Brother Exar, 1st Co Dreadnought Posted December 29, 2007 Share Posted December 29, 2007 I've been gone so long I might as well do this. We'll see who remembers me. :P Name: Exar Age: 19 Country/State: Long Island, New York, USA Occupation: College Time spent in hobby: 3 years Armies collected: Dark Angels, WHF Vampire Counts, <500 pts each of Space Wolves and Black Templars, IG Make your mark: ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lion El'Jonson Posted December 29, 2007 Share Posted December 29, 2007 Name: Lion El'Jonson (Obey me, my Dark Angels) Age: Fifteen years of age Country/State: Sweden, Halland Occupation: Student Time spent in hobby: Excactly one year Armies collected: Dark Angels, Word Bearers, Eldar Iyanden, Grey Knights, High Elves in Wfb and some LOTR in the past Make your mark: I play guitar, draw, paint and like to convert sometimes :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Korloth Darkwolf Posted December 29, 2007 Share Posted December 29, 2007 Name: Korloth Darkwolf Age: 27 Country/State: United Kingdom / Hampshire Occupation: Marine Engineer currently back at Uni studying for Mechanical Engineering Degree and owner of lingerie web shop. Time spent in hobby: 16 years (i have and remember some old models!) Armies collected: Dark Angels, Space Wolves, Ulthwé Eldar Make your mark: Currently creating an entire Ravenwing Company and Krom Dragonblaze Space Wolf Great Company Improving my artwork and looking at improveing enough in GS to create the entire Primarch collection before they turned / died etc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CDR Grendelwulf Posted December 30, 2007 Share Posted December 30, 2007 Name: CDR Grendelwulf Age: Forty-Five Country/State: Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Occupation: Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor, Rich Man, Poor Man, Beggar Man, Thief... Time spent in hobby: 1997 ('round the time of 3rd Edition's start) Armies collected: Chaos, Dark Eldar, Eldar, Imperial Guard, Necron, Ork, Dark Angel Successor (Fallen Angels), Space Wolves, Tau, Tyranid Make your mark: B&C Torchbearer for Fallen Angel Loyalist-Renegades before it was cool to be! Ciao, CDR Grendelwulf Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Bahram Posted January 3, 2008 Share Posted January 3, 2008 Name: Brother Barham Age: 40 Country/State: Sweden/Vetlanda Occupation: Head Casting Supervisor Time spent in hobby: since 2000 Armies collected: Deathwing, Ravenwing Make your mark: Peace! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Theo Posted January 3, 2008 Share Posted January 3, 2008 Name: Brother Zariel Age: 31 Country/State: Sweden/ Jönköping Occupation: chainsaw warehouse manager. Time spent in hobby: About 14 years Armies collected: Dark Angels, Blood Angels, Orks. Make your mark: Working on a Rawen Wing army and a Ork army Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaplain Defilus Posted January 3, 2008 Share Posted January 3, 2008 Name: Chaplain Defilus Age: 17 Country/State: Bonny Scotland Occupation: Student Time spent in hobby: 4 years Armies collected: Dark Angels, Eldar (Ulthwé), Necrons Make your mark: *pees on tree* ;) yey I'm a noob Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blackcat Posted January 16, 2008 Share Posted January 16, 2008 Name: Blackcat Age: 25 Country/City: Poland/Warsaw Occupation: AS/400 Software Developer, Hard-Core band guitar player, future husband ;-) Time spent in hobby: I've started to be interested in about 6 years ago.. but really started playing/collecting a couple of months ago. Armies collected: Current - Dark Angels Chapter.. in the past it was a Chaos (WFB) Make your mark: Nothing really special I think.. just, doing my job, drinkin' beer with my friends, playing the guitar :lol: By the way - this is my first post in here so hi every one :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
brother sartarius Posted January 21, 2008 Share Posted January 21, 2008 Name: brother sartarius Age: 16 Country/State:England Occupation: student Time spent in hobby: almost....7 years Armies collected: dark angels(almost 7 yrs), imperial guard(almost 5yrs), iron warriors(under construction),Empire WFB, khandish/easterlings Lotr(2 yrs) Make your mark: Love doing small minor conversions and im always part of the 3rd company :devil: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master Amadis Posted January 23, 2008 Share Posted January 23, 2008 Name: Amadis Age: 21 Country/State: Yorkshire/Devon Occupation: Student, soon to be graduate (quality unknown eep) Time spent in hobby: Stopped collecting W:FB when I was 14, started back up again with 40k just before xmas 2007 Armies collected: Dark Angel 3rd company with Deathwing and Ravenwing support Make your mark: I suffered from the (as i termed it) "that would be cool to have" disease and due to recent additiob of student loan and xmas bought quite a lot of models with no realy focus, having played a few games and lost every single one have learnt to create a more focused and balanced force, this is my first post and you will no doubt be bored of me by the time I leave :mellow: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grim Dog Studios Posted January 24, 2008 Share Posted January 24, 2008 Name:Brother Champion Wulox Age:12 Country/State:Terra! England, Burton Upon Stather Occupation:erm..... at school still Time spent in hobby:7 years Armies collected:Dark angels,lots of other stuff to probably got a squad of everything Make your mark:Hail the Lion,Hail the Emperer,Hail the Imperium..... Oh i also play on halo3 alot on xboxlive ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
- Human Posted February 15, 2008 Share Posted February 15, 2008 Name: - Human Age: 21 Country/Province: Toronto, Canada Occupation: Student Time spent in the hobby: 9 years Armies collected: Fantasy Chaos, Dark Elves, Angels of Absolution Make your mark: I started off in WFB ages ago. I'm just getting into 40k now, and the dark angels appealed to me. After I painted my first terminator I knew I wanted an all-bone coloured army. Enter the Angels of Absolution. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lyk4n Posted February 19, 2008 Share Posted February 19, 2008 Name: Lyk4n Age: 22 Country/State: USA/IL Occupation: Military/Java Developer Time spent in hobby: Year(ish) mostly not-gaming Armies collected: Dark Angels 3rd Company Make your mark: I'm new to the whole TT gaming thing, learning as I go. I'm currently working on my first 1500 pt army list. I'll prolly post it tomorrow when I'm finished with the first draft. I also want to thank everyone so far on here that has helped me figure out stuff. :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Confessor Posted February 20, 2008 Share Posted February 20, 2008 Name: Confessor Age: 21 Country/State: Bristol, England Occupation: Postal worker Time spent in hobby: Few weeks over the course of a few years really... Armies collected: Tau, a very small amount of Orks and now my Dark Angels successor chapter "Confessors". Make your mark: Dispite starting in 3rd ed I have only actually played a half dozen games and none of these in 4th, in spite of this I am still interested in warhammer because of my love for the back story very shortly I shall begin construction of my Unforgiven chapter but untill my first pieces arrive I am sorting out my back story, I have had a fondness for the Space Marine back story for quite some time and Dark Angels in particular, I really should have started earlier but I think I was avoiding them because of the popularity of Space Marines :P . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chapter Master Gabriel Posted February 29, 2008 Share Posted February 29, 2008 Name: Gabriel Age: 26 Country/State: USA, Washington Occupation: US Navy Time spent in hobby: 14 years Armies collected: Only recently started collecting (time & money being driving factors obviously), a full battle company with transports, scout & terminator elements Make your mark: Been into wargaming for as long I have been a role-player. Started with Battletech, found Warhammer 40k & fell in love with service under the God-Emperor ever since. My Chapter is DIY and since the Dark Angels have been my favored chapter since the beginning, my chapter is leaning heavily towards being a successor - still working on it though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nirraven Posted February 29, 2008 Share Posted February 29, 2008 Name: Nirraven Age: 27 Country: Germany Occupation: PHD in Cancer Research Time spent in hobby: 8 years Armies Collected: complete 3rd Company Dark Angels; Ravenwing-Army, Tyranids Make your mark: I try to increase modelling and painting skills continously. I ´m not the greatest tactician, but at least my boys look fine while getting a thrashing... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Mad Hermit Posted March 1, 2008 Share Posted March 1, 2008 Name: The Mad Hermit Age: 35 Country/State: Bristol, Connecticut, USA Occupation: Slave to the Man and Disabled Veteran Time spent in hobby: started painting minis in the 80s, playing GW games since '95 Armies collected: Angels Latronis (DA Successors), 3rd Bristol Rifles (IG), WHFB Dwarfs Make your mark: it's taken a little bit of time (okay, a long time, actually) for me to decide on the Unforgiven, but now that I'm here... I'm giving it 100%. I paint minis, draw from time to time, and also have a superhero game obsession. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Tankred Posted March 1, 2008 Share Posted March 1, 2008 Name: Harrypotter Age: 34 Country/State: Her Majesty's United Kingdoms Occupation: Design Engineer Time spent in hobby: Too long, I started 40K in '87, stopped in the early 90's (still 1st edition back then), rejoined 2 months ago, wealthier and no more wise. Armies collected: Formerly BA, Orks, Eldar, Harlequins, BFG, The Battle For Armageddon, Blood Bowl, that thing with the cars in it, WHFR, LOTR Battles in Middle earth thing, Adeptus Titanicus and a few other bits and bobs along the way. Now exclusively Dark Angels and 40K. Make your mark: Erm, yeah, struggling to find the time for the hobby, and I am far better at buying miniatures than I am getting the time to paint them. Also have so many hobbies its untrue, Field Target Shooting, playing Bass Guitar, Photography to name but a very very few. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Miguen Posted March 2, 2008 Share Posted March 2, 2008 Name: Miguen Age: 35 Country/State: Denmark Occupation: security officer Time spent in hobby: 17 years Armies collected: for w40k: Blood angels, salamanders, space wolves, orks, harlequins, eldar, a still growing IG army. for WFB: chaos, dark elves, bretonnians, and various other smaller forces, for epic, adeptus titanicus, battlefleet gothic and various other mini's bought just for the pleasure of painting them, Have now decided its time to throw my self at the unforgiven in the form of either Dark Angels or Disciples of Caliban havent decided yet. Make your mark: I started in the good olden days with RT and the compendia that was made then, and have since been hooked on the hobby. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Captain Michael Posted March 14, 2008 Share Posted March 14, 2008 Name: Brother Captain Michael Age: 25 Country/State: California Occupation: Clerical Time spent in hobby: Since the summer of 1997 Armies collected: Dark Angels 3rd Co. (under Belial, no less) until 2003 when I got really tired of painting green. Since then I have been playing Angels of Absolution 5th Co. Make your mark: To me, games of 40k are a way to build a story for my models. Wins and losses will be forgotten, but heroes will live on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trajan Posted March 17, 2008 Share Posted March 17, 2008 Name: Trajan Age: 31 Country/State: Sweden, Skåne Occupation: Stora Enso Paper production Time spent in hobby: since RT (Black Dark angels then yay :) ) Armies collected: Dark angels (sold), Blood angels (sold) and Tau (soon to be sold) and Guardians of the Covenant (Once an Unforgiven, allways an Unforgiven) Make your mark: I have major issues staying focused on one project, but ive managed so far with my Covenant boys. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Afeil_117 Posted March 19, 2008 Share Posted March 19, 2008 Name: Afeil Age: 25 Country/State: Texas, USA Occupation: Military, Air Force, EOD Time spent in hobby: 8 years Armies collected: Previous: Eldar (Biel Tan), Black Templars/ Current: Chaos, DA Make your mark: When a friend first showed me the glory of 40k, I knew I wanted in. He was a Blood Angels player, and got me hooked on the Dark angels when I read his 2nd Edition Angels of Death Codex. I ended up getting into the other armies I played cus they were easy buys. (They were completed armies that where already painted.) No that I've been in the hobby for awhile, and I have new despossible income, I've decided to finally build they army I've always wanted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Are Posted March 26, 2008 Share Posted March 26, 2008 Name: Brother Are Age: 31 Country/State: Sweden Occupation: Government employe Time spent in hobby: 13 years Armies collected: Dark Angels, also some really old WHFB Wood elves and a Cawdor gang in Necromunda. Make your mark: Started playing WHFB but became more and more interested in 40k. None of my friends played it so it took a few years before I started collecting. Became fascinated by the DA fluff and has been a loyal battle brother ever since. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Logos Posted March 27, 2008 Share Posted March 27, 2008 Name: Logos Age: 25 Country/State: New Brunswick, Canada Occupation: Librarian Time spent in hobby: I've only been playing for a couple months but I'm having a blast so far. Armies collected: Dark Angels (3rd Company, working on Deathwing and Ravenwing) Make your mark: I've always loved gaming (video games, CCGs, D&D, board games, etc.) but this is the first time I've tried a game that also involves assembling and painting models, and I'm actually surprised by how much I enjoy this aspect of 40K. I decided to start with Dark Angels because, like most of you, I really like the fluff (and the robed models, of course). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Utsujin Posted March 28, 2008 Share Posted March 28, 2008 Name:Justin/ Master Jezekiel of the Dark Angels 5th company. Age: Your age. 21/ 370 Country/State: Wisconsin/America Occupation: Sub Contractor. I install floors, I actually love my job, and look forward to working. Time spent in hobby: 9 years this coming summer. Armies collected:I started off with tyranids.. then got some dwarves, didnt collect those. Got into imperial guard, chaos, nids again. I have an inquisition fleet for BFG, 15 cruisers, 2 ships, 4 battlecruisers, a handfull of smaller stuff. I have empire, wood elves, lizardmen, and tomb kings for 40k. Now my main armies are demonhunters, witch hunters, and my dark angels 5th company I just started. Make your mark: Um... yea, 40k and bfg all the way. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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