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Night Lords 18th Battle Company (Treadhead)

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Alrighty. First up my CoCIV is now complete. Final marine in my havoc squad.


Melta-gunner in 3rd squad.


Zerk #4


The zerks can be confused with normal marines to the untrained eye so I may add something to make them more distinct. Any ideas? I'm thinking of a red x or a red fist. I want to do a little battle damage but I really don't want to mar up the blue paint.


Edited by Dan The Deamon
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Confusing for your opponent? Or even for you?


If its just for your opponent I wouldn't ruin that awesome blue you have going on. If its for you numbers on the bases may help. Red on blue is eye catching, but it would off balance the color balance you have going on right now. Maybe try something in black? The weapon casings or gauntlets.


Your scheme is great right now, I wouldnt mess with it.

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I know them pretty well. The Thing I want to do is make them different in some way so i don't have to refer to them as the "Ones who look more dangerous" for counts ass.


like zerks have red X's and nobody else does. I just don't know if red X's will work.


What about brass exhaust ports?

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Excellent work as usual. How about a red Khorne symbol on a skull on each berzerker's backpack or base? It will mark them as the Blood God's favored sons and not detract too much from your visual coherence of the army.
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I saw this in another thread awhile back and saved it (thanks to whoever posted it). Maybe you could use something from this to distinguish your berzerkers from the others.


EDIT: Link to the original post with the old school Rogue Trader artwork. Thanks to Keyoz Devastrius for the picture!

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Here's the guys I've finished in the past couple of days.

Sorry for the lighting.




I had a friend point out to me that most of my zerks had horns, and most of my tac squad didn't. Therefor I've been switching heads around where i can in order to make that one more distinction between the squads.

Count as zerks will have hand to hand weapons, bolt pistols, horns, and something else I'm working on.

Tac squad will have wing helmets (some) bolters, bolt pistols, and no horns.

I'm leaving it somewhat ambiguous in the event that Night Lords get their own special rules some day. I'd like to be able to use my models as basic hand to hand troops or close combat chosen if and when the whole counts as thing dies down.

Keyoz and Aristeo, thanks for hosting, and referring to that picture. I'm drawing some inspiration from it that i hadn't really seen before.

Before i start modeling anything new this is what i'm trying to finish.

5/8 count as zerks

3/10 CSM

1 lord

1 daemon prince


Land raider.

Once i have these things finished i'm jumping back into the modeling mindset. I've got some cool stuff planned and i can't wait to start it.


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I couldn't keep myself from making another Terminator. I really like how the models are coming out so I went with a Heavy flamer/powerfist combo. I thought about running the reaper with them but decided against it. He is still in the WIP stage. What do you guys think about chest ornamentation/decoration? I could go with the skull/ribs like the last couple but i'm also willing to try something new. Any ideas?

Yogi thanks man, the lenses are;

red gore

red gore/blood red

blood red

blood red/blazing orange

blazing orange

-hit the top edge with black ink or badaab black, and then a tiny white flicker.

Let me know what you guys think.


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Hey Dan,

Your stuff is getting better and better mate, Defo puts my attempt at Nightlords to shame, I still have a couple to finish from the squad i was doing but keep buying more and more stuff and starting on about 4-5 different projects.


I love all the skeleton stuff you have put on your terminators :P


Crucified skeleton on the back sound goods to me for your next one :D



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Dont know what to wride anymore to be honest... :huh: your stuff gets more and more Jawdropping by every time i watch.... And your paintingskills are inkredible... and seeing the Big leap you have done from your first model who where good to the ones you have now is :wub: and :P to say the least! Love your alphas and your Nightlords arent by any means even a hairs breath away... and simply you are just :devil:


A big salute and a great cheer for you and your inspieringly awesome models!


Awesome in lack of words to deskribe ;)

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Hey guys thanks for all of the kind words and replies. They make all of the hard work and time spent worth it.

Not much of an update but it's something.

Pip on the 4th terminator/warleader immortal.


Still in progress but i'm trying to go slower as i found myself rushing my last couple of minis.

And then this guy...



This is his third update. I didn't intend to re-do him, i was trying to twist his torso the other day for a more open pose and ended up breaking him into small pieces. I found it was a good opportunity to go ahead and make him a little bit better and fix all the gripes i had with him.

I hope you guys like him, I sure do.


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I'm not too fond of the Raptor's head, looks goofy (not the grille, that is amazing). Something just occurred to me from looking at that image. You could actually build a new Raptor helmet variant if you Greenstuffed over the gap - between the horns.


Other than that, nice job! :P

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