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Sons of Malice, 'Batko Blacks' 7th Company - a WIP project


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Hey Goose feel like I should start off with an apology.....I've been loving this thread for ages now but haven't commented when I really should have! It's official I suck :(


So just wanted to say this is a really great thread one of my favourites - I love your models but especially Batko himself the axe is just great and the tattoos are really cool like 1000heathens said looks like they are carved into his flesh or almost glowing ;)


Really liking the Chaplain figure as well he looks really good and I think the idea of leaving helmet parts off is a good one.


The figure you're making as part of the Azrael coversion challenge looks really cool so far - looks pretty beat up - can't wait to see more especially of who will be carrying his gun! One thing though with the weapon I'm not overly sure on the blade - being a nippicky git but there we go.


Anyway like I said can't wait to see more soon as this is a great thread and I've always loved the fluff surrounding the Sons of Malice!!

Aww shucks guys, thanks for the replies :D


@Firenze Thanks man!


@DarkApostleThirst I had noticed the scheme was a bit wonky on the Sergeant, but thanks for pointing it out, I will fix it ;) As for the assault marines, I got rid of the flamer guy's pose cuz it was a bit stupid I thought, and will be replacing him with a different posed flamer. As for the pose I chose based on you guys' responses, it will be most similar to Typewriter/1000heathens.


@Ashur How would you dare to turn him into an Imperialist lap-dog?! Makhno would rather die than serve the Whites! And he's not really Chaos, he's actually more fitting the makhnovists' real position as they fought both the Reds (Chaos) and the Whites (Imperial Forces). So there :P I thought it was a pretty good fit. Malal is the essence of Chaos turned against it self, the ultimate force of no-nonsense, no-bullcrap in the galaxy, since the Imperium isn't exactly all fine and dandy.


@hushrong Thanks man!


@BrotherMelice I most certainly shall check it out haha, and thank you! The Jolly Rodger standard is a good idea, I think I shall use it! However, Batko was more than just a bandit, he was one of the only true Anarcho-Communists that managed to stand up for themselves when the Bolsheviks took power, and sought to establish an actual egalitarian society which he indeed managed for a few years until the Reds stabbed them in the back.


@CaptainMick Thank you again! :D


@MagicMan I hope I can live up to the expectations.. But thanks :P


@Bolt16 Hey man, just to know that there actually are people reading it even when I don't get comments is good enough for me. Actually that's not entirely true, I THRIVE OFF YOUR COMMENTS! But thank you! It's very inspiring to hear that this is one of your favourites, I can't wait to get back to painting and modelling some more now :D About Azrael, I hear you, but I just love the falx so much that I'm keeping it, and I'll probably be making more in the army! Thanks for the C&C!

Really loving the work in here, especially the painting. Its probably just my poor eyesight but the white looks borderline to a cream color and I like it. Just read it all now and really have nothing more to say about it... I will still be watching though. Provided of course that the updates come while I am at home or remember to check them at home because work blocked Photobucket and that's where most people post their pictures (including my self).

Well thank you sir Peacekeeper :)


Alright little update on Brother-Captain Laerza, he's ready to be entered into the competition, I just wanted some last-minute feedback from y'all:








And finally, little Weehawk the Short, his ever-loyal Hobgoblin squire:




Although considered a proud and almost haughty man by many of his fellow brothers, none will deny Brother-Captain Laerza's ability in combat. An astounding tactical thinker and (partially self-proclaimed) strategic genius, Laerza has none the less had a hard time getting to his current position within the company, having a less-than-friendly rapport with most of the men under his command. He does, however, command a lot of respect, albeit begrudgingly, and his brilliance is widely recognised as being second-to-none but Batko within the company. His Hobgoblin servant is a curious thing indeed and the circumstances of their unlikely partnership is somewhat of a legend in the chapter. While fighting in the deep forests of Yael III against the brutish Orks, Laerza and his squad came upon a band of the strange creatures fighting off a large group of Orks and quickly took advantage of the confusion, decimating the Ork band. Weehawk was the only survivor and standing tall (well, not really) and proud, immediately swore a blood-oath to repay Laerza for his help. Impressed by his proud and honourable nature, and perhaps seeing a little of himself in the little critter, Laerza decided take him aboard. Weehawk has, however, resisted all attempts to modernise and insists on carrying his tribe's warspear and clothing, claiming that he needs to honour the death of his fellow tribesmen. So he follows Laerza, sworn by blood to follow him until the day he can give his life to save Laerza's (represents the 4+ Invulnerable save othewise afforded by the Lion Helm).


C&C welcome and needed!

The falx blade is the right way round, the Dacians used it to literally cleave off limbs/heads etc.



You hack into the body and rip backwards, taking off just about anything.



The Romans actually reinforced their armour after facing these weapons, and took to wearing arm guards. Probably about the only weapon that forced the Romans to change their Lorica Segmata.



The falx blade is the right way round, the Dacians used it to literally cleave off limbs/heads etc.



You hack into the body and rip backwards, taking off just about anything.



The Romans actually reinforced their armour after facing these weapons, and took to wearing arm guards. Probably about the only weapon that forced the Romans to change their Lorica Segmata.



Uh, oops, my mistake. :P


It looked funny with the blade being straight but the tip being backwards. If it was curved, I would have probably figured it was some sort of unfamiliar weaponry... That and I misread falx into falchion, which is completely different, as Magicman pointed out.

Yeah and "falchion" is actually based on the word "falx".




Terminatorinhell thank you, it took me like 8 tries before I decided to use a hole-puncher for the curve, I highly recommend it otherwise you'll spend hours trying to get the damn thing to look good.

Thank you very much ;)


Haha no, well it was sorta inspired half by Ronaldo's silly haircut in the 2002 World Cup, and half by Horus' hairstyle in the typical artwork of him facing off with The Emperor standing over Sanguinius' dead body, if you know which one I mean ;) Any resemblance to Elvis is purely coincidental.. *cough*

Goose that is one great looking model!!!!


I really like the falx actually and love the fact that you used the hole puncher :P


It really does look good and I may have to try and do a stance similar with my army!


Keep up the great work!

I like the night goblin familiar idea))))


any one have any spare laying around???????????

GOOSE, I JUST HAD A CRAZY IDEA...... make a prisoners base, just a few, three or so, you can use the Dark Eldar prisoners as well... But the goblin can make a cool prisoner sentry)))) :D



I'm on a roll with ideas :P :D :D :D :D

Eh yah, I mean it's a good idea, but why would I want prisoners? :)


Anyway, quick update on my LPC vow. It's going slowly, but it's going. They're not quite done so I'm not gonna give character fluff yet :geek:


Tactical Squad Bhagat:






Brother-Sergeant Bhagat




Brother Iliya




Brother de Beauvoire




Brother Bukowski




Brother Yat-sen




Last brother doesn't have a close-up as he is not part of my LPC vow :)


So I'm thinking of basing my guys on a ruined temple in autumn colours, to contrast with the dull black and white and tie-in with the red details. How does that sound? Comments and criticism welcome and appreciated!

Gosh thanks guys! But no comments on the basing question? :(


@Mr.Malevolent didn't you already promise an army of Marines Malevolent? Course, Sons of Malice would be way better...


@firestorm40k Thank you sir! Your army is very inspirational for all independent fluff-makers! :P


@DarkApostleThirst Thanks! Powerpacks are primed and ready but they look boring to paint so I'm sorta waiting as long as I can :teehee:


@BrotherMelice I work on them as we speak! Thanks for the comment!


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