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I was lucky enough to pick up a copy of the Space Marine 2 Receuit Edition today at my local Warhammer store. I’ve not had a a huge amount of motivation to paint recently so want to try something to get me to pick a brush in earnest. That coupled with a need to practise painting Leviathan nids for the base decorations of my new Blood Angels has led to this… ”I, Casual_Heresy, being of (un)sound mind and body, hereby pledge to fully paint the Space Marine 2 Recruit Edition box in one week and one day, finishing by 23:59 on 6/10/24.” Why a week and a day? Because I’ve got a double shift at my second job next Saturday so won’t have much painting time that day. So let’s do this! Here is where we start at 18:00 today.
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- Space Marine 2
- Ultramarines
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A BUG'S LIFE A Monthly Tyranids Painting Challenge This week a new painting event launches in the Tyranids Section of the forum. The Challenge? Paint at least one TYRANIDS model per month - including Codex Tyranids, GSC and Forgeworld models. Taking part is simple: Pledge your models Paint your models Enjoy your army of bugs A lot of people have the odd Tyranid model lying around, usually from Battleboxes or Boxed Games, so if you want some motivation to paint them up, skitter on over to the Tyranids Section of the forum and join the Hive Fleet - The event and pledges, progress etc will be organised from there. What's more you'll get to add this cool badge to your signature: WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW MORE?
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- Tyranids
- Painting Challenge
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A BUG'S LIFE A Monthly Tyranids Painting Challenge Smite that grey pile! Hello and welcome to the first official low-stakes painting event for the Tyranid forum! This is purely a fun event, with the end reward being more lovely painted models for you to enjoy on the table, with shout-outs to anyone performing spectacularly! FORMAT Anyone who has entered B&C painting events before will be familiar with the format: In this thread, make a pledge post to commit to painting the models you wish to, and share a photo of the model(s) you wish to paint for that month, along with their name and power level, before the end of the month, share a photo of your painted model, finished to Battle Ready Standard, as defined by GW on the previous link. Basically, that's all parts painted with: Base, shade paint, then technical on the base. If you like, models can be cross-entered into other events like Grotsmasha's Monthly Painting Challenge, so you can get extra kudos and share your work with those outside the Tyranids Section. TIMING The event will run for five months from Wednesday 9th June until Monday 1st November 2021, after which we'll have a showcase and a tot up of who's managed to paint the most in that time! The 'active' month will reset on the first Monday of each month. PLEDGES Each month, we'll each pledge to paint at least one model with the TYRANIDS keyword [including all models from the Tyranids Codex, Genestealer Cults Codex, and Forge World Books], however a soft target should be 10 Power Level or roughly 200 points. If you can stick to this and achieve it, you'll have a 50 Power Level Tyranids Crusade force to play some games with! Your pledge can be as simple or ornate as you like, e.g.: I, Xenith, Commander of the Hive, pledge to paint a unit of three Biovores to the value of 6PL or ~150 points in the month of June 2021 Accompany that text with a picture of the pledged models, and you're good to go! If you like, post WIP photos in this thread, or start your own WIP log in the Tyranids section. BADGE In honour of your taking part, there's a signature badge in progress which all entrants can proudly display (and to promote the competition). That's all really! Just like the Hive Fleets, this post will evolve as time goes on and new challenges arise, and this post will record the entries into the challenge, so check on your progress here. SUMMARY At the start of the month, make a pledge in this thread what you want to paint, with a photo and point values. Paint the models Before the end of the month, share photos of the painted models in this thread Repeat steps 1-3
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- Tyranids
- Hobby Challenge
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+++ THE CALL TO ARMS HAS BEEN MADE... WILL THE SONS OF CORAX ANSWER? +++ In the wake of the Storm of Chaos breaking across the breadth of the Imperium, Rouboute Guilliman has called the Indomitus Crusade to take the fight to the enemy wherever they rear their heads. Guilliman's first request for aid has been sent out to all the first founding Chapters demanding they and their successors join the crusade at full chapter strength. With the Raven Guard heavily committed across the Damocles Warzone and the losses incurred during the fall of Cadia and during the Crusade to bring Guilliman to Holy Terra, the Raven Guard have called upon all the Sons of Corax to muster. Between them they can achieve a Chapter strength force and gift Guilliman's crusade the skills of the 'Hidden Hands of the Emperor'. "Victorus aut Mortis" As a temporary replacement for ETL, to continue the momentum of the 'Talons Reach' event and to celebrate the coming of 8th Edition, the Raven Guard Forum is Hosting the 'Hidden Hands of the Emperor' challenge. The challenge is open to the Raven Guard (40K & 30K) and all successor chapters, both known and created by you and will run from the 15th of June through to the 15th of September. The rules are simple: vow to paint any unit/units you'd like for your army. Unlike the ETL, as we are not competing against other forums, you can vow allies, as long as they are Imperial e.g. Inquisitor, Elysians etc. Each vow should be for the same unit type, so, if I want to vow a tactical squad and a scout squad, then you make 1 vow but declare both troop types. There is no limit to the number of vows you can make during the challenge. A vow must be completed before making another vow. Each Vow should be: I, (name), for the (Chapter name), vow to complete (model/models) by 11:59 PM on September 15, 2017. Each vow should be accompanied by a before photo, showing the model/models in their pre-painted state (under coated is fine) (with the exception of the Race Bannon bonus, see below). Upon completion, post a photo of the completed model(s). More than one angle would be nice, but not required. It is preferred the quality be at least for table-top use with three different colors used (washes do not count). The progress will be updated every few days and will also include a running total of our total forces, cheering milestones as we hit them e.g. Company strength. All participants can use the 'Oath Marker' below in their signatures to let everyone know that they are taking part: Awards: Upon completion of the event all participants will receive a personal banner with a 'pip' awarded for each troop type completed (this may be adjusted if different titles are used in 8th): HQ Elites Troops Fast Attack Heavy Support If a participant manages to complete a vow for each of the above, the Aquilla on the banner will also be 'lit'. There will also be three bonus awards available during the challenge: Race Bannon Challenge - complete a model to represent our hard working Raven Guard moderator, it can be a character or a rank an file trooper. I know a few have done this already so rather than you making another one, you can post your completed Race. (easy win for those who have done one before). If a participant completes the Race Bannon Challenge a Laurel Wreath will be added to the unit type 'pip' i.e. If a Sternguard Veteran Sergeant is modeled as Race, the Laurel will appear around the Elites 'pip' on the Banner. Flyer Challenge - A bonus 'Pip' will be awarded for those participants who vow and complete a Flyer choice, though this is not required to 'light' the Aquilla. Lord of War Challenge - A bonus 'Pip' will be awarded for those participants who vow and complete a Lord of War choice, though this is not required to 'light' the Aquilla. So get your brushes ready......the Hidden Hands of the Emperor ready for WAR!
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- Raven Guard Chapter
- Raven Guard Successors
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A CHALLENGE LAYS ISSUED! The Dark Angel's known only as Shadow Guard and Darkn3ssF4lls walk out of a dark room deep inside the flying fortress only known as The Rock. Their heads held low after their deep conversations within held only moments before. "Brother, we need a Champion to lead these oaths to victory!" Darkn3ssF4lls said shifting his gaze to stare ahead down the long corridor. Dimly lit with candles he could see the glories of the past artistically crafted into the corridors. "Only the finest warriors will be chosen to lead the new squads, let us begin the preparations" replied Shadow Guard. To coincide with the Covenant of Caliban (1 July - 30 Sep) and because of the launch of 8th edition, I would like to challenge us all to make some great conversions of our new sworn brothers, the Primaris Marines. + + +THE PALADIN CHALLENGE II + + + Objective Create, Convert and Paint a Member of the Unforgiven utilizing both the Dark Angels bits and those given to us in a Primaris Marine Kit. Rules for Registration Single Primaris Marine miniature which must be converted/kitbashed (Can be part of a squad or IC) Must be wielding either a single sword, dual swords, or a two handed sword and must be wearing MK X armour. Can be included as part of the Covenant of Caliban event oath, please state here too so I can keep track. Please name your Champion/Paladin Prize A unique badge for the winner. A standard badge for all. The judges will pick a favorite and the community will be able to vote on who's champion gets to write their name in the banner hall. Here is the OATH I (name), with all my strength, honor and faith in the Lion, pledge my Champion (name). Failure of my oath is not an option. When the oath is taken you may wear one of these banners. Upon completion of your oath you may discard your oath badge in favour of the badge you win. OR + + + PRAISE BE THE LION + + + OATHMAKERS Fallen Dark Angel - Lieutenant Gawain - Starting State - Ending State Skorp - Viktor - Starting State - Ending State Chmur - Tiguel, The Unwavering - Starting State - Ending State Punk Possum - Kormareal - Starting State - Ending State Robofish7591 - Ezkariel, Master of 3rd Co. - Starting State - Ending State jbaeza94 - Amulius - Starting State - Ending State Master Sheol - Anaziel - Starting State - Ending State Joewavridr - Heleman - Starting State - Ending State Elmo - Methandes - Starting State - Ending State Immersturm - Lemuel - Starting State - Ending State Jack of the Pelt - Grinnaux, Company Master - Starting State - Ending State Grotsmasha - Variel - Starting State - Ending State ronin_cse - Tariel, Company Master - Starting State - Ending State Master Toddius - Zaal - Starting State - Ending State
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- Painting Challenges 2017
- Painting Challenge
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The Inner Circle presents: Staring up at the screens before him the Dark Angel known only as Darkn3ss F4lls furled his brow as information arrived from the Crusier Sword of Defiance. The information seemed inconceivable but he could see it would not be proved a fabrication. More information poured in from the Astra Militarum and other Astartes chapters. The command floor stood still as the news of both the destruction of Cadia and the loss of the entire 4th Company sank in. Snapping back to reality just as quickly as things had paused everyone got to work with the efficiency only Astartes could achieve. Leaving the the command deck he left in a solemn search. Entering the dimly lit chamber deep inside the rock he found the floor littered with Oaths of Moment that had been unfulfilled over the course of time. The reasons for the failure were both numerous and varied. The marines of the Inner Circle stood in silence over the pile. One amongst them lifted from the pile an Oath and read to himself the prior promise. To the one marine, the goal was both attainable and notable. Looking at another one, it was possible to complete it with the changes that have occurred since the Oath was made. “Many of these can be completed now.” From the darkness, the cloaked form of the Shadow Guard stepped forth, “Indeed. It is time that these Oaths be fulfilled and raised in honor.” “Then let them be raised up as new Oaths.” “And let this be a new covenant for the Unforgiven, that we will return to this chamber and bring forth some of these so that they may be returned to honor our lost brothers” INTRODUCTION: The Covenant of Caliban is a Dark Angel Forum Event series aimed at having participants vow a single unit and bringing it in to completion. This unit could be still in plastic, partially assembled, or base-coated. The timeline for completing the event is three month’s time. The event will have two parts, the first listed below and the second in another thread. One can enter their vow into both should it meet both criteria. HOW TO ENTER: 1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner: I, <<YOUR NAME>>, OF THE <<CHAPTER / FIRST LEGION>>, IN THE NAME OF THE LION, MAKE THIS OATH OF MOMENT TO FINISH <<INSERT UNIT OR CHARACTER HERE>>. 2. Take a before photo to be placed in the same post as your vow. 3. Work to bring your vow to completion. 4. Post a second photo of the completed unit to be posted by Midnight of September 30th, 2017. (B&C Board Standard Time) 5. Claim your reward. RULES: Only a SINGLE VOW will be allowed for this event. The Vow must be a SINGLE UNIT that is Dark Angels Chapter or Legion Legal. No Formations are allowed for this event. The Vow can be in ANY of the listed state of construction/painting when then vow is made REWARDS: Once you make your oath you may wear the following banner in your signature: + + + PRAISE BE THE LION + + + OATH BEARERS Pvnisher - 1 Deathwing Knight Squad (5x) - Starting State - Ending State Fallen Dark Angel - 1 Intercessor Squad (5x) - Starting State - Ending State Brother Haim - 1 Ravenwing Bike Squad with Attack Bike (9x) - Starting State - Ending State Skorp - 1 Deathwing Knight Squad (8x) - Starting State - Ending State GrayRavenC - 1 Greenwing Command Squad (5x) - Starting State - Ending State Jack of the Pelt - 1 Ravenwing Dark Talon (1x) - Starting State - Ending State Tygwyn - 1 Sammael on Sableclaw (1 x) - Starting State - Ending State Darkn3ssF4lls - 1 Terminator Librarian (1x) - Starting State - Ending State Robofish7591 - 1 Intercessor Squad (5x) - Starting State - Ending Greenz - 1 Ravenwing Bike Squad + Attack Bike (6x) - Starting State - Ending State Chmur - 1 Primaris Lieutenant (1x) - Starting State - Ending State Brother-Captain Sharp - 1 Deathwing Knight Squad (5x) - Starting State - Ending State Aura_Enchanted - 1 Land Raider Excelsior (1x) - Starting State - Ending State Brother Vod - 1 Dreadnaught (1x) - Starting State - Ending State ronin_cse - 1 Hellblaster Squad (5x) - Starting State - Ending State Eib.Almera - 1 Deathwing Suad (5x) - Starting State - Ending State Master Sheol - 1 Ravenwing Bike Squad + Attack Bike (7x) - Starting State - Ending State SNEAKYBAMSEN - 1 Assault Squad (10x) - Starting State - Ending State Joewavridr - 1 Black Knights (12x?) - Starting State - Ending State Goblinchow - 1 Assault Squad (5x) - Starting State - Ending State Rychu - 1 Devastator Squad (10x) - Starting State - Ending State Elmo - 1 Intercessor Squad (10x) - Starting State - Ending State SYPHID - 1 Storm Eagle Assault Gunship (1x) - Starting State - Ending State Lostrael - 1 Asmodai (1x) - Starting State - Ending State Aothaine - 1 Tactical Squad (10x) - Starting State - Ending State Grotsmasha - 1 Primaris Lieutenant (1x) - Starting State - Ending State Master Ciaphas - 1 Primaris Captain (1x) - Starting State - Ending State DasOgrefied - 1 Ravenwing Bike Squad (5x) - Starting State - Ending State Worsey - 1 Ravenwing Dark Talon (1x) - Starting State - Ending State Dark rage - 1 Intercessor Squad (1x) - Starting State - Ending State Jbaeza94 - 1 Tactical Squad (10x) - Starting State - Ending State Oaths = 31 Completed = 8 Failure = 0
- 169 replies
- Covenant of Caliban
- Covenant of Caliban II
- (and 5 more)
When stealth is not an option and protection is needed we shall call on the Armoured Fists of the Raven Guard to bring us into battle to destroy the enemies of the Emperor. "Victorus aut Mortis" To continue the momentum of the 'Talons Reach' event and 'Hidden Hands of the Emperor' and continue our army builds for 8th Edition, the Raven Guard Forum is hosting a new challenge and the first for 2018. The challenge is open to the Raven Guard (40K & 30K) and all successor chapters, both known and created by you and will run from the 15th of January through to the 15th of March. The rules are simple: vow to paint at least 1 unit listed below you'd like for your army. Land Raider- any Variants including Forge World Spartan Proteus Chapter Approved 2017 VDR Land Raider (must be legal to the rules in Chapter Approved) Storm Eagle Repulsor * If you already have a completed unit listed above you are ahead of the curve. You can participate by building at least 1 vehicle from the Dedicated Transport option to support your forces. Each Vow should be: The Overlord Race Bannon, demands a Land Raider, I, <State your Username> shall oblige him with one for the Glory of <Insert your Chapter here> "by 11:59 PM on March 15, 2017. Each vow should be accompanied by a before photo, showing the model/models in their pre-painted state (under coated is fine) (. Upon completion, post a photo of the completed model(s). More than one angle would be nice, but not required. It is preferred the quality be at least for table-top use with three different colors used (washes do not count). The progress will be updated every few days. Image for signature line vows : Original discussion found here Particapants War009- Raptors Land Raider- Vowed (before shown) MajorNese- Raptors Razorback- Vowed (Before Shown) COMPLETED Duz_- Raven Guard Repulsor- Vowed (Before shown) -COMPLETED Seriade- Raven Guard Repulsor- Vowed (Before shown) Hellstrike- Black Guard Repulsor- Vowed (Before shown) Dusterthreeonesix- Raven Guard Land Raider Crusader (Before Shown) Race Bannon- Ravenguard Teminus Ultra - COMPLETED 9x19 Parabellum- Ravenguard Predator
- 98 replies
- Raven Guard Chapter
- Raven Guard Successors
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