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Vlka Fenryka: WIP/PIP + Warband Fluff


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I like the use of the IG bionic arm. The marine shoulder pad should fit over the smaller shoulder pad on there, if you want to do that.

I think Mav is keeping that as-is for now. The arm now looks great, slim and mechanical. Adding a shoulder pad of any size will take away from the arm itself. Kinda like wearing matching sweats and hoodie and then wearing an out of place hat or socks that's a totally different color from the sweats and hoodie LMAO I can't believe I went there with that example :s

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I like the use of the IG bionic arm. The marine shoulder pad should fit over the smaller shoulder pad on there, if you want to do that.

I think Mav is keeping that as-is for now. The arm now looks great, slim and mechanical. Adding a shoulder pad of any size will take away from the arm itself. Kinda like wearing matching sweats and hoodie and then wearing an out of place hat or socks that's a totally different color from the sweats and hoodie LMAO I can't believe I went there with that example :s


haha i do that all the time. becouse i dont really care what i look like. but then again i do where shorts year round. but anyway i have said this a million times and ill say it again love the work mav.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I can't wait until the brawl is done, so I can start painting again. Not to mention update my blog haha. I'm also thinking of converting Orge Kingdom Mournfang Cavalry into Thunderwolves. Just change up the head, tail and work my magic.
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I can't wait until the brawl is done, so I can start painting again. Not to mention update my blog haha. I'm also thinking of converting Orge Kingdom Mournfang Cavalry into Thunderwolves. Just change up the head, tail and work my magic.


yea i just saw them. but thats the last think on my list atm lol. but your magic will be awsome when its done i bet. cant wait to see it.

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I can't wait until the brawl is done, so I can start painting again. Not to mention update my blog haha. I'm also thinking of converting Orge Kingdom Mournfang Cavalry into Thunderwolves. Just change up the head, tail and work my magic.


yea i just saw them. but thats the last think on my list atm lol. but your magic will be awsome when its done i bet. cant wait to see it.


Yeah, I'm looking forward to trying to convert them, but I'm gunna hold off a bit longer. The sight of those mournfangs and how closely they resemble TWC makes me hopeful that our TWC models are just around the corner.

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The logan conversion is awsome. The axe is awsome. Hell your conversion skills are awsome.


Mav those Mournfangs look to feline (facially) rather than Lupine. The heads seem to small. But hell if anybody could convert them I am sure you could.

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Thanks for the kinds words guys! no pressure on my part huh? LOL sheesh!


Yah I keep telling people that there will eventually be a second wave for us haha. Ever since Warhammer Fantasy has been putting out beautiful creatures and monsters, I've been stating that it's only a matter of time until Fen Wolves and Thunderwolves are made.


But for now, I've been itching to make some. If anything these mournfangs will be wargear for my Lone Wolf. Changing the heads a bit with green stuff using chaos plastic warhound heads. I'm gonna play with it. I just wanna get into painting again. I'm wu behind. But I don't feel as bad knowing how long it took for DV8 with his army. But still... wish mine was done, so I can hopefully win some awards like Insane Psychopath with his beautiful army. *Fingers crossed* MavGirl wants to have all my guys finished so she can have a fully painted wolf army and start getting into the tournament scene. I wish I was young again... just to get back all that free time.

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Cant wait for you to restart the conversions and fluff Maverik :D


Those mournfang heads looks like fattened versions of Fangir IMO


Yeah, whatever Mav comes up with will be awesome!


The heads didn't seem like they'd be too much an issue. I'm worried about how to convert those rhino/elephant/hippo feet into lupine paws.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Just playing with the new Canon EOS 1D Mark IV, thought I'd post some pics up. Sorry folks, there's nothing new here. Their just the same old minis you've all seen. Godsmote (Arjac Rockfist), Uncas the Warblade (Logan Grimnar), Insane Psychopath (Lone Wolf). I will update my blog and this thread with new stuff once I get back from South Africa, about a month from now. MavGirl is still out there doing her nursing thing in East Africa. Anyway, thank you for looking!





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  • 2 months later...



War Wolves of Fenris (WIP Lost Company Warband)


death comes to us all, only those who fight for what is right will live forever in the sagas, for Russ... for the wolftime!


They give nothing, but take everything. Destroying worlds in their path, they are wrath of Morkai. These are the Sons of Russ, sky warriors of Fenris.


The wolves are here! their eyes surround the horizon. The Rout has returned to claim their right for revenge and murder. We should have never provoked these barbarians, and their pagan ways and now we will suffer and feel the might of these killers.



The first five warriors on the bottom, are of my third Fenris Hunter (Grey Slayer/Grey Hunter) pack.


Levitas, Jonas Stromclaw, hendrik, and decoy. First version of Levitas.. I changed him up. He looks allot better with his new bits.


Thank you for looking! comments and criticisms are welcomed.

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I just wanna say again how happy I am about the quality images your new camera takes. Definitely get to see how impressive your models are now.


And just going back over this thread to your last post in October, I find it interesting how your TDAs are so bulky looking, like rolling bulwarks of death. I like their silhouettes in that regard. I bet they stand out really well on the tabletop.


One of these days I should get some army shots. Thanks for the inspiration!

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I havent been looking at b&c or your stuff since july and its damn good to come back and see youre still doing an amazing job.


It makes me want to make a new Space Wolves army from scratch and kick you off the modelmaking amazingness-throne.




Just kidding, here, have some mead for all the jobs fantasticly done!!

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  • 1 month later...

:: Winter's Advance Vow ::


WIP/PIP: Dreadnought with Missile Launcher and Heavy Bolters


WIP/PIP: Dreadnought with Missile Launcher and Heavy Bolters


Skyrim inspired, Son of Russ


WIP/PIP: Grey Slayer Nrthstar the Iron Chin

Just call the wolfpriest Dammot, its a better name than max and its still in sink with my name and sounds a bit more ferensian :)

Fleshmaker Dammot of the Vlka Fenryka


WIP/PIP: Wolf Priest Dammot in power armour


Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been slacking on the WIP/PIP for my lost company warband in these past few months now. However I'm planning on getting back into slowly painting and converting again. Anyway hope you enjoy, and thank you for looking!

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