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Vlka Fenryka: WIP/PIP + Warband Fluff


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However, as Mav said, she's from the southern isles of Fenris, so she'd receive more sun, lending a richer tan.


Fair point but still a shade or two away from orange in my book... ;).


Of course this is Mav's mini and vision I am just speculating :tu:.

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However, as Mav said, she's from the southern isles of Fenris, so she'd receive more sun, lending a richer tan.


Fair point but still a shade or two away from orange in my book... ;).


Of course this is Mav's mini and vision I am just speculating :).

Not going for the 'Essex duck' look then.


Try starting with a slightly darker flesh tone for your base. Don't go too heavy with the shading either with it being a female mini.

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UPDATE: Long Fang Pack Leader



Long Fang Pack Leader. Lord Ragnarok, known as Ripclaw, the old bear. He who brings death from the skies.

He is long in tooth, and wise in war. He brings death from the skies, raining hell upon the enemies of the Wolf King. He commands the storms, as his anger is the rolling of thunder itself. Pelting bodies with heavy bolter shells, to blowing enemy tanks with the lighting from the clouds, or directing the falling stars to end the enemies misery. And worst of all, commanding the power of the sun wolf itself, to destroy all those who oppose the Rout. He is Lord Ragnarok... bringer of the rains, his words command death itself. A lord in his own right, for he is an agent of Morkai, and a son of Russ.



WIP/PIP: Fenrisian Wolf + Fenris Hunter (Grey Hunter/Grey Slayer)


So I sold all my 30+ Warhammer fantasy dire wolves and finally got me some Fen wolves. Looking forward to painting them when I find the time muwhahaha


Fenris Hunter Firenze (Grey Slayer/Grey Hunter)


Thank you for the feedback on the skin tone, yeah I'm not happy with how she turned out. Mixed that ogryn flesh wash turned it darker. I will play around with the new paints that I just bought today. C & C are welcomed. Thank you for looking!

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  • 2 weeks later...
NEED HELP! any advice on painting blue flame and red flame? I'm currently working on my Rune Priest.


PS I will update this thread soon, as I'd hate to make a new thread. Anyway, I've been busy working and painting my lost company all this time. Not much progress mind you but it's a step forward. Soon enough brothers, I will reply to you all in due time. My apologies for the late reply and lack of updates.

I guess this might help allot of people so I thought I should post. Red flame... should be the same in theory with the blue also! click on the link! http://hot-lead.org/advance/fire_prac.htm

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However, as Mav said, she's from the southern isles of Fenris, so she'd receive more sun, lending a richer tan.


Hmmm. Now I am curious, Wulfebane; why do you think that being from the southern isles of Fenris would equate to receiving more sunlight?



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However, as Mav said, she's from the southern isles of Fenris, so she'd receive more sun, lending a richer tan.


Hmmm. Now I am curious, Wulfebane; why do you think that being from the southern isles of Fenris would equate to receiving more sunlight?




To be honest, I wasn't confident with that statement. I believe I was thinking that Fenris has a fixed pole where Asaheim is always frozen, so the alternate pole would be opposite... atleast during the fiery season.

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However, as Mav said, she's from the southern isles of Fenris, so she'd receive more sun, lending a richer tan.


Hmmm. Now I am curious, Wulfebane; why do you think that being from the southern isles of Fenris would equate to receiving more sunlight?




To be honest, I wasn't confident with that statement. I believe I was thinking that Fenris has a fixed pole where Asaheim is always frozen, so the alternate pole would be opposite... atleast during the fiery season.











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However, as Mav said, she's from the southern isles of Fenris, so she'd receive more sun, lending a richer tan.


Hmmm. Now I am curious, Wulfebane; why do you think that being from the southern isles of Fenris would equate to receiving more sunlight?




To be honest, I wasn't confident with that statement. I believe I was thinking that Fenris has a fixed pole where Asaheim is always frozen, so the alternate pole would be opposite... atleast during the fiery season.


Nice Sparta pic... :lol:


But thanks for brining this back up because now I see I just took it at face value...


Based on my Northern Hemisphere upbringing.


But certainly if she was from the Southern Hemisphere then the southern islands would in fact make her even more pale. Man now I am confused. Where exactly is she from Maverick?

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  • 1 month later...

WIP UPDATE: Fenris Hunter (Grey Hunter/Grey Slayer) Firenze, the Bladesmith


My little homage to a friend, and one of the fellow members of the Fang. Inspired by the artwork: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/uploads...5014_227895.jpg


From the man who wrote the Sagas of the Fang. http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=230703


WIP Grey Hunter/Grey Slayer ...born to be an Iron Priest.


WIP Grey Hunter/Grey Slayer ...born to be an Iron Priest.


C & C are welcomed. Thank you for looking!

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Mav, glad to see you're back. Hope everything heals up proper. As a long time lurker I always found your stuff very inspiring. Between the ideas behind the models, the awesome painting & the actual models themselves & the poses, I find myself looking at new ways to attempt mine. Keep it up & look after yourself.
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I cannot believe I never saw this thread! It is 100% pure awesome. And I am a tank! I still have both my Leman Russ' tanks too!

Did I read this right? Something this awesome slipped past and the old boy missed it. Age catching up with you Horst :lol:


And THAT is a Wolf Priest!!!

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PIP: Frostborn Maidens (Wound Counters/Chooser of the Slain)


"No finer sight on any world than a frostborn maiden. Especially a beauty with black hair. Rare back when I had eyes to stare, and surely even rarer now." - First Jarl Bjorn the Fell-Handed.


I took these during the night, so unfortunately it's hard to tell. But I am allot happier and confident, with how the skin tone turned out (no more orange hue skin tone) for the Spear Maiden's.

Their main roles within the Vlka Fenryka is that of personal stewards of the Fleshmakers and Jarls of the Fang. While their secondary roles vary from leading kaerls into battle, while also playing the role of skjalds for the human population within the Fang.


Re-built, and re-born by the hands of the Fleshmakers; each spear maiden patrols the mighty halls of the Fang. Protecting it's human population that serve the sky warriors each day.


Little is know about these frostborn maidens outside of Fenris. But from what Imperial scholars know, these beautiful yet fierce women have a deep hatred towards the Adeptus Astra Telepathica.

Shield Maidens know three languarges: Wurgen - War cant or battle language of Fenris. Juvjk - Hearth cant or casual language of Fenris, and V

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Loving your work as always, I just wish I was as dedicated to painting as you are. Looking at your stuff always makes me want to pick up a paintbrush,
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  • 3 months later...

Bump for the young ones to get inspired.



More to come, look for an update on this thread soon *I hope!* Mav's been slowly working on Long Fangs, and a Varangi army (Wolf Guard Terminators, he just HATES the term LoganWing or Wolfwing. He says it's lazy and unimaginative term, an insult towards the sons of Russ).

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