Ciler Posted July 30, 2017 Share Posted July 30, 2017 Two words: NO MERCY Kid: "WHAT?!!! WHAT'S AN OPHIDIUM GULF?!!!" I actually then had to explain, yes. Honda 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kastor Krieg Posted July 30, 2017 Share Posted July 30, 2017 Two words: NO MERCY ... you scare the beejeesus out of a poor kid after tabling him out of a Konor campaing game and, as your Marshal incinerates the last primaris in his army, yell "That was for the Ophidium Gulf !" Edit : yes, he was playing DA - with primaris. Kid: "WHAT?!!! WHAT'S AN OPHIDIUM GULF?!!!" + ASK YOUR "INNER CIRCLE", XENO-LOVING TRAITOR SCUM! + Othniel's Blade, Honda, Drac0 and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted August 1, 2017 Share Posted August 1, 2017 (edited) You know you're a Black Templar when you kitbash Supreme Grand Master Azrael- wearing the Lion Helm, instead of letting a damn dirty xeno carry it in its stinking paws- into the "Emperor's Champion," and no one doubts your claim of how the Dark Angels surrendered three of their most precious heirlooms to the Black Templars, in penance for their failure to defend the Emperor's realm from those who'd harm it. At least, not after the Emperor's Champion made an example of the fools who voiced those doubts. (Belial is still trying to expel Ezekiel's psychic hood from his rectum.) Edited August 1, 2017 by Bjorn Firewalker Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysere Posted August 1, 2017 Share Posted August 1, 2017 When after an array of charges ends with all but a single enemy character on an objective dead, you burn three command points to give your champion one more round to finish what he started. Yeah it had one wound left but it was worth it. Bjorn Firewalker, KhorneHunter57x, Marshal Penguin and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ciler Posted August 5, 2017 Share Posted August 5, 2017 ... you deny the witch better than the experts. So, today's game was 2x1000 pts vs 2x1000 pts. Ultramarines & Black templars vs Emperor's Children & associate dnurgle filth. Only two witches on the board, Tigurius for the UM and a demon prince of nurgle. So anyway, T2 the foolish demon tries a smite on whatever unit was closer to it (some UM vets or whatnot) and Tigurius tried to deny it, and failed, so I was like, "allow me, there you go, 4, k thx bye". The poor fellow didn't even try after that. SydonianDragoon404, TheOneTrueZon, KhorneHunter57x and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Arthur Posted August 6, 2017 Share Posted August 6, 2017 ...when you can't justify buying assault terminators without ordering the forgeworld Templar shields as well. Thankfully I got a discount for the terminators so it offset the additional cost. Honda and Dumbcow1 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Honda Posted August 7, 2017 Share Posted August 7, 2017 ...when upon discovering that an objective is guarded by a squad of five Tartaros terminators with twin lightning claws, your Emperor's Champion (Priamus) says "I got this" and runs across the table and slays all of them in two rounds of combat like a boss*. And then you say, "That's my boy!" * happened in yesterday's game and I will type up batrep soon. I am NEVER taking him out of my list. EVER! NoPityNoRemorseNoFear, Castellan Cynebald, Bjorn Firewalker and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dumbcow1 Posted August 7, 2017 Share Posted August 7, 2017 ...when you can't justify buying assault terminators without ordering the forgeworld Templar shields as well. Thankfully I got a discount for the terminators so it offset the additional cost. The shields seal the deal on my TH/SS termies... Honda and Gendo 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KhorneHunter57x Posted August 7, 2017 Share Posted August 7, 2017 When after an array of charges ends with all but a single enemy character on an objective dead, you burn three command points to give your champion one more round to finish what he started. Yeah it had one wound left but it was worth it. Thought for the day: Victory requires no explanation; defeat allows none. Bjorn Firewalker and Honda 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kastor Krieg Posted August 12, 2017 Share Posted August 12, 2017 When you curiously check out the crunch analysts at 1d4chan and reading the Templar entry makes zealous tears fill your eyes, especially at how the EC is described. Black Templars High Marshal Helbrecht: The big boss of the Black Templars. All Black Templar units around him gain +1 strength, and reroll all to hit rolls. So when this guy rolls up in a Land Raider Crusader and then charges you with his strength 5 rerolling to hit're dead. End of discussion. He himself is no slouch in combat, roasting things with a combi melta, and gains d3 attacks on the charge. Emperor's Champion: This guy will brutally murder any enemy character, living up to Sigismund's legacy with a plethora of rules to wreck heroes. He has 4A base, WS 2+, and his Black Sword has S+2 AP-3 D1d3 and allows him to reroll wounds against CHARACTERs or MONSTERs. But that's not all! "Sigismund's Honor" gives +1A and +1S when within 1" of CHARACTER and "Slayer of Champions" gives YET ANOTHER reroll, this time for hits against CHARACTERs. Basically, send him against enemy commanders, with just enough infantry to take the shots, nail the charge and watch heretics drop. At this moment he is one of the scariest duelists. Pair with Helbrecht and Grimaldus, and see even Swarmlord buckle under the pressure. For his points he can be quite the effective killer, but unless you're planning to gang up with other BT characters like aforementioned keep him away from the bigger stuff (Guilliman, Swarmlord, Yncarne etc. though he could probably solo an Avatar with a few lucky rolls with its mediocre 5+ invul). He almost feels like a space marine assassin. Chaplain Grimaldus: THE guy for Black Templar's Black Tide lists. He has basic Chaplain stats, but that's not why you take him. He has a plasma pistol (which is awesome in 8E) and helps Cenobite servitors with Ld and WS, but that's not why you take him. You take him to inspire ZEAL AND FUREH in your Templars and to engage their beastmode. Basically, every <BLACK TEMPLAR> unit within 6" of him gets to: use his Leadership of nine, reroll to hit in close combat and, most importantly, every 6+ to hit generates another attack (no extra attacks from extra attacks), because that horde of orcs/tyranids/guardsmen didn't deserve to be on the table. His reroll rule is a little wasted with Helbrecht around, so spread them across the field. The Spanish Inquisitor, Honda, Kheotour and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kastor Krieg Posted August 13, 2017 Share Posted August 13, 2017 When a friend comes 2nd in general classification in a tournament and first thing he says to you is not the result but "Hey, you're gonna love this, I just saw BT kill a Stompa in close combat!" Marshal_Roujakis, Othniel's Blade, Bjorn Firewalker and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The_son_of_Dorn Posted August 13, 2017 Share Posted August 13, 2017 When you refer to all Insects as "xeno filth" and slowly rotate around like a microwave dinner hacking at them with your makeshift chainsword (a twig you have found and made sharp and fashioned a haft with ducttape) Then you realise you are 27 and look like you have forgotten your autism medication.....but you regret NOTHING! TheOneTrueZon and lordhellblade 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Castellan Doren Posted August 13, 2017 Share Posted August 13, 2017 When the bottom of turn one, your entire army but one unit charges. Finished the game wiping necrons off the table. And giving no victory points to him either. (this weeks Konor scenario) TheOneTrueZon 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted August 13, 2017 Share Posted August 13, 2017 When a friend comes 2nd in general classification in a tournament and first thing he says to you is not the result but "Hey, you're gonna love this, I just saw BT kill a Stompa in close combat!" When someone claims he saw the Emperor's Champion kill a TITAN, you do not exclaim in disbelief, "How can a mere infantryman kill a Titan?" you merely accept it as fact as you ask, "How many turns did it take him to kill a Titan?" Firepower, Marshal_Roujakis, TheOneTrueZon and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Castellan Doren Posted August 14, 2017 Share Posted August 14, 2017 When a friend comes 2nd in general classification in a tournament and first thing he says to you is not the result but "Hey, you're gonna love this, I just saw BT kill a Stompa in close combat!" When someone claims he saw the Emperor's Champion kill a TITAN, you do not exclaim in disbelief, "How can a mere infantryman kill a Titan?" you merely accept it as fact as you ask, "How many turns did it take him to kill a Titan?" No one questions the Emperor's will. Bjorn Firewalker 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Castellan Doren Posted August 16, 2017 Share Posted August 16, 2017 When you find a Captain Draco still in the blister from way back then. I can't bring myself to open it and paint him out of respect. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RikuEru Posted August 17, 2017 Share Posted August 17, 2017 When your heart aches, to add Astartes, looking like Knights clad in Black to your collection, but your Clan of Fenrisian Warriors is already neglected, far too big and far too unfinished and the Primaris do not yet have a noble Close Combat Unit that fits the Templars' Zeal. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Firepower Posted August 18, 2017 Share Posted August 18, 2017 You know you're a Templar when you join the Knightfall Crusade. ;) Sorry, that was far too blunt. Join the Knightfall Crusade! Much better. :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ciler Posted August 18, 2017 Share Posted August 18, 2017 ... when you mistakenly glue your last 2mm neodymium magnet into the wrist of your new metal Helbrecht model with the wrong polarity and refuse to surrender, break out the olde chemistry notes from college and find the rightful combination of solvents that will dissolve the glue and recover both magnet and model undamaged. Accept any challenge ! Othniel's Blade, SydonianDragoon404 and Kastor Krieg 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Arthur Posted August 19, 2017 Share Posted August 19, 2017 ...when you explain this thread as "an eternal crusade" RikuEru and Bjorn Firewalker 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysere Posted August 29, 2017 Share Posted August 29, 2017 When you charge a land raider because you'd rather be in combat with a shooting monster than in combat with a combat monster. When it finally falls the explosion kills two of the monsters in combat with it and cripples the third. When the Emperor's Champion more than triples his points in kills. You carve through multiple giant monsters and a horde of gaunts with blade and bolter... and this is only half your army. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted August 29, 2017 Share Posted August 29, 2017 When you charge a land raider because you'd rather be in combat with a shooting monster than in combat with a combat monster.That's not Black Templars-y behavior! "Accept any challenge, no matter the odds!" It doesn't matter if the enemy is a shooting monster or a close combat monster- a Black Templar will charge forth to cut it down anyways! When it finally falls the explosion kills two of the monsters in combat with it and cripples the third. When the Emperor's Champion more than triples his points in kills. You carve through multiple giant monsters and a horde of gaunts with blade and bolter... and this is only half your army. This IS Black Templars-y behavior. I approve. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kastor Krieg Posted August 29, 2017 Share Posted August 29, 2017 When you know the only proper way to paint this Chaplain. Those candles, the detail... *swoon* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysere Posted August 29, 2017 Share Posted August 29, 2017 When you charge a land raider because you'd rather be in combat with a shooting monster than in combat with a combat monster.That's not Black Templars-y behavior! "Accept any challenge, no matter the odds!" It doesn't matter if the enemy is a shooting monster or a close combat monster- a Black Templar will charge forth to cut it down anyways! Accept any challenge may be important but we aren't madmen who blindly charge even if we will lose. We accept the challenge that will most likely bring us victory. Death was inevitable, but it was better to tie down the only ranged threat left rather than fight something already held in combat that could potentially kill the land raider in one go. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Castellan Doren Posted August 29, 2017 Share Posted August 29, 2017 When you charge a land raider because you'd rather be in combat with a shooting monster than in combat with a combat monster.That's not Black Templars-y behavior! "Accept any challenge, no matter the odds!" It doesn't matter if the enemy is a shooting monster or a close combat monster- a Black Templar will charge forth to cut it down anyways! Accept any challenge may be important but we aren't madmen who blindly charge even if we will lose. We accept the challenge that will most likely bring us victory. Death was inevitable, but it was better to tie down the only ranged threat left rather than fight something already held in combat that could potentially kill the land raider in one go. Sounds like a game a couple weeks back. I charged with a empty LRC just to tie up a unit of primaris with plasma weapons. It keeps my tank alive while keeping him from using his guns. Bjorn Firewalker 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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