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Night Lords 18th Battle Company (Treadhead)

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Darth, you've got me really wanting to make a loyalist now. The gears are turning!

Darkmoonlight, thanks man. I have a 2k point goal but that's also about half of what i've already made. I imagine i will continue to expand my army/crusade, but it will change and take on allies. I have plans for the future.

Not part of my Call, but I felt like getting one of my War-leader Immortals started.

There's two more, and i might make a 4th with a heavy weapon.




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It's true, your stuff just keeps getting better and better. Not only your painting skills, but your conversion skills as well. I'm glad you made that dread your avatar, it's one of the best I've ever seen. I always thought that dread would look cool with a power claw.


So, I recognize some of the bits as coming from the Chaos Knights kit. Are the skulls and bones from the Skeleton Warriors kit?

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the terminators were created using a lot of chaos knight bits. I felt the shoulder pads, weapons, and helms in addition to some heresy era leather straps would present the theme of it being older and more ornate armor. I went with a purple power weapon on the terminator similar to the purple claws on the dread. I think it will be a unifying theme in my army and seems to match my other color choices well. It reminds me of the soul spear in the Soul Drinker series, a blade so dark that it seems to glow. Painting a good looking black blade wasn't a skill of mine so i went off black and really like the purple effect.

picture with pumped up highlights


Most of the skulls and skeleton bits/bones i'm using come from the WFB skeletons and other vampire kits. I'm using some Flagellant bits here and there because they are fantastic.

I'm glad you like the dreadnought. I love him and cringe every time I field him with less than acceptable rules.

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Those leather belts for lack of a better term hanging from the shoulder pad look great. A nice way to break up the armor. Maybe it's just the base but the terminator looks tall and thin around the thights and waist. Has it been trimmed down in those areas?
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Zeller, short answer, kind of...

Here's a pic of the three Termis at WIP


They were built from left to right. I finished the first one and many viewers shared that he was "wasp wasted" so I scaled back the biggerizing on the second one and didn't expand his thighs. I also gave him some tubing on his hips which can't be seen in the picture, but decided on #3 i could get back to spacing the thighs out and he would still look okay.


He is not as bulky as a normal unaltered terminator, but he is the the extreme of the three. The rest are adequately bulky in my opinion.

and some more scale shots for giggles. They tower over their unaltered counterparts. They are however a pain in the ass to hide behind cover.




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Nice work so far, I'm liking your Night Lords. They have a sort of sinister darkness about them, it works very well for who they are.


Would you mind sharing how you highlighted the purple on the Hydra tongues? I've been trying for that same look but I can't get it right. Any info would be greatly appreciated thanx.

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The tongues are painted using liche purple and fortress gray with only two highlights after the stock GW color. i don't have a recepie but if you play around with it it will come quick.

Painted this fool today.



My mind may have been elsewhere as I'm not blown away by him. ;) I'm trying to determine if he's actually "not as good" or if it's just me being silly.

and one marine for my CoCIV.


1 marine and 1 predator to go. I'm pacing myself :D


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Really great work as always Dan. I really, really love that dark and gritty feel all of your minis have. It really highlights the characteristics of the NL legion. I have a question though. On the marine on the previous page (with the plasma pistol and power fist), do you know what the skulls on his chest come from? They look like the perfect size as I am also looking to attach skulls to chestpieces. Did you slice off the back half and attach them that way? Edited by Volgon
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The tongues are painted using liche purple and fortress gray with only two highlights after the stock GW color. i don't have a recepie but if you play around with it it will come quick.


Thanx I'll give it a shot. At least now I have a direction to go in...


BTW: The termie looks good to me.

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+++Password Required+++




+++Night Scream Mainframe Accessed...+++




+++Accessing Ship Details...+++






+++Night Scream Flagship of the 17th Battle Company


Commander: Lord Drago


Class: Battl...










+++Incident 9615887-Threat Vermilion.


--Avoid the 18th at all costs! Incident is likely to reoccur--


Brother Phearion of second squad is AWOL after a campaign fighting alongside the 18th.


His message was compiled with the blood of his own squad which he murdered.


Message Begins: How dare they! They with true scale towering over me. With their thinned paint and


Delicious lightning. What do I have? Thick nasty paint, No lightning! Every battle I hide in a Rhino


with my melta gun. Its is not my fault! Yet they mock me! Where is your lighting brother? Why are you so short?


Or the prank where they chased me with a paint brush yelling "We have come for you!"


Unacceptable! I shall slay them all! Cut them to pieces and drown them in Simple Green. In Kurze's name


I swear it! The other's did not understand, they were ignorant and blind. So I use them to enlighten you.


18th company your days are numbered! Message Ends.+++




+++Please wait while 'OS Phobos' shuts down.+++


+++Shutting Down...+++


+++Shutting Down...+++

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Volgon Those skulls are from the ork nobz kit. The back is carved up a little bit and the little tabard bit is cut off.

Marshal2 Crusaders, firestorm40k thanks guys. I'm happy i'm actually getting some of them done now. I can't wait to finish these guys and convert some new ones up!

Yogi That is pure awesomeness. You sir are a gentleman and an artist.


I Said i would get a squad shot of Hydra's Teeth up here, but i dropped the ball yesterday. I decided to try and finish the predator before i broke the camera out, so here's my progress.


I don't feel the predator had a lot of room to go over the top with painting. I regret not going heavy with battle damage, and it's something i may still do, but he doesn't compare to the dreadnought in awesome painting potential.

and the squad shot.


1 more havoc and i'll be done.


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You've been sigged to swell my chaos ego.


As to your stuff. Well theres not much to say other then awesome. I mean its disgusting how far you've come in such a short time paint wise.. whats you secret?


Pure determination?


Sacrificing loyalists/maidens?



I suspect it determination otherwise I would have had some results..


Good work.

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the tounges are liche plus fortress.




Something in that ball park. The power claw from the dread and the terminator power weapons are a little more complicated.


I started with liche and highlighted about 4 times using fortress. Then i did a liche necron abyss mix and blended that down a couple of times into a black.


Brother Aristeo Thanks man, I think off the showroom floor is my only real gripe with him. Most of my models have pretty clean paintjobs as i haven't wanted to busy them up a whole lot with battle damage, but the pred looks a little too clean. There aren't a lot of little bits to busy him up like there are with the marines, or Dnought.


Yogi My secret? I think I was fortunate enough to stumble blindly upon something that works. Every once and a while i will get proud of something and show my wife

"look at the purple highlights here sweety, there's like 6 layers of paint on there."


she then proceeds to make "pew pew pew" sounds and stares at an unpainted bolter while faking enthusiasm.


I'm surprised i can paint inside the lines.

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she then proceeds to make "pew pew pew" sounds and stares at an unpainted bolter while faking enthusiasm.


I'm surprised i can paint inside the lines.


Been there :) "look hon, i just spent a week sculpting this" "oh....yeah......ummmm......."

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