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NL's 8th [upd: 22.8.2014]


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Fantastic stuff, I love the attention to detail and the conversion work and gsing is really top notch stuff. It really shows that love and hard work that you have put into this army so far, really really nice work you done the NLs justice! :tu:

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Why was I not informed of this thread...the wonders I was missing. Jaw-dropping work, man. To me, no awesome painting beats a stellar conversion. And you manage to combine both almost to the same level (your conversions are just awesome).

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I really like how the gasmask marine. How did you go about making that? It looks like plasticard and something else, but I can't identify the rest. 

Also, how do you prefer milliput over green stuff? Are they similar to work with, or are they totally different beasts? I've been thinking about getting some, but no one really talks about milliput, they just sort of... have it. 

Brilliant as always. Cheers. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Alpha PTP

Answering your question again, my friend:

I use 'magic sculpt' (I don't know if that is the same thing as milliput but I doubt it). I'd say, it has it's own pros and cons. So, down the list:

+ MS is a smooth material to work with. It's much easier to putty gaps with it than with GS.

+ it also keeps the given shape good. I'm 100% sure that if I have sculpted some ornamentation - it will have exactly the same shape after it dries. Contrary to GS that changes shape if it has no base underneath. But it may also be a 'con' (see below).

+ if it dries, it's a rock.

+ it goes into 2 big (a mean, really BIG) buckets. The given volume is enough to sculpt an army of 50 models. With vehicles. And, probably, monsters. And you will possibly have enough to sculpt the bases too.

+ it relatively cheap. I'd pay triple price for the same amount of GS.

- more about the keeping of a given shape: it also keeps all the small mistakes that I do when I sculpt: roughness and such. It's pretty easy to correct after it dries, but it takes time to get used to sculpt this way.

- It dries very quickly. For a small volumes of MS it's more a 'pro' than a 'con', but I prefer using a mix lots at once. And after a half-hour of work it begins to lose its stickiness and becomes much harder.

- ...but before that it is very sticky. The instruments must be always wet. Otherwise MS will stick to it and to the meant place.

I'd also say, that GS has its advantages. For instance, GS goes much better for sculpting cloaks and joints.

I hope this answers your question smile.png

AVE DOMINUS NOX, ladies and gentlemen!

Ok, since the Warp-storm I fought my laziness and finally managed to re-write my big post. Again, it will be separated into 3 parts. I will probably post something additional just for the sake of a normal update. Here we go...

Part 1.











The champion, named 'the Daemon':


I need to work on their cloaks a bit more dry.png

And someone with a wizard hat:




Wait for part 2...

Part 2.

Now, the former first captain of the 8th, and currently the fearsome leader of the 'Dark Vanguard', Azanael, the Glardus Meldeth:


Yeah, this pic is pretty useless dry.png sorry, but I decided to improve him already after I've started to paint him. And I have already painted him, but the overall result looks like s**t so I will repaint him a better way, changing some things and adding a bit more ornamentation...

Anyways, let me just speak a little bit. First of all, I must admit that I always come up with big problems when I try to convert a character for my army. I always think that I could do something other way, or just redo something better from scratch, and so on and so forth. Same thing here. Moreover, I want (and always wanted) the miniature be the level of recent GW miniatures or higher.

The disease called 'perfectionism'.

So, to make the things I speak of clear for you, here are 3 incarnations (not to mention their variations) of Azanael:



The first version I've built back in November 2011 - just after I've assembled the IV claw. Back then Azanael supposed to wear an artificial armor of some sort - in term of gaming he could have a 40mm base, pretending he has a count-as TDA. Later I've replaced the base and changed his pose - but that last version haven't made it to this thread. I have used all the parts later on (for instance, the idea and the visor of the helmet went to the havoc champ), so despite the fact that it never was even assembled, the incarnation served the lifework of the company well.



I returned to the character of Azanael yet after the chaos release, a year after the first version was posted - November 2012. I decided that he could wear an artificial TDA - and I think I have chosen the right way. Since the VIII Legion specialize not only on terror, but also on devastating assault tactics, a terminator armor would be possible for a mighty leader which prefers facing the enemy at the spearhead and making the final blow. But the version required lots and lots of improvements on pose, on sculpting, on bits and so on. So after all the improvements made I came up with...




...the third version. As you may see, there are differences even between the last pic and the front pic of this post. And I think the new power fist and the new cloak looks much better...

So, I thought, that this pose will work better, supporting the feeling of a calm leader that will give an order to exterminate the remnants of the enemy in the following second. Also the weapon choice is different: a lightning claw and a chainfist. The alteration was made due to the need of maximizing captain's combat power, as he supposed to take part in the campaign I play now with my friend. In terms of fluff he wears paired relic close combat weapons that wore every captain of the 8th before him.

Interesting fact: the base supposed to represent a part of a crater after a blast close to Azanael. And what do you think happened in the first battle he took part in? A vindicator wiped out with a single hit a terminator bodyguard unit - everyone, except for him. The following shooting phase left him wounded, but he managed to survive until the end of a mission with a single wound, standing 3 phases of close combat with a great unclean one at the end.

And I just thought that he may also have a house-rule profile:

6 5 4 4 3 5 3 10 2+ 4++

TDA; Sigil of corruption; Talons of the abyss (Power claw with fleshbane (as the claws itself have openings that suck out the blood of the enemy) and chainfist that always count as paired weapons i.e. grants +1 attack); fear; always the warlord with -1 Ld to every enemy unit within 12" of him.

I hope that this version will be the last one. I try to paint him as better as I can.

Wait for part 3...

Part 3.

Here is the recent army pic:


2637 points. The last update of my painted army was back in April and it was 1001 point. That means, I have painted abt 1500 pts in 3 months. That's far more than I have painted in 2 years. And yet more to come...

And I also will post here the followed update:



This is the new champ for the IV claw. 2 years have passed, my painting and converting abilities have developed, and I thought that the IV claw might need a new magnitized champ. So here he is. The conversion is far from done here, and I will post and update soon, as I finish my spawns and chosen. And the pic, comparing him to the previous incarnation:


I wonder how close to the original concept the starter miniature is. Even a bolter - the former champ supposed to have a bolter at the exact same spot.

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And a small addition: I've converted a heavy modified bolter with a laser designator for the havoc's champ:




Spawns and chosen are on the line.

Stay tuned,



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I feel completely confident in saying this is one of the best armies I've ever seen. They're also one of my favorites.

Outstanding work, my friend. In my mind, you captured the entire essence of the Night Lords and you hit a home run with it! thumbsup.gif

Stoked for Chosen, will be watching closely.

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And a small addition: I've converted a heavy modified bolter with a laser designator for the havoc's champ:




Spawns and chosen are on the line.

Stay tuned,



That's definitely one of the cooler looking converted weapons I've seen.

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Many thanks on your replies guys! smile.png I try do my bests.

AVE DOMINUS NOX, ladies and gentlemen!

Today, as I promised, I'll post spawns and chosen. Before I do it, I must say, that these both units took a looot of time to be (almost) completed and at the same time I was very pleased to work on them. Truly these were one of those units I actually only enjoyed to convert. But enough words, we are here for minis, aren't we?

Spawns, known as Nightmares:


The base are Vampire Counts Vargheists, so I decided to pay tribute to the original models - that are perfect night lords' spawns as they are - and make a slight kitbash-spawn without any big conversions:


And then...





They still require a bit of work here and there, but the main part is done.

Moving on to the chosen:


When I converted them I thought of what kind of a unit similar to Chaos Chosen the VIII legion could possibly have. I came up with damned/convicted squads. The damned (guys with red gloves) would attract close attention of ruinous powers, as they most likely concentrate on their own ego and have proven that they can do anything in order to defend and/or increase their power. Moreover, they are probably as skillful as burax (my terminators), because they are always sent to take part in the deadliest missions - despite the fact that they are treated as cannon fodder, they are still astartes and Night Lords, so if they survive few missions, they become hardened fearless veterans.

So they are both hard-boiled veterans and are traced by Chaos - much like as classic chosen.

I took two of the starter Chosen as the base for the squad:


They are almost unchanged, except for some ornamentation, heads and weapons. Their armor suits the soldiers of the VIII legion good, I think, so I decided that they will be the reference point for the next 3 guys...



N.B.: this guy supposed to have a chain-mail, but I just couldn't figure out how to sculpt it... any tutorials guys?

But then again, I just can't work without weird spontaneous ideas...

Reading some logs here (especially brilliant logs of noctus cornix and brother Heinrich) I thought I could include some "third party" marines into my warband. And I came up with a fallen angel:


Much will depend on the painting though dry.png

And then, the champion:


I've got some ideas already before I started the squad. But I haven't thought that he would have almost everything augmentic (only the left leg, the left part of torso, the left shoulder and the left part of his head are probably flesh). Despite that I'm very pleased with how he turned out.

Making this squad was also interesting because I found a digital copy of the 2ed. Chaos codex and was heavily inspired by just looking at it's pages, artwork and miniatures. Remembering that I actually liked most of the starter chaos miniatures that got kindly references in their design to the old miniatures I tried to add this references to my night lords. But I don't know if I did hit the point - it's up for you to decide guys.

Nevertheless, I thank you for dropping in and I'm really happy if you have read all these walls of text I wrote in bad English.

More to come,

Stay tuned,


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I agree: A fantastic thread with lots of brilliant work all around! When in the world did the standard for NL armies get so impressive? msn-wink.gif

I esepcially like the fact that you used Vargheists/Crypt Horrors for your spawn! My own spawn models are based on those guys as well, and I think they are perfect conversion fodder for the enterprising chaos player -- in fact, I can't understand why we're not seeing more conversions based on those models.

Anyway, marvelous work! Looking very much forward to your next update!

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Loving them brother! Especially that champion, his bionic leg and posing are fantastic! Plus I love the fallen angel, thanks for the honorable mention ;) Can't wait to see them painted, I know you'll knock it out of the park like usual. Ave Dominus Nox brother.

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WOW!! Those Spawn are insane! Great work. I particularly like that there is a common theme running through the whole unit but that individual spawn is unique and characterful. The Chosen are also really well done but the spawn just blew me away thumbsup.gif

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