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Vlka Fenryka: WIP/PIP + Warband Fluff


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Mav i might have to "barrow" some of your ideas if thats kool with u. i was thinking all day at work what a WL would look like with that shield :) i just know i cant use it on my runic armour WL that would look kinda funny to me. all u would see is shield lol.


and i havent done paintballing in a long long time.

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As for kit-bashing and using bits in general. My advice is... when your looking through miniatures in general, if you see something you like, or you see something you think, would look good on your models then go for it. I look through the entire Games Workshop line. LOOKING at ALL their model range!!! so don't limit your thinking, with a tunnel vision mentality and attitude. When I look for bits, I LOOK at everything Games Workshop has to offer. From Fantasy, 40K and to their specialty range. My mind immediately looks at certain poses, miniatures, weapons etc etc and imagine, what would work and look good on my minis. For the most part, the questions you all have, about what bit I used will be there.

When I was younger, I used bits from outside the GW range, and because of that, I've managed to build some decent to amazing models. However, now as I've gotten older... I try to stay within GW to keep things legal and original. When I see someone's miniature I like, I try NOT to do carbon copies of them. It tends to get boring! and truthfully, for me at least, at the end of the day the model is not really yours, as in.. it didn't really come from you. If that makes any sense?!

I'm not trying to put off anyone! I think a better explanation from me would be; when someone gets a tattoo, that artwork has it's own significance and meaning for that person. When someone else borrows/copies/steals that tattoo idea onto themselves, then it kinda losses its meaning, and for that person who borrowed that tattoo, that ink doesn't really have a personal meaning. Don't get me wrong, there are pieces and armies out there that have helped, inspired and motivated me. Giving me ideas and insight for my own work but I try to make it my own.

For example: the pre-heresy style models, using chaos warrior template. They look beautiful, and I've seen some beautiful work from that template. However IMHO, I think it only works well if you restrict yourself with just using it on special characters or pack leaders. Because if you do a full pack, or an entire army with said template... they tend to all look like "carbon copies" of one another in the end. For me Space Wolves aren't suppose to look like Ultramarines, they should stand out from the crowd! or am I wrong here? our codex specifically gives each and every warrior its own identity and character, which I try to do onto my own army.

Although epic, and beautiful looking with the chaos warrior bit template.. those models restrict you as a artist. The poses from that template are restricted at the arms and shoulders. They don't really give you a dynamic pose and the individuality as each Space Wolf marine should have. Of course, Wolf Lord Mjolnir is an exception to this example, only because the man has vision and knows how to work the green stuff. His models are beautiful! and each and everyone of them have character.

Just remember, Space Wolves are suppose to stand out and not look like carbon copies... that's why we have Ultramarines right? LOL jk, I've got nothing against our brothers in blue! anyway, I'm not trying to insult anyone and it's NOT my intention! I mean if you look at the Space Wolf Blog, Adam's Pre-Heresy army is beautiful. His site is a constant inspiration, and motivation for me. But IMHO, although his packs look EPIC and amazing, the arms and poses look so limited and restricted, and it's a shame! don't get me wrong, his work and army is far superior compared to mine! LOL

With me, I have to work and push myself allot harder to be more creative and original. Only because I'm not as skilled with the brush as say.. DV8 or Alaitoc, or even a master with the green stuff like Stinkenheim (actually I don't have any skills with the green stuff at all haha) I think its a good thing, because these people help, motivate and inspire you to become better, and be more creative/original in the long run.


Adam's MoTW http://space-wolves-grey.blogspot.com/2010...g-standard.html


My MoTW was inspired from Adam's work.


This example is what I call just straight-up... Carbon Copy/Stealing/Copying (okay so it's the same picture as Adam's but you get the idea). There's nothing stopping you, should you decide to go this route. As a passionate hobbyist, I only ask for people to know who to give the credit towards the end. Good luck and happy kit-bashing!

Being inspired is a great thing! there are so many great people on B&C that have helped motivate and inspired me. DV8,stinkenheim, Alaitoc,Wolf Lord Mjolnir, littlbitz, Night Runner,Insane Psychopath, WG Vrox, McBain, Lord Ragnarok, Max_Dammit, Gareth, Feanwulf, DGC, Kapturowski, Eddoo, PJ1933, capt.nuss, Wamp, TeamLando, BulldogUK, Vojnik, Mr.Wolf, Haakon Ironheart, Wolfeslad, spikyjames, Justice for All,wolf363839, Levitas and Iacton Qruze. Just to name a few!!!

As you can see from the pictures above, from Adam's amazing talent to my inspired work because of his piece. However, straight up copying someones work just feels really lazy, and this is coming from an artistic point of view. Although sometimes I know that it can't be helped! I just wanted to point out the difference between being inspired by someone's work, and going off from there, with your own direction/vision. Then, there is someone saying, your work was so inspiring... but then they just straight up do a copy of the original. Know the difference! I have no problem with people who do or don't. I just have a problem with people who confuse the words and don't know the difference between the two.

a more recent example:


Wulfebane was inspired by my picture above. Seen at his thread: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=227930 now, what I love about Wulfebane's work is he made it his own, making it different and unique. In today's world its harder to be original, especially when your influenced everyday by so many things without even knowing it. Hard work I know, especially if everything we know and do is a nothing but remix: http://vimeo.com/14912890 and http://vimeo.com/19447662


What is your goal with a blog? If your primary goal is freedom go indie. If you want to join something established my favorite Space Wolf blog is here

I believe Darkseer is involved and/or runs the blog and is worth contacting

I believe Darkseer aka Adam had already approached MaveriK several months ago, along with other worthy and talented people here at B&C. Don't quote me on this but, I believe there was miscommunications.... and Mav had scheduling issues, having submitted his The Art of Symmetry and after waiting for two weeks, Mav decided to just post it here, at this thread. pg 8. post #183. Which I find funny now, since the Space Wolf blog appears to be posting more, and on a regular basis outside their normal schedule of Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Don't get me wrong, I love that blog! it's one of the best resources for us Wolves outside of the Fang here at B&C. Anyway, that's just my perception and I could be totally wrong :rolleyes: sorry for getting off topic! :tu:

@Mav, what happened to the roster? I believe, you had mentioned it before to Chapter Master Ignis Domus about your lost company warband. I think you should post it, and show your appreciation to all those greybeards, both past and present! :D

I e-mailed my newest objective marker on Monday (the 20th of June) to the Space Wolf blog, along with sharing my thoughts on building SW objectives with everyone who follow the blog. Hoping that it helps and inspires people to think outside the box, and be more bold when making their SW objectives. I haven't gotten a follow-up e-mail from anyone from them yet. However, during the time when I was asked to join months ago, the follow-up e-mails were quick and frequent. I guess, this was more of a social experiment.. the day job (Psychologist) never strays far away! LOL

When I submitted my Art of Symmetry entry to Adam on the SW blog, (making it my first post as a member). I ended up waiting two weeks, until I couldn't wait anymore. I guess, I was just so used to other sites that posted frequently without the constrictions of a schedule. I know that there are several benefits for having scheduled post on blogs. However I felt that the disadvantages out-weighed the benefits, having many articles pushed back while robbing them of it's worth. So after informing Adam my issue, and of my decision to post the entry here at this thread instead. Now I realize that the action, may have caused some misunderstandings, or even caused a rift between myself and the blog..... well, at least the Space Wolf blog is posting more frequently outside their regular schedule. I have no hard feelings with the incident, although they might feel or think differently on their side. Oh well, lesson learned! haha

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Chooser of the Slain


Consistency is key to making multiple markers! Major props to anyone who notices the small fox and can tell/give insight, to people of it's significance on Fenris and older Space Wolf fluff. Also, if anyone can point out the consistencies I have with my Trueclaw Banner objective, with these three Chooser models that would be sweet! the forth marker shown above should be a hint towards finding one of your answers. You'll get major props from me, if you can see and appreciate the little things I've added onto each piece on the Trueclaw Banner objective.


@Wulfebane, I don't know how to answer that? marry rich? LMAO jk. To be honest, when it comes to buying bits. My advice is to keep your eyes open for good deals. Always compare prices with other sites and sellers. You'll notice the differences once you have more than one option. In the long run, when I look at it.. what is a dollar here or another dollar there? when at the end of each week, we spend groceries that are either from $80 to $100.. missing and spending $5.00 on bits, when dong proper research on the best deals online, doesn't really make a difference towards the end especially when you end up spending more towards other things like groceries. You just have to give yourself a budget, and be patient as I've been collecting bits for many years.

@commander alexander, the mask is made of carbon fiber. It's very durable, comfortable and has the same properties and materials found in a hockey goalie mask. I have three of these mask: Multicam, White, and Black with Red Stripe. You can see the Black with Red Stripe on my profile page. I got the mask from Thailand.

@Arez, just use your imagination and look through the entire GW line. They have plenty of horns in the various plastic bits.

@Chef Wulfen, good luck with your interpretation!



Masters of the Runes


Masters of the Runes


C & C are welcomed. Thank you for looking!

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Chooser of the Slain


The Crow is my first and the oldest of the three choosers. It's a little homage to the Song of Fire and Ice books (Game of Thrones). My latest chooser model is the fox.


This Snowy Owl, is my second chooser model ever built. I decided to build a second chooser model, after I completed my second Grey Hunter Pack. Each Grey Hunter Pack I have in my army, is followed up with their own objective/chooser model.

I hate repeating myself, but as mentioned several times on this thread and in a very recent post. Everything you see here, and in my Lost Company is made up of 95% Games Workshop. I feel that this challenges me to be more creative and original this way, by using mainly Games Workshop pieces. I do this, only because I lack green-stuff skills and superior painting abilities therefore pushing me to be innovative and imaginative to produce original ideas.


C & C are welcomed. Thank you for looking!

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Mav as always WOW. and when did Hedwig get into the game:D. and your work has got me into a modeling itch that i have yet to get to with me living on a island in the summer but come july ill have some stuff to post. i would like to know bout the fox and no 9 tails:( lol. sorry had to be a nerd there a bit lol. awsome as always <_<


oh is that one raven lego by chance?

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Even I don't know the significance of the fox! :) but maybe those lore masters and rune priest here at the Fang can enlighten me. I think Valerian is one of our resident Rune Masters! if your reading this.... do tell ;)
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For being a filthy and barbaric planet-destroying druid monger with fangs, I guess you do have some talent.


Seriously, your stuff puts me in awe and I have shared this thread with MANY of my friends here at the house, who are also jaw-droppingly happy with your painting and modeling skill.


Keep it up "brother".


EDIT: Like some of the posts before, I will hold back from future comments because it will only flood the thread and take up more space that could be used for your glorious Rout modeling.

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The elk of Fenris are huge beasts, standing nearly twelve foot at the shoulder, with razor sharp antlers ten foot across. They can easily trample a hunter to death and one sweep of their horns can disembowel a man. There are huge white bears, savage engines of death twenty foot tail, weighing many tons. Psychic super-intelligent foxes, large as dogs, lure prey into deadfalls with illusions and mental commands.

White Dwarf issue #156

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Also, if anyone can point out the consistencies I have with my Trueclaw Banner objective, with these three Chooser models that would be sweet!


All of your markers have turf, black rubble and stone, a weapon and/or skull on the ground, but only these four and the Trueclaw Banner objective all have the eagle-winged skull banner-post (that comes with the Space Wolf Pack box).

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@Kassill, jawsome thank you wolf brother!

@Chef Wulfen, the fox is answered by both Blckbuster and Wulfebane. The crow is from Warhammer Fantasy, either from an Empire or a Bretonnian bit.

@Phosis, ahaha for a knowledge-thief roaming the galaxy for hidden trinkets, and who also currently frequents here at the Fang, I thank you!!! *now where did I leave my frost-axe?*

@Blckbuster, yessir the very same! good job!

@Wulfebane, right on the money and backed-up with a source, extra points! nicely done! and major props. I tip my hat off to you sir. Also correct on all of the consistencies with most of my objectives! I guess I'm just picky like that. You have an eye for detail and an appreciation for the little things. I hope you enjoyed these pieces, and thank you!


Each of my Grey Hunter packs, have their own personal objective marker/chooser of the slain models.


Each of my Grey Hunter packs, have their own personal objective marker/chooser of the slain models.


Currently working on GODSMOTE (Arjac Rockfist) version two. C & C are welcomed. Thank you for looking!

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The elk of Fenris are huge beasts, standing nearly twelve foot at the shoulder, with razor sharp antlers ten foot across. They can easily trample a hunter to death and one sweep of their horns can disembowel a man. There are huge white bears, savage engines of death twenty foot tail, weighing many tons. Psychic super-intelligent foxes, large as dogs, lure prey into deadfalls with illusions and mental commands.

White Dwarf issue #156


ok sweet i did not know that.

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Even I don't know the significance of the fox! :pinch: but maybe those lore masters and rune priest here at the Fang can enlighten me. I think Valerian is one of our resident Rune Masters! if your reading this.... do tell ;)


Oops, just saw this (I'm on vacation in the Outer Banks), but others already provided the reference.


My Chooser is about the only model I've got left to complete for my Wolves army, and I was thinking about doing a fox as well.



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The elk of Fenris are huge beasts, standing nearly twelve foot at the shoulder, with razor sharp antlers ten foot across. They can easily trample a hunter to death and one sweep of their horns can disembowel a man. There are huge white bears, savage engines of death twenty foot tail, weighing many tons. Psychic super-intelligent foxes, large as dogs, lure prey into deadfalls with illusions and mental commands.

White Dwarf issue #156


ok sweet i did not know that.

diddo :D

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I e-mailed my newest objective marker on Monday (the 20th of June) to the Space Wolf blog, along with sharing my thoughts on building SW objectives with everyone who follow the blog. Hoping that it helps and inspires people to think outside the box, and be more bold when making their SW objectives. I haven't gotten a follow-up e-mail from anyone from them yet. However, during the time when I was asked to join months ago, the follow-up e-mails were quick and frequent. I guess, this was more of a social experiment.. the day job (Psychologist) never strays far away! LOL


When I submitted my Art of Symmetry entry to Adam on the SW blog, (making it my first post as a member). I ended up waiting two weeks, until I couldn't wait anymore. I guess, I was just so used to other sites that posted frequently without the constrictions of a schedule. I know that there are several benefits for having scheduled post on blogs. However I felt that the disadvantages out-weighed the benefits, having many articles pushed back while robbing them of it's worth. So after informing Adam my issue, and of my decision to post the entry here at this thread instead. Now I realize that the action, may have caused some misunderstandings, or even caused a rift between myself and the blog..... well, at least the Space Wolf blog is posting more frequently outside their regular schedule. I have no hard feelings with the incident, although they might feel or think differently on their side. Oh well, lesson learned! haha[/font][/size]

I'm curious to read your conclusions to this personal assessment/experiment haha. I say go indy!

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Wolf Guard for my Long Fangs


Wolf Guard for my Long Fangs


Long Fang with Missile Launchers (I don't remember how many times I've re-built these guys, until I was happy.. but right now I'm liking it)


Long Fang with Heavy Bolter (I don't remember how many times I've re-built these guys, until I was happy.. but right now I'm liking it)


Long Fang Pack Leader (I wanted to do something different with a close combat weapons/Wolf Claws, so instead of your standard Wolf Claw. I went with something far more primal, that suited my Lost Company)


Long Fang with Missile Launchers (I don't remember how many times I've re-built these guys, until I was happy.. but right now I'm liking it)


Long Fang with Missile Launchers (I don't remember how many times I've re-built these guys, until I was happy.. but right now I'm liking it)


C & C are welcomed. Thank you for looking!

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  • 4 weeks later...

That original Space Crusade Dreadnought is fantastic.


I was always a fan of them as a kid, as silly as they looked. Really warms the heart to see someone do that old piece of kit justice! :)


Also, that rune priest with the very large axe is the best Space Wolf ever.

Good stuff!

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