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Stobz'z Legends.... Hello Darkness, my old friend...

Go to solution Solved by Interrogator Stobz,

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  Candleshoes said:
Great to see another 10 done to such a high standard.


With only 10 more to go, any chance we could get a group shot?


Cheers for the props Mr 'Shoes, I just wish I was somewhere near as creative as you with your amazing grimdark/gothic conversions B) . Mine will have to suffice as a group of tidy, regimental, stone faced, minimalist fighting monks and let the en-masse thing help with making them look 'special'.


As a hobby note, I had a lot of trouble with my wet palette separating my paints resulting in wishywashy or messy highlights, I realised to my embarrassment when I was on the last dude the other day that my wife had changed her brand of baking paper and I was using un-waxed lunch wrap :lol: that was letting too much water through :wallbash: What a muppet.


As for the group shot request, I've ordered a textured game mat from Zuzzy and a bit of terrain from other sources, when they arrive I'll bung them together and create an 'environment' that will enhance a pic or two of a whole mech company. The terrain I have atm is borrowed from a mate and I am a bit loath to change the colour scheme to suit my bases while he is overseas longterm.


I just checked and it seems as though I started this project last year in the beginning of June, I think I'll prioritise the 6th(Tactical) Sqd so I can do the whole company in under a year(sorry to you THawk viewers -_- ). Hope the painting comp doesn't have too short a timespan so I can do that afterward too.


Gah, wall of text.


stobz +out+

Edited by Stobz

IN... THE... MAIL !!!!!



Sensational addition to the DW (Belial is screaming out for that hammer!!!)


Thank you FW



Edited by Stobz

Grats Stobz! Can't wait to see what you do with the bitz.


Oh fickle Forgeworld, how dare you release shiny things the day after I make an order ;)


What did you think of the new assault marines with the mish mash of mk4 and 5 armour?

Yeah, they just keep dragging moolah out of my wallet too.

At least it's for a good cause ;) (uber geekdom)


Those assault dudes look cool, the one thruster is a bit BA-ish but the armour is great. They won't get added to my greenwing (I have plenty) but I look forward to others (yours?) take on them.


I'm really loving the termie claws too, I think I need to order two more Lufgts so I can give magnetic Belial all his options each with the cool arms and shoulders. He's gunna get expensive, really quick:D



  Candleshoes said:
Grats Stobz! Can't wait to see what you do with the bitz.


Oh fickle Forgeworld, how dare you release shiny things the day after I make an order :D


Hahahaha - I noticed that too! Life's unfair... But think of it thus: You want a "tactical" Tartarus squad anyway... And you will get the add-ons eventually too (with some more Tartarus guys to boot)... So no real harm done! :D


What did you think of the new assault marines with the mish mash of mk4 and 5 armour?


Not reallly sure. I'd rather they kept them true Mk4 - But then again its only one leg with the studs so it's not real Mk5 legs either. I'll just play along I guess...



  Stobz said:
Those assault dudes look cool, the one thruster is a bit BA-ish but the armour is great. They won't get added to my greenwing (I have plenty) but I look forward to others (yours?) take on them.


I'll use them too - eventually... But I do have a Mk5 fetish and I made a promise to do a Mk2 Captain in jump pack.... :D But Stobz, look at it this way: you can now legitimately get the cool BA-like jump packs minus the questionable wings in your DA force! You can even add them as an attached unit frim another Unforgiven Chapter! A DIY Chapter ;) Brootherhood of Angels anyone? :)


I'm really loving the termie claws too, I think I need to order two more Lufgts so I can give magnetic Belial all his options each with the cool arms and shoulders. He's gunna get expensive, really quick :D


And Belial deserves nothing less! hahahaha! You plan to win the lottery anytime soon? :)

  Captain Semper said:
And Belial deserves nothing less! hahahaha! You plan to win the lottery anytime soon? :D


Haha, the local lotto gets drawn in about 3 minutes, if I win I'll get you a Lufgt too. And I'll drop it off in Greece Myself :D


He might have to wait, as cool as the idea is....



Those pads look sweet DAL, thanks for the idea and the info. 'E' is cool ;)

Unfortunately I attached the left shoulder permanently to B and magnetized that forearm. If I use a different style of pad I'd need to do some major work reconstructing the left arm joint.

I'd rather just build a magnetized Hammer arm/shoulder and later when I can afford it a couple of claw options.


By the time I get around to it hopefully he has changed (NEW DEX), so patience for me in all things :blink:



  • 4 weeks later...

oops, I mentioned a while ago that I'd make a log of my ETL vow here, so although I didn't want a WIP thread change is good.


Here is a rough pic of my first(hopefully) ETL'12 vow, as you can see I have a lot of terrain to build and paint too.

I hope I can beat the flu I'm carrying soon so my eyes can get off their stalks and back to inside my head where they belong. Better for focusing on little green/black/bone men.


Hairy goo:




A packet of ANZAC biscuits and a cup of tea is helping, but not as much as the pseudo-ephedrine :lol:




Edited by Interrogator Stobz

OK brothers, we need to call the emergency Apothercaries (called Interrogator Chaplains) on Stobz... It's a pity because there was promise on this lad... Now we have to turn him into a servitor. A painting servitor most likely. Now Stobz relax - this won't hurt... much.


On a less serious note, I'm really intrigued by the terrain you say you have in the pipeline... If only you could pledge it in the ETL... Regardless, I think great things are ahead of us! But first the RW. ^_^

Man, if the "emergency Apothercaries" don't beat the Nurgle out of me soon I'm going to change the title of this topic to Stobz'z Rainbow Warriors and repaint everything Slaneshi with some spray cans (for the head clearing fumes).

The THawk will need to be repainted a bit brighter too :devil:


On a less serious note: Thanks for the support, Candleshoes has it right, tea and biscuits will have to do.




Edit: I would so love to have the RL worries of a painting servitor, no concerns over whether or not the little stobz gene-seed carrying midgets will bring hope Papa Nurgles rot from their respective primary schools or child cares, no concerns about the mortgage, taxes, global war etc.etc. so looking forward to the trip to cell 42.


Edited by Stobz

Wow, just discovered your venerable FW dread...you almost instantly convinced me to paint mine white/bone, plan was to go black, but i love the usage of gold there, also nice leg posing, is the model fixed? or torso movable/ arm magnetized somehow?


Guess ill practise on my Mk4 dread :P ...but my dreads will be a major project anyway, hopefully ill be able to finish the 1k sons dread running pose, but chaos is at the very back on my to-do list, i promise! ;)


I gladly will serve time in a interrogation chamber, i just have a heart for them they dont like space wolves :cuss ...be sure my Angels are somehow in Tzeenchts big plan!


Ok i need a ship offworld, NOW! GOGGOGO! ;)

Cheers BC-N,

The dreads' legs were fixed as one piece, but the feet were separate and the ball joint at the hips allows for heaps of possibilities. I've magnetised the arms for weapon swaps ( I only have a TL-LC spare so far).

Practice makes perfect, but don't ever think you are there or you WILL get sent to Cell 42 for a bit of a tickle up.




And after what has been quite the labour of love/hate :D ..


Finally finished is the Dark Angels Chapter, 3rd Company, 6th (Tactical) Squad with Razorback.

Lead by Veteran Sergeant Astrol (Corny name I chose about 10 years ago, sorry) they are the final squad in this project. Yippeekaiyay.




107 down, NONE to go!!!

"...It's Log, it's Log, it's better than bad, it's good."

Log, new from BLAMMO, it's fantastic.


Next up will be a group pic, once I can organize it. Then it's onto the other projects which have been whispering in my ears for some time now.





Edited by Interrogator Stobz

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