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Thanks for the kindness everyone! I've just finished Talos as well. I'll probably be taking another break from the First Claw doe awhile as I try to focus on my Emperor's Children (I'm thinking of starting a new thread for them) and Warriors of Chaos. I'm sure I'll come back to them at some stage though :)











Thanks for looking ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looking good. The white is especially nice on the helms. Very hard color to make it pop!

Thanks, dude! I was pretty worried that I'd stuff up the white, but I'm happy with how it turned out :)


Smashing Night Lords, great work with the lightning!

Thanks, mate! 


great work on them jewels bro

Thanks, dude! Gems are one thing that I'm pretty confident painting. High Elves were my first GW army, so I had to learn how to paint lots of gems :P


Really great stuff, looking forward to seeing more!


Thanks mate!

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  • 2 weeks later...
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The dark skin and wings, really. You've got a great effect there.

The skin was pretty simple. I used the same technique to paint Dorghar (Archaon's Daemonic Mount). I started with a mix of Abaddon Black and Mechanicum Standard Grey. I gave this base coat a heavy wash with Nuln Oil. This gave me a very, very dark grey that was almost black. Next I gave the whole mini a light dry brush with the original mix. For the first highlight stage I used the Mech Standard Grey. This was the main highlight and does most of the work as far as adding definition is concerned. I finished off with a final highlight of Celestra Grey. I was really careful to limit the use of Celestra to the very edges and small details (cheek bones, horn tips, ragged wing edges, and the chaos star on his chest).


Glorious Night Lords, kizz. Great models from start to finish

Thanks, dude! Glad you like the NLs :)


First take on Be'lakor I've liked. Ever. I think it's because you've kept the colour scheme very muted and drab, which somehow serves to make him look more threatening and imposing.

Thanks mate! I was conscious of trying to keep Be'Lakor's colour scheme very subdued and subtle. He is the Lord of Shadows after all. Plus it makes a nice contrast next to the bright colours of the rest of the army :)

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Thanks for the kindness everyone! I've just finished Talos as well. I'll probably be taking another break from the First Claw doe awhile as I try to focus on my Emperor's Children (I'm thinking of starting a new thread for them) and Warriors of Chaos. I'm sure I'll come back to them at some stage though :smile.:











Thanks for looking :wink:


Holy balls of the Night Haunter.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, i've taken up a challenge at my local GW. Paint a single space marine, loyalist or traitor, in either power armour or TDA. The competition will be judged on converting, painting, and overall effect. 


I was looking through my spare bits and unfinished projects, searching for something that would catch my eye when I saw my half finished Castellan Crowe. The first thing that came to my head was, "Damn, Crowe would make a great Emperor's Champion." The Emperor's Champion has always been an iconic space marine character in my mind. This is probably thanks to the fact that the Armageddon global campaign was in full swing just as I was getting into WH40k. Because of this, I've always held a nostalgic love of the Black Templars, despite never properly exploring them as far as painting and modelling is concerned.


As a tribute to my nostalgia, I'll be painting my champion in the colours of the Armageddon Crusade and plan to have some form of vanquished greenskin on his base.


Anyway, this is all I have done so far. I've trimmed off the Grey Knight/Inquisition iconography and started it replacing it with something more worthy of one of the Emperor's eternal crusaders.




I'd love to hear what the fraters think of him so far. As you can see he is still in the very early stages, so I'd be more than happy to hear some constructive feedback. As a relative neophyte when it comes to the Templars, I'de love to hear from some more experience initiates and sword brethren :smile.:



Thanks for looking :wink:





Ps. would it be true to the fluff to paint the crusade's heraldry on the Champion's right shoulder pad, with the Templar's cross on the left?

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He looks good, but I feel like the sword blade should be more parallel to his head, so the edge is facing the same way as his nose. The whole pose says braced ready to strike, except for the direction of the blade which is almost flat on. I also feel like he could do with a crusader helm of some sort, one of the Sevrin Loth Honour Guard ones would be perfect. However, I accept that I have a bias against un-helmeted marines. If you are set on using a bare head I 'd suggest a fully bald one; Templars have the whole religious zealot thing going on and a bald head feels both more monastic and utilitarian, the way you would need to actively cultivate a mohawk suggests more vanity than I'd expect from a Templar.

Edited by sockwithaticket
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Thanks mate, I asked the Templars what they thought, and many of them shared your point of view.



I've made a start to the painting on the Champion/Castellan.








I realised after taking the photos that a white background doesn't go well with unhighlighted black...



Thanks for looking ;)

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Thanks a lot, bro! Glad you like him :)


I've just done some more work on him today.








Thanks for looking ;)

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