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Desert Eagles wip

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I'm impressed once again by the elegance of your work. You have a really keen sense of the balance of colours, you have ideas and an excellent "reading" of the minis you use. A real fine job frater !

Gratz for the discreet weathering too. It brings the realism needed without spoiling the artwork.



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Many thanks for all the love guys! :)


@Chaplain Desmodus: Tackar! (thanks for all you non-swedes) Yeah, well, i thought the round thingies would act as some sort of glowing targeter, but i agree it didn't come out all that great. Maybe i'll repaint it with just ordinary lenses instead. My thinking behind it was to tie in with the terminators who all have green glowing eyes and targeters.


@Dark Sensei: Wow, thats some mighty kind words, i'm flattered.


@AngryJhonny: Thanks mate!


@Todd: Cheers mate! Hehe, i'm Swedish you know, we're a modest kind... i'd never muster enough courage to actually be able to demand money for having my minis "on display". And i'd probobly be too flattered as well if they indeed would like my chappie on their webpage that it would be enough for me. Then again...free resin... Gimme! :P :)


@Riddlecakes: I'd be too embaressed showing how little is actually painted, but there is a pic one or two pages back showing a possible 2k list. About the dreads and bikes. Honestly, i think they work nicely together since the dread drops from the sky deep into the enemys lines dealing out as much pain as possible while the bikers focus on their given task, safely bringing down termies, targeting heavy infantry with plasma fire or just adding speed to my army.


@Dionesiist: Thanks! Hmm, yeah, i just think the hammer looked better, so thats why i went with it.


@Winterdyne: Thanks mate!

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  • 2 weeks later...



Begun work on a sergeant, and he is well on his way. I'd estimate about 50% or better of total time i need to spend on this mini. For you who remember i thought about changing arms on this guy a few pages back. Well, they got to be the original ones in the end. A slight change in the angle of his storm bolter arm really made a diffrence for the pose (i both love and hate this mini, the intended pose by the sculptor with the stormbolter in the other hand is so akward, but i think it works alright like this.) Also, this set up is much better for a primarily shooty squad...but i already knew that.










It got a few degrees above freezing this past week, so i varnished the dread and a few minis with army painters matt varnish. Came out....alright. Some detail just gets lost, and i think i need to redo some white highlights.Most notably on the dread on whom the desert yellow in my whites somehow got exagerated by the varnish. It's a choice between two evils. If i don't varnish, the paint will chip of for sure, especially on the resin minis...and if i do varnish, the paint isn't a 100% as i intended. But since chipped paint is way worse i have no choice. Anyway, finished the bases, and i like the way they turned out. Hehe...but because i suck so badly i havn't painted the metallics yet on the dread and one terminator. ;) I need to build up some motivation, and the sergeant is distracting me right now. But here's a pic of them anyway.



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  • 2 weeks later...

where did you get all the eagle bits for this?


btw, i was looking back at a few of the older pics, and i noticed you mention you had problems with GS for making a cape.


though im not sure if its to late, Maybe for the future though, you can use wire (i used paperclips) to make a frame, after that, any thing can be made from GS.


well it worked for my flamethrower... im wishing i had used it for another model too... not sure about capes.





if you wanna see how that turned out

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In one word...Amazing stuff (ok, that's two words)!


I just joined this forum and am in awe about the quality of your paint job! have you ever considered going to Games Day or something? Surely a statuette will be in the works there! I will be following this thread closely, and again, really, really awesome job!



Kind regards,



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Wow, thanks guys!


Ok, let's see where to begin... Updates are comming as soon as i have something to show. Real life caught up with me (lot's of overtime work, but one shouldn't complain these days when everybody in the entire world seems to get laid off :unsure: ) so i had to drop the painting for a week or so, but i have done some more painting on the terminators. I'm flattered some of you are eager to see updates and i'll do my best to keep 'em comming. But you all should know me by now. Haste and speed aren't any of my virtues. :(


@Todd: Hehe, that sounds like a challange! How about adding some stakes to motivate us? Let's say a minimum of 1500 points fully painted minis in a playable force by end of august (thats 7 months. Plenty of time...or is it? :lol: ) Should one fail to hit that mark, you get to paint a mini for the other guy. How does that sound Todd?


And yeah...2 years and almost nothing to show for it. I suck, i know, thanks for reminding me. :o


@Low_K: Thanks mate. I really doubt the quality of my marines would be enough for a statue to be honest, however i'm flattered you like them. I'd love to go to a gd event some time, but England is pretty far from here. But who knows.


@War Angel: The eagle is rather common to the imperial forces, so i snagged them from various sprues like raven wing upgrades and so on. Also, forge world has some nice sheets of etched brass that is very usefull. I've been told about and showned the wire-structure method, but thanks a lot anyway! Oh, i wouldn't mind seeing your stuff, just point to me where i can find it.



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A little update:


I think this terminator with the heavy flamer got a very old-pewter-mini feeling to its pose, which to be honest, i kind of fancy for this one mini. Nicked the shield on the flamer from the assult cannon guy as this one will see a lot more table top action (will have to replace it with something else for the ac termie). Thers just so few places to cut points in my list that the assultcannon probobly only will make it in 2k armies, if even then. Well, the mini is well on its way to completion, mainly the arms and weapons left to paint, the eagle scene on his back and some details here and there+ the base.








Also begun painting the apotechary. It's maybe still all too early to tell if my intended colour scheme will work(hehe, especialy with his arms ripped off) but i hope to pull off an almost all white scheme on this guy. Only the red helmet and some minor details will be anything but white or metallic. I don't know, but i hope you guys don't mind lending me some critizising eyes later on as a go further with this guy, if the even more mono than usual scheme works out so he doesn't become too plain or boring or something. In my head i think this can look cool for an apotechary, but we'll see.





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this army continues to impress. have you considered entering it (either individually or in its entirity(sp?)) in a painting contest? you would surely win.


the pose on the hvy flamer is fantastic. he looks as if he is bracing himself to fire the weapon. very appropriate :blink:

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My god Desert Eagle...BRAVO! :(


All of your models are immaculate, from the desert bases to the weathering on the armour and the Dread just looks damn COOL.


Also the bikes are amazing with all the little conversions that make them your own army aswell as the freehand-ing on the banners.


Cannot wait to see the whole army when it completely finished! :blush:

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