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Looks excellent. More in the squad coming by any chance?

Thanks dude! I've already finished Cyrion and I plan to eventually build the rest of first claw but who knows how long that will take...


He's looking absolutely fantastic! You're not exactly making Augustus b'Raass' job any easier, you know... :wink:


All the important visual cues are there, obivously, but what I really like more than anything else is how the spikes on his backpack actually seem like a helmet crest if seen from the right angle -- that is very clever.


A gorgeous model all around! One down, five to go :wink:


EDIT: Excellent update on the previous page!

Ha, I didn't know Augustus was building first claw. Now I'm really looking forward to seeing his interpretation, his Night Lords are alway super impressive and inspiring. 

I'm taking the visual cues from Shane Cook's amazing first claw sketches.


As much as I detest Night Lords, that's a really amazing mini. Fantastic detail and really, really cool use of components (using that sorc lord headgear on the backpack in particular - bloody brilliant)


Very impressive freehand, too, and nice use of spot colours. Looking forward to seeing the finishing touches - and the base, of course. Are you going to shoot for a 32mm?

That Talos... it makes me want to gyrate against it.

Hahaha, I'll take that as a compliment :P




I'm so torn, my Night Lord roots love him, but my Blood Angel heart hates him. Awesome work dude :wink:

Thanks brother, really looking forward to seeing your HH Blood Angels develop :)





I'm so torn, my Night Lord roots love him, but my Blood Angel heart hates him. Awesome work dude :wink:

Job well done then :biggrin.:


Haha, indeed :devil:


As much as I detest Night Lords, that's a really amazing mini. Fantastic detail and really, really cool use of components (using that sorc lord headgear on the backpack in particular - bloody brilliant)


Very impressive freehand, too, and nice use of spot colours. Looking forward to seeing the finishing touches - and the base, of course. Are you going to shoot for a 32mm?

Thanks dude! I'm planning to add some battle damage and weathering (fingers crossed I don't stuff it up and ruin the mini). I'll definitely be using 32mm bases for first claw. I'm thinking about starship/industrial for the bases.


Nice job with Talos so far. I want my own now. Really nice blue. So scary.

Do it! Everybody needs their own Talos :)

-Twich- That Talos, is glorious! It's nice to see a true scale version, always look stunning when done well, and this is perfect IMO ^^ Grand work sir, can't wait to see more, splendid stuff. Hopefully more First Claw to come (I'm currently reading through the Night Lords Omnibus, so this is splendid to see), keep up the good work :) 

Been a while since I dropped thought here, man your Talos is awesome :thumbsup:  Great converting and great painting as ever. What is your recipe for the skin on the head trophy at his waist? Cheers!

Edited by Midnight Runner

Thanks for all of the great encouragement, it really means a lot :)


Been a while since I dropped thought here, man your Talos is awesome :thumbsup:  Great converting and great painting as ever. What is your recipe for the skin on the head trophy at his waist? Cheers!

Thanks dude! The skin was painted with a base coat mix of Celestra Grey and Cadian Fleshtone. I then gave it a wash with a mix of Nuln Oil and Agrax Earthshade. Next I relayer the original mix, leaving the areas darkened by the wash. I finished by adding white to the mix for a final highlight :)


Okay, now you're just showing off! ;)


Seriously, though: Amazing stuff! Love the bases as well -- they remind me that some of my own INQ28 bases definitely need more hazard stripes!





Okay, now you're just showing off! :wink:


Seriously, though: Amazing stuff! Love the bases as well -- they remind me that some of my own INQ28 bases definitely need more hazard stripes!


Hahaha, thanks mate! You can never have too many hazard stripes ;)

Super Awesome!  I really dig both these fellas.  I really like the use of the Terminator sorcerer head "wings" on that backpack .. it looks so natural.. its basically OEM.    Once again, Fantastic job sir.  I  think we all need to see things like this from time to time, to inspire us with our own painting challenges.  (except for those guys who paint like 3 armies a weekend and they all look better than mine.. They will be fine without inspiriation..)


Thanks for sharing!



Great pose and paintjob. I just think the normal shoulder pads look too small on a truescale marine, especially one that uses a TDA breastplate as power armour. For some reason the shoulder pads on your Talos don't look so tiny.

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