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From the album: Sothan Resurgence
Combat Squad Caessarian will eventually be the first of many Primaris Space Marines in my return to the hobby. -
Another shot of my Scythes test scheme.
Woe to the Vanquished posted a gallery image in Ultramarines & Successors
From the album: Sothan Resurgence
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Test Scythe of the Emperor - First model I've painted in a decade
Woe to the Vanquished posted a gallery image in Ultramarines & Successors
From the album: Sothan Resurgence
This is the first model I've painted in years - probably since about 2008. Previously never much interested in the hobby aspects of Warhammer 40,000, I found myself spending most of my time devising the most wicked army list I could devise. This time I'd like to think I'll do better.-
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From the album: Scythes of the Emperor
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- Let's paint a Scythes of the Emperor Chapter Icon. Some folks freak out painting yellow over black. You need to flip your thinking. Any mistake is covered up by.. Black. I mean, this is heaven. Squibble your line? A swipe of Black. Never happened. Painting a logo over black is awesome. When painting fine details like this, use a small but well bristled brush, slim/fine versions works against you as the slender bristle head flexes away too easily. Edit: Xenith - "Consistency is victory" too thick and you'll get lines and lumps in the scythe, too think and it will splotch and pool. OO is nice, even larger works well, for better control. Paint wise, in this case I'm using 'Iyaden Dark Sun' (Hi Seb, 2017 calling - its 'Averland Sunset' now.), slightly watered down for thin strokes. It is best to wait between applications for thinner coats to dry. So you could easily do 5 pauldrons at a time. That's 5 Scythes done and kicking Tyranid chitin! For the Ghosts of Sotha! First, start with dots as near to these places on the pauldron for reference ahead: Second. Stroke lines between the dots, making sure to take your "Handle Line" above the central dot. This helps sell that nice curve to the handles. Create two blades following the curve of the armour, the upper rim actually helps alot in keeping your line. Third, fill out the styled lines further. Work on adding that subtle curve in the icon. Fourth, fill out the shape to mimic the art well enough, hint at curves and cuts, address poor coverage. Don't worry about bulking too much, because.. you guessed it! we go over with Black. Fifth, careful effort time - stroke thinned black paint, carving out the sharper lines (First cover gets you close, second pass to finalise it). You'll find the natural curve of the pauldron really helps. When adding the notches at the point of haft and blade, I nudge the point of the brush into this spot. (Remember that advice on a thicker brush head? Yup!) Eh! voila, a Scythes of The Emperor Chapter badge, shown at scale below (depending on your viewing device). Hope this helps my fellow Sothan Brothers! -Sebastian.
Power Falx for Scythes of the Emperor A Guide to parts for creating this signature weapon. This guide came about from the Scythes of the Emperor Power Falx that was seen on my LJ Goulding Scythes competition entry. The following shows key components I personally would choose (and have used), however the blade in my competition version I have not identified (rushed build and well, a deep bitz collection). So much like yourself, I am seeking suitable blades for repeated builds. Firstly, let's look at what consitutes a Falx weapon. For this example we refer to the Dacian Falx. You can also read my indepth version on Falces (falx. plural) on my website A Dacian Falx, double edged, two handed sword: Single edged Falx, similar to historically modified Scythe-halberds: With these historical designs in mind, lets go bits shopping: (Zombie Scythe, Dark Elf Chariot Halberd, Wood Elves Tree Revenants, Skaven Clanrat Spears, Dark Eldar Power Sword, Dark Elf Corsair Swords) Having browsed for Scythe blades, swords with fine curved double edges, it's time to find the power weapon handles. These were chosen for a lack of wires and cables, making for a cleaner modification: (Dark Angel Veteran Power Weapons; 2 pairs, 4 versions and Deathwatch Power Weapons; 2 versions) Combining these you can start to create weapons suitable to the Scythes of the Emperor Chapter. Falx combat blades and Falx power weapons. At this stage you will need to cut the join edge of the blade, trimmed to suit length and attachment to the handles: As you can see this is fairly straight forward. However, taking the detail to a new level is challenging. To create a Power Node requires (in this approach) a thin slice of a 1mm styrene rod (Node dot) and fine wire (I used brass wire 0.5mm): On review, I can see my own work is slightly off centre! Despite many minutes of careful gluing using fine dots of superglue. Ultimately I hope this helps my fellow Sothan Brothers equipping their marines with Power Falces and stylised combat blades. The weapon style (in fiction) is an honour weapon bestowed on particularly gifted fighters. **If anyone knows the blade I used in my own Falx, please state below, thank you!** Thank you for reading and look forward to more Falces about the forum! Sebastian.
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- Scythes of the Emperor
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Soooo seems my old plog has been archived from disuse so i guess its time for a new one With the Heresy stuff shelved for the forseeable and 8th feeling like the best 40k yet ive gone back to the Dark Millenium, specifically Primaris marines are super sexy, even if their fluff often feels like being hit in the face with a shoe... Broader focus on the forum is also pretty welcome, for example ive been working on Fantasy stuff and Eldar Corsairs around my Angels None of that for now, but maybe later! So, the Scythes! I went through a long process of picking the Chapter to come back to, other Candidates were the Red Scorpions, Raven Guard, Raptors, Dark Angels and my own old Homebrew the Blazing suns. Let alone all the Alt Heresy Legions ive fluffed out over the years... But in the end a few things tipped it: 1. A Bunch of my buddies have Scythes Armies from an Old Tempus Fugitives campaign weekend (I ran Tyranids, really siiiick Tyranids...) 2. I wanted a Codex Adherant Chapter to play with markings and such, ive been so anti codex for years, i guess this is me growing up? 3. They have amazing fluff! Specifically Heresy links are always cool. 4. The Polish aspect from Rogue Trader is also quite interesting... 5. The Mix of old and new marines should be interesting too... Been a while without a picture so heres my concept models 19095646_10155299917120797_2588717845232583032_o A Squad of Tyranid hunters (Rules wise ill be cloning Ultramarines to steal their stuff!). All Deathwatch Veterans returned to the chapter and attached to the Fledgling 3rd Company long term to keep them honest. 19113773_10155299917410797_640703996637877549_n And Apothecaries! On the Left the 3rd Companies Apothecary and on the Right an Attached 1st Company Apothecary, also a Deathwatch veteran. Ill probably convert a Primaris Apothecary at some point too, i figure lots of Apothecaries around the primaris is kinda inevitable, if only to learn! These figures were basically pulled out of my Bits box to kick around some ideas, A friend of mine gave me some Deathwatch pads in a trade a while back, the Apothecaries got cannibalised to make Heresy Apothecaries for the Iron Warriors and Angels and most of the rest had been earmarked for my last revamp of the Blazing suns, like 10 years ago I also Dug out a Storm i had earmarked for use by Alpha Legion Operatives (And basically mothballed for years ) and the Scouts from Shadow war, plus the old Serf dude from the Battle for Macragge box. 19242989_10155326863895797_4449847247156921192_o The Storms base (POssibly too much foliage...) and Serf! 19275256_10155326863130797_1668137090430596232_n And an awful pic of the PIP Storm, picking a scheme for vehicles based on non standard heraldry is as always a ballache of indecision! The Infantry scouts are still waiting on some heads because the normal scout heads are godawful... I popped some Skitarrii heads on the Storm crew, i figured they are both walking wounded but not 100% thus the slightly less demanding role and heavy bionics The 10th Company assets are a Reclamation team added to back up the Primaris, i suspect a techmarine might be converted if i ever field more than just 1 speeder So thats the Intro.. Ill get some Primaris pics up next!
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Hello all, It has been another stretch of time since my last post back in 2012 for my websites 14th. A few intermittent posts to fellow Sothan friends since, business and professional sailing adventures for a couple of years; but largely, I was as quiet as the deadworld of Sotha. (1 minute silence..) Since the project with FalcesImperator on our joint Scythes Factual History brief in 2009, an astounding amount of love has been shown to the Scythes. You need only visit the very well maintained Scythes of the Emperor Lexcanium page which includes in part my original work with FalcesImperator; long since maintained by folks at Black Library such as L.J Goulding, our current patron and champion for all things Sothan at GW. Since 2012 we have had mention in the more recent Space Marine codex, officially under the Ultramarines (Luke, I am your father...) and even full mention of our origins in The Unremembered Empire novel. I've compiled an Essential Reading Guide for the Scythes' with help from Goulding and others; after I noted 'Shadow of the Beast' (by Goulding) reviewed on Colourblind Painter in August. To be brief, since 2012, the Scythes have appeared in 8 stories from Black Library. Written by L.J Goulding, Dan Abnett, Guy Haley and Richard Williams. Suffice to say, there's some serious Sothan love the last few years. Let alone all the modelling threads for the Scythes such as GrizzlyBear's great precursor to Kraken force. After such a long intro, I'd better be showing something.. well, I've begun completing my long overdue Flight of the Tenax project. She's a tough little warship, the protector of a small civilian convoy. I'm finishing the last pages of a short fiction about their flight from Sotha and establishing the crew in the new (2012-2015) GW timeline for Sothans. I'll be completing a campaign not unlike a Warhammer Quest campaign, using Necromunda and Second edition rules. Near mint rulebooks acquired, Check! Should be an interesting ride as the survivors on the Tenax, embattled from more than just the Great Devourer, continue on and make it to the Heart of Cronus, the last Chapter flagship, which in a very humbling addition, includes Forgemaster Sebastion, a nod by LJ Goulding. Text: The Tenax, Scythes of the Emperor Fleet, Gladius Class. Hull laid M40,977, Calth shipyards. A respectable service record, notable actions against Orks at Corinth, Tau at Sy'Kell then Dal'Yth, and Eldar of the Verdeworlds. Heavily damaged during latter two Crusades. Placed as picket during Hivefleet Kraken invasion of the Sotharan League. Recovered what survivors remained of abortive Vth and Xth Co. actions aboard hibernating bioships. Last recorded leading the final Odessa refugee breakout. Ordered to rendezvous at Miral with Heart Of Cronus post escort. However failed to report prior to Chapter withdrawal, no contact since. Presumed destroyed M41.993, with all hands along with the loss of 16 Battle Brothers and 14 Neophytes. May His Light preserve their Valor. Full vessel build, components and history available here on my site. (Developed with FFG 40KRPG) Portraits for the Scythes of the Tenax (Both Brothers and Scouts - which can be seen on my site). These will be assigned to each character, linking to a Character Page, charting their career and potential last moments as the Roguelike Campaign progresses. A sample of the portraits, rest to be viewed on my site when the Campaign opens.
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