beneath the strain. Independently of the Warmaster's rebellion of the same era, he made attempt to use the confusion and chaos of war to his advantage, a political gambit to seize the power his Lord had given him and claim the world of Caliban for his own. But he failed, and as a result Caliban was lost and a full half the Legion was lost to void, scattered to space and time. So does the story go among the ranks of my former brothers who even now relentlessly seek me, in a futile effort to redeem their perceived shame. The story is a lie. While it may well be true that the catalyst of the Fall of Angels was the action of Ser Luther, its true roots can be traced back many years prior, long before the Horus Heresy, or the great Crusade that preceded it, before the Genocides of Rangdan, all the way back through the Solar Pacification and the Unification Wars, to the very foundations of the Astartes upon Terra. The processes later founded to raise Legions to strength were merely in the very earliest stages of gestation, and the Emperor still prosecuted his war with the cohorts of the Tontrua Milites that would define that era of the Imperium. At the Legions' incept, many projects were being undergone, variations on the implantation process of geneseed that made a Space Marine. The best known of these were the Firstborn and the Paragons, but many more besides these existed, their names lost to history. The pain of these processes were unlike any other, and is it any surprise that many of those who survived the march of years turned their backs to the Emperor in grave defiance of tyranny? The First Legion's, always, even before the founding of Caliban and its lost primarch, and the subsequent melding with the Order, has been one of layers and complexity of rank and standing. Our organization was the template, yes, but the later Legions never fully knew all of that. The nominal Legion structure outlined by the officiants of Terra was merely a pale reflection in a darkened glass of the original. Circles within and circles without, informal and ritual, hidden, though not always secret: that was what defined us. We knew our place and we held our tongue before others. As such, our disquiet was silent until spoken of. Through our time in the Legion, nary a wayward word, though. There were five of us to begin with. Over time this number grew in strength. By the time of Caliban, our circle numbered in the thousands, all who had the same mind: sic semper tyrannis. The Emperor was a tyrant of the worst sort, and we would one day destroy him. We had chosen our side, even if we never chose to exercise upon our decision until the time was right. We stood in silence with the Warmaster. This tale, this recollection, is a history of our circle. We forwent with mercy and sympathy: such was a liability in the war against a tyrant and a despot who had none, even if it never was open. I was there at the beginning, and I remember my brother Azas Vem speaking us into motion. This here is my account, and my argument, my reason. This is my thesis. [Pict-capture: Knight-Sergeant Marqius was a brother who had served with us since the earliest days of Crusade and through the punishing days of the Rangdan Genocides that destroyed our Legion. I trusted him with my life, right up until the day he took the blade of a Decurion Paladin meant for me that final day on Caliban.]
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- Horus Heresy
- I Legion
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