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The Sekhmet+HH Emperor's Children: Fulgrim Transfigured finished 16/5/24


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All of it. The blending on the cape, the framing shoulder-wings....


However, the power sword is what attracts my attention the most. I like how it's a middle thing between the blank metal blades, which do not reflect the energising part, and the fully blended, which, to me, feels kind of OTT. Apologies if you already have answered this request, but I simply have to know how you achieved that. 

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All of it. The blending on the cape, the framing shoulder-wings....


However, the power sword is what attracts my attention the most. I like how it's a middle thing between the blank metal blades, which do not reflect the energising part, and the fully blended, which, to me, feels kind of OTT. Apologies if you already have answered this request, but I simply have to know how you achieved that. 

Thanks mate! The Sword is pretty simple. I started with a flat coat of Runefang Steel. I then gave the whole blade a shade of Guilliman Blue, with a greater focus near the hilt. Next I highlighted along the edge and blade with Runefang Steel. I finally finished with Runefang thinned down with Lahmian Medium, concentrated towards the end of the sword.



I've finally finished assembling my first Veteran Squad. I'm not sure when I'm going to be able make a start on the painting because I'm going away on holiday soon... I'm hesitant to make my next ETL vow and then go away and leave it unfinished.





















Ps. Does anyone know how close a match Army Painter 'Alien Purple' is to Xereus Purple? I'm thinking of getting a can to speed up the painting process.


Thanks for looking ;)

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ETLIII: vow 3, update 1.


So, I've decided to go for a third vow in the ETL. I've pledged a veteran tactical squad with vexilla, 2x plasma guns, melta-bombs, artificer armour, and a power weapon. 


Here are some pics of my first update. I took them fairly late at night so the lighting wasn't great (plus they're blurry :sleep.:). I'll do better next time, I promise.












Thanks for looking ;)

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They look really good brother! I can't wait to see them finished! Do you have any more plans for the III after these?

Thanks mate! Unfortunately they wont be finished for awhile because I'm going away for a couple of weeks.

I have plenty of plans for the III. I've still got an EC Mortis Contemptor, Phoenix Guard, Command Squad, and enough bits to make another two veterans squads, a tactical support squad and devastator squad. The main challenge is going to be maintaining focus and motivation once the ETL is over and I'm back at uni.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Amazing and I love how the OSL looks on your plasma guns too (usually something I hate). All coming together excellently.

Thanks mate! I was really unsure whether I should attempt the glowing plasma coils or go the safer route of metallic coils. It was only right at the end when I applied the last glaze that it came together.


Oh my God, MY BRAIN! Rotate your pictures, I thought I was loosing my :censored: , lol.


Beautiful work, man. 

Haha, yeah Photobuket was stuffing me around a bit there. I had to refresh the page a couple of times to get the pictures to come through properly.

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Thanks for the kind words guys!


I've finally based my Emperor's Children! All I need now is a FW EC transfer sheet and they'll be complete (come on FW!).














I finally decided how to add some detail to my marines. I've added push mould Legion numerals to any marine with a blank right pauldron. This was inspired by the FW art and I feel it helps to reinforce the Emperor's Children's pride in their Legion.









The Legion numerals were taken from the Emperor's Children Contemptor.









It feels good to finally be painting the army I've always wanted to collect since their IA article back in 2000/2001.*



Thanks for looking :wink:

Edited by kizzdougs
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Your wish for a transfer sheet has just come true. What's next for the IIIrd Legion then?

Ha! What are the chances of that! Forgeworld must have heard my prayers. I'll have to tup in an order pronto.

I've got plenty of EC minis to get on with. I'm currently assembling an EC Mortis Contemptor and I'm keen to get a set of Tartaros weapons when I order the transfer sheet to convert a set of Phoenix Guard into regular terminators.

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