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Night Lords 18th Battle Company (Treadhead)

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my Thousand Sons incarnation. They are Night Lords... Rant away ;)

Rubric # 1


Rubric # 2


The Sorcorer


These are superb. What an awesome, imaginative conversion, probably the best Thousand Sons interpretations anyone will ever see. :)

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As usual I come here and find awesome in miniature form. The thousands sons look great. Finders keepers reason works for me.


Also with the wraiths.. (prepare to pull your hair out) I wonder if it really is the red wings that makes you go 0_o.. Because when you show the test model without the insignia in sight they look freaking killer.. So I reckon paint the symbol the teal of the wraith's armor.


Just a suggestion..

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@ Lord Gunthar - Since I am awful at conveying my thoughts or feelings through text, i will use smileys :D


@ Firestorm - Thanks for the comments, glad you like them. I realize they aren't actually dust in my models but bones as well. They Night Lords stole their helmets once they got on bard. They gave them some olf pys hoods to make sure their remains didn't float away in the midst of battle. I figure without the rubrics actual sorc the Night Lords sorc can only lead them if they are already submissive. Since they are automatons i felt that their war gears machine spirit would have a pretty big impact on their lucidity. By keeping their original weapons, most of their armor, and some of their paint scheme the Night Lords have appeased their machine spirits, which allow the rubrics to remain passive.


@ Yogi - teal icons are an option, i'm also hearing brass, and brown. Looking back on the test model i'm thinking he looked better than the rest because i went a lot lighter on one or more of the highlight layers. At this point i'm going back and trying to get all of their armor at the same stage similar to the test models. Maybe a set of black/charcoal wings? I haven't even decided how i'm going to paint their rhino!

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Hey, I've been lurking on your thread for quite a while, one of the reasons I joined B&C infact, and just wanted to say what an amazing army you've got. They really capture the feel of the Night Lords in all there gory glory.


For your rubric marines do you plan to leave the skulls suspended by the clear rod? I was thinking it would be cool to have the flames on fire with the flames running over the hood to hide the pin join. This will give them a creepier look (not that your guys can get much creepier mind you) and hide a pin on an otherwise flawless idea. The fluff is good to and the flamming skull mightn't fit with it but here's a thought; do they have to be ex-TS rubric marines? Can they just be Night Lords who have been possessed or, for whatever reason, have been made thrall to the sorc and been turned into little more than undead bodyguards? This would maybe allow you to blend the painting in more with your army rather than have to have TS elements still in it.


Just tossing out some ideas. Once again, awesom army with some amazing ideas and conversions. You very nearly got me making Night Lords but I have too many other projects on at the moment

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Power Hungry Monkey,

Thanks for the appreciation. I'm glad you like what you see and think I'm doing the 8th legion justice.


As for the rods holding the skulls in place, the idea was to encompass the rod with fire from the skull that in fact, ran up to the top of the psy hood. You hit the nail on the head with my intentions. I've only started working on one of the flaming skulls for now, if you go back and look i started one of the flames, i just need to finish them up. Great minds think alike huh?


I thought long and hard about how i would do 1Kson in a Night Lord army. At one time i had plans to 'counts as' all 4 cult troops within my force. For the plague marines and the zerks I kept them 'undivided' and just awesome members of the original legion. My plans for the 1ksons were to make them Night Lords snipers with camo cloaks. That would satisfy most counts as/army buffs but i would still be dancing around the truth. For these guys i decided to change things up a little bit and represent rubric marines with....rubric marines.


instead of wraiths who fight like Plague Marines

penitent marines who fight like zerkies, and scouts who fight like rubrics I just went with rubrics who wear my colors. I feel it diversifies the legion and gives a little bit of depth to the underlying desperate struggle of traitors.


So in short, I think about my models way to much.

Edited by Dan The Deamon
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Well the Zerks and Hydra's teeth are out of their Superclean bath. They are currently awaiting repairs as well as some new toys. I decided to get back to painting some models.

Well...Really one model.




I went for a much darker scheme than usual. I cut back on the extreme highlights and dropped the shade of just about every color I used. I really think the less I paint the better I get. Projected army completion date? Right around the time of the heresy, Millennium 31

Thoughts and ideas welcome!


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The darker armour really works well. I've never thought the Night Lords should be very bright at all and minimal lightning effect on him draws the eye while not overpowering.


I've actually just started reading Soul Hunters and thers a line that keeps popping up when refering to the Night Lords: 'Midnight Clad'. This new scheme really reflects that well. Btw, when I'm reading about Night Lords now, I'm picturing your army, you've nailed the imagry perfectly

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Why is it that the test model looks so much better than the rest?
Because you aren't afraid to screw it up and therefore allow yourself to go crazy without restraint? :)

With a wise man's words in my ear i decided to man up and just paint the fools. Finished models painted badly are still finished models, and finished models look better than plastic models. Therefor there was no way I could loose!









I played around with their colors for a little bit because i needed them to look darker than they were. If i wanted them to fit into my new darker blue scheme I had to tone them down. I think they look much better now.

C+C Welcome


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Very nice!

I suggest that you bring the skulls up a few steps, to a dark grey. White would steal focus but I think that a dark grey would sit just right in the colour composition.


Regardless, they have paint on them now and will therefore look complete (and therefore ace) on the tabletop.


Only xx models to go now eh? :huh:

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There's a hundred little details on them I'm realizing i didn't finish, but if i kept going back and fixing them i would never get anywhere. I'll leave the small details until a little later and just get moving onto the next models. I think it's three terminators, and 28 marines for the LPC?


Pfft. Looks like I need to work up a librarium article.


Thanks for the comments, glad you guys like them. I'm going to have to get some blue marines on here or i'll soon be known as 'that guy with the weird green Night Lords'


I think I'm going to paint the Immortals next. (My terminator crew)

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I'm Trying some colors out on the zerks and i've run into some problems. Since the wraiths have a little extreme highlighting going on i'm wondering if the two models side by side will look to be in different lighting. It's kind of a big deal for me because i want to make a scenic base for them, and keep them somewhat unified.



My gut instinct is to take the blue up a highlight or two, but i want to keep them from getting too bright and shiny.

What do you guys think?

Edited by Dan The Deamon
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I think they look fine :D


agreed, yours are among the finest chaos on this site :P


the difference in highlight can serve as a difference in style, night lords guys looking darker and the wrathes looking more etherial and individual to the other night lords

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I think Im with your gut on this.. maybe more like how the reg NL's collar has been done..


my 2 skulls.


EDIT Forgot to mention everything is hitting the awesome scale of awesome for me. Good work.

Edited by Yogi
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Forgive me if this question has been asked before, but that guy on the first page with the big stonking knife that has the skull on the pommel is my current favorite model of all time.


I'd love to do something similar, and I was wondering what parts you used.


Hey, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. ;)

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This guy?


He is one of my favorites as well, I'm glad you like him. Unfortunately my first upscaled squad has fallen out of use and most of it's members have gone on to lead other squads or have had their armor/weapons cannibalized. This guy is one of the few remaining survivors of 1st squad who hasn't been ripped apart by enemy fire, or my clippers. Don't worry, the survivors must live to fill a purpose...

The bits.....


Space marine legs

Space marine assault legs

catatchan accessory knife

-belt line-

catatchan screaming guard head

chain from chaos marauders

skull from chaos marauders

Ogre kingdom grappling hooks/line

belt accessories from marine/guard sprue. (grenades, pouches, etc.)


catatchan 'big knife' with ork nobz plume(skull pommel)

Space marine assault arms L + R

space marine assault bolt pistol


Chaos torso

Possessed shoulder pad

Space marine backpack

chaos knight WHFB head spikes


Chaos helmet W/ Grave guard wings.

Hope that's the model you're talking about.


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