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Found 22 results

  1. From the album: Grey Knights

    A grey knight faction conversion for a dreadknight.

    © Janene Hegstrom Oakey

  2. From the album: Grey Knights

    A grey knight faction conversion for a dreadknight.

    © Janene Hegstrom Oakey

  3. From the album: Grey Knights

    A grey knight faction conversion for a dreadknight.

    © Janene Hegstrom Oakey

  4. From the album: Grey Knights

    A grey knight faction conversion for a dreadknight.

    © Janene Hegstrom Oakey

  5. From the album: Grey Knights

    A grey knight faction conversion for a dreadknight.

    © Janene Hegstrom Oakey

  6. skinomyteeth


    From the album: Skin's pics

  7. skinomyteeth


    From the album: Skin's pics

  8. Greetings, fellow Sons of Titan! Every week I share another battle report with you all, so I figured I'd just make an ur-thread rather than posting a new topic every week. My name is Icosiel and I make videos about Grey Knights! I focus on battle reports, but I also do some list pondering and hobby stuff on occasion. Here's a link to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCud2nvtJBLCnYxLSpV-pjPA I'm fighting against Imperial Knights this weekend, so I made a video about my thoughts on exactly how I am going to beat them. I don't have a lot of anti-tank! Any input would be appreciated!
  9. Hail, battle-brothers! Yesterday I played against a pure Imperial Knights list! It was a very different challenge, and one that I was ill-prepared for. I think I need more lascannons in my lists. I hope you enjoy! https://onelastblade.blogspot.com/2020/09/grey-knights-vs-imperial-knights.html
  10. Hello again, Sons of Titan! I have taken my first step into the world of filming battle reports. I think it went okay! This game was a really good one. I would absolutely love to hear your feedback, my friends. https://youtu.be/PXH5jXLMG3c
  11. Hello, my fellow Sons of Titans! Today I took a leap into the digital seas of Warhammer video creation. My first video is just a simple breakdown of my thought process when I sit down to make a Grey Knights lists. My channel is going to focus on hobbying and filmed battle reports. I would love if my battle-brothers on B&C would check me out! Thanks!
  12. Heya folks! So I'll preface this by saying that I'm a very new collector to 40k and don't have many models at all. No vehicles, no dreadknights, no transports, nuffin. So it was pure infantry by necessity and not choice, that being said here we go! Playing with 100 PL My Knights; Brotherhood Champion Castellan Crowe Voldus 2 5 man Paladin squads with 1 hammer, no special guns 2 5 man Interceptor squads with 1 hammer, no special guns 1 Purgator squad with 4 Psilencers Allies; 1 Custodian Guard Squad, 2 with Guardian Spears, 3 with Storm Shields DELETED 5 Eversor Assassins cause I needed to fill 20 PL at the end and didn't have enough models I'm realizing that this probably isn't thoroughly battleforged. Unless maybe I took a TON of allied detachments? Maybe? Idk the rules for how you would take assassins in an allied detachment. But if you're still interested read on! Blood Angels; 3 Drop pods (the pattern that transports dreads) 2 Dreadnought Librarians with force spears 2 Dreads with 4 autocannons A DELETED bunch of other dreadnoughts with combinations of twin lascannons & Dread CCW with Heavy Flamers. I can't remember how many but it was the standard loadout. Mission: Deadlocked Deployment Style: Corners So we've got a very cluttered board, half forest terrain and half city. Blood Angels get to choose the map and deployment type. We start deploying and I've got the 5 Eversores to put into 'Deep Strike' so he ends up getting first turn. On the board are my Interceptors (with GoI), Purgators (far away in cover), my Custodes, 1 Assassin, Brother Champ, and Crowe. Everyone is hiding. All other units in Deep Strike Turn 1 BA: 8 autocannons fire on my Interceptor squad and reduce them to 2. Autocannons. Another 2 autocannons fire on my other interceptor squad removing 2. Autocannons. Rest of his turn is moving to grab the objectives he generated. GK: Move to secure objectives. Brotherchamp moves alone up toward a dread&pod holding nearby objective. I hope his hammer hand will give him the edge against the Dread. Discussion ensues as to whether or not the pod blocks line of sight. Discussion ensues as to whether the pod block charging. Drop pods are still dumb...DEEPSTRIKE EVERYONE!!! Assassins all over the board, Paladins popping up near objectives, Voldus appears on highground near the middle of the map. Psychic Phase: Voldus with his Leadership 10 (+1 warlord trait) casts Purge Soul on the dreadnought threatening the Brother Champ. POP! Well not total pop, mostly popped. Smites from Voldus and Brotherchamp finish it off. Purgators GoI onto the highground with Voldus. I am intrigued by how the Psilencers will do. Interceptor squad with only 1 casualty shunts near an objective and dreadnought, other Interceptor squad with 2 remaining hide in back lines holding objective. Shooting Phase: Ok here's the fun bit. Most of the shooting does little pecks or dings here and there, remember I've only got storm bolters besides the Purgators. BUT...the Purgators open up on his HQ Dreadnought Librarian! Voldus gives them reroll 1's. 24 shots rerolling 1s is no laughing matter. Wounding on 5's, HQ has 3+. HQ gets :cussing PLASTERED! Did a few wounds, but the d3 roll of damage cranks it up to a total death. Psilencer Purgators...interesting. Charging: only the 4 man interceptor squad makes it into combat. Do a couple wounds then get wrecked down to 2 with D CCW. ... ....... Ok this is gonna take too long and be too wordy. So suffice to say Paladins prove to be excellent objective holders, especially when the Objective is in cover! Purgators GoI to a better spot and Voldus follows them on the next turn. GoI avoids the Heavy Weapon limitation so they can shoot without penalty, and they wreck FACE. Not sure how it'd do against something with more than 8 wounds...but they did a good job. Custodes, Voldus, Brotherchamp, and Crowe never see combat. Purgators make a 24inch ':cuss YOU' bubble that the dreads wont enter, giving me center control hard. Assassins do some OK damage, but surprisingly aren't that damaging to dreads, their 3d6 charge helps make some big moves and tie up shooty units though. Game was called 11 to 7 for the Grey Knights, with only 1 dread left on the table. Casualties for the Grey Knights were 7 Interceptors, 3 Paladins, and 3 Assassins Take Aways Psilencers may be worth taking in big groups. I don't think 1 psilencer is gonna do the trick, but reroll buffed they hurt. Just a couple of d3s on a multiwound high toughness model is enough to wreck its day Force Swords are great. You're wounding on 5's usually, but the -3 AP and d3 wounds per hit can make a difference. Every one of those has the AP and damage of a powerfist. Hammers are great for the guaranteed 3 damage, but 2 sword wounds can easily result in 3 each and avoid the -1 to hit Paladins in cover are a bitch to get rid of Purge Soul with buffed Voldus isn't a half bad idea assuming you have a valid target. There's a lot of IFs before it pays off, but it can pay off really hard. Eversor's probably shine better against hoards, but weren't awful. Is there a way to take multiple assassins now? Or are you obligated to take only 1 due to allies? I guess I could have had SEVERAL allied detachments and just lose all my command points? I only used 1 all game anyways Lemme know if you have any questions! Didn't realize there was a cuss filter, my bad
  13. So in the spirit of mini-smite I bring you another mini-batrep. My hope is I get more of my games shared with you guys if I just make these shorter.... however I've been away with work so it's been a challenge posting this, but this time I goofed up, and I apologize, but I only have 3 pictures. This was a challenge because I'm playing Maelstrom against a well versed, long time IG player. And I'll be upfront about this, I took a Stormraven again even though I got bit pretty hard in my last attempt, having the flyer dumped in my zone, and a wicked loss as a result of having to footslog the majority of my force. So here we go... Maelstom, 2K, and I'm not going first (I failed the roll to go first even with +1, and then used a CP to fail twice at stealing. I never do this, but it felt imperative to go first against Guard). Astra List: Honestly I can't remember everything but I do have a deploy shot. Leman russ Executioner 2 flyers (one vendetta, one valk) Loaded with vets Lots of lascannons Sentinels Hvy Flamers Quite a few Flame tanks (he used to flank these but now he's playing Cadia) Scions (special weapons, command squads, etc deep striking) A couple of priests, and a couple of psykers. My list was pretty vanilla: Voldus Draigo GMNDK - H.Incin/H.Psycannon 4 Pals 1 Apoth Twin Las Razorback 3 Strike teams Doomglaive Dread Stormraven Las/Hurricanes/MM He wins the roll to go first and he does. He deploys on the back line and I feel a sense of doom... + As you can see the Astra back row is loaded as a gunline. I tried to deploy my Stormraven as late as possible to buy some space/time, but it didn't work that well. - IG draw some cards they really will struggle with. We do have an inhouse rule of free discards on any card you could never have completed, but even so he's got some tough ones. - I leave my Razorback poking out by half an inch without realizing it. So it's is annihilated in T1. (My understanding is there is no cover save unless you are IN the cover, not just obscured). So it was wasted pretty easily. - On the plus side this perhaps was to my advantage? I'm not sure but he saw the Las Razorback as my only true threat to his armour. Well aside from my Stormraven and he wanted first blood, so this made sense. But as much as I tried to hide my Stormraven, it MIGHT have been utterly destroyed if the Razorback wasn't poking out. - The Stormraven, even at -1 to hit is down to 8 wounds. My lucky saves combined with his tough shooting left me in the top tier for the flyer. I right away felt super lucky with this... and reminded my self of why I don't take big flyers anymore.... - I go for the Alpha and I can't believe how little damage I do. Seriously it's a shot off in the corner and I figure I got to get some points early, and then try not to get tabled.... - My alpha is mostly generated by some tiny smite action and Strikes coming in hot on my right flank, deep in his zone. Thank Titan for Draigo aura. The Stormbolters vape some cheap dudes, but it gets rid of the 'screen'. The Stormraven had zoomed up, but of course it can't hover so there are dudes inside. I try to take down a tank... twin las, flubs, multimelta has one hit and only does a bit of damage. Then to top it off the GMNDK fails his charge even with reroll, so my failure is now complete. It does not look good and I've only held back one Strike squad, and Voldus with the Pals and Doomglaive are still in the Stormraven. - The Astra get pretty cocky and start spreading out everywhere making Deep strike extremely difficult in any sort of meaning full way. My Strike squads gets vaped in the ruins. - Astra still have tough cards but do have defend on my left side and they advance the walkers to grab it. The fire base is now seeing the GMNDK as a big threat. They start to bob and weave tanks, and flamers, and heavy weapons.... but of course the first order of business is the Stormraven....sure enough it blows sky high... er to the ground I guess. Voldus tumbles out like a silver Santa Clause on fire. I lose a Paladin as a casualty. - Sanctuary proves to be a... er, Sanctuary as the GMNDK was now under heavy fire since the Stormraven went down. His Alpha comes in and tries melta shots on the GMNDK, it's ugly for IG because I just keep making my 3++ somehow. - End of turn the Astra go up a bit, and if I recall, my Doomglaive took a bit of a beating. Grey Knight turn of Turns! - Well not really, I just wanted to make it sound like I did something good... anyway I have very doable objectives this turn, and I get all 3 to tie the game. During this turn however Voldus would take on some serious competition punching through tanks with his hammer, and the GMNDK was finally in CC with a Hellhound. I continued to try to occupy as many tanks as possible. - Also Voldus gave Hammerhand to the Doomglaive, so he would wound the Leman Russ on 2's instead of 3's which turned out to be massive. (I can't take that much plasma every round - I missed this in the previous turn report but he melted 2 more Pals with it).The Doomglaive does a great job, consolidates towards some scary looking stuff but he's in the open now. MID/Late Game: - Astra get tough cards, and actually go for the death kill on me... he gets the card where you have to own every objective. Believe it or not he can do it, but we both realize as he's about to collect the points, Voldus is sitting / contesting one objective! Oh great silver Santa Clause.... how I love you. - So he gets nothing as a result of getting a pretty bad draw of cards and trying to get something out of that card. - HUGE moment of the game though.. I'm trying to stop him from getting his HQ/Warlord to safety in a Vendetta Gunship. I positioned myself to shoot it down, and assault the contents, BUT it has all of its wounds. I have no chance of doing this if I lose much more dudes..... So the IG unload on the GMNDK who is near, and there is the Doomglaive. The Doomglaive is now right beside the flyer and is down to 1 WOUND.... he takes a lascannon shot at it, hits, wounds and I make the 6 up! Ridiculous, but it now sits waiting for next turn.... - I fire everything I can at the HQ Vendetta, I take it down on a failed save, but he command point -re rolls the save and makes it.... wow. It's literally at one wound and all I have is two stormbolters on the Paragon and the Apothecary... I fire the 4 shots, one wounds the flyer, he fails the save and it goes down! - Voldus, and the Doomglaive team up and spank the HQ and his friends. This gave me a commanding lead. + Is this the end to the GMNDK? Why are these large smelly people with beatsticks singing songs with a Priest? This isn't my 40k! - Last hail mary here and the IG throw this squad of bafoons at the GMNDK. They sing a stupid song with the priest and a psyker gives them +1 save... wow what a bash up. I'm surprised but their slabshields hold up with the sing along powers even against my hammer attacks. But I had Sanctuary up and was up to the task. I stood after taking a few wounds, but in return I could only kill one of them. - Meanwhile Draigo in on the extreme left flank of the table trying to help strikes. I'm down to one squad of them, and they did a great job finishing some infantry. But this is just weird... Draigo did nothing this game, so I figure it's time to kill a tank... he goes after a flame tank that wounds on 2's and is -Ap3 I think... wow what a mistake. Draigo goes from unwounded, to on his last wound just by trying to charge the tank! That was insane. I think his robes are soaked in gas or something. (He failed the charge too) - That's one thing I didn't point out but charging in this game was super punishing in this game. I don't think the average IG list has so many flamers in it but it wasn't uncommon for me to lose wounds on most of my charges. I lost a lot of Strikes on one charge because of super overwatch as well... can't wait for the Tau codex! This was bad enough. Between fire and super shooting overwatch it really did feel disheartening in the early rounds trying to reach CC with anything. (especially with flame tanks). Turns out to be a MUCH closer game than the score shows. I had very little left, and so did he. I had a higher score but a few HQ's on low wounds (Draigo on 1) and maybe 3-4 scattered strikes and a half dead GMNDK who was my super wound sponge of the game. Definitely a brutal battle of high attrition on both sides.
  14. So once again, for an army with mini-smite, I bring you yet another mini-batrep. Key Moment of the Game: + Early in the game, my Warlord, the GMNDK, is literally abandoned, on a suicide mission to distract the Hive Mind. He has withstood tons of phlem, acid, feces, projectiles of ANY description. But now he is surrounded by an angry Carnifex, and a Toxycrin. The end is near for this hero of Titan.... or is it? + Game: Maelstrom - Escalation - 2,0000 points. Tyranids: (guessing on a lot of this). Flyrant, 2 x Dakka fexes (95 points each?!?) 30 gaunts Tervigon 3 poison clouds dude with -1 to hit Nids aura. 1 giant thing with Tentacles that looks like it should be in an anime show 1 Mawloc 3 warriors 3 Hive guard 3 Zoanthropes 1 Broodlord 10 Genestealers 1 Deathleaper 1Mawloc (deepstrike) 2 units of 3-4 Raveners? (deep strike) 2 units of 3 spore mines (deep strike) Grey Knights: Voldus GMNDK 3 x 5 strikes 5 Purifiers 1 Apothecary 5 Interceptors 1 Doomglaive Dread Stormraven ------- Greyfax Acolyte Culexus Eversor Here's what my forces look like. Sorry for the WIP's! I'm scared to finish painting any 'new' GK until I see the Chapter Approved in case they make any changes to the (largely unused) close combat weapons. Also after selling my old GK army, I am still painting my new Stormraven... almost done though: Also waiting for Doomglaive in the mail... borrowing my Deathwatch Dread to proxy for now. + Grey Knights... Roll out. Assassins are ready to go, Purifiers are ready to test out their abilities in the new Stormraven.+ The Deployment is Vanguard.... so at an angle, corner vs corner. Here's the Nid Deployment: Early Game: + We both roll a 1 to go first, but since I have the +1 I get to go first. lol + I don't have a heck of a lot I can do. Since we are playing escalation, my single card on T1 is to defend an objective literally right in the middie of the swarm... the Emperor works in mysterious ways, but I prefer living to fight another day. + The Stormraven stays up in the sky and zooms over, my GMNDK joins him in the corner. This is to see if it's worth getting the Nids to move towards that edge, and see if I can poke any holes. T1 I also bring in one set of Strikes, and the assassins. What a mess.... I shoot and psychic attack a squad of Gaunts. It takes everything I have to kill 10 gaunts (I don't want them reviving with the Tervigon). I do this for first blood as I figure this is going to be a very tough game for points.... Other than that my Stormraven and GMNDK do very, very little. They try to take on the threat to the Stormraven: the Hive Guard. But with -1 to hit almost the entire Nid army at this point, I can't really cause damage. End of my turn I score first blood, but I think I'll pay in blood... for that first blood. + Nids come take the bait on the GMNDK, but I may be in over my head. The Toxicryn? (big tentacle anime bug) waddles up, so do the 2 remaining Hive Guard, and 2 Dakka Fexes! Wow... it gets hot here. The GMNDK has Sanc up thank the Emperor so he only takes a couple of wounds, the Stormraven takes one as well. BUT on the left flank of the table my first blood would put my assassins and Strikes in danger.... + Here we go... Flyrant, Broodlord, Genestealers... they're all tripping over themselves to get at the Strike Squad and 2 Assassins. Isn't this the Deathwatch's job? When's the next bus to Titan coming? + + A super weird moment here... the Genestealers have 3 D6, pick the highest (Kracken) and assault. So they easily make it. The Broodlord is a bit stuck behind the Flyrant, and the Genestealers easily make it in, but somehow I don't lose a dude... seriously... not a one. I made 487 saves in this close combat... or at least that's what they'll hear on Titan. The Eversor, and Culexus hit back hard, but the 3 remaining Strikes completely whiff.... they have apparently filled their boots with 'fear'. + Something new... my opponent's first time with new nids.He asks to go back to the ensuing close combat at try a Strategem.... we're both learning the new nids so I say go for it... it turns out on every death of a genestealer he rolls a D6 and on a 6 I suffer a mortal wound.... he kills the 3 Strikes, and puts 3 additional mortal wounds on the 2 Assassins! Wow. TURN 2-3: + I get lucky score 2 points in my zone... I still don't know what to do with the Flyer.... I zoom back to my zone and get away from the shooting Fexes, and leave the GMNDK to fend for him self... .basically he's screwed.... unless the Emperor chooses to spare him. + Back in my zone the amount of Psychic stuff he can do kind of blows me away... he stripped "Gate" off of a squad of Strikes, and I take a fair amount of Smite wounds, and he gets Catalyst off. My denial rolls suck and my Culexus is definitely in range, but it is having about a 20% success rate... The Broodlord annihilates the Eversor, and ties up the Culexus.... Unfortunately my opponent had his rules a bit off, and my Culexus would have been dead a long time ago, but survives til turn 5 (simply because he had the damage wrong for his wounds for the game.) + The Stormraven came, dropped every on off at the (Gene) pool and took off... The Purifiers get their chance to shine... or die. + + Now I have no choice, deep strikers are in, the Nids are pushing forward. Every one gets out and this is a total mess... The Purifiers get off Smite, but it's 3 wounds. I take 7 in return from the Mawloc with some assistance from the Flyrant, and they are wiped. I lose the Strike squad to 5 more Mortal wounds. Some of this is coming from the Mawloc (he rolled a 6 when he came up). + I see the Flyrant with his Psychics are getting really annoying, plus my -1 to hit is really hurting me here. I unloaded my ARMY on 10 Gaunts, and the Stormraven on the Deathleaper. I did no wounds to the Deathleaper, and killed 9 of 10 Gaunts. I decide to take the Lascannons to the Flyrant, and it passes 9 of 11 Catalyst saves from the Stormraven..unbelievable. Really all I can do is shoot up the small bugs. I can't seem to really damage the core of stuff behind his poison cloud, and psychics. + Remember when I left the GMNDK out to die on the right flank? Well.... he's got a goal here... to block off the Toxicryn from getting a point. + The GMNDK is down to 6 wounds and steals one point for me, but he's in trouble. He shoots down one Dakkafex, but a second one charges in as well as the Toxycrin. Getting off Sanctuary was HUGE here, the GM lives with 2 wounds, but hammers the poop out of the Toxycrin. I got pretty lucky here on my Invuln saves, and had to use a command point to keep him alive. So the GMNDK denies a point to the Nids here. + The GMNDK is my warlord, I've abandoned him, he's down to 1 WOUND, and he's all alone against the rest of the Nid core..... the Nids don't stand a chance. + + The push falters from the Nids a bit. The psychic stuff is still strong though. The Apothecary heals up Voldus, and the Doomglaive dread clears out all the deep strikers in shooting and CC. He advances on towards the Broodlord whom we have figured out his actual rules, and has now slain the Culexus without issue. + The Tervigon still lives, I but I think I killed the Flyrant here, and it was his last super mobile threat, but my Strikes are all dead from mortal wounds mostly ,and dakka shooting. The Interceptors were finished off by Mortal wounds. I still couldn't deny anything... UNLESS this is some cruel joke, I'm feeling like the Culexus is trolling me.... or is it Greyfax who will save the day??? + The GMNDK is really getting on the nerves of my Nid opponent. He's thrown a LOT of fire power at him. I get off Sanctuary on him, but it is cancelled by the Zoanthropes. This is not good... down to one wound, but the Zoanthropes get off WARP BLAST on a 11!!!111!! The GMNDK looks like his day is finally done... but off in the corner I hear the squeeling of an angry woman who hates all the psykers in this game.... Greyfax. She is within range of the Zoanthropes and adds 1 to her denials.... the old witch rolls a 12!!!! And saves the GMNDK! I thought this was absurd, but my opponent was livid. The GMNDK Just . Would. Not. Die. + Angry beyond reason (I didn't think Nids had such emotions!) they throw a pile of low end Warrior shots at the GMNDK, he passes about 6 saves on a 2+. Finally the last Hive Guard fires, hits, wounds the GMNDK but he rolls a 6 for his invuln! Still... not... dying. END GAME: + I drew a claim objective 6, + Defend Objective 6 (earlier in the game) and I drew a card which forced my opponent to pick an objective and I had to get it (this was earlier too)... he picked objective 6. I mention this now because I've been waiting... waiting, and now is the time. Obviously Objective 6 is deep in my opponent's original deployment zone. So... I cross the table with the Stormraven, and Voldus would roll on gate, and BARELY pass (my +1 is negated by Shadow in the Warp) I Cannot have this denied so I use my last command point to re-roll one of the dice, and get an 11. + (Opposite side of table in Nid deployment zone:) Voldus Gates to the Objective 6. The Stormraven guards him from being shot, and an undying hero of Titan, on one wound, in a Nemesis Dreadknight, still refuses to die. + + Bottom of Turn 5, the Nid player cannot do anything about Voldus, and the Stormraven isn't worth anything. So he wildly plops off anything he can at the GMNDK, and he passes all his saves, and continues to hang on to a thread of life. + With Voldus' last turn Gate, and the heroics of the GMNDK, the GK pick up 5 points to win the game 12 to 9. A crazy finish.... ridiculous in fact. Although I felt the Nids were very potent, my opponent seemed to disagree. He feels I have 2-3 unkillable models every game. I felt I hung on by sheer luck, and a bit of bad luck on his part. There was a time, at about end of T2 where I felt so violated by the sheer volume of mortal wounds I took... I couldn't believe it. Also his Psychic phase is solid, and just having normal smite on 5-6 units seemed MUCH more potent than having 7 units that are throwing baby smite. Luckily the Culexus worked on about 25% of those smites he threw. (I had so much trouble denying anything until the last turn super Warp Blast deny by Greyfax on a 12!) I thought it was a crazy close game, and my opponent felt the nids were underwhelming. I reminded him that it was his first game with the new dex. But he feels confident he played the army to maximum efficiency and his long history with the nids makes up for the new codex learning curve... so he left the game perhaps feeling a little underwhelmed with the new codex. Of course me having my typical finish of having under 6 models on the table is always hair raising.But it's how Titan rolls! I had a blast.
  15. So I haven't had a chance to play against a pure Custodes army... in truth I only see one local player trying them that way, and the rest seem to be content making them allies with other armies. That's no surprise, but it's worth mentioning that it appears out of the gate Custodes are probably not seeing single faction competitive/semi-competitive play. I started thinking about making GK lists that would tackle Custodes best. For the sake of argument let's say we are talking mono-Gk vs. mono-Custodes. On the surface GK provide the 'magic bullet' against the mono-Custodes army... that being mortal wounds, and psychic powers. But I think it goes beyond that: - So we have psychic might. Unless the Custodes are exceptionally lucky using the odd trick in the codex, pretty much anything is going through. This helps with mobility against an army that has very little board coverage so something like Gate becomes more valuable here. - Mobility. GK have a lot of inherent deep strike. Usually we're struggling to keep something on the ground to make lists legit. On the ground we have a few choices with inherent speed where the Custodes seem to be heavily relying on bikes. Their bikes are amazing, and super cost effective, but that's the core of mobility plus their own flavour of termies. - Durability. I think to be fair the Custodes have it here... hands down. The numbers aren't going to be numerous for either force, and less so for the Custodes but at T5, plus the legion trait of basically a 4++ is nice. However in a lot of cases I will argue it can be negated, or not a factor. But it definitely helps, and I'd have to say there's probably not a lot of debate on this point. - Shooting. I think overall, and looking at unit options, the GK actually have more flexibility here. I think the stock shooting on the Strike is adequate, and you have some flexibility in the dreads, and definitely the Flyers. (I think a lot of GK players get a little caught up in elite units and Stormtalons / Stormravens are still decent choices). This essentially means GK -should- have the advantage in 'softening' up the opponent from range. Especially combined with deep strike positioning. So that leaves the Custodes specialization: - Close Combat. 8th is really weird for CC in my opinion. The more I engage in it, the more finicky it becomes... characters can be left in the cold, and interrupting can make a multi combat absolute hell for the player initiating it. With point 1 we could argue Thousand Sons could really excel there as well, but there is the problem of Close combat. I would suggest that GK force weapons are murderous on multi-wound, specialized units. I find the force weapons really come into their own here, whereas facing cultists, orks, etc, then they can feel frustrating. Of course Custodes hit like a gold brick, but in 8th it's really about the charge and I'd argue a lot of GK units can and do severely threaten the livelihood of any Custodes that get charged. Character wise Gk are no slouch here either. I mean I personally love Voldus for fluff reasons as well as game play, but Draigo is a beast, and we know how strong the Brother-Captain Dreadnights are. Let's be fair, almost 100% of soup lists that cherry pick GK take THIS unit. Do you think that wold change with Custodes? Perhaps a character on a bike, surrounded with Custodes bikes (detachment) will be the norm but for the sake of this argument, I don't know enough about all the choices Custodes have, but I still think GK have some of the most fierce, infantry based, characters in the game. I started to realize out of all the armies I play perhaps GK would present the biggest threat to Custodes.... What do you guys think?
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