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Thanks for the kind words!


I've just moved (which is why I had to stop in the first place) and finally gotten through the holidays (I work retail) so it's a relief to finally be done with everything. I should be sitting down and finishing a dreadnaught fairly soon. :blink:


Very beautiful, if you ever play a game at the LA bunker I'd be glad to bring my Crimson Fist to play along side your army.


Wrong end of the country unfortunately and I don't think I'll be able to fly with my minis any more. (And there's no way in hell I'm checking them!) ;)


Beautiful work. You captured both GKs and IFs very well, I like your use of more grey on the Grey Knights, rather then shiny. Nice work on the terminators.


Thanks - I am really, really proud of my Grey Knights. They're probably the most original scheme I've done as it wasn't just a modification, but a full on thing. I'm sort of creative, but I like starting points, doing something entire on my own was a real treat. I did use the original IA for SOME inspiration, to go darker, but the method and overall finished look were great to come up with as I painted that first mini.


you sir, have one of the most beautiful IF mini's I've ever seen...a real inspiration for me. I am a novice and chose to do IF after failing with my BT's (but i may take them up again when i've actually finished an army!)


For Dorn and the Emperor of Mankind!


Thanks for the kind words - I'm by no means a good painter and to be honest, I far more enjoy the modeling (assembling, converting etc.) to the actual painting, but this is an army I really challenged myself on. I wasted an entire tactical squad getting the yellow right and in the end, I'm glad I went this direction rather than Blood Ravens or Crimson Fists (the other two armies I was considering) just because that challenge really made me grow as a painter, working with inks and lowlighting as well as highlights and brighter colours.


I now have no fear of any army (though I know there are still WAY better painters out there than me) as I know that with enough time and effort, I can make it look good and be both original yet recognizable and make me proud to remove them from battle as I roll uncountable 1's. ;)



And thanks for the whistles and bows, but we're all brothers and equals in the eyes of Dorn! :ph34r:

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  • 2 weeks later...

(My apologies to Aerion, I accidentally posted this in the quick reply to his AMAZING Primarch artwork thread, due to negligence, it has since been removed)

Thanks guys!

So now that I'm finally moved in, got a new computer to paint in front of (whilst watching movies of course) and run myself through retail Christmas and now I can finally sit down and paint again.

Although I did just spend all day assembling IKEA-sent hellspawn:


They had the white base/top on sale for $20 one day and I decided to spray paint it black, because I don't live in the 80's. Unfortunately, the finish IKEA uses on their products hates being painted so most of the day was spent re-touching any time I was doing things.

Oh, and the nice lamp inside has no instructions for, or a parts to, mount to the inside... so yeah. Double-sided tape for now.

Anyway, now I can see where my stuff is, which is ample motivation. Putting it in the living room, next to the TV, was the lady's idea too! :eek::

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Great looking Fists and GK I actually perfer that paint scheme over the shiny silver GW uses now.


nice case to

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you sir, have one of the most beautiful IF mini's I've ever seen...a real inspiration for me. I am a novice and chose to do IF after failing with my BT's (but i may take them up again when i've actually finished an army!)


For Dorn and the Emperor of Mankind!


Thanks for the kind words - I'm by no means a good painter and to be honest, I far more enjoy the modeling (assembling, converting etc.) to the actual painting, but this is an army I really challenged myself on. I wasted an entire tactical squad getting the yellow right and in the end, I'm glad I went this direction rather than Blood Ravens or Crimson Fists (the other two armies I was considering) just because that challenge really made me grow as a painter, working with inks and lowlighting as well as highlights and brighter colours.


I now have no fear of any army (though I know there are still WAY better painters out there than me) as I know that with enough time and effort, I can make it look good and be both original yet recognizable and make me proud to remove them from battle as I roll uncountable 1's. ;)



And thanks for the whistles and bows, but we're all brothers and equals in the eyes of Dorn! :D

i hope you're joking by saying you're not that much of a good painter! you paint amazingly well!


*bows again for the millionth time* :)



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  • 3 weeks later...

As promised, pics of the dreadnaught!

I call him "Gustav."






He came out the perfect matching colour to the other models, although it looks less so due to new lighting conditions (not a fan) and a new camera I'm trying out. Once I get a place to set up a light box, I'll start using the D-SLR again.

I also need to go buy some more spray now. Right now I'm down to a whirlwind, vindicator, tactical squad, 5-man assault squad and Vladimir Pugh (plus retinue) to do for the Fists proper, everything else is Inquisition.

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ive pmed you but incase were do you get that spray and in the uk and can u get big bottles


The spray is just Tamiya Camel Yellow for Polycarbonates (not the one for plastics, that's a bit too yellow, not enough "gold/orange" for my tastes [i find the more orange colour makes it a little more realistic in tone]) but it does come in small cans. I'm unaware of if it's available in larger cans, one can lasts me about 15 marines or 1.5 vehicles. I imagine it's easy to get in the UK, but I live in Texas. :)


Check your local model shop!

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  • 2 weeks later...



awsome stuff i forgot to say hope you update

Your wish is my command. :wink:

I've managed to finish the last 4 of the Assault Squad. Still experimenting with the new lighting conditions and such (I think I'm just going to but a lightbox to be honest...)

Anyway, they look a bit more orange than they should, they match the rest of the army in terms of colour.


This is my first free-hand Pre-Heresy attempt at the Fists logo, just to show some age (plus I appear to have lost a good many of my decals in the move! Help! :sad:)


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Wow, great painting work there. I do like the Fists and these are the best painted ones I've seen to date :devil:



But, please tell me, what is the pose of that Assault Marine in the middle at the back? Is he dodging something or has he slipped on a banana skin (must be difficult to see under his yellow armour)?



Edit: P.S: I wish I could do freehand half as good as that :D

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But, please tell me, what is the pose of that Assault Marine in the middle at the back? Is he dodging something or has he slipped on a banana skin (must be difficult to see under his yellow armour)?

He was supposed to be landing, but the stand broke and I just glued him to the base... he gets the point across. :smile:

I've started painting the Inquisitorial retinue before working my way up to Lok and Rex.

I don't even know what each of these guys are supposed to be... They'll be Daemonhunters of course (because it's a way, way cooler Retinue) so any tips would be helpful...


And this gentleman, running around with a scabbard...


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The other members of the retinue are really fun to paint just because I get to do something else :biggrin:

I completed the "Warrior" Arbite today (Veteran Guardsman with Grenade launcher).



The Vraks decal sheet to the rescue again!

I think the guy with the =][= on his face is a Mystic and the guy carrying the scabbard is an Acolyte (throwing himself in front of the shot) with the scabbard counting as a teleport homer.


I'm trying to keep the red and gold consistent across the models - I'd like a purple robed one and a green robed one as well, but I'm going to try and keep the theme together.

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  • 2 weeks later...

And so the Fists did fight off some ridiculous Guardsmen who thought eight Griffons and a bunch of Chimera were a good idea.

They were - had we been playing anything other than objectives, I'd have lost sorely.

I did take some piccies though. (Foda_Bett, whose house this was at has more).



I purposefully cut out the sprayed-only Whirlwind and Vindicator. The whirlwind earned itself the "next to be painted" award by wiping out a squad of guardsmen per turn the entire game!

And a couple of Chimera... Wee!




Big S10 AP2 Guns = Scary guns.


The Sternguard managed to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, though the Librarian did a fine job of carving up a command platoon.


As did the Assault Terminators, led by Lysander who managed to get whacked by a siege shell at the top of turn 5...


But in the end, thanks to the Whirlwind blasting a guard squad off of one objective (the green warjack) and Tactical Squad II's amazing run from cover on the last turn, the Fists seized the day.


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Next time we play I'm going to hold you to something called "rules" :lol:

You really need to work on wound allocation, and taking difficult terrain tests.

Anyways here's the batrep on dakka



Indeed. It's been a while, moving, working retail during the holidays et al.


Wound allocation is the bane of my existence, having learned to play through three editions of "make the decisions AFTER you see how many die..." sigh. I get the logic, but since 90% of my gaming career was spent removing models rather than having the other person remove theirs, it's a hard habit to break. :)


Thanks for the fun night though.

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Right, I'm sick and bloody tired of not having proper lighting for photographs. I have a gift card for Michael's. Tomorrow I'm going and buying a light box so I can get some proper pictures. Moving has TOTALLY mucked up my photography. :tongue:

Anyway, I finished Inquisitor Lok. :biggrin:



He wasn't nearly as daunting as I expected, it's just about taking time to take in the details and PLAN what you want to paint first. He's wearing a number of layers but I think I kept them consistent with what layer is where.

I'm especially pleased with the background metallic tone on his legs, inlaid with gold.

It's the same on his shoulder plate:


Boltgun Metal with a wash of Gryphonne Sepia and then once that's dry a wash of Ogryn Flesh. Perfect worn brass. It makes me giddy to look at.

He and the retinue will be taking to the field this Saturday in an "everyone but Tyranids" versus Tyranids mega battle. I plan on using the GK's to insta-kill some T6 beasties...

Wish me luck.

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