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  1. The Ten Thousand, Guardians of the Emperor, each wrought by his own hand. Each of them a work of art, never to be repeated. There are those of their number who stand watch in the dark cells, others who safeguard those of import to the Imperium. Then there is the Adamantine Guard. They do not stand watch, they do not ward the Imperium from the safety of the Imperial palace. They actively seek the enemies of the Imperium, warding those who defend the Imperium in warzones uncounted, since the days of the Great Crusade. Clad in their armor of dark steel and gold, they strike with swiftness and brutality. They are the embodiment of the ancient Merican adage "The best defense, is a strong offense". A great number of them are Ephranoi, tasked with carrying out the most dire of Imperial sanction. They mete out death to all who would oppose the will of the Emperor and the Imperium of man. Though they are Ephranoi, they carry out their duties with a variety of wargear, from the Humble Adrathic Bolt Caliver to the massive Aquilon Terminator warplate. Among their number, the other chambers are represented, with many being from the Tharanatoi. It is the Sentinels of the few Hykanatoi who are most frequently seen by forces of the Imperium who are blessed by their appearance. The Venatari and Saggitarum move swiftly into positions to make optimal use of their skills, while Aquilon Terminator Sodalities will frequently strike deep in the heart of the enemy forces, or utilize the Coronus Grav-Carrier to drive deep into enemy formations before disembarking to eviscerate the enemy. They are an awesome force to behold, but due to their small number they are not a common sight. As a Shield Host they only number as one hundred warriors. They are the most aggressive of the Adeptus Custodes, each of them a veteran of Horus Heresy, from where their attitude originates. They are led by a Tribune, Theodosius Cato, who has commanded the Host for the last ten millennia. As their temperament makes them ill suited for defensive duties, they have occasionally been given leave to turn the tides of battle, but have most often served as most Ephranoi do, testing the defenses of the Imperial palace, but they have also been allowed to deploy to perform that function against critical garrisons, to ensure that the Defenders of the Imperium are up to snuff.
  2. The Wardens of Mercury Subject:..............FW: RE: Odd Heraldry Date:..................1988004.M31 Ref:....................ARI8123 To:.....................Lord Alpharius, Primarch of the Alpha Legion From:..................Captain Viator I received the following from one of my contacts around the Throneworld, who I had forwarded a picture of the lander that was spotted taking off from Werise IV. I've organized her message into a more typical format, and as usual my comments follow the remembrancer's in italics. -Viator Nomis, Captain of the Fifth Company Lord Alpharius - I am honoured by your continued patronage, my Lord. As per your request, I looked into the heraldry in the image you sent me, and I've collated the results here. Information regarding them remains scarce at best, so some of the information contained within has yet to be corroborated, and some is little more than educated conjecture on my part. The heraldry in question was that on the lander that was spotted on Kyronis IV during our initial preparations for the campaign there. As the lander matched patterns used by the Custodians, I made additional inquiries. Origins of the Wardens of Mercury The first time any member of the Ten Thousand appears in any records with heraldry matching that of the image you sent to me ca. 1971798M30, in the opening acts of the Great Crusade, in scraps recovered by other Rememberancers from those who were ruled by the depredations of the previous tyrants of the Sol System. Repeated reference is made to them making lightning strikes against those who thought they had super weapons capable of turning the tide - none of which were seen again. I've attached a list to my missive. At least some of these weapons seem to have ended up in the Vaults of Rython, though the list is long enough that I'm reasonably certain that not all of them did. A scorched system policy seemed to be the mindset of some of these tyrants, at least one of which is described as being capable of causing Sol to undergo a catastrophic chain reaction which would spell the end for all the planets in the system. Given their heraldric similarities to those of the Warders of the Vaults of Rython on Terra, it seems likely that they are a closely related organization, if not different branches of the same organization within the Custodians. Anything further on their origins would just be speculation at this time, though I've chosen to refer to them as the 'Wardens of Mercury' later in this missive. They seem to have a different Tribune at their head than those who guard the Vaults of Rython, however. The handful of intercepted communications between Mercury and Terra reference a 'Lord Warden', who seems likely to be the man in charge on Mercury, though the meaning of the rest of these communiques yet escapes our code breakers. One of them came with with a pict of one of the Wardens in full array though. I've attached it at the bottom of this missive. Homeworld Mercury, as the planet in the Sol System closest to the Sun is generally considered to be inimical to settlement in the current era. There is some evidence of facilities on the planet's surface that appear to date back to the Dark Age of Technology, and there is always some activity with regards to the shoal facilities in orbit. Inquiries with some of the void-born operating in this area revealed occasional signs of activity from the Legio Custodes, as well as at least one sighting of the Black Ships of the Adepta Astra Telepathica. None of the void-farers admitted to having given a Psyker over to their custody, so it seems likely they had business on the planet itself. A friend in the Administratum was able to dig up the initial survey records from the earliest stages of the Great Crusade, which was surprisingly devoid of information for a planet with no apparent material value. What was left, though, seemed to indicate that the planet might either be hollow or highly catacombed as a result of mining operations during the Dark Age of Technology. I couldn't confirm anything, but I think it is highly likely that the Wardens are based out of either these apparent ruins, or perhaps underneath the surface of Mercury itself. It seems likely that there is something significantly greater than mining detritus in those caverns - if it has been given over to the Custodians as the evidence would seem to indicate, then what is present must be both supremely dangerous and highly powerful, to be kept under the aegis of the Imperial Household, but away from its seat of power. The contents are suspected to be those items retrieved by the Wardens that weren't handed over to the Vaults of Rython; similar in nature to what is held there, but significantly more volatile - covert assets in the area have detected at least one unusual energy spike from the planet's surface. Combat Doctrine Some things can be assumed about the Wardens' combat prowess purely from their status as part of the Legio Custodes - they are well equipped, well trained, and absolute terrors on the battlefield. Fragmentary records surviving from the battlefields that the Wardens have deployed upon confirms this, and suggests a tactical doctrine oriented around pinpoint strikes. It is likely this tendency derives from the overall mandate, for there is additional evidence that the bulk of those bearing the Wardens' heraldry are likely to withdraw from battle once their primary objective is met. On the moon Nereid, for example, it seems that the Wardens penetrated deep into the mutants' defenses before abruptly withdrawing once they had retrieved something that the surviving records name only as 'the Cataphlex of Oblitsteri'. Care will have to be taken if the Wardens are encountered on the battlefield - if their tendencies hold true, it seems that the Wardens hold to their sworn duty over any strategic considerations. It may be possible to control their presence on the field through the presence of their target, either to keep them in the battle, or to cause them to leave early. High priorities will need to be put on discerning their target should the need arise. It's not clear how the Wardens determine the location, or even existence of their targets. There was one pict capture of what appears to be a man swathed in heavy robes seemingly directing the Wardens, but he is absent from other images of them fighting. Current theory is that either the Emperor himself directs their acquisitions, or perhaps that they have some other source of clairvoyance to seek out things that fall within their mandate. Organization Author Remembrancer Aria Orianski Based on the picts I have been analyzing, I estimate that the Wardens' field strength numbers no more than one hundred members, between the warriors on the ground and the pilots of their vehicles. They do seem to possess an unusual number of vehicles, up to and including at least two of the Moritoi. It is possible that there are more, but with the quality of the picts it is impossible to tell - much of the heraldry is obscured through what seems to be either grime or battle damage of some regard. Hard information on the Custodian Moritoi branch is hard to come by at the best of times, but with our best estimate of their disposition, it seems likely that the Contemptors available to the Wardens number no more than four, given the perennially small size of their ranks. It's difficult to determine how many of the Wardens remain whatever base they possess on Mercury. The heraldry present in their deployment provides the only real clue - best guess based on the number of observed variations is that their field force is roughly a third of the total strength available to the Wardens. Given that the Mercury installation is important enough to warrant direct control by the Imperial Household, it seems likely that the Wardens have additional strength of some sort. A more conservative estimate of the forces that remain on Mercury full time is roughly three times their field numbers... And it seems likely that there is something either more significant or esoteric, or both. Perhaps one of the Titans that the Emperor requisitioned from Mars lies dormant therein...? It appears that the Wardens' leadership follows the same pattern as the rest of the Ten Thousand. Determining the Tribune in overall command has been a feat that has thus far escaped me. It is possible that he never leaves Mercury, and thus no recorded evidence of him exists. No agent has yet successfully identified the Tribune in command. The pict was labeled simply as Orien. By his armament, it appears that he is one of those collectively known as shield captains, for not even the Companions are generally equipped with weapons such as his. Regards, Remembrancer Aria Orianski Message Ends ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject:..............FW: Remembrancers Date:..................1990004.M31 Ref:....................WAR8123 To:.....................Lord Alpharius, Primarch of the Alpha Legion From:..................Captain Viator Shortly after my receipt of the previous message, I received the following, hand delivered by a member of the Adepta Astra Telepathica who's ship was currently resupplying at the naval depot my company was staging out of. Captain Viator. I do not appreciate having an Astartes Legion dragging their noses through my business. I will overlook your transgression this once, but in return you will leave the Black Prism that you acquired on Loiren with the Oblivion Knight who delivered this message. -The Lord Warden of Mercury, Tribune of the Legio Custodes Given that we can not afford to draw scrutiny of this nature from the Imperial Household at this juncture, I judged it better to accede to the Lord Warden's demand. As such, I must report that my mission has ended in failure, though given how recently I acquired the prism, it boggles the mind that the Wardens could have caught wind of it without clairvoyance of some sort. -Viator Nomis, Captain of the Fifth Company Message Ends ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operation Viscucius - The Siege of Mercury Subject:..............Operation Viscucius Date:..................1215014.M31 Ref:....................PER9832 To:.....................Lord Alpharius, Primarch of the Alpha Legion From:..................Captain Viator As ordered, I leaked the information we'd gathered on the relics held by the Wardens to the Warsmith of the 65th Grand Battalion of the Iron Warriors. As expected, once the Warsmith had finished his task in the asteroid belt, his fleet made straight for Mercury. Agents embedded in his Grand Battalion granted us access to his tactical net, from which I've stitched together this account. Putting together the events of the hectic days of the Siege of Mercury has taken me some time, but I suspect that you will find the account illuminating. To begin with, the orbit of Mercury seems to have been secured without incident, the orbital shoals scattering without ever firing a shot at the Iron Warriors' fleet. Once they landed, however, the defenses of the planet began to unfold, as the following vox cast shows... Captain Zalgen to Warsmith ________ Operation Viscucius - T+6 hours Warsmith, we've secured the ruins on the planet as directed, but they seem to be a husk. There isn't actually any... Wait. What energy spike? Where? But there's nothing the- The transmission ends abruptly at this point. Analysis of what few of the Warsmith's flagship's sensor logs that our agents were able to make available to us indicates that the ruins seem to have become consumed in a blaze of emerald light, almost like an unusually large phosphex bomb, though it burned itself out too quickly for it to have been that substance. Analysis of the Iron Warrior's deployment from this point seems to indicate that the Warsmith was able to divine the true entry point to the vaults, but it is unclear of how he arrived at this conclusion. It is possible that he had a Sorcerer of some sort aboard his vessel, but given its fate, data is sparse. What is clear, however is that the Wardens, previously silent, deployed in force at this point, with a concomitant rise in casualties to the Warsmith's forces. Despite total command of the orbitals, it seems that the Warsmith felt he was under a time constraint of some sort, as the following recording indicates. Warsmith _________ - Operation Viscucius - T+74 hours - Bridge of his Flagship (Presumed) How is the anomaly progressing? Speak to me worm!1 Bah. Communications! Signal all forces at once. Forces of the _______________, this is Warsmith _________. Our enemy weakens, like the pathetic flesh that they are. You will take the entry way, now, or the lot of you will be consigned to decimation like the cowards that you are. It matters not what you face. Take not one single step back. End transmission. Signal the hangar bay, and have my Thunderhawk readied for immediate departer. 1It is clear from the sounds made after this, that whoever the Warsmith was addressing was not having a good day. There's a rather distinct squelching noise as if a limb is being stepped on by armor. No cry of pain, however. The Warsmith deploying to the surface of Mercury seems to have been the beginning of the end of the Siege. Curiously, kill reports being voxed in by Iron Warriors units during this time seem to report a marked down swing in damage inflicted upon the Wardens' mechanised units, and few if any kills on the Custodians themselves. The command crew seems to have regarded this as them having finally broken the Wardens back, as this recording shows. Operations Officer Keiremus, Bridge of the Warsmith's Flagship - Operation Viscucius - T+79 hours Speak again, Captain Soemin. Contact recorded, one Pallas-Class Grav-Attack craft, driven off by anti-aircraft fire, Coordinates Oh Oh Three X Five Six Two. Designation Yukikaze. Confirmed. Over. There is a vox crackle here, and the next line seems to be said to the officer at the station next to Keiremus', though it is difficult to tell with just a recording. See, I told you, Philio. We've got them on the run now. Amasec's on me, later. It is thought that the Yukikaze is the personal craft of the Custodian Tribune known as the Lord Warden, so it being reported here in what is one of the Iron Warriors' flank areas by the coordinates given would seem to indicate that there is more than one entrance to the vaults beneath the planet. The last transmission that we received from the battle came just an hour later, as the first Iron Warriors units, led personally by the Warsmith, finally penetrated the vault complex, from one of our embedded agents. It is below in its entirety. Legionnaire Appolonius - Operation Viscucius - T+80 hours Boss, we've successfully penetrated the defenses surrounding the Custodian vault complex. Warsmith ________ is spearheading the assault, but he's lost at least seventy percent of his force in the attempt, and seems likely to lose more within the complex itself. The Wardens have a warrior of such prowess that I have never seen before outside our Lord and his brothers. Clad in nothing more than a brown burlap bag, the warrior has scythed through every legionnaire who has dared stand against him, and seems almost untouched. And more than that... At this point a full pict cast began, showing that our operative had found a secluded position to transmit from. The pict cast, however, shows a grainy picture of what must be the Lord Warden of Mercury confronting what is probably the Warsmith in what is clearly the first main room of the vault. Lord Warden of Mercury - Operation Viscucius - T+81 hours It is a shame, that men as brave as yourselves should come here today, for here you will find no glory, no honor, and no victory. At this point, the dark liveried custodian raises one hand, and points at what is presumably the Warsmith, though his retort is captured loudly and clearly. Warsmith __________ - Operation Viscucius - T+81 hours Outnumbered thirty to one, and you dare tell a son of Perturabo that he faces defeat? YOU DARE? DIE! Here, the Warsmith seems to fly into a rage, which as you well know never seems to do any warriors any favors. Though given what followed next, it seems unlikely that it would have much mattered. The Lord Warden stepped deftly to the side, weapon remaining undrawn, revealing a small ball of energy building at what appears to have been some sort of weapons aperture. Lord Warden of Mercury - Operation Viscucius - T+81 hours Know that you have pushed me further than any one ever has before. But by the Emperor's will... By any means necessary. Obliteratum. FIRE. As to what an Obliteratum is, well... It remains unclear. What is clear, though, is that the relatively innocuous orb seems to have not just killed the Warsmith, but wiped him from existence entirely. An agent aboard one of the surviving shoal-craft recorded an eruption of such power that it seems to have annihilated much of the Warsmith's fleet, and rent a massive chasm into the planet itself, though none seem to have been inclined to take advantage of it. Curiously, Legionnaire Appolonius seems to have survived the blast, where none of the Iron Warriors did, though this turn of events did not last for long. His last transmission follows. Legionnaire Appolonius - Operation Viscucius - T+81 hours Uh... Boss. I don't think... I don't even know... The Warsmith... I... Don't remember what he looked like, anymore... I don't understand... At this point a second voice cuts in. It isn't the Lord Warden's, and it doesn't have the tell tale signs of coming from one of the Custodians, so my best guess is that it came from the unarmored warrior alluded to earlier. ???? - Operation Viscucius - T+81 hours Ah, a survivor. It seems that not all cleaved to the same banner, then. My Lord! I found a surviving Legionnaire. Seems to be one of the Hydra's get. The last voice in the recording is clearly the Lord Warden's, and it is somewhat concerning, personally. Lord Warden - Operation Viscucius - T+81 hours I had expected as such. You are still transmitting, then? Good. Bolster his signal! Now, Captain Viator, I told you that next time you stuck your nose into my business there would be a reckoning, and there will be. Do not think that I have missed your handiwork in this. Enjoy what time you have left. The transmission ends here, as do all records of the Iron Warriors' Operation Viscucius, the Siege of Mercury. Going through what files were available to me after the event, it seems that all instances of the Warsmith's name have been wiped from existence, as if he was unmade entirely. More chillingly, the Lord Warden's last words to the Warsmith seem to indicate that he is willing to unleash those items secured by the Wardens in the defense of Mercury, for his mandate from the Emperor seems to have been 'by any means necessary.' It is my opi- Message Ends ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject:..............RE: Operation Viscucius Date:..................1215014.M31 Ref:....................PER9833 To:.....................Lord Alpharius, Primarch of the Alpha Legion From:..................Captain Artemaias I must unfortunately report that my predecessor, Captain Viator Nomis, was slain by what appears to have been a Custodian Strike team in the colors of the Wardens of Mercury while composing his report. Failsafes in the equipment caused it to be sent on his death, which accounts for the somewhat abrupt end of the previous missive. After reviewing the material left behind by my predecessor, there is only one viable conclusion. My Lord, it is my conclusion that no victory can be achieved on Mercury through conventional force of arms. -Artemaias Keinzi, Captain of the Fifth Company
  3. Hey they! This is mostly a repost i've done on another forum but with infero landing, hopefully you can find some use for it! You could probably do a few base and just cast them but i'm way too lazy for that http://heresy30k.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png you'll need: some milliput a cutter clipper ruler pencile rolling pin cork sheet vallejo dark earth (or something similar) super glue and white glue Optionnal: some juweela bricks (i'm using size 1/35 and 1/48) some sands, differents size some bits and pieces from your favorite enemy (*ies) Some leftover from milliput tiles tamiya scrapper 1. you need to mix the milliput and flatten it quickly with your hand. Now put it between to sheets of baking paper to avoid having it stick to your workplace and flatten it to the thickness you like with a rolling pine, to have smoother finish (i use two plastic guide on each side to have the thickness i want). http://i.imgur.com/rIEdyzQ.jpg 2. Then it's time to mark your tiles with a ruler and a pencil, i'm doing 1cm tiles. Then with the backside of your cutter (mind your finger!), mark the line, if you use the normal side you'll just cut through. Don't push to hard, it's better to go a few time lightly than marking it to much or cutting through. http://i.imgur.com/OyXDPyh.jpg 3. Now take a piece of cork, and rip it to the size of your mini (or the size you like), in this case, a tartaros termite. When your satisfied with the placing, just glue it down with superglue (or white glue but it will take longer). http://i.imgur.com/LNvGJWW.jpg 4. Take your milliput tiles and with your clipper cut it roughly to the size of your cork, don't forget to choose the orientation of your tile to go with your mini!. (if you break with your finger, there's a strong chance the crack will follow your tiles markings). When your happy with it glue it down with milliput. http://i.imgur.com/BNR1p3O.jpg 5. Now it's time for wear and tear the tiles to properly fit the cork. With a clipper, a pince and cutter clip some piece, or just tear them away until you have something your satisfied with, you can use the cutter to cut properly some piece of just cut away the first layer of the milliput. You can also draw some cracks in the middle with a cutter or a metal pointer. http://i.imgur.com/ztvTMnR.jpg 6. Use the vallejo dark earth to fill the all base, you can create some volume with this paste to make it more interesting, otherwise you can just use sand but you'll have finish a bit flat. http://i.imgur.com/dxI0tiO.jpg 7. When you dark earth is still wet, push in some broken bricks, broken tiles, somes bits and pieces from your favorite enemy to break the monoty of the sand and make it more interesting. You don't have to do this step but i add quite a lot of depth to your mini and represent well the idea of a battlefield. http://i.imgur.com/NJXvK4Y.jpg 8. Optionnal: To finish it, i put some white glue on a few spot around the dark earth on the base and sprinkle some differents sized sands (the dark earth is to uniform for my taste). Second part on how to paint it http://i.imgur.com/bp9Mlwj.jpg 1. Primer black, light white primer on top, to go faster since i had a few bases layings around, i've done the tiles with an airbrush with an off white, in this case Scalecolor Nacar http://i.imgur.com/Ep8Nim4.jpg 2. I then black the line between the tiles with Armypainter strong tone, and i make a heavy wash with gw Rhinox hide on the soil http://i.imgur.com/H9TYhlz.jpg 3. I blackened some more the lines between tiles with rhinox hide mixed with black (still quite diluted), then drybrush the soil with a lighter brown (Sc Dubai brown) http://i.imgur.com/gLi36L4.jpg 4. I've made three more drybrush on the soil with Sc Walnut first then Sc Thar brown to finish with Sc White sand, going lighter and lighter (you could probably have less color i'm not sure the first on is really needed..) http://i.imgur.com/DweWVY0.jpg 5. Then i start defining the tiles, to do this i shade the back of the tiles with AP strong tone diluted (agrax earthshade), you don't need to blend everything we'll come back on that latter, i've also blackened the rime in a few diluted coat. http://i.imgur.com/6DsDVUf.jpg 6. I do the same with my previous mix of rhinox hide and black but very lightly http://i.imgur.com/QMy0GXj.jpg 7. I drawning the marbles effect with Vallejo dark sea blue (amazeball color!) heavily diluted, since i have some dark sea blue, i also add a few "patch" of this mix on random spot on the soil to make it more interesting and tie it with my mini (same colour i use for the black). http://i.imgur.com/X9PJUvN.jpg 8.It's time to tie everything together! I glaze my base color which is Nacar on the tile to blend the shade and the marble effect and make it lighter and more subtle. I've also continued making some "spot" on the soil with the red is use on the eye, Sc mayhem red and some with violet ink. http://i.imgur.com/8E2e407.jpg 9. I lighten the tiles with nacar and primacryl titanium white as glaze just on the front part of the tiles, and still make some spot on the soil with Sc kalamari orange which is my rust colour. I also redefine the cracks and separation on the tiles with my black and rhinox hide mix. http://i.imgur.com/JZbf5nd.jpg 10. I finish the finish the tiles by edge highlightint the front part with pure white and the bottom part of the cracks. Sometimes i also really lightly drybrush some white sand on the sand to retrieve the top highlight if i've been to heavy on the glaze Enjoy!
  4. Evening all, It has been generations I would assume since I have been to this site with college and life taking my time I have had very little time to do anything with models...well that time is over and now I am turning my gaze upon the new prospects of conversion mining! My current project is to reposing and overhauling (somewhat) of the 40k Guilliman model, I wasn't exactly happy with many of its elements and think that it could have used a personal touch. So here I am! The updates may be few and far inbetween as I go back to doing college work and then focusing on the conversion, down the line I will be making a Custodes Strike Force with a Solar Auxilia force that has an attachment of Sisters and finally a primary detachment of Dark Angels when Book 8: Angelus is released. So to show a little off here is the base for the Guilliman conversion, will hopefully have some WIP's of the actual model within a week or two and inbetween that time I will have some Custodes. Enjoy for the time being!
  5. So, I've been doing a lot of work on my Death Guard this year, and in really happy with them. But I always like to have a couple of projects on the go and I do like the idea of an opposed force for my army. I'm a huge fan of Chris Wraight, possibly my favourite BL author at present, and I've been enjoying the White Scars story. Always been drawn to them, but I feel like they havnt had as much love over the years. Anyways, following the fighting between those two Legions on the battle ravaged Prospero, I thought they were a perfect choice. Havnt come up with any fluff or such for them as of yet, and it's dry much going to be a project I do a good job on, so I'm not going to rush painting 3k of models in 2 months again! It is a bit of a daunting prospect, mind; there aren't many White Scars armies on here, and One-Eye's are particularly excellent (to the point I was a little out off starting my guys!). Anyways, here's my tester model, a sergeant for one of my Veteran Tactical squads. I love the changes made to the WS symbol, and that masking has been begging to be put on a White Scar ever since I saw the Autilon Skorr mini. I know some have mentioned before when I started a small Imperial Fists project I tend to over weather, but I like the idea of a mid-battle/campaign army. That and it detracts from the stark white. I'm really pleased with him (though I need to tidy up a few bits like the Legion symbol etc) so I decided after I would use my actual Autilon Skorr model to make a Delegatus/Legion Champion. I'm going to give all my guys Tulwars instead of chainswords, which is just a case of heating the charnabal sabres and bending then around till done. Next step is painting him and building the next 4 guys for the Veteran Tactical squad. Also need to figure out how I'm going to base my Scars. Hope you like! (Apologies for the duff pictures, my camera will be updated one of these days) http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag332/liam_harrison2/Mobile%20Uploads/559CDC84-C4DB-491F-ADCA-666EE105B547_zpsgwplo1yz.jpg http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag332/liam_harrison2/Mobile%20Uploads/1FAA5854-BB42-4771-8162-1A04D095F5E6_zps1ag3osjq.jpg http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag332/liam_harrison2/Mobile%20Uploads/5932B766-E1E3-42C1-99A1-B51A1A2D6D74_zpsjdvvm07l.jpg http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag332/liam_harrison2/Mobile%20Uploads/D1BEFEED-E549-4CA2-B7D8-7E3BECF2BDF2_zpsttqkuqqi.jpg http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag332/liam_harrison2/Mobile%20Uploads/5471535E-8160-4AD0-A321-2FD3CEDE558D_zps12c1jzhj.jpg http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag332/liam_harrison2/Mobile%20Uploads/749A8B37-14E3-4445-94A3-F39CB2FAF9A8_zpserxd97nl.jpg http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag332/liam_harrison2/Mobile%20Uploads/2D1C9059-B720-4D9B-A036-5816E81D6BE1_zpsnoczcskk.jpg http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag332/liam_harrison2/Mobile%20Uploads/43FDFD8B-A354-414E-9B76-488FB9A09D9D_zpses9agg2l.jpg
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