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Iron Hands.... of irony


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I could really use 0.25mm plasticard myself, doing extra plating for armour would be easier.

*adds another item on shopping list*

Ok, where was I? Oh yes, the termie.




And getting on with the next one.


*Edit* OT: This thread has reached the magical number of 500 posts, so prepare for massive degeneration of quality. :)

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Degredation in quality??? I dont think so! <_< Your thunder axe hammers look really good, the blue (to use a phrase that is tossed around often by painting coniseurs) really does make them 'pop'.

So for this tournament are you hardcore-ly hammering them out production line style or one by one? And how are the drop pods coming allong???

Nag nag nag... AGAIN!!! :P


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FInally read this whole damn thread (having missed the boat when it started), this army is looking absolutely fantastic!!


I like the Power Mauls, especially the marble like effect on the handles - do you have any close ups of the maul themselves?


Can't wait to see what comes next!



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@Brother Iron Handed

Glad to be helpful :).


I'll post a army shot after 1850 points ;).


Yup, aobr termies. Chopping and glueing rods is all that is needed for IH :P.


I wouldn't be so sure ;). I try to finish up the squad fast as I can. Starting next one before washes from previous ain't dried up yet :P. Drop Pods will continue, I'm ordering some plasticard (that white gold) balsa wood to speed that project up.


Thanks mate, start augmenting those IW already ;).

@Justin Kase

Thank you, I could take up some pics by tomorrow of thunder hammers.


Hmmm, you haven't actually. Upload those pics, now! :lol:

@Asmodeus' Swordhand

Thanks mate :).

Another lazy sunday. 2nd termie almost done.


Current squad as it is now.


And it's about time I start with these things. I'm already making alternative solutions to strengthen the structure.


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Thanks mate, the guitar strings I have are really bendy, must be the age... anyway, I bend them around pencil or similar to give them nice round shape.


Why don't you try then, if it seems so easy ;)? I'm waiting for your updates still ;).

Ok, terminator #2 finished.


And here's the nice close-up from the thunder axe, showing all the bad spots that I don't want anyone to see :P.


And what's this? Rhino gets another part! I'll be doing the next part tomorrow, maybe hull.


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I have been watching and meaning to post in this topic for quite a while (and as I should be revising for an exam for uni that's tomorrow now seems the perfect time!!).


Your stuff is rediculously impressive and inspirational - I would love to see it in the flesh (or lack there-of being Iron Hands and all... ;) )!! I'll be honest and say that I am not a fan of the icey-white though, not that it is badly done or anything, just that it isn't my steez.


Consider your topic subscribed to!! And props again on one of my all-time favourite armies!!

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Emperor's horn-rimmed glasses!!! Those Terminators are so awesome, my poor mortal eyes bleed chocolate pudding at the sight of them!!! Aaaah, my eyes!!!


Lol, okay, seriously. Awesome stuff man. I know it's been said a hundred times by people, but I wish I could paint half as well as you! Wow.

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You know, eventually I'm going to stop posting in this thread. All I seem to say is that's great, I love it, and now is no exception :P Keep it up mate. It's good inspiration for me to get on with my marines. Out of interest how easy do you find it to scratch build things? I'm thinking about building a few things and just wanted an opinion...
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"In flesh" dirty words for Iron Hands there, my friend, very dirty words ;). Glad ya like them.


It looks great :D. And IH successors, even greater!

@Brother Captain Andrecus

Hahaa, chocolate pudding tears, yummy. Thanks mate :D.

@Ferrus Manus

Will do mate, thank you :). Well it's very early for me to say anything, it's easy at first, meazuring with templates to plasticard, cutting the plasticard, and hard part would be the assembly. I recommend starting scratchbuild little things first, before getting into big things. I did the exact opposite. Big mistake.

@Justin Kase

No problem mate.

@Asmodeus' Swordhand

And here comes the degeneration part :P. That mistake will be fixed, thanks for pointing out.


Patience is my middle name. Well at least while I paint of course :HS:.

The ultimate scratchbuilt-rhino project continues! Not that good though. Basic hull part is done.


And here comes the realization of mistakes.


It's too wide. Damn my bad math-skills! Or I didn't read instructions correctly, or understood them. :HQ:

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Hi Kikkala, the Iron Hands look great! Some really excellent conversion work in there.


I'm intrigued by your scratch building - what are you using to strengthen your model? I'm about to embark on a MK1 Land Raider scratch build and was going to put all my old sprues to good use - either that or get some rectangular plasticard columns from the local art/hobby shop. Just interested to learn whether you supported the structure and what you used? thanks

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