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Vlka Fenryka: WIP/PIP + Warband Fluff


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and I must say your new model for Skadi is brilliant, all the weaponry is in proportion to the model and it gives of the air of an elegant yet deadly warrior-queen (like something from Conan) B) brilliant work Mav.

Best part is no gs stuff! actually that's the hard part..... and everything Mav does/uses is all GW parts/bits. I LOVE it, as it represents what I had envisioned as what Skadi and a daughter of Fenris should be like. I'm happy with it :o

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WIP: Objective Marker


I've been waiting and planning for this objective marker for over a year now. Waiting and watching out for the right Games Workshop bits to use and ordering the bits online, and finally waiting for the pieces to arrive. My idea is to have a SW objective marker, to showcase parts of Fenris during the great melting period, when the eye of the wolf (the sun), draws closer to the death world the Space Wolves call home.

I wanted to show a Fenrisian long boat caught up in the rocks, when new lands form and old ones sink to the bottom of the sea. Ice melting, and a kraken slowly swallowing the long boat whole, dragging it to the great depths of the unknown. It's going to be a great undertaking! and I'm glad that I'm finally getting my vision started. Wish me luck. This is going to be a good year for my army. I got allot to do and work on, but it's going to be great.


C & C are welcomed. Thank you for looking!

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That marker is going to look amazing. I've loved how you model your army, so don't take this as disservice to them, but your markers/diorama-esque bases are where I really feel your true talents lie. They always give a sense of Epicness™.
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Aye, your imagination and creativeness are inspiring to us all Maverick! Whenever I get burnt out modelling or whatever, I flip through this thread and just get that fire burning hot again seeing your awesome conversions, diorama, markers, etc...


I salute you good sir. :(

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Dude, that objective is going to be a thing of beauty when its done!


four questions though ..


May i have closeups of the tentacles please?


Which Gw Product are they from?


Are those larger bits around the boat suppose to be ice, larger tentacles or teeth of the krakken?


How are you planning on doing the rest of the ice?

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I have a couple of querries about the Objective Markers - firstly would I be able to take these as inspiration for my own OM's? and secondly, I do feel that [for the 2nd OM] (although I have seen very few properly sized models) an un-armored warrior with his helm, sword (or axe) and shield laid out with him would be better (but this is purely from a stylistic view and not anything against your work) - either way the work is very impressive and deffinately gives me a lot more inspiration to get some down meself :lol:
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  • 5 months later...

NEED HELP! any advice on painting blue flame and red flame? I'm currently working on my Rune Priest.


PS I will update this thread soon, as I'd hate to make a new thread. Anyway, I've been busy working and painting my lost company all this time. Not much progress mind you but it's a step forward. Soon enough brothers, I will reply to you all in due time. My apologies for the late reply and lack of updates.

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You will have to test this out first on scrap to get it right but the way that i know others have done blue flame is this..


Research what the flames look like. Ie light up a blue and red flame somewhere safe and take pictures of it so that you can see how it shifts shape and colour wise. hopefully you have the materials to do this but not everyone does so you may have to find other sources to do this.


Figure out what blue paint looks best and use a normal pointed brush to lightly dry brush a block out the shape of the flames so it gives it a faded feel.

Then slowly start to build up the the colours to a bright ish whitey blue in the areas that you feel that is in line with your research


hope it helps or gives you ideas for how to do it.

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Just want to say how impressed I am with your work. I am slogging away at my Ragnar Great Company and I thought I was modding quite well... :D.


In truth though you have inspired me to keep with my work and given me a few ideas of my own.


Thank you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Long time lurker here. I'm loving what you're doing with your army fluff and your conversions. You've separated yourself from a lot of the pre-heresy sort of stuff that a lot of people are doing, but keeping your company very genuine and unique. The "texture" of your army is really appealing, and I've loved gettting to follow along. For me, the more Nordic and Viking-esque, the better, and you've truly capture the spirit of this. You have some of the most (if not the most) inspiring pieces I've seen. It reminds me of why I got into the hobby in the first place. I wanted to ask you a couple things. I sent you a message along these lines a couple days ago, but I don't think they ever went through and you already got them.

1) At the risk of sounding like a copy cat, I was wondering what conversions you did for your Shield Maidens. For the last 3 months I've been trying to find a way to pull off the effect you did with no luck. From what I can tell, you used the Wood Elf Archer female (with the helmet) bits and a scout arm if I'm not mistaken. If that's the case, let me know, but the concept of a Valkyrie/Shield Maiden in my army has been one that I've been fixated on for weeks now.

2) What led you to through the process of developing your style for your army? I'm new to the hobby, so I'm trying to build my basic skillset, but I'm ready to start branching out. Adam's wolves and pre-heresy have been pretty influential, and now I've found your very Nordic army. What steps in your development did you take? What caused you to decide to go in the directions you did? Where do you go for inspiration?

3) What do you think of the GW TWC wolves? I read you're already concocting conversions, and I am too. Going to WH fantasy is probably a direction I'm taking. I'm thinking putting some wooden shields on those bad boys and maybe finding some of those huge war axes (yeah, where were those from?) I'm thinking some beastmen type spears would look great, and maybe some Chaos Rider bits. How cool would a TWC with a huge flowing standard be like we see in the Beastmen Bestigor/Minotaur Box?

Let me know what you think. Thanks in advance, Battle-Brother.

Thank you.

1) You're pretty much dead on with the bits I've used for my standard shieldmaiden template. Good luck with yours

2) Inspiration just came from imagination. Reading the Prospero Burns novel unlocked a mature approach and perspectives towards the Wolves. I've also done a little homage to Frank Frazetta with my pieces. Warriors of my lost-company are noble, yet savage. Feral and yet disciplined also. I wanted each piece to be individual and have character. But most importantly I wanted to show that action and fluidity in each model in my army. It's a grim-dark universe, and my wolves represent that darkness and savagery. I want each piece to make a statement, and to be their own hero and character. It's a reason why I named them after most of the members here in the Fang. I also HATE having the same look in each pack, because they tend to look boring and takes away the individual nature of the wolves.

3) Well... for Thunderwolves I've been playing around with ideas to make them look believable. I will update this thread once I finish my first thunderwolf model. It's already primed. I'm just waiting for motivation and inspiration to happen. I'm in no rush with it.



Objective marker


Objective marker


Gunslinger with cyberwolf. Wolf Guard Torin "spit-fire"


Thank you for looking

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WIP/PIP: Shield Maiden+Thunderwolf


Spear-Maiden huntress with thunderwolf


Spear-Maiden huntress with thunderwolf



I am known as Skadi the She-Wolf of the Vlka Fenryka. I am a daughter of Fenris. Shield Maiden of the Rout, and pack leader of the Vinteren Vakt (Winter Guard).


I wanted to make Skadi look both beautiful and feral. I gave her a dirty/gritty look hence the paintjob. She is from the southern tribes giving her skin more of a tanned look.


Daugther of Fenris. Shield Maiden of the Rout.

"No finer sight on any world than a frostborn maiden. Especially a beauty with black hair. Rare back when I had eyes to stare, and surely even rarer now." - First Jarl Bjorn the Fell-Handed.

PIP: Wolf Guard Gunslinger with cyberwolf


More shots of my WIP/PIP gunslinger and cyberwolf


C & C are welcomed. Thank you for looking!

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Mav isn't happy with how Skadi is painted. Says he will redo her after a little strip. Something about how he didn't like the skin tone. How it turned out. Any suggestions?


If it were my model, I don't think I see enough paint to warrant stripping. Strange he's not happy with it... Aside from being dirty (which I thought was the desired effect) the skin tone looked fine to me. If aaaanything, it might be a touch too orange for me, but still within the range of tanned skin.


I'd be perfectly happy if it were my model. O_o

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Mav isn't happy with how Skadi is painted. Says he will redo her after a little strip. Something about how he didn't like the skin tone. How it turned out. Any suggestions?


If it were my model, I don't think I see enough paint to warrant stripping. Strange he's not happy with it... Aside from being dirty (which I thought was the desired effect) the skin tone looked fine to me. If aaaanything, it might be a touch too orange for me, but still within the range of tanned skin.


I'd be perfectly happy if it were my model. O_o

Mav like normal looking sweet as always. Question where did those shoulder pads come from. And what is your mix of choas to normal marine gear? When I reAd wulfebanes comment on the orange tint to the tan I was thinking fake and back tan lol sorry. I think It looks good myself.

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Mav isn't happy with how Skadi is painted. Says he will redo her after a little strip. Something about how he didn't like the skin tone. How it turned out. Any suggestions?


If you look in "The Emperor's Gift", Annika Jarlsdottyr is an Inquisitor from Fenris. Of particular note is her complexion... and I quote...


"Annika was tall, but not unusually so. Her world bred its children tall and strong, and she was no exception. The dark flow of her mane was rare for a Fenrisian: long hair, the sable of clean black silk was braided into obedience, streaming down one shoulder. Her skin was a healthy pale, the white of winter cliffs rather than the pallid bleach of a consumptive."


So while I am not suggesting this is exactly how you should look I do think that complexion is more Fenrisian. So based on this description when i look at the model I can see perhaps a bit too much color (orange maybe as wulfbane suggested) and thus a possible reason for a re-paint.


Hope this helps... :tu:.

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