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  1. Index Astartes: Supernovas http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y198/Wargamer/SupernovanChapterSymbol.png http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y198/Wargamer/Supernovas%202017/SupernovanCorvus_zpstb5d4kqu.png Typical soldier of the Supernovas Chapter, adorned in full Corvus plate. The Supernovas are a Chapter with an ill recorded history. Situated on the very extremes of the Imperium, official records of them are often inconsistent or altogether missing, resulting in a great deal of misunderstanding and misinformation. The Chapter has been declared lost at least twice in its history, but lack of administrative accuracy is of no concern to the warriors of Tasal. They keep their own records, and care little for the opinion of the wider Imperium. Origins Within the Supernovas Chapter there is some dispute as to their origins. The Chapter's Librarians are divided into two camps, both built around a central myth. The first tale revolves around the Wolf Lord Lartha, who found the world of Tasal under attack by Orks and came to their aid. Though hopelessly outnumbered, the Space Wolves noted that the primitive peoples of Tasal were fearless in battle, using muskets, swords and crude artillery to face down Orks and their comparably more advanced war machines. The war was long, and by the time Tasal was liberated the Second Founding was underway. Lartha, not wishing to see such a remote world left defenseless, demanded the right to establish a Chapter on Tasal. They took the name Supernovas, for in the eyes of Tasal's people they were death born from the stars themselves. The competing narrative revolves around an Ultramarine Chapter Master named Laertes, who liberated Tasal from an Ork invasion at the dawn of the Imperium. Following the Horus Heresy and the dividing of the Legions, Laertes returned to Tasal to create the Supernovas; a Chapter with which he hoped to emulate the glory of the Legions his Primarch had abolished. Curiously, despite the latter story appearing more likely due to the Chapter's gene-seed appearing to be based on the Ultramarines, the legend of Lartha is favoured within the Chapter. The oldest Dreadnoughts support the Laertes account, but their recollections are imperfect and cannot be verified. Homeworld Tasal teeters on the border of being a feudal planet and a full-blown Death World. Once highly advanced, during the Long Night it regressed considerably to its present state. Tasal's primary civilisations come in two forms; the people of the bastion cities, and the war trains that link them. The bastions are fortresses lined with ancient artillery and manned by soldiers armed with auto-lock muskets. The war trains are venerable war machines older than the Imperium, and the only vehicles than can hope to ward off the super-predators that stalk the lands. Yet Tasal is a varied world, and many more peoples can be found there. In the interior of the Pangaean super-continent is the Wyldstawk, an ancient jungle that cannot be tamed and consumes all who try. Barbarian tribes survive here against all odds, and none are more fierce or more feared than the Berserkers of Qwaythe. Far to the south, Icelanders brave the polar seas to raid southern towns, while in the north-east the Armourers of Yyth produce the weapons and ammunition their planet needs in its unending war against itself. Legend has it that Yyth still possesses the secrets of lasgun technology; small wonder that so many of the Chapter's techmarines are drawn from this fortress nation. Tasal breeds hardy people, for it is a place where life is short and brutal. Those not gunned down by rival tribes or consumed by the world's many predators will likely die from some virulent pathogen, or cancers caused by the sun's radiation. Scarce few live to see their fortieth year, and those that do win those years with steel and shot. The Supernovas do not maintain one single fortress monastery on Tasal. Instead, each Company has its own fortress with subterranean transit links between them. In many ways, this mirrors the cities from which so many are recruited, and fosters an independent mindset within each Company; something the Chapter does nothing to discourage. Organisation The Supernovas adhere loosely to the Codex Astartes, but deviate in some notable ways. The First Company is a veteran company as normal, albeit with some internal differences. The remaining eight companies are all Battle Companies of up to twelve squads. Each company is in charge of its own recruitment, and instead of the aspirants forming Scout squads as in other Chapters, they take the role of "Novitae" and are added to regular battle squads under the direct tutelage of a designated Marine. The direct method of mentoring mirrors the familial practices common on Tasal, where skills and wargear are passed from parent to child. This link is further mirrored as it is common for a Marine to mentor the Novitae created from their extracted progenoid. This creates a strong bond between student and mentor, and a sense of family absent from many Chapters. Indeed, some Marines take great pride in their "bloodline", and seek to emulate the great deeds of their forefathers. The primary fighting unit of the Supernovas Chapter is the Battle Squad, which somewhat resembles a Codex pattern Tactical Squad. Most contain ten Marines, of which some may be Novitae, and most Marines will be armed with bolters, with a single special and heavy weapon being common. However, this is not a fixed organisation; Battle Squads will change their internal structures based on the needs of the campaign, the orders of the sergeant or simply the personal whims of its members. Because of the traditions of tutelage and bloodline, Battle Squads often see themselves not only as a fighting unit, but a family. These bonds can result in Marines refusing to leave their unit when promoted or adopted into specialist roles. This can lead to Battle Squads that contain specialists, such as Apothecaries or Techmarines, or even have Company Captains continue to act as a squad sergeant for their old unit. Officially, the Supernovas have neither Assault nor Devastator squads. The latter is due to a general disdain for long-range warfare within the Chapter, although squads can be persuaded to fill this role if the need arises. Assault squads are typically formed of volunteers due to their high casualty rates, and as such Marines who repeatedly take this duty are typically fast-tracked for promotion, assuming they survive. The structure of the companies, combined with the attitude of self-reliance and independence the Chapter fosters within its members, results in each company essentially being autonomous. Each Captain is free to undertake their own missions and deployments, and likewise most extend similar autonomy to their sergeants. This autonomy ensures that individual Supernovas are more than capable of taking whatever role is needed, and any given squad can operate without supervision as needed. However, it also leads to tension in the ranks when squads or companies must be ordered about, rather than left to their own initiative. Befitting a Chapter of its age, the Supernovas have access to a wide array of vehicles and specialist equipment. However, their preferred style of fighting - up close and personal - leads them to favour bikes and land speeders as their primary support vehicles, assuming a Drop Pod assault is not an option. Whirlwinds and Vindicators are unpopular, as they represent the horrors of siege warfare; campaigns where it can take months to gain a few hundred metres of ground! Supernovas seek to win swiftly. Weapons of War The armoury of the Supernovas is an armoury of relics. The Chapter's war plate consists mainly of older model suits, particularly the Mk VI "Corvus" plate. Their weapons are likewise greatly prized, with many of their bolters originating from the lost Forge World of Tigrus. While the Supernovas do use more modern weapons and armour, they do so begrudgingly; any design not used during the Great Crusade is deemed to be inherently inferior. New model weapons, in the eyes of the Supernovas, are always lacking in efficiency, precision design or simple elegance compared to earlier editions. Rituals of the Chapter http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y198/Wargamer/Supernovas%202017/Supernovan4th_zpstoiioyvy.jpghttp://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y198/Wargamer/Supernovas%202017/Supernovan5th_zpsnvynj0ge.jpghttp://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y198/Wargamer/Supernovas%202017/SupernovanCydaSquad_zpsljes1k2o.jpg Left: The 4th Company near universally wear a black and red shoulder in honour of their Captain. Centre: Members of the 5th use green honour markings in no set pattern, typically shoulder trims, elbows or knees. Right: Black and gold honour marking adopted by various squads following the Tyrannic Invasion of Tasal. With a history stretching back almost ten millennia, it is to be expected the Supernovas have developed their own rituals and quirks. The most obvious of these are their use of honour markings; modifications to their heraldry worn by squads, or sometimes entire companies. These markings are adopted for various reasons, either to commemorate a great victory, or pay respects to a fallen hero. One of the most common examples of honour markings is the adoption of part of another Chapter's heraldry, typically worn on the left shoulder. Perhaps the most important ritual to the Chapter is the tradition of Taekar. The word is used as a battle cry by the Chapter, but it specifically refers to the act of shedding blood with a sword. Once a Supernova has drawn his sword it must taste blood, and if a Supernova's sword is still clean at battle's end they will ritually cut themselves or an ally to satisfy the blade. It is not clear what would happen to a Marine who sheathed a sword without it spilling blood, but it is implied the punishment may go as far as death. Finally, the Chapter has throughout its history made us of various 'war cults'. These are typically soldiers bound together by common experience, and typically emerge as specialisations in certain forms of war. The currently active war cults within the Chapter are listed below: The Dead Company: The bonds between squadmates of the Supernovas are akin to family ties, and it is inevitable that the most senior warriors have buried many friends and brothers. For some, this burden of loss is so great that they retreat into themselves, becoming melancholic souls who long for death. However, their training, beliefs and fundamental nature do not allow them to take their own lives, nor to surrender and allow the enemy to kill them unchallenged. These lost souls, often having risen to the First Company, become death seekers who pursue the deadliest of battles. The Dead Company wear the Chapter's suits of Terminator Armour, which they adorn with tabbards and prayer seals bearing the names of the fallen they seek to join. The Dead Company never retreat, for to die standing would finally release them from the burdens they carry. These warriors are mourned by their Brothers, yet equally respected for the glory they earned in the past, and the heroism they perform while Dead. They represent the dark side of the Assault Squad; where Assault Marines seek danger for glory, the Dead Company seek it for release. Although some do eventually choose to return to the Chapter, most perish in its service. Others still outlive the Dead Company and embark upon the Waye of the Dead - a lonely pilgrimage to Terra where they seek to stand before the Emperor and gain His blessing. From there, they will journey into the Eye of Terror itself; the one place in the universe they can be sure to fall in battle. The Chapter prays that these lonely warriors may take countless souls with them when they finally fall. Ironforged: The Ironforged are uncharacteristically grim and dour compared to their peers, but respected for their ability to bring down fortress walls or hold the line against overwhelming odds. The original Ironforged were Novitae who learned the art of war on the Ork world of Haraz, during the siege of the Green Peaks. Months of brutal trench fighting, bunker busting and attrition war produced soldiers unlike any other, bearing a mindset and view of war totally at odds with their brothers. Today, only a single "true" Ironforged remains; Brok the First Forged, a Dreadnought of the 8th Company. However, Marines who show talent for siege war may be bestowed the honorific by Brok, and thus the Chapter maintains a few squads of these elite warriors to this day. Outside of the 8th, Ironforged typically serve other Companies as vehicle crews for the few Whirlwinds and Vindicators they use, or joining squads as a heavy weapons trooper. The Stalkers: Most Supernovans believe that death should be loud, swift and direct, delivered by bolt round or blade. Yet an experienced commander knows that sometimes a warrior must go unseen, and with no Scouts to act as infiltrators and assassins, the Supernovas must rely on Stalkers - veteran warriors who can set aside ideals of honour for the good of the Chapter. Stalkers are usually drawn from the First Company, as age and experience tempers their headstrong urges. They have access to equipment not usually found in a typical Astartes squad, such as Stalker bolters, cameoline and sniper rifles. Stalkers, being rare, are usually reserved for larger actions where multiple Companies are deployed. They will prowl ahead of the Chapter, sabotaging enemy facilities, eliminating key targets and gathering intel for their Brothers. When it is time for battle to be joined, Stalkers will stand beside their brothers as surely as any other warrior, reminding the doubters that their choice of fighting style is born of tactical necessity, not lack of personal prowess. The Naked Berserkers: On Tasal, the most feared men in all the world are the Naked Berserkers of Qwaythe; wild jungle-men who fight skyclad to show their lack of fear, and high on narcotics to make them immune to all pain. Small wonder that the Chapter tries to recruit from Qwaythe whenever possible, and those that make it typically bring the Berserker cult into the Chapter. Despite their name, Naked Berserkers do not fight naked - Astartes are far too valuable to be wasted on such rash actions! Instead, they go to battle bare-headed to show their disdain for enemy fire. In individual squads, Naked Berserkers typically act as close combat troops or special weapon soldiers armed with flamers or meltaguns. However, on occasion entire squads of Naked Berserkers will form, and these make some of the most terrifying combat troops in the Chapter. Naked Berserkers are more likely than any other group to form assault squads, for in their eyes there is no such thing as a suicide mission; merely a chance to earn ever greater glory. Adepta Astartes One of the more perplexing claims of the Chapter are the Adepta Astartes, or Female Space Marines. The Chapter has a policy of taking any aspirant who passes their trials, and while relatively few girls come forward, it is inevitable that some female aspirants complete the challenges and are accepted. In particular, the warriors of the Icelands offer large numbers of female recruits, in part due to the astonishingly high mortality rate of their (mostly male) seafarers. Imperial scholars largely assume these female recruits go on to serve as Chapter Serfs or auxilia, but according to claims made by the Chapter itself approximately 10% of its current Astartes fighting strength are, or possibly were, female. When the impossibility of such things is pointed out to them, the Supernovas typically respond with derision. What the Chapter seeks to gain from this apparently malicious act of misinforming Imperial scribes is unclear, but they clearly take pride and pleasure from doing so. Heroes of Legend Master Ximo: Master Ximo was one of the longest serving Chapter Masters in the history of the Supernovas and was viewed by many as one of the best. Born a tribal, Ximo showed himself to have a sharp, inquiring mind and quickly absorbed the teachings of war. He soon rose to sergeant, where he showed both tactical and strategic insight that marked him out for promotion. In due course, Ximo became a Captain and while he was never the fiercest of most skilled fighter, he was unmatched in his ability to see and control the flow of battle. In his long career, Ximo suffered multiple injuries to the point where he became more machine than man. Yet while his body failed, his mind did not. He rose to Chapter Master where his talents for grand strategy saw their full potential. Ximo was praised not only for his planning, but for his ability to react and counter the plans of the enemy. It seemed Ximo could tell exactly which forces would hold and which would break; where the enemy sought to break through and where their attacks were mere distraction. To his subordinates he was ever approachable, seeking to council rather than command whenever possible. His council often came at a high price, however, as during his formative years he fought beside the Blazing Kitsunes Chapter and learned from them a tea ceremony. It was said that veterans of many centuries would happily throw themselves into the Eye of Terror rather than endure the slow, ritual tedium of drinking tea with the Chapter Master. Ximo perished in battle against one of his own; a Battle Brother who had fallen to the Ruinous Powers centuries ago, whom had served as both friend and rival to Ximo prior to his promotion to Chapter Master. Cylaros, the Champion of Tasal: Ask any man of the Chapter to describe Cylaros, and they would invariably call him pious. Intensely driven by his faith, Cylaros would have likely become a Chaplain where it not for the fact he was also a peerless swordsman, quickly rising to be the finest in the Chapter. In only a few decades of becoming a full-blood Marine, Cylaros was named Champion of the Fifth Company; a role he served with distinction for half a century. Always the first to battle, and rightly confident of his abilities, Cylaros was rewarded with promotion to Champion of Tasal, where he carried not only the honour of the Chapter, but the duty of personal bodyguard to Master Ximo. Upon Ximo's death, Cylaros was chosen to lead, having been seen by many as Ximo's protegee. However, Cylaros' failure in protecting his Master, combined with his death at the hands of a fallen Supernovan created a seed of fear in Cylaros' mind. He became convinced the Chapter was wayward and pushed to restore them in the eyes of the Imperium, championing a return to Codex orthodoxy that divided, rather than united the Chapter. Having successfully alienated a third of his Captains, Cylaros took those who would obey upon a Crusade of Faith. In his absence, Tasal would come under attack from a Tyranid Hive Fleet - an act for which Cylaros once more blamed himself. In the wake of the reclamation of Tasal Cylaros surrendered the title of Chapter Master, expecting death or exile for his failings. To the surprise of many, not least himself, Cylaros was restored to the role of Champion of Tasal by his successor, Dyus Ironforged. Whether this decision was wisdom or folly, only time will tell. Dyus Ironforged: Current Chapter Master, Dyus was born and raised in Yyth, the most technologically proficient region of Tasal. From the beginning he showed the traits of patience, methodical thinking and a cool temper; traits that marked him as an outsider amongst his peers. Soon after becoming a full-blood Marine, Dyus was approached by the Ironforged Cult and asked to join the 8th Company so he could be tested. After many years of service with the 8th, Dyus was brought before Brok the First-Forged; the last of the original Ironforged, now interred within a Dreadnought. Brok judged the deeds of Dyus and, after many hours contemplation, found him worthy. As an Ironforged, Dyus proved himself time and again on the field of battle, excelling in particular in defensive actions. Where his brothers were relentless in attack, Dyus was immovable. In time he rose to Captain, and was declared Seneshcal of Tasal, entrusted with the world's protection above all else. In this role, Dyus would face one of his greatest trials. As most of the Chapter embarked on a crusade, Tasal itself fell under Tyranid assault. With only one Company under his command, Dyus was forced to wage a months-long campaign against a seemingly endless alien horde. Yet he took this challenge as he did all others; with grim resolve. Every available force, from his own Ironforged to the planet's population was mustered and commanded as best they could be. Battle lines were drawn, and Dyus was forced to face the grim reality that much of the planet would be lost, whatever choices he made. If this troubled him at all, he never showed it to another living soul. For months, Dyus led the fighting, often personally taking the field. He could not advance upon the Tyranids, but wherever he fought the line at least would hold firm, no matter how strong or numerous the foe. While millions died and cities fell, Dyus ensured at least that the Chapter's fortresses held strong, providing shelter for what few people could flee to their walls. When salvation finally came, Dyus did not step back as might have been expected. He used his position as Seneschal to claim command of his returning Chapter, and every allied force accompanying them. At last able to go on the offensive, Dyus' cold resolve proved instrumental in bringing Tasal back from the brink. Where the Tyranids dug in, hiding in caves or lost fortifications, Dyus and his Ironforged led the assaults, using their siege craft to break the enemy and minimise losses. Following the destruction of the Hive Fleet, Dyus was unanimously chosen to become the next Chapter Master. He set about replenishing his depleted forces and restoring Tasal as best he could. Though he hoped for respite, fate had other plans; it would not be long before the Imperium would be split asunder, and Dyus would find himself and his Chapter cut off from Terra, one of millions of worlds lost in the Dark Imperium. The 42nd Millennium Either by good fortune or some residual effect of the Tyranid's Shadow, Tasal and the nearby systems rode out the Noctis Aeterna unscathed. This respite gave the Supernovas time to rebuild their forces and prepare for the coming wars against the armies of Chaos and the xenos who sought to exploit mankind's weakness. In the wake of the Indomitus Crusade, the Chapter was reinforced with two squads of Primaris and granted the means to produce their own Primaris Marines. However, the Chapter remained highly skeptical of these new breed of warriors, and so they were not actively embraced. Indeed, it took some time before the Chapter would even accept the return of the Primarch Guilliman, let alone adopt his new vision for the Astartes. However, as time progressed, Master Dyus became more amiable to the proposed changes in the Codex, if only as an excuse to enhance the fighting power of the Chapter. Seeing the need for Astartes was greater than ever, Dyus gave the Companies his consent to expand, increasing their operational size from twelve squads to twenty. What few Primaris the Chapter possessed were encouraged to adapt to Battle Squad doctrine rather than Guilliman's edict, in essence functioning as a direct upgrade to the standard tactical model. The newly reinstated Lieutenant rank was also embraced, albeit inconsistently across the Companies.
  2. Tiber wandered through the halls of the Fifth, drifting from chamber to chamber, a lost soul unable to find the quiet of the grave. The expedition had been successful. Tiber and his squad, assisted by the Librarian Seyth, had brought fire and fury to a dozen worlds and slaughtered thousands in the Emperor's name. Most were servants of Chaos. A few had once been loyal servants of the Emperor's Legions. Upon awakening in this Dark Imperium he had been told of many things, not least of all the great betrayals of ten millennia past. They had all struggled to accept such things were possible; the very idea that the Legions and their Primarchs could forsake the Emperor was the single most farcical thing any man could ever have envisioned. But then, as he had learned and was still learning every day, this world was every bit a farce. It was difficult to express these feelings to his battle brothers, especially those outside of the squad. This reality was all they'd ever known; a world that had taken everything the Emperor valued and cast it away in the name of foolish superstition. How could he explain the Imperial Truth to someone who was convinced, unshakably, that upon death their "soul" would journey to Terra and stand beside the Emperor's throne? In time he lost the will to wander and sat himself down upon a marble bench. He sat hunched over with helmet in hand. It was both old and new at the same time; new for him, but the Chapter had built it thousands of years ago. It was a Corvus helm, based upon the finest suits developed prior to the... the event he could not name. Not even in the privacy of his own thoughts. He had stood against the Death Guard and seen visions of the Legions slaughtering one another, and yet he still could not accept it. "The Librarian said you would be here," a harsh voice growled at him from the shadows. The speaker stepped forward and the harshness became apparent; his voice emanated from a vox-grille in the centre of a dulled metal choker. "What Librarian?" he asked the Techmarine. Rather than answer, the Techmarine raised his axe and gestured to a side passage. "Along here, Brother. Best not keep the Old Ones waiting." Without a word of explanation, the Techmarine led Tiber through mile after mile of service corridors and maintenance tunnels threading deep below the surface of Tasal. Here and there signs of damage and hasty repair suggested that the Tyrannic War had waged in these dark places, and in the cold gloom one couldn't help but note the Trygon sized stretches of fresh plaster. In due course the tunnels gave way to a wider chamber, most likely an armoury. Servitors plodded through the corridor or trundled along, slaved to tracked machines of bizarre design. Their actions stirred the air and blew wafts of oil, sweat and incense into Tiber's nostrils. After a while he paused and stuck out his tongue to better taste the air. For a moment, it tasted of a dried up river. But only for a moment. At last, the Techmarine seemed to notice him again. "He sleeps through here. We have entered the Noosphere and spoken to his dreams. He will awaken shortly." "I still do not know why I am here," Tiber replied, exasperated. "I was told you were to speak to the Old One, and so you shall," the Techmarine answered calmly before standing aside to make room for the Primaris. Inside the chamber was yet another relic of the past. The Supernovas claimed to have been created in the Second Founding, and Tiber had to admit their collection of antiques certainly supported the claim. This one in particular was truly impressive; a Contemptor Dreadnought, much like the ones that once strode beside the Legions during the Great Crusade. At Tiber watched the machine began to stir. It did not awaken fully from its dormant state, but the feeds and cables rattled as the pilot was coaxed back into the world of the living. With a low electric hum the great eyes of the machine's helmet flickered into life, casting dull red beams down onto the chamber floor. "Tiberius," the voice seemed to echo from every corner of the room at once. "Yes, I am Sergeant Tiberius of the Fifth," Tiber replied. "The Dream said you wished an audience with me. That only I would do, no other. No other is old enough," there was a deep rumbling from the Contemptor as its body rose upright in its cradle, allowing the eyes to fix on the Primaris. "Why have you roused me from my slumber?" Tiber fought the urge to back away from the giant machine. It was unarmed, and even if it were the Dreadnought would have no reason to harm him, yet Tiber feared its wroth all the same. "I... I do not know. I was summed to you just as you were summoned to me. I only know it was a Librarian who wished me to meet you." The eyes of the machine flared brightly for a moment, "​Librarians! Practitioners of forbidden sorcery! Mark me, boy; no good comes of listening to their counsel!" "Duly noted, Old One," Tiber replied diplomatically. There was a long pause as the Contemptor settled himself, letting the sudden flare of anger slowly burn away. "Laerta," he said at last, "My name was Laerta, named for Laertes, Hero of Tasal." "I do not know of him." "Hah. Perhaps you know him by some other name. They cannot even remember my name most of the time. Is that why you came? To learn of Laertes? Or, perhaps, of me?" Tiber sighed and hung his head, "Knowing my Brothers this is some elaborate prank. No doubt they are snickering at the thought of me stood here, embarrassing myself and wasting your precious time." A strange sound escaped the Contemptor; an almost wistful hiss, "Would that I had time worth wasting. I had nought to do today but dream of the old days. I was dreaming of the amber fields of Canyor, of Far Xason and the wondrous machines of Yakliht. When the Tyranids came I walked again under the sun, and when the slaughter ended I strode off in search of these places again. Canyor's fields had been swallowed by the trees; Xason, fallen into the sea; of Yakliht I found nothing, not even a myth. There is a world above my head, but it is not Tasal. Tasal exists now only in my dreams..." Tiber listened to the Contemptor's words in contemplative silence, and as the ancient warrior's thoughts drifted he realised why he had been led here. He took a knee and placed the Corvus helm down carefully upon the stone floor so that he could look into its eyes and see his past reflecting back. "I was born on Terra. Not the Terra that exists now, Terra as it was. Terra as the Emperor wished it to be. I grew up in Old Albia, in the war-clade shelters of Merrecynd. I learned the Imperial Truth in the shadow of the Broken Spire, and it was hard to learn with all the noise. Every day hammering, sawing, roaring of engines, all the sounds of a city being rebuilt. One day, they said, one day Merrecynd will be great again." "What fate befell Merrecynd?" the Contemptor asked. Tiber pretended not to hear him, "There was a legend I had learned from the cradle. Merrecynd had been a river town once, before the rivers boiled away in atomic fire. Ravens used to roost in the warlord's spire, and legend had it that if the ravens ever abandoned the city the river would burst its banks and Merrecynd would crumble. My grandparents told me that, one day, the ravens all fled. A week later the Thunder Warriors smashed down the walls, toppled the spire and slaughtered anyone foolish enough to stand against them. Many, many souls were so foolish. Not my grandparents though; they saw the Emperor as a saviour, not a conqueror." "I am curious, Tiberius of the Fifth; how does one so young have memories of such an age?" At last, Tiber met Laerta's gaze again, "because from my perspective only a few short years have passed since those days. I was to join the Legions, the Dusk Raiders, and fight across the stars to spread the Imperial Truth. Instead I was sealed away in suspended animation, only to awaken as what I am now." "A 'Primaris', yes? A Primarch's vision of the future?" Tiber gave a short, pained laugh, "No. A citizen of the Imperium, called upon to fight for a degenerate mockery of everything the Imperium stood for." Afterwards, with the clarity of hindsight, Tiber wondered if he had gone too far with those words. Still, Laerta had apparently recognised them for what they were; an expression of pain, not disloyalty. "I knew a man who suffered as you do," the Contemptor said in as kindly a tone as its booming voice could manage, "His name was Laertes, and he was a great warrior of the Ultramarines Legion. When the Word Bearers broke from the Imperium he was forced to slay men he'd once called brother, an act that he never truly came to terms with. I was named for him, as so many were; names like 'Lata', or 'Lasa' are bastardisations of his name, corrupted by the native tongues of this world. Like you he longed for a better time, and he wished to recreate those times with us. We were to be Laertes' Legionaries, for if he commanded a Legion then he could pretend the Heresy had never come to pass." Tiber, to his own surprise, couldn't help but smile at the tale, "You are saying I am like the Chapter Master of old? Longing for the Imperium of my youth?" "Perhaps, had things been different, you two would have fought side by side... although, if the Death Guard had recruited you as intended, it is more likely you would have fought against him." "I would never have turned against the Imperium!" Tiber answered sharply, rising quickly to his feet to answer the challenge to his loyalty. There was a brief dimming of the Dreadnought's eyes, "I chose my words poorly. Forgive my rudeness." "There is nothing to forgive," Tiber replied as his mind returned to his encounter with the Plague Marine. The Contemptor was right. There, but for a quirk of fate went he. Would he have sold his soul to the Dark Gods for revenge as they had? Or would he have been one of the Warp-touched Traitors who gunned them down? These were not pleasant thoughts, and so he swiftly banished them. "I know now why I am here," Tiber said with confidence. "I am here to ask you a question: do you believe the Tasal of your dreams can be restored?" The Dreadnought fell silent as its pilot considered the question. At length, the booming voice returned, "I believe that it is only truly lost when no soul has the courage to fight for its restoration." "Thank you, Ancient," Tiber answered with a low bow. He rose, then knelt to retrieve his helmet. "Do not leave," Laerta commanded. "All the brothers of my age, and yours, are long dead. I miss the dreams they shared with me. Indulge me, Tiberius, and reminisce of Terra as you remember it." Tiber smiled at the Dreadnought. "I would like to be remembered as 'Tiber', if you don't mind."
  3. A collection of units, heroes and rules for my homebrew Chapter Novitae: The Supernovas do not have a Scout Company, nor do they make use of Scouts. Instead, their neophytes, or "Novitae" as they are known, are trained directly on the field. Novitae in Infantry squads are represented by Neophytes from the Crusader Squad entry; Novitae in Bike squads are represented by Scout Bikers, with their Leadership reduced to 6. The following units may include Novitae: Bike Squad. Company Veteran Squad. Devastator Squad. Primaris Battle Squad. Sternguard Veteran Squad. Tactical Squad. Novitae replace regular members of the squad, and cannot take the unit above its maximum size. No more than half the unit (rounding down) may consist of Novitae. Novitae count towards members of the squad for the Combat Squads rule, but all Combat Squads must adhere to the above rule; this means a unit containing 5 Marines and 5 Novitae cannot form a combat squad! Novitae are armed with a bolt pistol, Astartes shotgun, frag grenades and krak grenades. Novitae in Bike Squads are mounted on a Space Marine Bike with twin boltgun. Any Novitae may replace their shotgun for a combat knife or a bolter. They may not take any other wargear, nor may they take advantage of any options from their parent squad. Novitae have And They Shall Know No Fear and benefit from both Defenders of Humanity and Chapter Tactics if applicable. Novitae Bikers also have the Turbo Boost rule. No other squad-specific rules apply to the unit; Novitae in Company Veteran squads do not have the Command Squad Bodyguard rule, for example. Finally, Novitae inherit all the Keywords and Faction Keywords of their parent unit. Chapter Tactics - Tasalian Fury: Supernovas are not the most physically powerful of Marines, but they are blessed with paternatural speed. A Supernovan flows through battle as though his foes are moving in slow motion, easily outpacing the enemy and controlling the flow of battle. All Supernovas with this rule increase their Movement by 1". Chapter Warlord Traits - Wrath of Tasal: Roll 1D6 each time a friendly model is removed as a casualty within 6" of the Warlord; on a roll of 6 the model may make a single shooting attack as if it were the shooting phase, or a single melee attack as if it were the fight phase. This attack must be directed at the unit that inflicted the casualty if possible, but if not it may instead be directed at any valid target. Restricted Units: These rules are written to allow players to collect a varied force and play as they like. However, certain units are not particularly in-keeping with the Chapter's lore and history. For this reason, those units are listed as either Forbidden or Discouraged units. Forbidden units, as the name suggests, cannot be fielded in a Supernovas army. The following units are Forbidden: Scout Squads and Scout Bike Squads. Land Speeder Storms. Primaris Intercessor Squads. There is no penalty for fielding Discouraged Units. However, players should avoid doing so as it is not "canon" for these units to be part of a Supernovas army! The following units are Restricted: Stormraven Gunship. Stormtalon Gunship. Centurion Squads (all types). All units with the Primaris keyword, except Primaris Lieutenants and Primaris Battle Squads. Repulsor. Stratagems: Supernovas can use all "Space Marine Stratagems" from Codex: Space Marines. In addition, they have the following Chapter-specific abilities: Ironforged (1 CP): Use this stratagem before battle. Nominate a single Devastator Squad, Dreadnought, Ironclad Dreadnought, Sternguard Veteran Squad or Tactical Squad in your army. That unit gains the Ironforged keyword and the following special rule: Ironforged: the unit may re-roll all To Hit rolls of 1 when firing at a unit with the Building, Monster or Vehicle key words. This does not apply to any Novitae that are assigned to the unit. Oaths of Brotherhood (1 CP): Use this stratagem before battle. Nominate a single unit with the Infantry, Bike or Dreadnought keyword; this unit may select a Chapter Tactic from the list in Codex: Space Marines. This Chapter Tactic replaces Tasalian Fury. Note: The selected unit must be painted in appropriate Chapter colours - you can use an official Chapter or a Chapter you make yourself, but they must be painted as a different Chapter, not as Supernovas! In addition, this Chapter's heraldry should be incorporated in some way into your army, be it as part of a Captain's heraldry, on an Ancient's banner or as a squad marking for one of your units - something to indicate these allies are bonded with the Supernovas! Primaris Battle Squad [TROOPS]: Primaris Battle Squads use the rules for Intercessor Squads, with the following alterations: If the unit contains less than ten models, one Primaris Marine may replace their bolt rifle for a plasma incinerator or assault plasma incinerator, or a weapon chosen from the Special Weapons list. If the unit contains ten models, one Primaris Marine may replace their bolt rifle for a plasma incinerator or assault plasma incinerator, or a weapon chosen from the Special Weapons list; and one Primaris Marine may replace their bolt rifle for a heavy plasma incinerator or a weapon chosen from the Heavy Weapons list. Replace the keyword "Intercessor Squad" with the keyword "Primaris Battle Squad".
  4. Tiberius, Nyel, Cyda and Xeran met outside the Master's personal reclusiam. Tiberius did not know why they had been summoned, but he was more puzzled by the reactions of the officers. They appeared anxious, like children anticipating punishment. "I've never experienced this ceremony before," Cyda confessed. "I have, many times," Xeran answered. "I had hoped it had died with Master Ximo. Trust Dyus to bring it back." Before Tiberius could make his own inquiry the door was opened by Cylaros, the Emperor's Champion. He was a giant, fully adorned in baroque armour and armed with a gleaming blade. He was taller than his brothers, and could almost have passed for a Primaris. "Enter," he commanded, and stepped aside for them to do so. It was decorated very differently to any other chamber on the ship, or indeed any chamber in the Chapter's bastions. The walls were lacquered wood, with alcoves containing simple, personal relics belonging to the Master. Dyus himself was sat at a low table, with a series of culinary utensils laid out before him. "You will be seated," Cylaros said, directing them to their designated places. Xeran sat to the Master's right, then Nyel, Cyda and finally Tiberius. Cylaros then took up position behind the Master, stood to his left. "The rules of the ceremony were passed to me by Master Ximo, who in turn learned them from our distant brothers of the Blazing Kitsunes," Dyus intoned as he began to carefully clean the implements. By his left knee a small heating unit brought a silver kettle to boil. "You will remain silent and observe." A herbal drink was prepared in a porcelain bowl. It had a gilded rim and intricate patterning around the edge. It was passed to Xeran who raised it up to carefully examine the patterns. Then he nodded to his Chapter Master and intoned, "I thank you for this gift of tea," and took a sip. He then bowed with all the enthusiasm of a boy at evening lessons, and passed the bowl to Nyel, who repeated he process. Once Cyda and Tiberius had played their part, the bowl was returned and Dyus boiled a second kettle of water, this time preparing each of them a cup of tea in their own unique, antique cups. All of this transpired very slowly and with exaggerated care. Tiberius could sense the tension grow as Xeran and Nyel were forced to sit idle, doing nothing, while their Master performed menial tasks at a geriatric pace. Even Cyda's patience was beginning to wear thin by the time she'd been provided with her steaming drink. With a nod from Dyus, Xeran turned and nodded to a pair of lightning claws in the rearmost alcove and said dutifully, "they are fine weapons, Master." "They are," Dyus agreed. "They were gifted to me upon Ximo's passing, though I do not keep them to honour him. I keep them to honour the Chapter, for the Chapter has seen them as a badge of office since before I was born. Though I rarely use them myself, it is important the customs and beliefs of our brothers past and present are respected." Nyel offered a follow up question about the age of the talons. Dyus answered and then turned to Cyda, "Now you may pass comment," The tradition continued in this manner, very slowly and formally. Once each of the guests had commented and been answered, they drank and the tea was refilled. Then the entire process was repeated with Nyel, who asked about a fading banner; and then Cyda, who chose to complement an old treatise on warfare, apparently entitled “The Art of Siege Warfare.” Then it was Tiberius' turn. Unlike the Captains, who seemed to chose objects they were familiar with or were expected, the Primaris Sergeant located a more curious artefact. “What is the significance of that spent bullet casing?” “It was the first kill I made with a bolter,” Dyus replied. “Forgive me, Master, but I find that unlikely.” Dyus raised an eyebrow toward the sergeant, “are you accusing me of lying?” Tiberius hesitated, glancing to the Captains for some guidance or support. They returned his look with equal parts curiosity and surprise. “With respect, Master, from what I know of you through our limited interactions, and the way your men speak of you, it strikes me as unlikely you would place sentimental value in such a thing as a spent round.” The eyebrow was lowered, and though Dyus' expression did not change, a subtle softening of his eyes suggested that Tiberius had impressed him. “The protocol of the ceremony requires your silence, sergeant. Brother-Captain Xeran, you may pass comment on the curiosity...” When the ritual was done, which concluded with bows and more slow, methodical cleaning of utensils, Dyus finally appeared ready to address his men. “On to other matters. With regards to our performance in the field...” The Master's gaze fell to Nyel. The leather-faced Captain met his Master's eye calmly, “Nyel, my friend, I have left the Company in good hands. To be truthful I was reluctant to appoint you, and for that I must apologise.” “No apology necessary,” Nyel replied. “You wanted an Iron Captain. Throne, all the Ironforged wanted one of their own raised up!” “I also wanted us to fight together at least once more, to help put their minds at ease.” Nyel's expression quickly became one of shocked surprise, “Oh no, you're not going to pin that on me!” “Who else would you suggest?” “Sorry old friend, but he's right,” Xeran chimed in, “nobody's better for the role.” The Eighth Captain gave a defeated groan, “oh fine, bestow the damn curse on me!” “As you wish,” Dyus replied. He cast a quick glance to Cylaros, who drew his blade and tapped Nyel's shoulders with it from across the table. “I name you Seneschal, defender of Tasal and ward of all our holdings.” “And Emperor damn you for it!” Nyel spat, but he couldn't keep a slight chuckle from his voice. The Chapter Master then turned to Cyda, “and you, Cyda have proven yourself more than worthy of command. I commend your efforts in the hinterlands; you achieved far more than I expected. I shall expect more of you in the future.” “Thank you, I think,” Cyda replied with a slight bow. With Xeran, nothing was exchanged but a silent nod. Then at last, Dyus turned to Tiberius. “Brother-Sergeant, I think we both know I was not particularly trusting of you on your arrival. You have shown my doubts to be misplaced.” “It is an honour to serve, Master,” Tiberius replied with a bow. “No, Tiberius. It is a duty to serve one's master; the honour is to fight beside a friend. I hope that, in time, we will form that bond. For the moment, I suspect our duties will keep us apart. Before I dismiss you I wish to offer you a choice of deployment. You have served beside three Companies now, and if you wish to transfer from the Fifth to the Fourth or Eighth, or indeed to take a temporary deployment in any other Company, you need only make it known.” Tiberius bowed again, “Thank you, Master, but I am content to serve Captain Cyda.” “Very well. You may go.” The Captains rose, but Tiberius remained. “If I may ask, what was the purpose of the tea ceremony?” “Many have asked that question,” Dyus replied. After a pause Tiberius asked, “and what were they told?” “They were told nothing. Now if I may ask, what was the purpose of the ceremony in your opinion?” Tiberius could tell the Captains were lingering, curious about the answer he would give. His eyes turned once more to the bolt round. “I think I understand the purpose of the bolt round. It was a falsehood waiting to be found; a reminder that our enemy is not always in plain sight.” Dyus' expression gave nothing away. Tiberius continued, “the careful handling of the cups requires care and patience, for they are fragile things. Perhaps respect for relics? Or perhaps to teach us that patience and care is as necessary in war as swiftness and might.” Still there was no confirmation or denial. “I think it is an act of meditation. An unusual one, clearly born of a Chapter Cult very different to your... to our own.” “You've done that twice now,” Dyus noted. “my forces, not our forces; my cult, not your cult. You still see yourself as an outsider.” Tiberius wanted to deny it, but he could not bring himself to do so. “Perhaps that is why you find value in this ritual where my Brothers do not.” “Then I was correct?” Tiberius asked. “If that is what you want the meaning to be, then that is it's meaning,” Dyus replied in an uncharacteristically cryptic fashion. “If ever you wish to repeat the ceremony, you know where to find me. You are all dismissed now.” Safely away from the Chapter Master, the Captains laughed together about Tiberius' questioning of the ritual. Briefly, Tiberius suspected the laughter was at his expense, but then he saw the looks of respect on their faces and felt the congratulatory pats upon his forearms. “You made a hell of an impression, Tibia!” Nyel laughed. “I think you impressed him,” Cyda agreed. “and I'm honoured you chose to stay with the Fifth.” “Thank you. And my name is Tiberius, Captain.” The correction brought a fresh round of laughter, “you know, if you're going to fit in you could stand to pick a name that's less... foreign?” “I could stand being called 'Tiber' if that helps,” Tiberius offered. “Good start, Tiber,” Xeran said with a grin. “Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to the firing range; tea ceremonies make me want to destroy something.”
  5. Acquired a Primaris Marine for a painting competition, despite the fact I can't paint worth a damn. However, I did my best and even converted the model a little! Behold, Sergeant "Tiber" Tiberius of the Supernovas! http://i.imgur.com/bnTqHYn.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/2sTj7xl.png http://i.imgur.com/HB9AREE.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/KBFXoCx.png Sergeant Tiberius was one of ten Primaris Space Marines assigned to the Supernovas Chapter in the wake of their Tyrannic War upon their homeworld of Tasal. Initially distrusted, Tiberius slowly began to adapt to the Chapter's ways and customs, eventually becoming a respected and appreciated addition to the Fifth Company's fighting force.
  6. Prologue: The Coming Storm The scenes playing out before Captain Tádor were all too familiar; the darkened interior of a vessel, filled with the noise of battle and lit by the flash of gunfire. Normally, he would have led the assault personally, but this time he had to be cautious. This time, his foes were Astartes. The enemy was dug in and skilled. Thirty Astartes held the deck, facing Bright Lords forces as they poured down three assault ramps. Tádor's men had overwhelming numbers, but numbers were not enough when facing their own. He knew dozens more awaited further into the ship, no doubt planning an ambush or trap to even the odds. Thus, unable to risk losing his best men in the opening clash, Tádor and the Torchbearers could only watch as their brothers fought and died to take the beachhead. Fifteen minutes of brutal fighting saw every defender slain, at a cost of almost sixty Bright Lords. With the fighting over, Tádor strode forth into the darkened deck, being careful to step around the fallen. As he reached the centre of the chamber the overhead lights flickered into life. Red-robed tech adepts strode about the deck, taking note of the events. "Fallen forces, clear the deck!" the supervising officer announced, and on their orders the defeated Bright Lords and Supernovas alike stood back up and began filing away. "Not a good sign, Captain!" the Supernovan sergeant chuckled on his way past, "two to one kills in our favour!" Tádor smiled at the man and replied, "how unfortunate for your Chapter that I outnumber you three to one." The games had been Tádor's idea; a way to both train and bond as Astartes from multiple Chapters gathered at the muster point. So far, four hundred Astartes had answered the call, with at least a thousand more on the way. Combined with the forces of the Guard and Navy, the armies promised to be a truly terrifying force able to sweep away even the mightiest of foes. And they would be needed, if the signals from Celadon were any indication. The next stage of the training mission would take place along the inner corridors. Three passages had been selected, running parallel to each other and joining the cargo deck to the outer edge of the drive section. Tádor's scouts brought back word of the enemy's deployment; the outer passages were held by Ironforged - siege specialists of the Supernovas Chapter. The central passage was defended by ordinary Marines, and in fewer numbers. "It seems Master Dyus has set a trap for us," Tádor chuckled. "An obvious one," Lightbearer Heyel replied. "He surely can't expect us to take the bait." "That is precisely what we will do," Tádor answered. Noting the confusion of his peers, he added, "You have all studied the Codex Astartes, and so has our enemy. Master Dyus expects us to attack where he is strong because we are taught to be suspicious of his weakness. In truth, he does not feign weakness; he shows it openly. We shall pin his best on the flanks and smash through the middle for an easy victory!" The decks echoed with gunfire once more as Tádor led the Torchbearers down the central passage. No bullets struck them, but laser designators and beam-detectors monitored where bullets should have landed and fed data to cogitator banks, which the tech-adepts used to determine who lived and who died. Sheer weight of fire pushed the Supernovas back as the Torchbearers advanced. Under such a barrage, the defenders fled through the blast door and sealed it behind them, hoping that the door could buy time where bolters failed. Yet Tádor never reached the door. The monotone, synthetic voice of a tech-adept declared him a casualty. Confused, he turned around to see the rest of his men milling about in confusion, all seemingly dead from an unknown source. Frustrated, Tádor had no choice but to wait and listen to the battle waging elsewhere; a battle that quickly turned against his forces. When the order to cease was announced, the blast door opened to reveal Chapter Master Dyus of the Ironforged, who strolled toward the vanquished elites. The man's face was calm and un-emotive, but Tádor was sure there was an arrogant swagger in the man's stride. "How disappointing. The great Tádor, slain by such an obvious trap." "I would very much like to know how I was slain," Tádor replied impatiently. Dyus pointed to the interior wall of the corridor, "inside this wall is an armoured elevator that feeds the dorsal turrets from the ship's magazine. Prior to your attack I had charges set behind the wall panels and raised a shell to deck height. The tech-priests assured me that the resulting explosion would have killed everyone in the passage, and several in the adjacent passage." "And what inspired such a suicidal tactic?" Tádor asked, equally amused and impressed by the unorthodox solution. "Master Ximo," Dyus replied. "If you recall, you once suggested we partake in a similar training game many years ago. Ximo divised this as one possible method of defeating you, although I believe his plan involved a plasma feed." Tádor gave the Chapter Master a respectful nod, "then I commend your former Chapter Master's strategy, and your implementation of it." "I'm sure he would have welcomed your praise," Dyus answered. "I thank you for the diversion, Captain. I look forward to seeing you defeat the Fate's Angels in the next one."
  7. Supernovas Strike Force: Captain Nyel of the 8th - Cataphractii Armour, combi-melta, chainfist. Librarian Hoxra of the 1st - Terminator Armour, stormbolter, force axe. Lieutenant Tiber of the 5th - Primaris Lieutenant with bolt rifle. The Dead Company - 5 Cataphractii with Lightning Claws. The Ironforged - Sternguard Sergeant with bolter and power fist, 2 Sternguard with meltaguns, 2 sternguard with bolters. The Stalker Kin - Scout sergeant with sniper rifle, scout with heavy bolter, 4 scouts with sniper rifles, 4 scouts with bolters. Squad Cyda - Sergeant with plasma pistol and power sword, 1 Marine with missile launcher, 1 Marine with meltagun, 7 bolter Marines. Squad Oxor - Sergeant with bolt pistol and lightning claw, 1 Marine with heavy bolter, 1 Marine with flamer, 7 bolter Marines. Squad Sigir - Sergeant with bolt pistol and power fist, 1 Marine with missile launcher, 1 Marine with plasmagun, 7 bolter Marines. Ancient Komdai - Venerable Dreadnought with heavy plasma cannon, stormbolter, dreadnought combat weapon. Ancient Lata - Contemptor with assault cannon, combi-bolter, dreadnought combat weapon. Expedition Cawl: Scribe Note: Approximate forces based on field observations. Arch Heretic Belisarius Cawl. 2 Heretek Enginseers. 2 Dunewalkers with large energy weapons. 2 Kastelan battle robots. 3x 10-man squads of Skitarii infantry. Imperial Knight - Paladin Class. 11:03 0564017.M3 - the Stormforge: Captain Nyel cursed the sandstorm that raged around them, scouring at their heraldry and obscuring the way ahead. Somewhere in the sand was a manufactorum, now just a seemingly random collection of half-collapsed towers poking through the dunes at odd angles. The Dreadnoughts led the way, flanked by squads Oxor and Sigir, and Nyel followed as close behind as his bulky armour would allow. Out on the right flank, in a rocky outcrop just south of the old landing platform was squad Cyda, and between them and the main group were the Ironforged, pride of the 8th and siege masters beyond compare. "Stalker one in position," the vox crackled, "We've secured the helipad. There's some kind of storage device here, covered in Mechanicum scrawl." "Stalker two, we've got the same at Nav Point Alpha." "Secure them," Nyel replied. "Whatever's inside, Cawl wants it, and if he wants it then so do I." The dust storm began to dissipate as the Supernovas reached the complex. There, at the base of an old tower, stood Belisarius Cawl, the arch heretic. "CAWL!" Nyel roared, his shout so fierce it seemed even the wind fled in terror from it. "In the name of the Emperor, surrender to me!" The Astartes' vox crackled and Cawl's voice filled the ears of the strike force, "why would I surrender to you, Astartes?" "For your heresy! For the blasphemous monsters you spawned with your degenerate experimentation!" Nyel paused and recalled that one such degenerate was stood beside him. "Present company excepted, of course." "Too kind," Lieutenant Tiber replied, dryly. As the sand storm fled further north more of Cawl's bodyguard appeared in sight, striding forth to defend their master. To Cawl's left were two fighting machines armed with powerful energy weapons; to his right, two Kastellan automata. Flanking this force were two Skitarii squads, with a third appearing within Cawl's tower itself. Shortly after, Stalker One reported the approach of a Knight, but Nyel felt its coming through the quaking ground before their warning reached him. From the top of the tower a Skitarii's voice rang out. "Astartes! The relics of this place are the prop-" "What do you suppose he was going to say?" Tiber asked as he ran after his captain and the advancing Dreadnoughts. "I can't say I really care!" Nyel said, unashamedly blowing smoke from the barrel of his combi-weapon. 11:19 0564017.M3 - Contact Made: Brother Komdai strode forth through the barrage of fire, his plasma cannon raking the Skitarii on the right flank and reducing two of them to nothing but smoking cybernetic legs. Bolt fire poured into them from Squad Oxor as they advanced, killing several more as they ran for the shelter of their precious archeotech. On the left, Lata and Squad Sigir were making equally short work of the other Skitarii, and Komdai took some pleasure in noting how many of these supposedly elite warriors turned and ran rather than risk the fury of the Astartes. Klaxons screamed at him as a cutting beam smashed into his frontal armour, striking him so hard he almost toppled. As he staggered backward, struggling to self-right, he caught a glimpse of the fighting out on the flank. The Ironforged had thrown themselves into a crater just beyond the ruins, chased by fire from the tower and the chattering stubbers of the Knight. Two were wounded, possibly dead, and the survivors could do little but watch as the Knight strode forward and turned its battle cannon upon the Stalkers. Four of the brave snipers were atomised by the blast, the fifth remaining miraculously unscathed. The walkers were charging their guns again, but Komdai had more pressing matters at hand; the pair of Kastellans marching toward him. Fire from the surviving Skitarii on the ground rattled off his armour, but he paid them no heed - seconds later they were blown apart by Squad Oxor, who had secured a higher vantage point from which to control the battle. "Your heretical machines will not save you, Cawl!" Komdai roared as he and Lata charged together at the machines. The lead robot was damaged by Lata's fire already, and the assault cannon had jarred its weaponry at an awkward angle. Komdai burst through the misaimed flamer jet and tore the machine in half with his serrated claws. His blow ruptured the machine's internal systems and it detonated, causing more alarms to flare across his neural interlink. When the smoke cleared one of the Hereteks was dead, impaled by a chunk of his own machine, and Lata was stood victorious over the broken remains of the second. Captain Nyel was behind him, shouting orders to the squads in the buildings, but it was Oxor's voice that cut through the chatter and caught Komdai's attention. The sergeant called out two words that could fill even a Space Marine with dread. "Knight incoming!" 12:21 0564017.M3 - The Trap Closes: From the dead, desert air came the Dead Company, materialising in a sharp flash of light that was over as soon as it had begun. Librarian Hoxra was with them, issuing warnings of incoming fire before the Dunewalkers had even begun to turn and bring their weapons to bear. Despite the Librarian's premonitions, Brother Calyr was lost, reduced to a blackened husk by the searing beams of the crimson machines. Hoxra took solace in the fact that he was with his lost Brothers again at last. The strike force charged forward through the Mechanicum fire, joined by Lata as he smashed his way through a nearby wall with an Imperial Knight in hot pursuit. Lata's atomantic shielding formed a visible aura in the air around him as Skitarii and Knight attacks slammed into him, but for now it seemed he was impervious to their weapons. "Brother Lata! Target the lead machine!" "Yes, Librarian," Lata replied and raked the walker mercilessly. He charged with the Dead Company and together they beat upon its shielding, damaging the contraption but unable to destroy it entirely. The machine backed off, and its retaliation was devastating to behold; the two walkers fired everything they had at the Dead Company, and when the smoke cleared only two remained standing. With a blast that shook the battlefield, Brother Lata fell. The fury of Cawl and the Knight combined had finally overwhelmed his defences and he toppled, legs blown clean off by the Knight's shell. Brother Komdai, smoking from a dozen wounds, overcharged his plasma cannon in a desperate effort to drop the Knight once and for all. The white beam smashed into the machine and blew chunks of adamantine from its hide, but still it moved. Komdai did not; his noble form had fallen still. Too many lives had been lost already; Cawl had to be brought to justice! As if answering the Librarian's summons, Cawl hurled himself toward the Dead Company. He struck the first with an arcane energy weapon that smashed the Cataphractii armour apart like it were paper, and before the final Marine could react Cawl severed his head with his glowing axe. Hoxra channelled his will into a mighty blow with his axe, but even his will was not enough to pierce Cawl's shield. Again and again he beat upon the shimmering energy field to no avail, all the while listening to the sounds of battle as the Knight rampaged through his brothers. He head Tiber cry out in pain as he fell, and Captain Nyel's defiant roar as he buried his chainfist into the machine's legs to try and stop its onslaught. Time was of the essence; Cawl had to die! 12:45 0564017.M3 - The Coward's Retreat: Belisarius Cawl surveyed the field through the eyes of his servants. The ignorant fools of the Astartes had secured all four of the relics, and despite the war raging around them had, to his eternal disgust, begun to plunder the contents! He wanted to order the Knight to drive them out of the ruins, but the noble machine was badly damaged and its systems were failing. Weapons fire from all sides was killing it by a thousand cuts, and Marines armed with lascutters were closing in behind to finish the job. His enginseer servants were dead, most of his Skitarii were dead or fleeing, and while he was confident his Dunewalkers could survive now that the inferior walkers of the Astartes were silenced, time was not on his side - they could not hope to reach the archeotech before the Astartes plundered them and fled. He realised, with cold, detached certainty, that he would be forced to abandon his prize. "Belisarius to the Ark Mechanicum. Initiate emergency translocation protocol". There was a blinding light that filled the entire world, and when it faded there was nothing left of the Skitarii but the dead and destroyed remnants of their expedition. Cawl was gone. Nyel opened his mouth to vox the fleet, but Hoxra cut him off. "It's no good, Captain. His ship will evade us." "Throne take him!" Nyel screamed. "May every saint on Terra in his face!" He turned toward his approaching sergeants. Most of their squads had survived the battle; with the exception of Stalker Squad One, the Dead Company and Dreadnoughts had drawn the worst of the enemy's attention. Even so, they had lost good men. Time would tell whether the loss was permanent. "Get the Apothecaries and Techmarines down here," he growled, the bitterness at losing Cawl refusing to fade. He then gave the relics his full attention. They were large, armoured shapes covered in unfamiliar script, but the Stalkers had made some progress in opening them to study the contents. "I want these brought back to Tasal," he said. "What if Cawl comes after them?" Cyda asked. The Captain gave a dry chuckle. "Let him. Nothing would make me happier than to soak our world in Cawl's blood. Take his prize, and let him die trying to take it back."
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