Inquisitor Engel Posted December 2, 2008 Share Posted December 2, 2008 (edited) I know I'm relatively new around here, but I've been trying to branch out, so I suppose I'll show off my Fists. Here's the method to my madness. Spray Tamiya Camel Yellow PS-19 over unprimed model. This can take SEVERAL, VERY light coats as it can slide over the plastic, but white and black undercoats didn't get the desired effect. Spray with purity seal, testors dullcoat, matte finish whatever. Selective wash of equal-parts Gryphonne Sepia, Devlad Mud and water. VERY light drybrush of golden yellow to bring the colour up. Do metal/shoulders/Aquila as desired. Drybrush 50/50 Golden Yellow/Skull White for small edge highlights. Anyway, I've used more than a full Tactical Squad in finding this method, and this is what turned out DECENT. There are four more that were aborted very early on in painting due to wash issues, wrong colour entirely etc. On the left we have my test mini, in the center the second one done. The second one done really bothered me and had me learn the hard way how difficult it is to get that consistency with yellow. Towards the right, Mr. Melty-face. A better attempt at consistency, but not as bright as the test mini. Mr. Melty-face on the left. In the center, someone I was finally satisfied with, but still no measure of consistency. On the right, my first done tit-for-tat with kingmong's method. It just looked too orange for me, he's clearly better with his spray and wash than I am, so I took the easy way out. Finally, the final model I'm satisfied with. I love it. Perfect yellow, smooth coverage, easy detail, simple blacklining. Love it. I can see how to do vehicles and squads from this method - like I said to him though, I can see why he sprays without the arms on! Can't wait to get started with more! Edited November 25, 2022 by Inquisitor Engel Raztalin, Brother Lunkhead and cephalopod 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inquisitor Engel Posted December 2, 2008 Author Share Posted December 2, 2008 (edited) I was a tad disappointed to find that my Red Scorpions Tactical Squad didn't come with legs. (Which means I have some Red Scorpion shoulder pads for sale if you're looking!) I also got plenty of Imperial Fist icon packs and best of all, one medium and one small set of brass-etch Aquilas.So I found a spare set of legs (alas, my last spare set!) and made my first Sternguard Veteran. His left shoulder pad is the studded one, for good measure. made the Sternguard Bolter with by taking the box-clip from a Terminator storm bolter, cutting it in half (each termie arm yields two box clips for bolters if they're held to the chest) and completely removing the magazine and where the magazine goes into. A little greenstuff to make the join a little smoother and the obvious scope and you have a Sternguard bolter!I've also been working on one of the best metal mini's Games Workshop has ever produced. Ever. It's fantastic. tried the "prime-what, blue-ink" method and it seems rather patchy. I'll probably end up using the ink as a base-coat and shading level and highlight the middle up through Ultramarine Blue.I've also started some assembly-line painting which is... bleh. I've been doing test models and characters for so long it's a big change moving to multiple models like this. I'm excited though, once I get them to a basic level, I'll take each one and give him the attention they deserve. lighting makes them look a little more orange than they actually are - currently they've had the Tamiya camel yellow applied, the wonderful kingmong Deval/Gryphonne/Water mix applied and a quick drybrush of golden yellow, only boltgun metal has been applied otherwise thusfar.Damn you Henry Ford!(They're not orange, it's just flash and poor lighting) I've got so far... real, serious goal: don't buy anything until I'm done with what's on that shelf! Edited November 12, 2015 by Inquisitor Engel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inquisitor Engel Posted December 2, 2008 Author Share Posted December 2, 2008 Annnnd the decal work. Just a shot of how smooth I managed to get the decal - I've noticed quite a few people freehanding their Fist patches, which is admirable, but just isn't for me. The method is simple and effective. Cut out decal completely around the circle. Zero overhang can be left. Let sit in Microsol (Microset doesn't seem strong enough) for about two minutes. While this is sitting, lightly wash the area with water so you can still move it around a little bit. Apply with a brush (you'll probably need two brushes) Dab dry with a paper towel. After letting it COMPLETELY DRY, take a lighter (I use a long-stem one for lighting a barbeque) and quickly touch the decal with the flame for LESS THAN A SECOND. If needed, touch quickly again with the flame. Holding it there for more than one second or doing it repeatedly within a short space of time will need to melting. It takes some getting used to and some serious experimentation, but if you don't have to skill for freehand (like me) then it's well worth a shot, just be sure - try it on an old model first! I'm more than satisfied with the results. :) EDIT: The camera makes it look like it's wrinkled a bit more than it actually is - it's really, really flat, as you can tell from the side-on view. It's not going anywhere, let's put it that way! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pulse Posted December 2, 2008 Share Posted December 2, 2008 I really like these fellows, i think the weathered effect to them is very nice and the yellow is the right tone i feel. I think the lighting on the pictures could do with being a little bit brighter but its not a problem. Great work, i look forward to more! :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inquisitor Engel Posted December 2, 2008 Author Share Posted December 2, 2008 I really like these fellows, i think the weathered effect to them is very nice and the yellow is the right tone i feel. I think the lighting on the pictures could do with being a little bit brighter but its not a problem. Great work, i look forward to more! :) There's no weathering whatsoever other than the wash. I'm a huge fan of the custom wash (picked up from kingmong on Warseer, although he uses the TS spray, which is much lighter) and the way it adds depth to the corners. GW washes are the best thing to come out of that company is freaking years. Thanks for the kind words, more to come soon. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inquisitor Engel Posted December 7, 2008 Author Share Posted December 7, 2008 Well, some DOT-3 brake fluid has managed to save an entire Tactical Squad's worth of miniatures, so they're currently in the process of being filed and shaved to make sure they're perfect for a new spray. I've also grabbed a new point-and-shoot, which manages to take decent pics without me having to fangle with ISO settings and such. For final production shots, I'll be using my SLR and a tripod, but for quick progress shots, it works fine. And so: My test Veteran! I was actually really pleased with how the white worked. I was worried it would look lame, but it looks really, really good. An extra few drops of water into the white paint-pot makes it spread evenly and awesome. I'm very happy. Can't wait to get started on the rest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inquisitor Engel Posted December 14, 2008 Author Share Posted December 14, 2008 I have added yet more to paint. It's time for me to STOP BUYING and KICK UP THE PAINTING PACE. Fists on top, Night Lords on the bottom. *sigh* Added since last time? Terminators and Assault Terminators. Land Raider Crusader. Sigh. I also have four more Forge World Tau battlesuits coming for Christmas... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Mick Posted December 14, 2008 Share Posted December 14, 2008 Looks very good already keep going :). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shortsonfire79 Posted December 14, 2008 Share Posted December 14, 2008 Painting pace? HAH! How just hand all of that over to me. I'll get it all painted up for you...and for a minimum fee, I'll even keep it all! =-D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inquisitor Engel Posted December 21, 2008 Author Share Posted December 21, 2008 Alright so taking a break after finishing the second tactical squad (pics later, they're pretty much the same as the first) I've come to do some Assault Terminators. I've run into a dilemma with the helmets and chest eagles. The chest eagles on Fists are always red, as are the ones on my veterans (at least on my chest veteran) but I've seen a few Vets around that look really good with white chests, so I thought about trying it with my Terminators The other issue is the helmets. Traditionally, IF termies are painted with yellow helmets, but Codex pattern is white helmets (since other than the chest-eagle, Fists are Codex) So, which to do: Traditional yellow.... Or Codex white.... The decision rests with you! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CaptainForge Posted December 22, 2008 Share Posted December 22, 2008 (edited) I like the lining on your models. I guess that's acheived by the washes? On you paint the entire model or just certain places on the model? I prefer the yellow helmets. If you go with a white helmet then I'm not sure if the white chest eagle will stand out and it forces you to go with the red chest eagle. You might want to play with that to see. Edited December 22, 2008 by CaptainForge Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lilgrim13 Posted December 22, 2008 Share Posted December 22, 2008 I personally have to say I like the white helmet. I just think that it will draw attention more to his face which is what you want. Great work though you most certainly have your work cut out for you!! Keep it up! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inquisitor Engel Posted December 25, 2008 Author Share Posted December 25, 2008 BEHOLD! The first finished Imperial Fist Terminator Sergeant. No, I will not subscribe to this whole "Red-stripe" Sergeant theory, The Imperial Fists are a Codex chapter and for my purposes will be using codex markings! I'm really pleased. I've found that I had to spend a lot more time on the Terminators to make them look as passable as the Tactical Marines. It seems like because they're bigger, greater care needs to be taken with each model because it'll be under greater scrutiny. I enjoyed doing him, the shield especially. I did it simply, as he's not Lysander or anything so I didn't want to go OTT. I wanted it to be kind of a "stone" look, along with the Crux Terminatus, which I think looks better than a brighter bone, which would get lost within the body. His name is Serano d'Angelus. He's awesome. I'm very, very happy with him and it bodes well for the other, larger models in the force. His colour is consistent with the other marines, despite being much bigger, so I'm nowhere near as concerned about the vehicles matching the troops as I was. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inquisitor Engel Posted December 29, 2008 Author Share Posted December 29, 2008 Finally finished one of the lightning claw terminators. I'm not particularly satisfied with the colour mix, the lack of the red chest eagle and shoulder-pad band makes the termies look particularly monochromatic, hence the extra decal on the knee guard. I wish there were more chest-eagle pieces in the terminator kit, enough for the whole squad, kind of like the Tac box which has ALMOST enough, just not enough legs... Sigh. I'm satisfied though. He'll do. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ganuus Posted December 29, 2008 Share Posted December 29, 2008 If you're not getting the desired effect from different color undercoats, have you tried priming the mini gray? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Mick Posted December 29, 2008 Share Posted December 29, 2008 Very good looking terminators. Good job :). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inquisitor Engel Posted January 2, 2009 Author Share Posted January 2, 2009 If you're not getting the desired effect from different color undercoats, have you tried priming the mini gray? Actually I am, which is the key with the polycarbonate paint needs to work, which raises a bunch of questions about what I'm going to do with my metal and resin mini's... I think Astronomicon Grey might be the best way to go. Assault terminators finished! I'm really, really happy with how they turned out, despite the obvious lack of contrast that comes from normal marines shoulder pad trims. I think the squad overall is cohesive, the X's, sometimes on the front, sometimes on the back. The standard terminators probably will get V's. Cutting off the bottom of the chapter symbol was a bit weird, as I wasn't entirely sure if it was "done" so to speak. Unfortunately the decal was way too much of a pain in the ass to fit onto the curve further up the pad. One thing I did do was use the larger crux's spread across the unit, including the leg (seen above) and crotch guard (on the guy in the next post) Bionics FTW. Dark Scipio 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inquisitor Engel Posted January 2, 2009 Author Share Posted January 2, 2009 I love this thunderhammer pose, easily one of my favourites. I'll probably be buying another assault terminator box and reversing the configuration (2 LC's and 3 TH's) just so I can throw together two complete squads in any configuration in apocalypse games. This is the replication of a post I have in my Ultramarines, I just love the imagery of walking forwards, ready to slice someone else to bits. I spent a lot of time thinking about what scenic piece I would put on his base before deciding on the space marine helmet, which of course raises the question "why?" and then I decided to paint it as one of my Night Lords. But there's no Chaosy bits on the helmet! I hear you say... and so I decided to paint a skull on it, a la the Night Lords Index Astartes. I'm quite excited about how it turned out, but not excited about one day doing this over and over again on some of my Night Lords... The blue is heavily Badad Black washed Enchanted Blue. Dark Scipio 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lavaman Posted January 2, 2009 Share Posted January 2, 2009 Very nice work m8. I've just finished a combat sqd of fists myself. If you'd like to see I could take a couple snaps and post them. They are a lot more 'lemony' an i now got decisions on whether to stick with them or go with a more golden yellow like your own. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inquisitor Engel Posted January 3, 2009 Author Share Posted January 3, 2009 Very nice work m8. I've just finished a combat sqd of fists myself. If you'd like to see I could take a couple snaps and post them. They are a lot more 'lemony' an i now got decisions on whether to stick with them or go with a more golden yellow like your own. I'd love to see them! The more Fists the better! B) I think both the golden yellow and the brighter yellows have their place. Mine were originally going to be much brighter, but a much lazier method painting came along (spray instead of drybrush for weeks on end!) but the downside is the amount of brush control I've had to learn, as it's nigh impossible to mix any colour to match the colour of the spray+wash. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inquisitor Engel Posted January 11, 2009 Author Share Posted January 11, 2009 Now, some assault marines! Problem with using any kind of drybrush for consistent colour is that at some point, things are going to screw up. Such is the case with my assault marines. The sergeant, when put next to my tacticals, look a bit more orange, so I did another light layer on the normal assault marines, who are now just a tad too light . I really like this guys pose. Oh well. When they're all together, it blends well enough and you can't really tell. Dark Scipio 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shortsonfire79 Posted January 11, 2009 Share Posted January 11, 2009 Very great stuff man. Looks like its all coming together quite nicely. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inquisitor Engel Posted January 13, 2009 Author Share Posted January 13, 2009 Very great stuff man. Looks like its all coming together quite nicely. The problem of course now being I've run out of spray to base them all with... *looks around in worry* Tau for a week or so I suppose. Anyway, taking a break from yellow by doing the great and awesome Librarian in Terminator Armour (IMHO, one of the best metal GW mini's ever produced) I'm actually very, very pleased with how it's coming out. I actually had some serious doubts about it going into it, since I haven't done my Ultramarines, blue is something I'm a bit rusty with and doing yellow without the spray base was a tad terrifying as well. But I'm happy. I still have to highlight and do the face (which I'm dreading, hoping the washes will seriously help out!) but I've got high hopes for him indeed. The staff is going to be done purely with Asurmen Blue and then the detail swirls picked out with Blood Red with no further washes. It should keep it light enough to differentiate from the body yet still be obviously blue. There's so many layer to the mini - He still has the lightning bolts on his shoulder pad, but they're obscured by the book, purity seals and all and they're still on the model. It's very, very good. If you play Space Marines, you owe it to yourself to have this model. Stone Crux Terminatus again, naturally. And a better shot of the front. I have high hopes. Now... anyone got decent tips for doing skin and eyes? :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inquisitor Engel Posted January 20, 2009 Author Share Posted January 20, 2009 Saturday, after a local tournament, (placed third with my Tau) I bought Black Templars High Marshall Helbrecht. I plan on turning him into Chapter Master Vladimir Pugh. (And eventually, the Masters of the Chapter into an Honour Guard) So this is how he stands now. I'll probably use his actual backpack, minus the candles and such. It's neat enough and not distinctly BT (and looks almost MKIII). Things I have to remove... Head, lantern (preferably not the hand), entire right arm. And the back (already hacked the head off, haven't drilled into the head-spot though. And just to illustrate what a pain in the ass removing that combi-melta is going to be... Wish me luck! (I am not looking forward to this) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lavaman Posted January 20, 2009 Share Posted January 20, 2009 (edited) Great work :P Here's a link to some fist's i'm working on myself, none are actually complete yet. but the commander and combat sqd is coming on strong. Let me know what you think people, i'm pretty new to the site & would love to know how to post pics in the forums (if anyones got a link to a general tutorial on posting, that would be greatly appreciated). Laters. oh and when i get some spare time i'll create my own thread detailing some stuff i'm working on.... warhound titan anyone? :D Edited January 20, 2009 by Lavaman Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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