Guest arsurdelsur Posted March 2, 2015 Share Posted March 2, 2015 Yep, it was the minotaurs chaplain helmet one, its an awesome helmet for conversiones, too bad i cant find any place where they sell FW bits, because buying the whole kits is soooo expensive Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted March 4, 2015 Author Share Posted March 4, 2015 Update Just spent today painting up the third Rapier Weapons Battery & mini diorama from dosjetka challenge Photo just taken a few moment ago (8.45pm) aim get photos on Sunday of complete models during the day. Crew for the third Rapier Weapons Battery Second Rapier Weapons Battery Just need to get Forge World weather powder added onto the third Rapier Weapons Battery & then finish painting the model during the weekend. Glue the IW crew onto the base once the trophies on there backpack have been painted. Possible going to try out this unit in a game I've got vs my friend Space Marine army just because there nearly there. Might paint the Marine trophie I've got on there army after this game. Just need to add Blood for the Blood god onto the IF. Also add gloss varnish to the glass area like the gun scope & camera. Just add water effect tomorrow. Still working out how I want to convert my unit of Bezerker for my IW force. I've also got my IW Predator that I'll be painting during my week off - if all goes to plan it will be 16th March. Want to try theme this around a command tank for the armour company part of my force. Gorgoff and Kythnos 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted March 4, 2015 Share Posted March 4, 2015 Great looking rapiers, nice work on the diorama too! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted March 7, 2015 Author Share Posted March 7, 2015 Thanks Pearson73 Update Don't you hate it when you started type up stuff & then lap top freeze only to close down & re-open the screen... <_< Bit of a update Rapier Weapons Battery Third one which I was painting during today Second one I've enjoy building & painting & just adding the unit of Rapier Weapons Battery to my Iron Warriors. I use them in a game during the week there & there brutal. Done a lot of damage against my friend Tau army, was orignaly meant to be there Marines. But they've just finish there Tau army recently. It pretty cool having them along with the Obliterators as my fire base. The Sorcerer help out depend what power he get & just for future games with ignore cover save or to make units -1 S & T be cool to help my army working together as overall force in games. dosjetka challenge to paint a Imperial Fist Sergant, which I ended up making as my first blood counter. As said there I though it be cool to make this hobby challenge into a mini diorama & marker for First Blood. It easy to forget a few things in games as you get to focuse. I found this help in my game vs my friend Tau, just place it on the tank that just been tank out & that the end of the game remember who'd got first blood. Same with my Sorcerer having the Familiar model on a seprate base just to remind me & always help out in games. Bought this lot today I was going to hold off on the Bloodthirster kit......... but it just to cool & seen the painting video over on the Games Workshop web site push me to getting the model. I've always wanted to try add a Bloodthister, but through out the years I've wanted to try & avoid building full metal models. After building 9 Killer Kan, 2 Deff Dread & 9 Metal Bloodcrusher in a single day, that does not help that all. Since then the only model I've ever found stressful to build has been the Forge World Storm Eagle kit..... never building one of them ever again & also the Thunderfire cannon until that release in plastic. But with this kit, to me it look cool. If it came down to Chaos Gods it been Khorne. My Black Legion force I've collected in 1996 was Khorne heavy. My Iron Warriors have had Khorne sort element from Index Astarties days to my current force. I'm a aggressive gamer (style of gaming), I general hate hidding & play negativite. I want to try get my units into Close Combat as soon as possible or try take down as much of the oppent army as possible. I've always said one of my many favrout games was ToS Nov 2012 when my IW fought Space Wolves & we ended up with three models each on turn 5 & just how hard fought that game was right up until turn 7. Just no clear call how the game could have went & how a single dice roll could hace change everything. I think theme wise - Ether have it as being summon. My Object marker are all meant to be sacrifice to try turn the World there battleing on into a Daemonic World. So maybe somthing to do with that. Or because my armies always are more aggressive, due to amount slaughter has shown up. Or maybe because of a relice of old, it being sent to claim it in the name of Khorne? I've just started to build the model later afternoon there. Going with the BIG AXE as it look cool Rough mock up how I'll possible get the base done I might try out some Agrellan Earth. White Dwarf shown it back on the 21st Feb issue with memeber of the Warhammer World store trying out some stuff. Pretty much with Agrellan Earth (?), it just to show the ground tainted where the Bloodthirster shown up. Like we see in the Hobbit when Mirkwood (sp?) start becoming tainted. Or anyone who played Fire Warrior on the PS2 when the Imperial Ship over taken by Chaos. Or pretty much Dawn of War games with Chaos. It is a cool model & found it to be a good kit to build. This might finial get me to get my second Daemon army on the go. This has been somthing I've wanted to try for a few year now. I sold off my first Daemon army, mainly because it was 90% metal models & did not really like carry the case about. Also got fed up of the bloodcrusher models always breaking & chipping. Then last few year I did get a little put off from the Screamer Council & Flying Daemon Prince armies. Nothing against the oppent, just found the armies be negativite to game against & just got board waiting a good amount of time while gift & psychic power where being writen up. They've just been the two armies list I've flat out refuse to game against in the nearly 19 years I've been in the hobby no matter who the oppent is. A few of us who pick up the model have got a hobby challenge on the go. My one is to try get the Bloodthirster painted for next Saturday. I'm going to paint my one like the Bloodthister shown over on the Games Workshop youtube channel. I've bought Khorne Red Spray just to help out on time & with that being the main basecoat colour for the model. Bloodthirster Video 1 Paints - Khorne Red (spray), Nuln Oil, Wazdakka Red, Evil Sunz Scarlet, Bloodletter (glaze), Wild Rider RedSkavenblight Dinge, Stormvermin Fur, Karak Stone, Abaddon Black, Dawnstone, Administratum Grey. Balthasar Gold, Agrax Earthshade, Golden Griffon, Leadbelcher, Nuln Oil, Abaddon Black, Stormvermin Fur, Zandri DustUshabti Bone, White Scar, Screamer Pink, Pink Horror, Flash Gitz Yellow, Cermite White, Fire Dragon Bright, Mephiston Red. List of paints is more so I've got a copy here & so I can check up on this while painting the model. Just my mobile contract does not included youtube. Just have a list here & try get all that write in my hobby note book for the step by step. Pearson73, KrautScientist, Lachdannan and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted March 7, 2015 Share Posted March 7, 2015 Haha, couldn't resist, could you? It was the same for me ;) Maybe I'll just wait for your update on the two-handed axe build before I commit to a weapon option on my own Bloodthirster ;) Anyway, will this be the one model in your army without hazard stripes? ;) Looking forward to seeing this beast finished, mate! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted March 8, 2015 Share Posted March 8, 2015 The new guns and their crew are looking good! The First Blood marker also looks good! Any chance of one for Slay the Warlord and Linebreaker? Lastly, that new bloodthirster is a beast! I am tempted to use a Sorcerer to be able to summon one. Looking forward to seeing how yours turns out! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kythnos Posted March 8, 2015 Share Posted March 8, 2015 (edited) As always, great job on the objective marker and champion! I like the idea so much, that I'm considering building one myself. The only problem is that we don't have any IF player in our group, so I might have to put a dead xeno model there... I'm also really looking forward to your Bloodthirster! Will you use that model as a start for a small army of Chaos Daemons to support your Iron Warriors? One more thing: I bought some Noise Marines last week and am wondering how to paint them in Iron Warriors colours. Have you ever painted some Noise Marines that I could look up for inspiration? Before I start browsing the 26 pages of this thread... Edited March 8, 2015 by Kythnos Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted March 8, 2015 Author Share Posted March 8, 2015 Thanks for the comment Haha, couldn't resist, could you? It was the same for me Maybe I'll just wait for your update on the two-handed axe build before I commit to a weapon option on my own Bloodthirster Anyway, will this be the one model in your army without hazard stripes? Looking forward to seeing this beast finished, mate! I do have Cypher, Abaddon, Khârn & Be'lakor who don't have Hazer strips :D I am looking forward painting the Bloodthirster this week. The new guns and their crew are looking good! The First Blood marker also looks good! Any chance of one for Slay the Warlord and Linebreaker? Lastly, that new bloodthirster is a beast! I am tempted to use a Sorcerer to be able to summon one. Looking forward to seeing how yours turns out! Yes I've been talk to a few friends about a Slay the Warlord marker, possible somthing like a Emperor Champion or skull all stack up. Not to sure on line breaker yet. For the Bloodthirster - Yes I'll have it here so it could be summon or possible start that new Daemon army. As always, great job on the objective marker and champion! I like the idea so much, that I'm considering building one myself. The only problem is that we don't have any IF player in our group, so I might have to put a dead xeno model there... I'm also really looking forward to your Bloodthirster! Will you use that model as a start for a small army of Chaos Daemons to support your Iron Warriors? One more thing: I bought some Noise Marines last week and am wondering how to paint them in Iron Warriors colours. Have you ever painted some Noise Marines that I could look up for inspiration? Before I start browsing the 26 pages of this thread... I do have the Forge World Noise Marines, but not for my Iron Warriors. I've still to paint them, just never been to sure what I wanted to do with the models. Bought them from Games Day 2013 as they where just cool more than anything else. Forte painting up the single spure Chaos Champion to be a slannesh Iron Warriors over on his army log. Take part in my hobby challenge I'm running in the Chaos area - Daemon Forge. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted March 8, 2015 Share Posted March 8, 2015 (edited) For Linebreaker, you could have a Iron Warrior charging forward, swatting an enemy away with a boarding shield strapped to one arm while emptying his bolt pistol with the other. I think it would look really cool. EDIT: Also, since you went through with my challenge, I have made it my mission to come up to ToS once and utterly destroy you and your army of heretics during a game :devil: (Fat chance of that happening, but one can dream :teehee:) Edited March 8, 2015 by Dosjetka Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted March 8, 2015 Author Share Posted March 8, 2015 For Linebreaker, you could have a Iron Warrior charging forward, swatting an enemy away with a boarding shield strapped to one arm while emptying his bolt pistol with the other. I think it would look really cool. EDIT: Also, since you went through with my challenge, I have made it my mission to come up to ToS once and utterly destroy you and your army of heretics during a game (Fat chance of that happening, but one can dream ) That a cool idea & could try make it as though it a bit of trench, again making mini diorama. With the challenge you give me. Just last week & this week pretty good. Then it possible next week or following week I've got off. After that it pretty chaotic up until May. Then as said here & there, I don't re-act well to heat/hot & sunny weather mean June/July can be hit & miss for me trying to not get headache & nose bleeds. So want to try make the best of these next few weeks. Week off I'm wanting to try get the Predator tank I bought last week painted during then. Hopeful get a quick FW order place on Monday for the IW front armour part & Chaos brass etch. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted March 8, 2015 Author Share Posted March 8, 2015 Quick update Work just started on the Bloodthirster model I've only got the flesh painted right now & will be painting the Bloodthirster on Wed. Just following the video/guide Games Workshop put up on youtube. I've just added sepia wash after the finial dry brush, before highlight with Wild Rider Red. Just always found Sepia wash to be really great with the red paints. I will get the base undercaoted tomorrow, still need to add a bit more damage to the Black Templar. I've got the model in my head how I want it to look fully painted. Also hopeful be getting a FW order place for those Iron Warrior plate. As said if all goes to plan I should hopeful have next week off & want to get a Predator tank added to my Iron Warriors. Bring them up to four models, just give me chose & I want to try convert this one as a command tank, as we've seen sort of Marine Armour company in the Horus Heresy book. Then all focuse will be on adding Khorne Bezerker to my IW force, still working out how I want to convert them & also need to gather a lot of parts like the Ork armour plate loin cloths & then parts from the Vampire Count & Kroot range. While uploading photos of the Bloodthister, came across my Iron Warriors since starting my Mk2 version in 2004/2005 when I was going down to Nottingham for event then up until 2009. Then I started my Space Wolves in 2010 (I WILL be adding to my Space Wolves soon, there a lot planned, it just been time). UKGT heats & finial 2005 Grand Tournament 2006 Heat 1 Grand Tournament 2007 Heat 1 - I really enjoy this version of the army, just the mobility & I felt hobby wise it help sort of gotten me where I am & how I wanted my armies to look after getting lots of tips, asking for lot of advice converting & painting wise. Radio World Wide War in Edinburgh Grand Tournament 2008 Heat 1 wargaming club Rapid Fire Iupatus Proeliator led byChampion Bronn Tal, Be Graphicus led by Champion Uzas Vel, Apocalypse led by Champion Kroege Santarr, Warsmith Abhorred Riddick, Obliterator squad 5: Excessus Fillius, Obliterator squad 4: Oburo, Obliterator squad 6: Hydra Infensus all being the main units though out those years. I will need to find the names I've given my Predators back in 2007 so the current Predators can live on & bring glory to there history :D chaplainmikey and Dantioch 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Urauloth Posted March 9, 2015 Share Posted March 9, 2015 The HUGE AXE is definitely the way to build that thing. Looking forward to seeing how he turns out! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chaplainmikey Posted March 9, 2015 Share Posted March 9, 2015 Can't wait to see how the Bloodthirster turns out! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted March 9, 2015 Author Share Posted March 9, 2015 (edited) The HUGE AXE is definitely the way to build that thing. Looking forward to seeing how he turns out! It little bigger than the Bloodthirster model, while the blade of the axe is taller than a Marine. I am looking forward to painting the Bloodthirster, just having to wait until my day off on Wed & then have the model finish for Saturday. While shown photos of my Iron Warriors during past few years. Just found one of my force for Conflict Scotland in 2005, when Narach was promoted & the first version of him in Terminators armour with Kai Gun. Photo taken back in 2005 Conflict Scotland 2005 was a great event, fought Eldar, Ultramarines & Eldar in the end. First game rememeber Narach & the unit of two Obliterators holding my right flank though out the whole game. Edited March 9, 2015 by Insane Psychopath Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted March 11, 2015 Author Share Posted March 11, 2015 Update Spent today painting the new Bloodthirster There still a lot to do & hopeful have the model fully finish during Saturday. It a great model to build & enjoy painting the Bloodthirster today. After that, hopeful Sunday I'll know if I've got next week off & get the Predator tanks built & painted during that week. Got some idea & just need to look out for some bitz. Also I want to try make a start on the Khorne Bezerker unit. One idea was to give them siege shield as well. I will be useing the Night Lord Terror squad helmet from the Heresy range. Then lot of Chain-axe. So if I get next week off, spend time looking though the Bloodquest comic for idea. Just right now I've got a lot to do & not really had time to just focuse & get idea toward the unit. Also get there Rhino sorted, possible same with my Breacher squad I've got in my force but go bit more damage & more trophies around the hull, also use the Forge World IW Rhino parts. I also want to go forward with the second object marker. Dosjetka one for Line Breaker was great. It just work out slay the warlord one. I'm wanting to get these done as a reminded for me during games & any excuse to convert cool models end of the day to be honsty. KrautScientist, chaplainmikey, DeadFingers and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted March 11, 2015 Share Posted March 11, 2015 Looking excellent, mate! The only thing I am not sold on is the green flame pillar -- but then, I wouldn't have used that bit in the first place, so it's merely a matter of taste. The rest of the paintjob is already looking amazing! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted March 11, 2015 Author Share Posted March 11, 2015 Thanks KrautScientist :DGreen just to tie in with the smoke part my Forge-Chaplain have & somthing little diffrent from standard flames. Just went with the flames to give the model even more high & just sort of impack the model seem to have when show friends today. Bit like when seen the Land Raider for the first time many year ago when that was being release. I should have the Bloodthrister all glue together, wings, weapons & base, then add LOTS of Blood for the Blood god once the model all varnish :D Right now it just in parts make it easyer to carry the model & to paint set area. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted March 11, 2015 Share Posted March 11, 2015 Looking great; especially the wings and armour! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted March 13, 2015 Author Share Posted March 13, 2015 Thanks Pearson73 :D Just a quick update Little more painting been done during past few hours & should have the new Bloodthirster finish by tomorrow Base before it will be cover in Blood for the Blood god!! I've added gloss varnish to the wings. It look really cool & just add diffrent element to the model/look. As said there I should hopeful have the Bloodthirster finish by tomorrow. Just few parts left to paint, blood for the blood god & then glue the Bloodthister to the base & glue the wings on. KrautScientist, Dantioch, Kizzdougs and 4 others 7 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
miteyheroes Posted March 14, 2015 Share Posted March 14, 2015 Brilliant stuff! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted March 14, 2015 Author Share Posted March 14, 2015 Thanks miteyheroes Update Kar'Voth the Fallen Nârik Dreygur model I will need to try re-paint the eyes. Tomorrow I will know if I will have this week Monday to Sunday off :D Aim to get a fourth Predators tank added to my force. Also gather parts to work out theme/look I want for my new Bezerker unit. Daemon2027, Forté, Dantioch and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daemon2027 Posted March 14, 2015 Share Posted March 14, 2015 Man that bloodthirster is big. I want one.... He looks awesome, as does Nârik. Is your verdigris effect created using the GW technical paint, and if so,many tips on how to use it. Every time I try it goes horribly wrong! Sigismund229 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted March 14, 2015 Author Share Posted March 14, 2015 (edited) Man that bloodthirster is big. I want one.... He looks awesome, as does Nârik. Is your verdigris effect created using the GW technical paint, and if so,many tips on how to use it. Every time I try it goes horribly wrong! Bloodthister is really cool. Yes I always use Games Workshop range. Only none GW stuff I use are plasticard (stock up on this from my NQ to HND model making college course for three years)/tube/H beams & MIG pigment fixer. I support my local store for the help & where I am today in the hobby, as well as a lot great people I've met though out the years in the store & work part time a few year back. It depend what your useing it for? If it say rivets I'd use a standard brush (GW brush with orange band) & just paint around the rivet. Don't use it like a wash, just use that or a detail brush & ude part your wanting to paint as a guide. So here I've just follow the line, any that spill just wipe it with the brush or paper. But this is how I general use it. You can also mix medium with sotek green? If your want a little darker tone or Templar Guard Blue, just make sure to use more medium to help turn the paint into a sort of wash/glaze. Edit - Adding in Games Workshop youtube video on Nihilakh Oxide Games Workshop youtube page has a lot of great painting guide videos. Edited March 15, 2015 by Insane Psychopath chaplainmikey 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted March 17, 2015 Author Share Posted March 17, 2015 Quick update My holiday started on Monday there & will finish up on Sunday. During that time off I wanted to get some time toward the hobby & aim to get a Predator tank convrted up. So today been pretty much getting that done. I want the theme for the Predators to be command tank if I go unbound & just to have Predator. I like gaming with mech armies & tanks in general are really cool to build & paint. Might ask my friends if there ok for me to use warlord traits for this Predator for friendly games/unbound. From the start of today Then the tank a few moment ago. As well as painting the inside part for the Predator tank kit, I was also getting all the extra armour plate cut out from plasticard so it would be ready to add plasticard strips & plastic-rods for the rivetes that will get done tomorrow. Conversion wise - I'm hope to get the Heavy Bolter from the Land Raider kit & use the shield part from that. While the ammo fed will be useing one of the box part from the Predator weapons. Also useing the camera from the Land Raider Crusader kit for the Twin Linked bolter chose. Just waiting on parts to arrive from a few bitz order for the commander/crew, they should be here tomorrow from what the order email said Try have the Iron Warriors more wire into the Predator turret. I'm hoping to have the Predator built by tomorrow & ready for painting by the weekend. Right now I'm looking into adding a unit of Khorne Berzerkers to my Iron Warriors. Model wise - Feel free give some suggestion?I think the main part for my unit going to be - Night Lord Terror squad Helmets - World Eater upgreard kit Just place a Forge World order for those kits yesterday. I want to stay away from to warp/mutations. My Iron Warriors meant to be more corrupted heresy. Just wounder if it would be worth also give the unit Siege shield with the Khorne brass etch or leave those for this unit? Possible make use of the Raptor feet. Possible try get some of the Chosen Chaos models from the box game (mainly Champion & Power Axe model) & convert the shine area of those models with the updated tactical Marine legs for bit more pose, like the conversion I done for my Lord in Power Armour & Dark Apostle for Call of Chaos. I'd also want to use the 32mm base for this unit as they look cool. As always the Ork loin cloth armour plates & trophies. Just trying to sort out that theme/look for the unit. To help add to there history, how each unit in my Iron Warriors force have there own sub theme & you can tell a lot about the unit by looking that the conversion. I want to try make this unit sort of like Urik Hai Berzerker from the LotR Movies & add into what Death Company are to Blood Angels if that make sense. I've been looking that the Bloodquest comic for idea for my Khorne Berzerker unit as well. As said before the Bloodquest comic has always been one (of many) of the main soruce for idea I'm also check out Teethgrinder brillaint World Eater army for idea. For the unit I'm going for 8 models, Champion most like going to have a Power Fist. Possible a Plasma Pistol in the unit or two, glow effect be cool. Chainaxe for the unit as it only right. Rhino transport with Dire Caster? to stop overwatch & to be honsty it somthing I've wanted to try model onto a Rhino. I might model a Havoc Launcher that can be use as well as standard Rhino top hatch. Just I've got the Space Marine Hunter gun left over from my second Castellan Rhino converted last year for Rapid Fire. Khorne Berzerker - I use to have a unit of them in my Iron Warriors force back under the Index Astarties list when we could have 0-1 unit of them. They where part of my first Conflict Scotland army. I've always been fan of Khorne, my Black Legion force was Khorne heavy theme force from the old clip together models to the current multi part plastic kit. I've said in the past, one my aims for this version of my Iron Warriors force was to bring back a lot of these units/update them in this army. From my updated converted Sorcerer Krull in 2012, 2001 I added a Sorcerer model day before Conflict Scotland 2002 all because he was a cool model.Then there the classic Metal Dreadnought that was in my first version of my Iron Warriors, paint strip & then find the model again when moving house. Got him painted up again & join the ranks of my current Grand Company force. So want to add the Khorne Berzerker unit & have them base & carry on the history of that unit that was part of my Mk1 Iron Warriors force from 2001. Biohazard 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daemon2027 Posted March 18, 2015 Share Posted March 18, 2015 Thanks for the tips with the Oxide, I think I am loading my brush with to much. Looking forward to seeing the berzerkers, is the reason for using NL helms to avoid the 'bunny ears'. I can see Khorne being attractive to the IWs, especially amongst those breaching the gaps made by the siege machines. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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