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Thanks for the comments :D



It not like Games day is next week or anything............


Recently one of my friends had given me a hobby challenge to get a Duel ready for Games Day, base around my Iron Warriors force against a Ultramarine from the 4th Company.












The models are not attach to the base yet, just waiting on the green stuff to dry. I will have the Iron Warrior glue onto the base/while painting, the Ultramarine be added once he fully painted.


General idea been my Iron Warriors have bombard a Ultramarine fort/Imperial City, Iron Warriors attach into the breach/city with the smoke just clearing.



Thanks for the comment.

Quick update on the Duel


I spent a bit of today that my local Games Workshop store painting up the Duel & just getting feedback from my friends.


Note - Photos maybe a bit funny, again having to take the photos that my painting stastion/just take a few moment ago being 9pm right now.


















The Ultramarine sword say Calth.  Just I needed somthing to draw attesion, same with the Bolter I done some writen/scrip to help fill in the space & some battle chips.

Overall the model still to be finish, just a few thing to tidy up on both the Iron Warrior & the Ultramarine.  Then just varnish the whole model, water effect & gloss varnish on the blood on the chainswords.

Also of course to glue the Ultramarine onto the base.


So overall idea just my IW attack a Imperial Planet, with Ultramarines defending.  After bombardment on the city, smoke clearing.  IW has just killed some of the local PDF/or Guard force, while the Ultramarine killed some cultist/chaos guard, smoke clear/just notice each other for worthly close combat/hate between Chaos & Imperial.


Finial.  Seem Games Day release Kor Phaeron and Erebus of the Word Bearers Legion



One of my friends just want the Kor model after seen the FW web site today.  So I'll be buying Erebus (everone hate in the Heresy novels :D ) from my friend.  I'm aim on converting Erebus into a new Iron Warrior sorcerer.  There been a few small point games where I though of taken a Sorcerer.  While I got Krull I converted up a while back.  It just I would not mind having one with a differnt weapon set up (Power Axe), also just some of the parts would be nice for a conversion.


Also be pick up Ferrus as I do like the Iron Hands chapter & about to collect my fourth army of them.



Thanks deathspectersgt7 for the comment :D

Seem Forge World had one more suprise before Games Day.......... 




I am already planning way to convert the models for my Iron Warriors force.  I would like some Seige elite unit, maybe somthing like the Stor-bezashk from Angels Exterminatus.  Also any left over parts will be going toward my new (well Mk4, I had a Drop Pod Iron Hands force posted back in 2009) Iron Hands force.


I try get a post done on Monday with the duel & energy depending if I can get the new Sorcerer converted for my Iron Warriors useing the new Erebus model.





Games Day UK been & gone.  I'm spend today recovering as it a 8 hour travel from my local GW store down to Games Day & then not being back home until 1.30am this moring.


The finish Duel










From games day it self, I mange to get a few new models & book




Iron Warriors related:


Iron Hands Legion - I really like these models & I want to convert a new unit of Chaos Marines using these part for a event I got that the end of October, my Wargaming club tournament - Stirling Wargamer - Rapid Fire.
I will also be using the left over bits from the Hunter tank to "count as" a Havoc launcher for there Rhino Transport.

I got a second set of Iron Hands Legion order during the Games Day event.


Erebus - One of my friends who went to Games Day just wanted Kor & I suggested that we went 50/50 on the kit as I wanted Erebus.  He will be converted into a Iron Warrior Sorcerer with Power Axe just so I got the chose for my games.

The other item I pick up from Forge World are


Heresy book II - Really great book & as usely really great art work that always be helpful when it come down to conversion idea.


Ferrus - My family ask me to pick up this model as they though it was really cool & I will get it that Christmas time.  Just Iron Hands are one of the Imperial Marine armies I like & will be re-start my Iron Hands force very soon.
I always said since Forge World release the Primarch.  I would pick up the Lord of Iron, Horus, Russ & Ferrus.


Noise Marines - They just look cool & be great to paint. 




  • 2 weeks later...



In two week time my Iron Warriors will be take part that my local wargaming club - Stirling wargamer, tournament - Rapid Fire, which will be 1850pts & 6 round during the Saturday & Sunday.
As always I'm looking forward, as it though the Rapid Fire event back in 2006 that led me to find out about the wargaming club & I been going ever since.


With the event being 1850pts, I been working out my army list & I'm adding a new unit which I commented in the last update, that I wanted sort of theme around the Stor-bezashk from Angels Exterminatus.  Main reason behind this was mainly down to Forge World release the new Iron Hands Legion kit that Games Day & just look really cool.


Rhino transport for the unit








I'm using the weapon from the Space Marine hunter kit to stand in as a Havoc Launcher.  I just though it would be a weaste not using this part after converting the Rhino for my Breacher squad back that Throne of Skulls Sept, where I bought the Hunter kit for the extra armour.
Also the weapon has a great siege like look to it.


I'm just waiting on some bits to arrive so I can add trophies.  I be getting the extra armour plate added later today.  Also this is the first time I'm using the Forge World Iron Warriors Rhino parts.  Just as said before in the past I like sub theme my units & just add to the unit history.  So though be nice have this for there Rhino/when people are looking that the whole 1850pts army.

While the squad it self




As stated that the very start of the topic.  One of the many reason for my new Iron Warriors force was down to Games Workshop release a lot of great new kits which ment a lot of cool new bits for conversion.
With the new Tactical Marines set seen a lot of new arms for exsample, allow you to have Marines shown them actual shooting there Bolter weapons.  Since this unit does not have extra Close combat weapons, though it would be good to convert a few with this.












First Imperial Fist I've painted as well.  The trophies rep the great game I had that Throne of Skulls vs the Imperial Fist during round 4.  It the ToS Sept weekend that show why I like going to events/tournament due to the brilliant games & oppents.  It also why I add these trophies to rememeber these brilliant games.

Also.......... few my friends who collect Imperial Fist armies are become a bit high & might since there getting a supplement.......... :sick: :laugh.:


Also some Horus Heresy era Iron Warriors I painted up toward a hobby challenge I had recently.  Still need to get another few MkIII kit





This might end up as a small army, not quite sure right now.  But right now I just wanted to paint up some Heresy era Iron Warriors.


Also a while back I commented that I'm a big fan of the Fallen Angels & Cypher.  After seen Eddie conversion of Cypher during Throne of Skulls, it inspire me to make a Mk2, as I had the box game Chaplain model spare after those Forge Chaplain conversion I've converted for my Iron Warriors.
I try to make mine different & I hope Eddie does not mind, pretty much any army Eddie converted/painted always brilliant & got ton's of great conversion, as you can see from his Fallen Angels & his Eldar army seen in the White Dwarf during Armies on Parade article.


As said before it seen really cool armies like Eddie & from events like Throne of Skulls Sept that I enjoy seeing, getting tons of idea to use in my own army/collection.








I use the sword from the Mk1 Cypher conversion I done a while back.  I've also use the arm's from the Ravenwing Knight set, Iron Halo from the Marine Captain box set & the hooded head is from the Deathwing Knight box set.

Painting wise I mange to find a way to paint the robes, something I struggle with.  I went with Steel Legion drab as the base coat, Sepia wash, Karak, then bleach bone, then highlight with White Scar white.


I am looking into re-start my Fallen Angels unit.  As said a while back I sadily lost a lot of bits while I was trying to convert the unit due to moving house.
So I've added a unit of Fallen Angels to my Call of Chaos oath.


I've enter into Call of Chaos VI


I'd recommend any Chaos player should take part in this.  It help give a deadline in regard to painting models, but it also great to see all the cool models other member from our fourm do & get a lot of great support to get these new units finish.

For me I'm aim on converting/painting - Warpsmith (base on my Avatar kindly drawn by madscuzzy, admin of our fourm), Sorcerer using the bits from Erebus, 20 Cultist arm with Close Combat Weapons, Dreadnought, unit of 5 Iron Warriors & a unit of 9 Fallen Angels.

I'm just wanting to add a few finial bit just so I got the units there in the event I need them for any future events or just general games that my local GW store & wargaming club.



Back in July the fourm seem to have lost a lot of post just after the 12th of July.  It seem my Lord of Skulls update went missing :sad.:  So though I get the photos back up of the model that where taken back in July.


















I found the Lord of Skulls was a really good model to build & paint & also really enjoy using the model in a few Apocalypse games over the past few months.


Next update should be by the end of the week on the Rhino & new squad of Iron Warriors for Rapid Fire. 






Excellent work mate, always love seeing this army updated. So many great ideas you have.


Will you be logging you Iron Hands when you build them?


Thanks for the comment jimmy101.


Yes I think I will with the Iron Hands chapter.  I current just got five Marines painted, but try get around to start a army log & get photos during this week.





I love your work mate. Are those mark 3 helms on your heresy era squad, as they look amazing.


Thanks for the comment Demon2027 & as said your Heresy era Iron Warriors are really cool, looking forward to seen how the whole army like :biggrin.:




Just spent a bit of time there painting up the new unit, along with there transport Rhino for Rapid Fire next week & though take a quick break.


Here how the unit looking so far








There still a lot to be done

- Wash on the gold & then highlight

- Paint the Salamander Marine, Ork & other Trophie

- General detail like rivits & battle damnge.


I'm hoping on getting the Rhino fully painted by the end of tomorrow.  Then Tuesday, after battle against some Xenos Eldar, spend some time getting Forge World weather powder onto the hull.


Champion Vortax Dargon & two memeber from squad Daedalus Iapetus of the Stor Bezashk.






First time I've paint the Imperial Fist, since it for trophies I don't mind.  These trophies are rep my game vs David from Throne of Skulls Sept round 4. 






The last two memeber of Squad -




The Iron Warriors to the right was inspired by Demon2027 & Heresy era Iron Warriors, Legionnaire Xerxon.  I fought some left over Forge World red scorpian recently as a memeber that my wargaming club was asking for a few bits for there recently collect Red Scorpian force.


You can find Demon2027 great Heresy era Iron Warriors force by here







I'm also useing one of the Son's of Horus helmets



Just one of my friends had ask if I'd be up for a trade with one of the MkIII Iron Armour parts so they could convert up a Techmarine for there Son's of Horus army.  I'm going to paint this in Black Legion colours as my friend also has a Night Lord/Black Legion warband.


I'm just waiting on my Forge World order to arrive & then the last two squad memeber can be painted on Wed that my local store.


After that, I will be focuse on my Call of Chaos hobby challenge.  I think I will be starting with the Erebus sorcerer conversion.



Edited by Insane Psychopath

Great stuff as always! Were some of your recent IW Legionnaires built using the new Iron Hand bits?


I'll be looking forward to the next squad members and your work on a sorcerer!


I hope you don't mind that I come here to borrow your modeling ideas. You make standard marines look so characterful. 

I must also ask the same. I've been staring at this log for some time checking out your minis. Yesterday I made an attempt at an imitation of your work for a future Emperor's Children.

Insane, dude. I wish I could paint at your speed, to that consistent quality. Your army has been a heavy influence on my Iron Warriors.


Keep on truckin, man. I'm looking forward to whatever is next.

Thanks for all the positive comments.  Just back from my local GW store painting the new unit so there ready for this weekend that Rapid Fire.


I hope you don't mind that I come here to borrow your modeling ideas. You make standard marines look so characterful. 


Go for it.   As said I get main idea for other people work.  I may see a army, while I may not collect it say Tau.  There maybe the way they done a conversion, painted &/or base there model & I'll try that out on a current army or one I plan to collect in the future.

Like wise I look that other things like Star Wars (Clone trooper like ARC trooper) & Lord of the Rings.


Great stuff as always! Were some of your recent IW Legionnaires built using the new Iron Hand bits?


I'll be looking forward to the next squad members and your work on a sorcerer!


I hope you don't mind that I come here to borrow your modeling ideas. You make standard marines look so characterful. 

I must also ask the same. I've been staring at this log for some time checking out your minis. Yesterday I made an attempt at an imitation of your work for a future Emperor's Children.


Yes the new Iron Warriors use bits from the Iron Hands Legion set that I pick up from Games Day.  Just idea is there the unit who plan all the bombardment, before my Iron Warriors force assault that fortress or trench or city.  Just they give a more heavy armour look since they use the MkIII Iron Armour.


Aim to get a update between Friday or the weekend on the new unit.  Also looking to make some new Object Marker.  While the five Templars with Chaos Icon are cool, it just that way I think I can improve them a bit more & look a bit more like my Relic Object marker (dead Ultramarine), also make use of the brand new Tactical Space Marine kit as it brilliant.
Sadily not have them ready for Rapid Fire (need a LOT of bits for the conversion) but aim to have these new object marker ready for D.W.A.R.F charity tournament Winter War next month.






Just return from my wargaming club tournament - Rapid Fire which was this weekend.  My Iron Warriors fought 6 great oppents, three of which are people I fought over the years & then three new oppents/while I know them ether from my gaming club, local GW store or other event I never fought them before.


While the Dark Gods did not favrour my dice rolls - exsample where a Rhino got destroyed, the Breacher squad where all wounded....... I only make TWO armour save for the unit.....


Here the new Rhino & the unit which I was spend the best part of Friday finish/added last min detail as well as paint models for other people to use for the event.












As this unit has shown, no matter what unit or point my Iron Warriors are (over 7000pts now) there always new units to add for diffrent events. 
Like wise really like useing the Forge World Iron Warriors front armour part.


For Rapid Fire, my Iron Warriors also pick up Best army award which I'm really happy about.  There a lot of great armies that Rapid Fire from a Khorne theme Daemon force, Eldar & Tau, just to name a few.




The Heresy box is the Abaddon vs Loken duel from Forge World which was the prize for best army, which is really cool & I am looking forward to building/painting the duel.  I'm possible going to convert up Abaddon a little bit so he can be use in my Iron Warriors or any future Chaos Space Marine armies.


Just a few photos from Rapid Fire tournament


Daemon army I commented, this is the person second 40k army








Deathwing oppent had ask for my Cypher model to be that the gaming table






First turn, my Iron Warriors deal with a unit of 10 Deathwing Terminators & the Deathwing master......... it well know my dice rolling not that great, rely on weight of wounds to deal vs them which happen/melta guns all miss!!




Lord Narach has mange to kill two of these Dark Eldar models in close combat while on a single wound






Terminators last unit to arrive (turn 4) first thing this moring. 






I had 6 brillaint games.  End of the day, I will aim to win my games (other wise there no challenge).  However in the long run, as long as a game brillaint & oppent got a great attuide that the main thing for any game for me.  I want to finish a tournament/event know I had x amount of brillaint games & just really enjoy the tournament it self like today.

I think in 12 year I been going to tournament, I only had five terrible games/oppent I never want to get a game against again.  But I had a lot more games that been brillaint & I'll rememeber for a long time/sort of why I like added the trophies to rememeber those great games.


Next event for the Iron Warriors will be D.W.A.R.F wargaming club - Winter War which is toward Charity (sp)/all money goes toward.  It 1750pts.




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