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Great start Astador, those DC are looking really good. Wish I had that kind of dedication to army painting :o. Oh and 'ussell that 3d pic looks cool. Can't wait to see what the next update brings. Any ideas on a chapter for him?


Thanks for all the comments on my standalone project guys, I've some more photos showing my progress with it:



I'm gonna hit the recesses on the gold with another darker shade to add some more depth and definiton to them. The purity seals and skull only need one more layer to be 'finished' (the purity seals will get squiggly lines for writing on them). I'm not 100% sure about the fuel flask being red which is why I haven't finished it up to the same level as the rest of the reds. The decorative blood drops will be getting done shortly. I have a couple of questions though;


1) should I scorch (sp?) the end of the hand flamer's nozzle? I know it can look really good on some mini's but with the rest of him being so 'clean' I'm not sure it'll fit in.


2) What colour should I do his loincloth? I was thinking red before I painted the halo on his knee pad. Now the only thing I can think is white, but I think that's too far away from the rest of the colours on the mini. I've tried to balance the colours across the mini so that there's red, gold and parchment (or bone) on both sides. I'm worried that white in the centre would distract attention from his face (when he gets one, I have started it but I'll get his body done first I think) and detract from the whole mini.



Next I have a sneak peak of something I couldn't resist sharing this with you all:



You'll all have heard me saying I want one of the new Daemon Princes. Getting one will be a way off but I managed to badger these left over parts from my brother after he built his one. I had this crazy idea that with the additon of some green stuff ( some of what I've started to add is visible, just) I could turn these spare parts into a bust. I plan on extending the waist down a little more and adding the tops of his arms under the shoulder pads. I've also got a couple of ideas for a 'pedastal' for him as well. This one'll probably be a slow burning project (as all of mine seem to be at the moment) but I think the result could be worth the effort. If nothing else it's a good use of some bits that would otherwise have gone un-used.


On the subject of tutorials, would anyone be interested in a bone/parchement/purity seal one? I've been using the same method for a while now and it seems to come up quite well for minimum effort....


Finally, Rider's right, we have been cooking up something together in the spirit of the Brotherhood. More details will follow once we're all set. I think though that we might have come up with an idea that could be shared by others if this works :P




sorry for the really long post. If you've made it to the end without skipping any of it, help yourself to a cookie :)





Interest piques. Dare I request a PM of what's going on?


Also, I'm planning on entering into the Golden Demon at the UKGD for giggles and I have a model I wish to work on, the Skullz Limited Edition Captain with the raised power axe. Now I know I won't win against the big boys and girls, but I want to challenge myself. But first of all, I'm not sure what to paint him up as. Anyone got a good suggestion of colour scheme (could even be one of my own from the mega list I have). Just don't want it to be too busy or complicated a scheme. :sweat:



Great start Astador, those DC are looking really good. Wish I had that kind of dedication to army painting :). Oh and 'ussell that 3d pic looks cool. Can't wait to see what the next update brings. Any ideas on a chapter for him?


Thanks for all the comments on my standalone project guys, I've some more photos showing my progress with it:



I'm gonna hit the recesses on the gold with another darker shade to add some more depth and definiton to them. The purity seals and skull only need one more layer to be 'finished' (the purity seals will get squiggly lines for writing on them). I'm not 100% sure about the fuel flask being red which is why I haven't finished it up to the same level as the rest of the reds. The decorative blood drops will be getting done shortly. I have a couple of questions though;


1) should I scorch (sp?) the end of the hand flamer's nozzle? I know it can look really good on some mini's but with the rest of him being so 'clean' I'm not sure it'll fit in.


2) What colour should I do his loincloth? I was thinking red before I painted the halo on his knee pad. Now the only thing I can think is white, but I think that's too far away from the rest of the colours on the mini. I've tried to balance the colours across the mini so that there's red, gold and parchment (or bone) on both sides. I'm worried that white in the centre would distract attention from his face (when he gets one, I have started it but I'll get his body done first I think) and detract from the whole mini.



Next I have a sneak peak of something I couldn't resist sharing this with you all:



You'll all have heard me saying I want one of the new Daemon Princes. Getting one will be a way off but I managed to badger these left over parts from my brother after he built his one. I had this crazy idea that with the additon of some green stuff ( some of what I've started to add is visible, just) I could turn these spare parts into a bust. I plan on extending the waist down a little more and adding the tops of his arms under the shoulder pads. I've also got a couple of ideas for a 'pedastal' for him as well. This one'll probably be a slow burning project (as all of mine seem to be at the moment) but I think the result could be worth the effort. If nothing else it's a good use of some bits that would otherwise have gone un-used.


On the subject of tutorials, would anyone be interested in a bone/parchement/purity seal one? I've been using the same method for a while now and it seems to come up quite well for minimum effort....


Finally, Rider's right, we have been cooking up something together in the spirit of the Brotherhood. More details will follow once we're all set. I think though that we might have come up with an idea that could be shared by others if this works :P




sorry for the really long post. If you've made it to the end without skipping any of it, help yourself to a cookie :sweat:







WOO-HOO! I gets me a cookie!


Interest is definately piqued with this secret project. I wonder what it can be............



As for the loincloth dilemma - bonewhite would be good. I think it's low enough down on the model not to detract from the face in any way. Defiantely go for a scorched look to the nozzle too - even if it's just lightly done. Or maybe try to get an effect thats known as "blueing". Blueing is what happens to a metal under certain heat treatments - most notably seen on motorcycle exhausts. My dads Royal Enfield has a nice patina of various colours on it's exhaust.

Oh and new picture time! :D


Group of completed marines!




5 finished DC again





Some close ups





Enjoy! More tomorrow!

Ok Folks,

So this is what i have next ;)

At the mo he is just blu-tac'd for priming then going to get painting,

It def got to be World Eaters first will give painting white a go starting with Astronomican grey then building up if that sounds like a good start ??






Tell you one thing, The backpacks are very berserker esk :D



Those DC look even better in the close ups Astador. Where's the bare head from. I know it's FW but I'm not sure which kit. Fom the looks of it I'm thinking something Khorne related? My unfunished SW say otherwise about my ability to stay focussed. I suffer from acute 'shiny stuff syndrome'.


The back of the DP is, well to be honest, he has no back just now. I had two ideas on solving this. The first was to wait til I have some cash and try and nab one off a bits shop. The second was to use some plasticard to cover the back and fill the join with greenstuff and just have it as the front. To be honest as much as I'm loath to do it, the second option is the easiest just now.


Lestat, I'm gonna go with the bone/white on midnight clad's loin cloth. I was going to do some work on him on my lunch break today, but I didn't really feel like it. I prefer to paint when I'm in the mood rather than forcing myself to, so it'll have to wait til tonight once the kids have gone to bed.


The secret project will be revealed in full next week once everything's ready. Rest assured though, I think you'll like it and I think you'll want to give it a go as well ;). That's all I'm gonna give away just now though....


Brother Cambrius, having had a look at the mini you're talking about I can see why you're wanting a hand selecting a colour scheme for him. He seems to incorporate so many visual styles. Although with the full tabard he's leaning towards a more Templar-ish look I think. Perhaps picking whichever chapter you feel most confident in painting might help? That way you can then go to town on things like the details while pushing youself on the main colours as well...





Paint job looks great on the close ups Astador, you need to take your snapshots in better light though ;)


I was going to suggest James that you keep the cloth black... I mean from the wip shots the darker colour seems to work, maybe with some highlights added to it to make it look a bit smoother. Might be something to try before going white?


I'd go with your instincs on the flamer, the rest of him looks too clean to add a detail like that, I think it would look out of place IMO.


Khornate killer, he screams world eater for sure. with all the nice detail on that model, just make sure you darken the recesses nicely to make them pop!

Thanks Ussell, I haven't been home during the day the past few days so hopefully I can snap a few decent pics at the store this afternoon. Get some nice combat shots! haha


Thanks Ussell, I haven't been home during the day the past few days so hopefully I can snap a few decent pics at the store this afternoon. Get some nice combat shots! haha

Great start Astador, those DC are looking really good. Wish I had that kind of dedication to army painting :). Oh and 'ussell that 3d pic looks cool. Can't wait to see what the next update brings. Any ideas on a chapter for him?


According to the original artist he's a Blood Angel.

Shame I didn't read your comment earlier Brother 'Ussell. I've gone and started painting the bone white now. Ah well. I'll see how that works and if it's not quite right I can always repaint it with black :).


Khornate Killer, I'm insanely jealous of you just now. I can't wait to get my hands on some of FW's pre-heresy goodness. Looking forward to seeing how he progresses. Don't forget his blue trim :). As for the Daemon Prince, I appreciate the offer, but I'm gonna get a plastic one eventually, this was just a little something to whet my appetite, try out a flesh colour idea that I've got and to allow me to practice some more of my G/S-fu.


You're welcome Astador. It's a really fantastic kit and the spare parts are crying out to be used. It kinda seems a shame though that GW couldn't put in two back pieces and two pairs of legs. I know that probably would've upped the price of the box set but it woulda made more sense than having almost a complete Daemon Prince left over once you've built one.






Wow guys! Everything is looking fantastic.

All the Deathwatch...I need to start countering with something besides Blood Angels! But alas..I've been working on some BFG and nids...

I'll be back soon enough though.

And Khornate, you are a son of an ork for already getting some of the FW Heresy armor!

Haha it's all good shorts! We miss ya! haha :devil:


So update no new painting done, but the Death Company pulled out another win against another nasty ork list. Now I have 11 wins, 1 tie, 0 loss. :)

Undefeated is nice!

Alright everyone. I've sprayed the Frigates and I'm working on a paint scheme for Battlefleet Cadia. I kinda wanted to go with a green scheme, like normal, but I didn't have any greens (still only 12 paints...) So I opted to go gray instead. I liked the way it looked but I wanted a bit more, so I drybrushed some Necron Abyss on top, then gray again. So they're a blueish gray.

I didn't know what I wanted to paint the prows with, so I was looking at what I had, and what would stick out on my models. I'm a fan of bone color, after trying Deathwing several times I have a lot of it too. So I went with that.

So without further ado, the picture.


Without Flash



With Flash


That frigate's looking pretty good Shorts. I like the subtle blueness you're achieved on it, gives a nice depth which at that scale works really well and the bone white prow complements it really well.


Nicely done Astador. Is there nothing that your DC cant pull down and chop in to tiny pieces?


Few updated pictures of my mini project tonight. Unfortunately they're not very well lit, but most of the work I've done can be made out. I'm pretty happy with how he's looking now as he finally has a head, and I think it's possibly the best head I've ever painted. Still needs a few glazes on it to add a little more definition though:


He's almost ready for his wings now as well. Just need to get the script done on the purity seals and they can go on :). A few bits and pieces left now, but the end is almost in sight....


Got some more work done on my current commission as well. I'll be putting more pics up in my dedicated thread over the next couple of days.





BFG stuff looks great, I wish we saw more of it around actually. I vow to build a fleet for my templar one day!

The lighter colour for the cloth was the right choice James, seeing him now with the flesh tones and the blond hair it evens out the lighter colours in the piece.



Well from what I'm seeing everyones stuff is looking awesome and making me wish I had painted something! haha

but I entered into a clash of the champions painting fanatic contest and won today! <_<

Demon Prince V. Astorath the Grim!







Yes, I broke my Astorath and added him to the Prince, then broke him after the contest and replaced him on his own base! :huh:

It was a last minute thing I did 20 minutes before the deadline.

And the DC list is now 14-1-0! Still on a 14 game win-streak since the first game was the tie!

Congratulations Astador! Yo're on a serious roll there both on the gaming table and the painting one. Long may it continue :). The Astorath vs. Daemon Prince idea was truly inspired. If you had the time to build and paint another Astorath, I'd have said leave him on there as a tribute to what he achieved :).


Thanks for the affirmation Brother 'Ussell. I've got some better lit photos this morning which hopefully show the colour choices a little better :P




looking at these photos again I'm starting to think that some of the recesses in the loincloth are a little too dark. I think I might have add a couple of glazes to them to lighten them a little bit.






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